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Law and Politics

Dobrynin, I.N. On the legal nature of mechanism of managing national bank system in the conditions of globalization

Abstract: The article establishes the problem of legal nature of mechanism of management of the national bank system of the state in the framework of globalization. The author studies the key groups of factors, which influence the development of national banking systems from the point of view of greater and greater introduction of internationally accepted legal standards for economic regulation into the national legal systems. The author then comes to a conclusion that the functioning of the national banking system of the state is directly related to realization of the key principles of economic freedom and social justice, implementation of human rights and freedoms. The author establishes the role of the Basic Law of the state and constitutional legal norms as instruments of harmonization of the approaches to regulation of banking, which go beyond the national level, and studies the national legal traditions in this sphere. At the end, the author establishes the opinion on the mechanism of management of the national banking system in the conditions of globalization. Keywords: banking system, legal nature, mechanism of management, constitutional economics, globalization, economical sovereignty, social justice, international cooperation, banking activity, currency and financial regulation

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