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Law and Politics

Yarovenko, V.V., Poleschuk, O.V. Practice of formation and use of criminalistic collections of the narcotics.

Abstract: Collections of narcotic substances are intended: firstly, to establish the type of drug; secondly, to determine the common origin of newly received with previously placed in the collection; thirdly, to establish the source of the common origin of newly received with previously placed in the collection; fourthly, to establish the region of growth of plants used for the manufacture of drugs; Fifthly, to identify the composition of the components of narcotic drugs, the most common on the illegal market, capable of influencing the characteristics of narcotic intoxication and its consequences; sixth, on the assessment of the so-called "average single doses of drug consumption", since expert assessment of such doses of narcotic drugs will require not only long-published in the scientific press data on the narcotic activity of certain narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, but also the results of forensic studies of the compositions of narcotic drugs seized from illicit trafficking. Thus, the study of cannabis and poppy from different regions of the CIS countries conducted by specialists of the Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia showed the possibility of conducting examinations and establishing geochemical provinces of plants used for the manufacture of drugs…

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