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Law and Politics

Yanina, Y.Y. Legality as a criterion of acceptability of compromises in the sphere of conflict resolution within criminal judicial procedure.

Abstract: A compromise way of resolving and behaving in a conflict has found its consolidation in the current CPC, and in the practical activities of the investigative bodies. However, the danger in the unacceptable use of compromise procedures lies in the fact that the latter are a reaction to a crime, and therefore must correspond to the degree of danger of such a phenomenon as crime for society, which the latter is. There is a risk of excessive fascination with the interests of the victim to the detriment of the interests of society, promotion exclusively towards the interests of the victim and the rights of the criminal can lead to a crisis in the relationship between the state and crime. It is obvious that modern criminal proceedings cannot be based only on compromise procedures, at the same time there should be no conflict between such a way of resolving the conflict as rivalry (repression) and compromise, these areas should complement each other.

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