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Law and Politics

Dubovik, O.L. Topical problems of legal regulation of turnover of GMO agricultural crops in European law. Risk analysis and evaluation of environmental infl uence.

Abstract: Growing genetically modifi ed agricultural crops is one of the characteristic features of development of modern technologies in the sphere of agriculture at its modern stage globally. The goal of legal regulation of turnover of GMO crops it to minimize the known risks and negative infl uence on environment and human health. The author provides new results in the sphere of risks analysis for genetically modifi ed organisms, as well as the data of large-scale studies of their infl uence on environment, as provided in theses of participants of the 2nd International Conference on Problems of Consequences of Growing GMO Agricultural Crops on Large Territories.


jurisprudence, risks, evaluation, GMO, turnover, environment, law, stage, analysis, legislation.

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