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Law and Politics

An unbiased look on internal affairs bodies (on “History of native internal affairs bodies” by Mulukaev, R.S., Malygina, A.Y. Epifanova, A.E. M. NOTA BENE Media Trade Company, 2005, 336 p.

Abstract: This coursebook on history of internal affairs bodies is prepared by a group of authors, under the guidance of the Professor of the Academy of Government of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, doctor of legal science Academician R.S. Mulukhaev. In fact, publication of this coursebook is a novel event in the field of educational literature, since up to this time coursebooks specifically devoted to the historical and legal study of development of internal affairs bodies were not published. Part 1 of the book is devoted to organization, development and activities of police and prison facilities in IX-XX century Russia. Part 2 is devoted to organization and activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Soviet state (October 1917-1991). Part 3 is devoted to reforms of the internal affairs bodies and change of their concept in modern Russian society. One cannot but agree with the authors’ conclusion that historical experience should be used in modern conditions. The book also includes objective analysis of modern state of internal affairs bodies, constructive criticism and ideas for improvement. While the textbook is published mainly for the students of the professional education organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, it is of great interest to lawyers, historians, politologists and all interested readers.

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