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Law and Politics

Bykov, V.M. Problems of application of the Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Rrussian Federation in the version of the Russian Federal Law of the Federation of November 3, 2009, N. 245-FZ.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the new Federal Law of November 3, 2009 N. 245-FZ, which considerably amended the Art. 35 and 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes such topical issues, arising in the sphere of application of this law, as separation of the criminal community (criminal organization) from an organized group, responsibility of persons, who participate in gatherings of organizers, leaders and other representatives of organized groups, acts, as provided for by the Art. 210 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if committed by a person, taking a leading position in the criminal hierarchy. As a result of the study the author provides ideas for the improvement of the new criminal legislation.


jurisprudence, crime, society, group, organizers, hierarchy, persons, advice, law

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