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Law and Politics

Sokolshik, I.M. On force-based and legal interpretations of a state.

Abstract: What danger does corruption pose to society and what is the role of public authorities in containing it? Corruption does not allow the state to achieve the implementation of its strategic tasks if these tasks contradict the interests of oligarchic groups, while the price of public administration increases. Corruption damages the economy and reduces the overall well-being of the country. It also contributes to undermining the authority and prestige of the government. Moreover, it calls into question its legitimacy. If officials and politicians compromise themselves in the eyes of the people, then people have distrust of government and management structures. When studying social tension in society, one of the most important factors is the factor of distrust of the authorities. The article by P.A. Minakov examines the history of corruption from ancient times to the present day, the impact of government corruption on modern society.

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