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Individual training trajectory of future polygraph examiners as an effective pedagogical tool for the formation of professional competencies

Sadekov Rustem Rafekovich

ORCID: 0000-0002-2739-5490

PhD in Pedagogy

Deputy Head of the Department of Psychological-Pedagogical and Medical Support of the Department of Internal Affairs Activities at the Russian Institute of Officials Training and Education

142007, Russia, Moscow Region, Domodedovo, Fir street, 3

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Abstract: The author in the presented work discusses the topical issues of using the individual trajectory for the students' learning in the educational process of the departmental education system, undergoing professional retraining according to the programs of additional professional education, as an effective pedagogical tool for the formation of the necessary professional competencies. A variable methodology for the formation of individual educational trajectories is proposed, based on the analysis of the needs and capabilities of each student according to vocational training programs in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the course of applying the possibilities of an individual learning trajectory, it is assumed that this will contribute to a more effective formation of the necessary knowledge. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the individual learning trajectory, in turn, allows students in a creative format to choose topics that are important in their opinion and scientific and practical directions that most accurately correspond to their needs and interests, and at the same time, in cooperation with teachers, acquire serious practical experience in this field. The pedagogical idea, from the point of view of organizational aspects, is that each educational organization should have a regulatory, legal and pedagogical opportunity to implement individual learning trajectories of students as an effective way to improve the learning process, focused on obtaining fundamental knowledge by students in all areas of science and practice


individual trajectory, training, preparation, listeners, system, police, polygraph, researches, technologies, pedagogical techniques

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Modern vocational education requires an individual approach to each student, taking into account his personal needs, interests and opportunities. In a key way, this is especially important in the field of polygraphology, where students mastering a professional training program must acquire a wide range of competencies necessary to work in this field of activity.

As we have already noted, for successful work as a polygraph examiner, it is necessary to have not only a wide range of knowledge and skills, but also the ability to self-education and self-development, since this type of activity requires an integrated approach to training, which in turn includes the ability to use a specialist of various methods, approaches, technologies from a variety of scientific fields, taking into account multidimensional factors in the analysis and evaluation of data obtained during the use of polygraphic devices.

In other words, a polygraph examiner must have a serious level of training and have a good understanding and understanding of psychological issues, physiology, forensic methods and legal norms in order to correctly interpret the data obtained in the process of working with a polygraph. In addition, to analyze the test results, a polygraph examiner needs various statistical knowledge and skills to work with a large amount of information. In addition, the polygraph examiner must be professionally familiar with various survey and interviewing techniques in order to formulate questions correctly during the work and receive the most accurate answers on the research topics of interest to him.

All this knowledge, skills and abilities will certainly help a polygraph examiner to perform his work effectively and achieve high results in the process of using high-precision polygraph technologies.

As Yu.V. Krokhina notes in her work, based on the realities of today, the world has changed dramatically. New high-tech technologies have entered our lives, technological progress is developing. A number of areas of human activity currently require certain changes and it is associated with an updated methodology, improvement of techniques and technologies, techniques and approaches to labor organization, the introduction of modern information technologies, it resources and components [1].

Undoubtedly, the individual training trajectory of polygraph examiners, in our opinion, represents a personalized approach to training based on an analysis of the needs and capabilities of each listener. This approach allows students, with the support of teachers, to choose the areas of study that best meet their professional interests and needs.

It is important to note that an individual learning trajectory does not mean the exclusion of some academic disciplines from the educational program. On the contrary, this approach allows students to more consciously, purposefully and in-depth choose topics that are most important for their professional activities, with the possibility of high-quality and more detailed study of them during the hours of self-study and electives.

The individual learning trajectory also takes into account various factors, such as the level of basic knowledge, the interests of students, personal goals and plans for service and career growth. This means that each student can receive an individual approach to learning, which in turn will help him achieve his goals and develop in accordance with his needs and interests in a professional environment.

For example, if a student already has a certain level of knowledge in a certain field, his individual learning trajectory may be focused on more advanced topics or specialized skills. This helps students to use their time and resources as efficiently as possible to achieve the best results in the learning process.

