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Law and Politics

Seregin, N.S. Sunset of American greatness? C. Kupchan, The End of the American Era. Moscow, AST, 2004, 637 p.

Abstract: The book, which is presented to readers in this review, gained great popularity right after it was published, and its’ popularity was not only due to author’s forecast of the end of the era of American hegemonism in the world” (as it already happneed to the Alexander the Great’s kingdom, Roman Empire, British Empire in XX century), but also due to rich texture of the book, convincing reasoning of the author - Associate Professor of international relations in the School of Foreign Service and Government Department at Georgetown University, Senior Fellow and Director of Europe Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations Charles Kupchan. In the preface to the 2004 edition author writes that overthrowing Saddam Khussein opened the doors for the new era in American history, and while, as the author notes, the USA demonstrated effective work of its armed forces, some consequences of the war in Iraq might not be that pleasant, and in the end the path, that Washington came upon, may lead to the sunset of American greatness… This book is a must not only for politologists and historians, but also for any reader, who is genuinely interested in modern international relations.

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