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Law and Politics

Inshakova, A.O. Property issues of transnational mergers and acquisitions under the harmonized EU law

Abstract: International mergers of the companies of the EU states face a number of legal complications, which are due to the need for similarity and cumulative application of various legislations. This article includes study and analysis of the key provisions, specific features and the value of the 10th Directive, which is aimed to deal with the pluralism in the sphere of legal regulation of transnational mergers, and to destroy the obstacles to the integration tendencies and internationalization of the EU member states. Keywords: jurisprudence, corporate regulation, multinational corporations, value of harmonized norms on trans-border mergers in EU, economic integration, internationalization and concentration of capital, international mergers and acquisitions as forms of integration, international mergers of the companies of the EU member states, harmonization and coordination of corporate regulation in EU, Directive method of corporate regulation in EU, Directive on trans-border mergers of companies in EU, property interests of the third parties in international mergers in EU

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