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Law and Politics

Viskulova, V.V. Regional (territorial) groups of candidates: thinking of the guarantee nature of the institution and its effi ciency within the modern election system of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article includes complex analysis of formation and development of the institution of regionalization of lists of candidates, as presented by the election unions in united election districts in the Russian Federation. This article refl ects the variety of approaches of legislators to the structurization of lists of candidates, while holding election campaigns to elect the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, of the legislative (representative) bodies of constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, when it was used (1993 – fi rst six months of 2010). Turning to the norms of international law and to the practice of judicial bodies and election commissions allows the author to offer the directions for the future development of the institution in question.


jurisprudence, elections, guarantees, rights, regional groups, candidates, electors, districts, unions, effi ciency.

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