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Law and Politics

Korzennikov, V.N. Specific features of regional processes of state-formation in the Northern Caucasia in the 1990s.

Abstract: The main feature of the process of state formation and development of the republics of the North Caucasus is undoubtedly the hypertrophied national factor, which most determined the specifics of the formation of statehood in the region in the first half of the 1990s. It should be noted that in the ideal democratic model, including the one established by the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia, nationalism as a political factor has no place. In practice, the hypertrophiing of the national principle in the political process began with the submission of the Union, and then the Russian center, which seized the initiative, with the approval of the concept of national policy of the USSR, then various kinds of statements, declarations of the central government and the adoption of relevant federal laws.

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