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Law and Politics

Koloteeva, V.G. Application of legislation on compensation of moral harm in the Russian judicial practice. Problems of defining the size of compensation of moral harm.

Abstract: Until 1990, the legislation of the Russian Federation did not provide for the very concept of moral harm, as well as the possibility of its compensation in monetary terms, since the opinion about the inadmissibility of assessing and compensating moral harm in the form of property took root in the public legal consciousness of the past years. Currently, a number of articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and some other normative acts are devoted to the issues of compensation for moral damage. We can say that a new legal institution of the obligation to compensate for moral damage has been formed, which has existed for more than 10 years. However, the formation of this institution cannot be considered complete. The practice of applying its norms is not well-established and sufficiently uniform. In the law-making and enforcement of these norms, a significant number of problems have arisen and remain, both in theoretical and practical terms. This article is devoted to the actual problems of theory and practice.

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