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Law and Politics

Bener, A.G. Statement and approaches to the problem of criminal procedural estimation spheres.

Abstract: The level of legality and law and order in criminal procedural legal relations is inextricably linked with the effective assessment activities of both subjects of the sphere of ensuring and observing the rule of law in criminal proceedings, as well as the quality of criminal procedural legislation, timely detection and prevention of various violations of the rule of law in criminal proceedings. A lawful, justified and fair verdict, lawful, justified and fair decisions in a criminal case can be obtained only as a result of the application of the laws of formal logic, the elimination of contradictions in evidence, well-established departmental and judicial control, and prosecutorial supervision. It is no coincidence that in recent years the theory of multidimensional evaluation spaces has been developed in the theory of law, which may well be adapted to the criminal process…

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