The methodology of forming individual educational trajectories in the process of professional training of polygraph examiners should be based on a thorough analysis of professional competencies that are necessary for future polygraph examiners to work successfully in this field. Competencies include knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks at various levels.

Skills such as readiness to plan their own cognitive activity, flexibility of thinking, perseverance in achieving results, willingness to correct their mistakes (self-correction), awareness of the process of cognition, search for compromise solutions, as noted in his work Afanasyeva I.G., are part of such universal competencies as "Self-organization and self-development", "Team work and leadership", as well as "Project development and implementation", which indicates the system-forming role of critical and systemic thinking in the formation of universal specialist competencies [2].

If we take the basic principles as a basis, we note that competencies can be general or specialized.

A) General competencies are such skills, knowledge and skills necessary for successful work in any field of activity.

They are essential for working in any field and include skills such as communication, leadership, time management, teamwork, the ability to make decisions, responsibility for results, etc.

We will reveal in more detail such abilities as:

1. Communication is the ability to communicate effectively with other people. It includes the ability to listen, ask questions, express your thoughts and ideas. Good communication is a key factor for successful work in any profession, as it allows you to establish contacts with colleagues, clients and partners, as well as solve problems and conflicts, which is also important for the work of a polygraph examiner.

2. Leadership is the ability to lead and motivate a group of people to achieve common goals. It includes the ability to make decisions, delegate tasks, set priorities and ensure coordination of actions. A real, good leader is able to create an effective team that works for results, as well as develop the professional skills of his subordinates.

3. Time management is the ability to plan your time and use it most effectively. It includes the ability to set priorities, determine deadlines for completing tasks and avoid distractions. Good time management allows you to work more productively and efficiently, avoiding stress and overload.

4. Teamwork is the ability to collaborate effectively with other people to achieve common goals. It undoubtedly includes the ability to listen and respect the opinions of others, express your thoughts clearly and constructively, as well as participate in conflict resolution. Fruitful teamwork allows you to achieve serious results, because each team member can contribute and use their skills in the best way.

5. Decision-making is the ability to analyze information, evaluate alternatives and choose the most appropriate course of action. This factor includes the ability to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk. Professional decision-making ability allows you to solve problems quickly and effectively and achieve your goals even in the most difficult situations.

These competencies do not depend on the specifics of the profession, because they are universal skills that are necessary for successful work in any field of activity, including in polygraphology.

As we noted above, good communication and teamwork are necessary in any profession where it is necessary to communicate with other people and work in a group. Time management and decision-making are also universal skills that help you use your time efficiently and solve problems quickly. Leadership can also be applied in any field of activity where it is necessary to coordinate the actions of a group of people.

Therefore, it is important to note that general competencies can be developed and improved throughout a career, and they are key to successful work in any field of activity.

B) Specialized competencies are knowledge, skills and abilities specific to a particular profession or field of activity.

They, on the other hand, depend on a specific profession and include the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks.

In polygraphology, these can be skills such as analyzing graphological features, understanding the psychological mechanisms of lying, using specialized equipment and software for data analysis, and a number of other aspects.

As an example, we will reveal in more detail such important aspects as:

1. Analysis of graphological features is the ability to analyze handwriting and other graphic elements in order to determine the personal characteristics and possible intentions of the person being examined on a polygraph device. This requires a deep knowledge of the basic principles of graphology, the ability to recognize and interpret various graphic elements, as well as the ability to conduct comparative analysis between handwriting samples. It is also important to be able to assess the reliability of the results obtained and apply them in professional activities.

2. Understanding the psychological mechanisms of lying is knowing how a person can hide the truth, what physiological and psychological processes occur in the process of lying, and what signs can probably indicate that a person is lying. This requires professional knowledge of the basics of the psychology of lying, the ability to recognize verbal and nonverbal signs of lying, as well as the ability to conduct interviews and surveys to identify a person's intentions and motives. It is also important to be able to apply the knowledge gained in real situations and make decisions based on the data obtained. And for a polygraph examiner, this is one of the foundations of his professionalism.

