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Law and Politics

Lapaeva, V.V. Forming a constitutional majority in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Is it an expression of the will of the people, or parliamentary procedures?

Abstract: V.V. Lapayeva’s article is devoted to the issue of forming a constitutional majority at the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Article contains analysis of procedure of formation of groups within the Russian federal legislature. Currently this procedure, provided for by the Rules of the State Duma, allows the deputies, originally elected by one political party, to join coalitions, which are based on other political parties and election blocs. Author considers it necessary to ensure the balance of independence of the deputies and realization of the political will of the people, as originally expressed by voting for the candidates, representing certain political positions and parties. Author also discusses the possibility of challenging the Rules of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in court.

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