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Law and Politics

Pilipenko, Y.S. Problems of legal protection of confidentiality of communications between the advocate and his client.

Abstract: Confidentiality of communications between the advocate and his client is an important part of right of people for qualified legal aid, as enshrined in Art. 48 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The violation of confidentiality leads to leakage of professionally important information, which casts negative influence not only on advocacy but on the system of justice as a whole. Since such leakage tends to happen in the process of investigation, the author evaluates the issues of correlation of legal norms on advocacy and investigation. The author points out, that the contradictions may be avoided only if the legislators and the legal practitioners understand the need of the state for self-limitation, which is necessary to guarantee basic rights of citizens and constitutional lawfulness. Keywords: jurisprudence, law, state, politics, advocate, client, legal relations, information, confidentiality, secret, investigation

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