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Law and Politics

Emelyanov, D.V. Topical issues of practice of application of norms, regulating the relations on compensation of harm caused by the accident on the road.

Abstract: The increasing number of traffic accidents necessitates State intervention in the sphere of traffic-related relations in order to protect public interests by taking a whole range of measures. An important step towards improving the effectiveness of the mechanism of civil law regulation of damage compensation relations was the introduction of a mandatory liability insurance system for vehicle owners in the Russian Federation. However, it should be borne in mind that insurance has not replaced tort liability. Insurance and tort legal relations, developing in parallel, equally contribute to the achievement of a beneficial effect of public relations on compensation for harm. Therefore, the introduction of compulsory insurance calls for addressing the problems of tort liability, which were not resolved earlier and in the light of the introduction of insurance have regained relevance, as well as the problems that appeared after the adoption of the law on insurance …

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