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Law and Politics

Goshulyak, V.V. Widening the scope of jurisdiction of the Constitutional (Ustav) Courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2001-2004

Abstract: This article contains detailed comparative analysis of powers of the Constitutional (Ustav) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation. As author notes, certain powers of the Constitutional (Ustav) courts, such as control over constitutionality of non-normative acts of the government bodies in the Republic of Tyva, control over constitutionality of application of laws by the executive branch in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), power to make decisions on prohibition and dissolution of the political parties in the Republic of Bashkortostan, cause certain doubts. Article also contains analysis of the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation related to this issue, and of foreign experience in the sphere of constitutional control.

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