3. The use of specialized equipment and software for data analysis is the ability to work with various tools and programs that are used in polygraphology to collect, analyze and interpret data. This requires knowledge of the basics of working with a polygraph, the ability to work with computer programs for data analysis, as well as the ability to calibrate and configure equipment. It is also important to be able to assess the reliability of the results obtained and apply them in professional activity in real time.

4. Interpretation of the results of data analysis is an important ability to correctly interpret the results of data analysis in order to draw conclusions about the identity or intentions of the person being examined. This requires knowledge of the basic methods and techniques of data interpretation, as well as the ability to take into account the context and other factors that may affect the results of the analysis. Note that it is also important to be able to present the results of the analysis in an understandable and accessible format for the initiator of the audit or other interested parties.

5. Ethics and professional responsibility is the ability of a polygraph examiner to work in accordance with high ethical standards and to show professional responsibility in their work. To do this, he needs to know the basics of ethics and professional responsibility, as well as the ability to apply them in various situations that may arise in the course of work. It is also important to be able to respect confidentiality and protect customer data, as well as to be able to solve ethical dilemmas that may arise in the course of work.

All the specialized competencies listed by us in polygraphology may change depending on changes in the professional environment and new technologies, due to the fact that polygraphology is a science that is constantly developing and improving. New technologies and research methods are constantly appearing and improving, which requires polygraph examiners to update their knowledge and skills. In addition, changes in the professional environment may be associated with changes in legislation, customer requirements, as well as social and cultural changes that may affect the way polygraph examiners work. Therefore, for successful work, specialists in this field need to constantly monitor new trends and adapt to the ongoing changes in the professional sphere.

As P.V. Sysoev notes in his work, the term "individual educational trajectory" means a personal way to achieve the set educational goal (or educational task) for specific students corresponding to their abilities, motives, interests and needs [3].

In general, specialized competencies in polygraphology include the analysis of graphological features, understanding the psychological mechanisms of lying and working with specialized equipment and software for data analysis. They are necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks in this field of activity.

From the above, it is worth noting that the methodology for the formation of individual educational trajectories in polygraphology is based on a thorough analysis of professional competencies that future polygraph examiners need to successfully complete their tasks. General competencies such as communication, leadership, time management, teamwork and decision-making are necessary and important for working in any field. Specialized competencies include analysis of graphological features, understanding the psychological mechanisms of lying and working with specialized equipment and software for data analysis. For successful work in polygraphology, it is necessary to constantly update your knowledge and skills and adapt to changes in the profession.

The very methodology of forming individual educational trajectories for future polygraph examiners should be based on an analysis of the needs and capabilities of each student. To do this , it is necessary to implement the following pedagogical approaches:

1. Definition of learning objectives.

At this step, the listener must determine what he personally wants to achieve as a result of the training. Learning objectives may be related to the acquisition of specific knowledge, skills or competencies. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited. For example, such a goal may be the development of certain software or the development of communication skills.

2. Needs analysis.

At this step, the student should analyze his individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas in which he needs to improve his knowledge and skills. The needs analysis may also include determining what specific resources and support are needed to achieve the learning objectives. For example, a listener may determine that he needs to improve his data analysis skills or develop skills working with modern software.

3. Assessment of opportunities.

At this step, the student should evaluate their capabilities to improve the effectiveness of training. This may include resource availability, time constraints, and personal commitments. Students should consider their personal circumstances and determine what resources and support they need to achieve their learning goals. For example, a student can assess their availability to certain courses or determine how much time they can, for example, allocate to individual training per week, outside of the basic course of professional retraining and advanced training.

4. Development of an individual trajectory.

Based on the analysis of needs and opportunities, each student, with the support of a teacher-mentor, should develop their own individual learning trajectory. This may include choosing specific topics, teaching materials, and teaching methods that best fit the learner's goals and needs. For example, a student can choose additional online courses or textbooks to study and work out specific topics in order to eliminate gaps in knowledge

5. Regular updating of the trajectory.

The individual learning trajectory should be regularly updated in accordance with the changing needs and capabilities of the student. This may include reviewing the learning objectives, choosing new techniques or teaching methods, as well as taking into account changes in the student's personal circumstances. For example, a student may decide to adjust their learning goals or choose additional new courses in order to develop personal professional skills in the process of optional training.

