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Law and Politics

Ilyina, L.G. Definition and types of confiscation of property, gained by crime, in international and European law

Abstract: In this article the author views confiscation as one of the efficient means of fighting crime, analyzes nature and types of confiscation, practice of particular states on implementation of provisions of international agreements and acts of the EU, related to confiscation of property, which was gained by crime. Considering the difficulties of proving the link between crime and income, the author pays much attention to the possibilities of use of presumption of criminal nature of property, which is due to be confiscated, and use of benefits of confiscations without the charge, taking into account the practice of ECHR.


jurisprudence, confiscation, confiscation of the object of crime, confiscation of income, gained by crime, criminal confiscation, property confiscation, cost confiscation, presumption of criminal origin of property, confiscation without charge

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