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Law and Politics

Yakunkov, M.A. Nature and kinds of criminal procedural violations, related to the investigation activities.

Abstract: As the author of this article notes, the topic of investigative actions is not quite logically and with gaps disclosed in the current Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. The gap is connected, in particular, with the legal status of statisticians (their legal status in the CPC of the Russian Federation is not defined), and the illogicality arises from the lack of a deductive approach in describing investigative actions – there is no general concept, the spread of articles concerning the production of investigative actions not only in different chapters, but even in different sections of the current CPC of the Russian Federation, which It creates significant difficulties in understanding and applying the current criminal procedure legislation concerning the conduct of investigative actions. According to the author, it would be logical and advisable to allocate a special single chapter in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation devoted to investigative actions…

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