6. Evaluation of results.

At this stage of training, the listener should, with the help of an experienced mentor, evaluate the results of his training and determine whether he has achieved his goals or needs to make changes to his trajectory. This may include assessing the knowledge and skills acquired, as well as determining what changes need to be made to your learning trajectory in order to achieve goals. For example, a student can assess their level of knowledge after intermediate control of the course and decide that they need additional training to achieve their goals.

In his work, Lyakh Yu. A. notes that the analysis of the problem of implementing the goals of modern education is impossible without analyzing the process of setting goals directly to students [4].

Thus, the methodology for the formation of individual educational trajectories for future polygraph examiners should be based on the analysis of the needs and capabilities of each student in order to ensure the effective formation of competencies and the achievement of learning goals.

In other words, we can say that in order to form an individual educational trajectory, each student must undergo diagnostic testing, that is, a special type of testing that allows you to identify the level of knowledge and skills of the student in various fields of polygraphology, which is an important basic pedagogical approach that reveals to teachers the potential available to students.

Based on the results of testing and analysis of professional competencies, an additional individual training plan is drawn up, which is drawn up in a way determined by the educational organization, which determines the individual route of the listener in the educational process of self-training. Its goal is to provide the most effective and high-quality additional training, and it also determines not only the thematic content, but also the methods of its study and evaluation.

In her work, E. V. Sterlyagova emphasizes that the model of teaching according to individual curricula, implemented within the framework of the activity approach, includes five main components:

· need-motivational,

· informative,

· operationally efficient,

· control and adjustment,

· evaluative and effective while maintaining the didactic foundations of the individual curriculum [5].

The methods of study and evaluation in the individual training plan may be different depending on the individual needs of the listener, but they are subject to evaluation in any case. For example, it can be an independent study of the material with the help of textbooks, participation in online courses, as well as conducting additional optional practical classes with a teacher. Assessment of knowledge can take place through testing, control work or project protection.

This approach to learning allows students to effectively use their pronounced "strengths" and work to improve their "weaknesses". The strengths of the listener may include a high level of knowledge and skills in certain areas of polygraphy, as well as good communication and organizational abilities. Weaknesses may be associated with insufficient knowledge in certain areas, areas, lack of communication skills or organizational problems.

Based on the above, in order to improve the study of existing pedagogical gaps, students can be offered an individual training plan that takes into account their level of knowledge and skills, as well as methods of their study and evaluation. They are also given the opportunity to use their strengths to achieve success in training, as components of the pedagogical process of forming important professional qualities.

In addition, the individual learning trajectory allows students to develop their professional competencies in accordance with their personal interests and needs, which increases their motivation and learning effectiveness.

When forming individual learning trajectories, students, in tandem with the teacher, have the opportunity to choose the disciplines that best correspond to their professional goals and interests. This means that students should be able to choose pedagogical tools that will help them develop in a certain field and achieve their official and career goals.

Another important opinion, in our opinion, should be taken into account, where, In her definition of an individual educational trajectory, N.V. Borisova focuses on pedagogical and managerial support from teachers for the individual choice of content, level and path of education for students [6].

For example, students who want to become experts in the field of graphology can optionally choose subjects related to the analysis of graphological features. This will allow them to gain in-depth knowledge in this field and become specialists in handwriting analysis, etc.

At the same time, students who want to become experts in the field of behavioral psychology can choose subjects related to this particular area of science and practice. Subjects related to psychology and behavior can help future polygraph examiners understand how people react to stress and how it can affect their behavior and physiology. For example, when lying, there is often increased activity of some parts of the brain, which can manifest itself in changes in heart rate, respiration, body temperature and other physiological indicators.

Students can also additionally study various methods of lie detection, including polygraph, non-verbal communication, speech analysis and other methods using modern pedagogical technologies.

It is necessary to characterize each block and module being studied, when considering which an additional pedagogical individual learning trajectory may be required.:

A polygraph device is a device that is used to measure a person's physiological parameters, such as pressure, pulse, respiration and electrical activity of the skin. Students should be guided by the fact that indicators may change in response to questions asked by a polygraph examiner, which may indicate a lie. The study of tactical and technical innovative polygraph technologies helps students to understand how this tool works and how to use it as effectively as possible as a means of lie detection.

