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Law and Politics

Vereschagin, S.G. Political practice of lobbying the tax advantages in Russia.

Abstract: The development of the economic crisis in Russia has led to a tightening of the struggle for profits and cash. The formation of large corporate structures has begun, the struggle between which now covers all aspects of Russian life. Today, the sources of financial resources are export-import operations, which still bring significant profits, banking and financial operations, direct budget subsidies and preferential loans, tax incentives, preferential export-import tariffs, privatization of state property. This list dictates the directions and methods of lobbying industry groups. In the conditions of the current state structure of Russia, there are four main areas of lobbying: the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly (the State Duma and the Federation Council), the region (subjects of the Russian Federation, local authorities)…

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