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Law and Politics

Dovgal, G.V. The Far Eastern political elite: on the issue of social structure and specific features of recruiting.

Abstract: The process of formation of the institution of domestic regional political elites, which unfolded at the end of the twentieth century, is now actively underway in the Russian Far East. The practice of elite education in the Far Eastern region fully corresponds to all-Russian trends. However, as the study shows, there are some peculiarities here. The formation of the Far Eastern elite groups (their composition, the pace of transformation) was affected by the marginal position of the Far Eastern subjects of the Russian Federation. It is no secret that during the period of revolutionary upheavals, cardinal changes occur primarily in the composition of the capital's elites. The changes in the province are not so radical at first. Significant transformations at the regional level (the Russian Far East) are observed with a separation from the all-Russian ones in 4-6 years.

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