Nonverbal communication is a way of transmitting information without using words. We know that it can include gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice and other non-verbal signals. The study of nonverbal communication helps listeners, having received the necessary knowledge, to understand how a person can give himself away using his bodily language and facial expression.

Speech analysis is a method of studying the speech characteristics of a person, such as the tone of voice, the speed of speech and the use of words. Speech analysis can help learners determine if there are inconsistencies between what a person says and what they actually think.

There are also many other methods of lie detection, such as microexpression analysis, the use of psychological tests and interviews. Additional study of these methods helps students to get a more complete understanding of how lies can be detected and which methods are most effective in various situations.

These methods can find out which signs indicate untruth when using each of these methods and how to correctly interpret the results obtained in the process of polygraph examination.

Thus, an individual learning trajectory allows students to choose specific subjects that best match their professional interests and goals. In order to ensure maximum effectiveness of training, students are invited to choose topics and types of classes that, in the opinion of teachers, best correspond to their interests and goals. This can be both specialized individual classes in polygraphology and lie detection, as well as subjects from other fields that may be useful for future polygraph specialists.

As an example, additionally, students can choose training sessions on statistics and research methods that will help them better understand statistical data and analyze the results of polygraphic tests.

Also, students can choose additional classes in a number of disciplines that will help them better understand the ongoing psychological processes associated with lie detection.

The individual learning trajectory also allows students to choose additional trainings for themselves that will help them develop their skills and competencies in the field of polygraphy and lie detection. This can be both online courses and intensive trainings conducted by polygraph practitioners, in cooperation with an educational organization in which future polygraph specialists are trained.

As a result, an individual learning trajectory is a key element of successful training in the basics of polygraphology. It allows students to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to work successfully in this field and achieve their professional success. As a form of training, an individual trajectory may well include practical internships, under the guidance of experienced mentors who allow students to apply their knowledge and skills in practice.

 In one of our works, we noted that the teaching staff of FGKU DPO "VIPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", who have a serious ten-year experience in training future polygraph examiners, note in their research work that modern realities require long and painstaking training of specialists who plan to subsequently work on a polygraph: "Persons undergoing training under the professional program of professional retraining of future polygraph examiners, of course, should learn to navigate qualitatively and professionally, including the use of psychological technologies in the process of pre-test conversation in the process of instrumental lie detection"[7].

In turn, the pedagogical effectiveness of practical classes and internships, as forms of training that allow students to gain practical experience in their future profession, has long been proven. They can act as the following types, such as:

1. Industrial practice is a form of training that involves the student's work with immersion in a real professional environment. As part of this practice, the listener can get acquainted with the subtleties and nuances of the profession, learn how to work with equipment and tools, as well as gain experience in interacting with colleagues and clients. Industrial practice helps students to better understand what the semantic meaning lies in the upcoming professional activity, as well as learn how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

2. Educational practice is a form of training that is conducted on the basis of an educational organization. As part of this practice, the student can take part in various educational projects and assignments, work with specialized software and equipment, as well as receive advice from teachers on issues of interest to him. The educational practice aims to help students consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained during training, as well as develop practical skills in their future profession.

3. Research practice is a form of training that is aimed at developing students' research competencies. As part of this practice, the student can participate in scientific research, analyze data, conduct experiments and prepare scientific publications, together with the teaching staff. Research practice helps students to develop the skills of scientific thinking and data analysis, as well as to gain experience in scientific work as the basis of practical activity.

All these types of practical classes and internships can be included in the individual training trajectory of future polygraph examiners and used as an effective pedagogical tool for the formation of a set of necessary competencies.

The results of the study show that the use of an individual learning trajectory certainly contributes to a more effective formation of competencies among future polygraph examiners. This is due to the fact that students who use the pedagogical capabilities of an individual learning trajectory have more opportunities to develop their professional skills and gain work experience in this field.

