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Law and Politics

Lesin, A.V. Stages and consistent patterns of development of constitutional legislation.

Abstract: As the author of this article pointed out, in last 7-9 years, the Russian legislation changed much. Currently there’s no unified opinion on rightfulness and necessity of existing reforms, timely changes, and solutions to problems arising. In order to understand the nature of the reforms, the author studies objective patterns in the constitutional legislation of the USSR, RSFSR, and other Republics of the USSR since the moment of its formation. Based on the results of these studies, the author comes to a conclusion that the constitutional legislation has to be amended due to political, economical and other factors of development of our society. Keywords: jurisprudence, stages of development, reforms, the Soviet period, legislation, Constitution, RSFSR, Constitution of the USSR, Republics, Constitutionalism, patterns

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