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Law and Politics

Ursul, A.D., Ilyin, I.V. Global studies and political sciences: formation of the evolution approach.

Abstract: The article includes the study of evolutional approach to global studies at theoretic and methodological level, as well as of evolution of political processes under influence of global factors. The authors think that global studies are devoted to global processes and systems, while evolutional global studies are devoted to them as processes of global development. Global development as an evolution and coevolution of global processes and systems is a key object to evolution global studies. The authors also view key forms and directions of evolution of political processes due to globalization and other global processes. The authors then study the problem of formation of political global studies as a part to global studies, which is aimed to fi nd political patterns in global processes and systems, as well as formation of global development, which is aimed to guarantee survival of the civilization as a while and protection of environment.


political science, globalization, global studies, global development, global management, global processes, global evolution, political global studies, stable development, evolution global studies

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