In addition, the use of an individual learning trajectory can increase the motivation of students, since they directly see their results and can improve their personal professional performance, and this, in turn, is the key to successful work in the future.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the individual learning trajectory is an effective pedagogical tool for the formation of competencies of future polygraph examiners. It allows students in a creative format to choose topics that are important in their opinion and scientific and practical directions that most accurately correspond to their needs and interests, and at the same time, in cooperation with teachers, acquire serious practical experience in this field. The idea is that each educational organization should have a normative, organizational and pedagogical opportunity to implement individual learning trajectories of students as an effective way to improve the learning process, focused on obtaining fundamental knowledge by students in all areas of science and practice.

1. Krokhina, Yu. V. ( 2023). The role of a mentor teacher in the formation of professionalism of a novice teacher. Actual problems of pedagogy and psychology, 4(2), 29-33.
2. Afanasyeva, I. G. (2022). Project-oriented model of the formation of universal competencies of future specialists in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy. Proceedings of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, 8(171), 38-49.
3. Sysoev P. V. (2013). Training on individual educational trajectories. Questions of teaching methods at the university, 2(16). Retrieved from https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/obuchenie-po-individualnym-obrazovatelnym-traektoriyam
4. Lyakh, Yu. A. (2020). Goals of teaching modern education. Bulletin of the MOSCOW State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology, 4(54). Retrieved from https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/tseli-obucheniya-sovremennogo-obrazovaniya
5. Sterlyagova, E. V. (2016). Organization of training on the basis of individual curricula: pedagogical model. Domestic and foreign pedagogy, 2(29). Retrieved from https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/organizatsiya-obucheniya-na-osnove-individualnyh-uchebnyh-planov-pedagogicheskaya-model
6. Borisova, N.V. (2008). Pedagogical choice as a category of activity type and the function of pedagogical activity (reflections on the categorical apparatus of pedagogy under the influence of a competence approach). Scientific works of MIM LINK, 22, 132-142.
7. Sadekov, R.R. (2023). Model of training future polygraph examiners taking into account modern conditions of society development. National security / nota bene, 2, 70-78. doi:10.7256/2454-0668.2023.2.39894 Retrieved from https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=3989

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The object of research in the manuscript submitted for review is the training of polygraph examiners as a professional and pedagogical process, while the subject is the construction of an individual trajectory of students within its framework. The relevance of the research is due to the high importance of an individual approach in pedagogy, as well as the specifics of the profession of a polygraph examiner, whose competencies lie at the intersection of several scientific and humanitarian planes: psychological, social, legal, etc.. From a methodological point of view, the work is theoretical in nature, practical activities are presented in the text at a descriptive level. The main method of research, based on the above, is descriptive analysis, which is sufficient to work in the format of an article. The work was done in a language generally consistent with the norms of scientific style, the list of references meets the requirements and is reflected in the pages of the manuscript, however, we note that seven sources are the number most suitable for the abstracts of the conference collection. Usually 15-20 sources are expected in a journal article. The article will primarily be of interest to representatives of a highly professional specialized audience involved in the implementation of pedagogical interactions in the training of polygraph examiners. The conclusions presented in the conclusion generally reflect the content of the text, however, the former would have benefited if it had been carried out in abstract form. There are the following comments on the manuscript. From a structural point of view, we note that the text is not divided into meaningfully interrelated parts, which is usually accepted in scientific research. In the presented form, the text looks more like an educational and methodological work. The second paragraph begins with the words "as we have already noted." If the work is a continuation of the author's previously published works, it should be mentioned immediately in the text. From a meaningful point of view, we note that if the word "effective" is used in the title, then an assessment of effectiveness is expected in the text. It is not clear from it how the technology in question is better, for example, than other alternatives. In general, effectiveness is indicated, but not justified by scientific evidence-based methods. Given that the work as a whole is staged, perhaps the word "effective" should be removed from the title. The text contains quite a bit of information revealing the work of a polygraph examiner as a very specific profession. The methodology presented in the theoretical part is equally suitable for all professions, since communication, leadership, time management, teamwork, etc. are general professional didactic units. The last remark impoverishes the content of the work to a greater extent. Nevertheless, taking into account the high relevance of the topic and the overall good professional and linguistic level of the text, the article can be published in a peer-reviewed journal in the pedagogical field.