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Law and Politics

Gorkunova, P.I. Religious and philosophical tradition and modern social and political thought of the Russian Orthodox Church (X – XXI centuries).

Abstract: In this decade the role of religious factor is ever-growing in private life, as well as in public and political sphere in Russia. According the sociological polls, as held by RPORC in January 2010, 75% of people in Russia are Orthodox Christians. That is why not only the common people, but also the political leaders turn to church in order to persuade or dissuade the people on certain political and civilizationrelated choices. Developed social and political thought of the Russian Orthodox Church, as enshrined in the doctrine is a necessary factor for the active and unabridged infl uence of church into life of society.


political science, church, doctrine, concept, social and political, society, state, institution, modern, processes.

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