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Police activity

The use of blockchain technology in law enforcement

Kiryushin Ivan Ivanovich

Lecturer at the Department of Computer Sciences and Special Equipment at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

656049, Russia, Barnaul, Chkalova str., 49
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Ivanov Igor' Petrovich

PhD in Pedagogy

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Sciences and Mathematics at Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

350005, Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai oblast', g. Krasnodar, ul. Yaroslavskaya, 128
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Timofeev Viktor Vladimirovich

PhD in Technical Science

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Sciences and Special Technology at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

656922, Russia, Altaiskii Krai oblast', g. Barnaul, ul. Timurovskaya, 62
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Zhmurko D Yu

PhD in Economics

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

350005, Russia, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Yaroslavskaya str., 128









Abstract: This article explores the possibilities of using blockchain technology in police work. Examples of the use of blockchain in various areas of police activity, such as personal data management, control of drug trafficking and other prohibited substances, traffic monitoring and the fight against cybercrime, are considered. The authors note that thanks to the storage of data in the blockchain, it becomes possible to increase the protection of the confidentiality of personal information, ensure transparency and efficiency of police work, as well as prevent fraud and corruption. The conclusion of the article emphasizes that the use of blockchain can improve the work of the police and ensure greater security of citizens.   Distributed ledger technology, or blockchain as a service (BaaS) is indeed a relatively new product on the market that allows you to provide blockchain services for corporate clients. This solution allows you to use more reliable and secure methods of data processing and transaction management within the organization. All these economic effects can lead to a reduction in costs and an increase in the efficiency of the police. In general, the use of blockchain technology in the police can have a number of advantages, such as increasing transparency and accountability, reducing data processing time and combating data falsification. However, it is necessary to take into account some risks, such as the possibility of data privacy violations, as well as difficulties in integrating with existing systems and training personnel. In general, the introduction of blockchain technology into the police requires careful analysis and an approach that takes into account all aspects of the use of technology and its impact on the organization.


blockchain, technology, police, safety, digitalization, data storage, transactions, cryptography, cybercrime, information Technology

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Modern information technologies have become widespread in almost all spheres of human activity without exception. Considering that the current trend of any use of information technologies is two basic applied tasks – the creation and accumulation of information resources for the purpose of their storage and use and the telecommunications component, which implements the function of timely and reliable transmission of this data or part of it to remote participants in information processes. At the same time, it should be noted that there is a parallel negative trend of an increase in the number of cyber attacks and malicious actions by a wide range of people in relation to almost all information systems without exception. Statistical indicators of cybercrime are currently constantly growing, both in quantity and in the degree of intensity and organization. At the same time, attention should be paid to the high degree of variability in the methods and tools of committing illegal acts. In the conditions of these circumstances, which are inextricably linked with any information processes and technologies, reliable information security is vital for all computer and network systems, in their current form of implementation and in promising implementation options [18].

Law enforcement is one of the most important functions of the modern state. In the Russian Federation, this area of government activity is being filled with new functionality, determined and dictated by the modern realities of the international political situation and the increased degree of foreign interference in various spheres of government activity. Taking into account the above circumstances, the use of modern information security technologies is an urgent task.

The existing version of the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation was considered and adopted as a doctrinal source of the completed research at the stage of determining its goals and objectives [11].

The current content of this document is updated taking into account the aggravation of the global economic confrontation between different parties, one of which is the Russian Federation. This confrontation cannot but affect the information component of public administration. Moreover, our political opponents pay particularly close attention to the information component of hybrid wars. In these conditions, the fulfillment of the requirements of the Information Security Doctrine in various areas of information technology use further actualizes the subject matter and content of this scientific work.

The purpose of this work is to explore the possibilities and prospects of using modern information technologies for data storage and processing, in particular blockchain technology in law enforcement.

In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks during the implementation of this study:

  1. Perform an analysis of blockchain technology as a modern data processing technology.
  2. To evaluate the technology in question from the point of view of its effectiveness and information security.
  3. To analyze the experience of using blockchain technology in other fields of application.
  4. To formulate conclusions about the applicability of blockchain technology in law enforcement and the prospects of this solution.

 Blockchain technology is one of the modern data processing technologies. Blockchain technology is an original method of storing and transferring data, initially focused on ensuring a high level of security, integrity and transparency. The technology is based on the use of a distributed database, which is a set of nodes (or participants), each of which has a copy of the entire database.

Blockchain technology owes its origin and spread to cryptocurrencies. The first of which, bitcoin, appeared in 2009. The need to create such a data storage technology was determined by the rather contradictory requirements of a high degree of information security of stored data in the presence of transparency and content for a wide range of legal users [10].

According to D. Tapscott, the blockchain is an eternal digital distributed journal of economic transactions, which can be programmed to record not only economic transactions, but also almost everything that has value [9, 15].

Thus, a blockchain is a chain of blocks representing a distributed database in which the data storage device is not concentrated on a single server, but is distributed among a number of nodes forming the database itself, to which end clients connect. The database is a continuously growing sequence of blocks, each of which stores data about data transactions. Each block of a sequentially formed chain of recorded and stored data has its own timestamp, a link to the previous block. From the point of view of information technology, blockchain is a meta-technology. It uses such technological solutions as a database, local area network technologies, electronic signature technologies, and a number of technical solutions for open data processing and storage systems.

This combination of technological solutions makes it possible to ensure a serious level of information security of the entire system and the processed data. Each new block of data added to the blockchain must be verified by all participants. After successful completion of this data verification procedure, it is entered into the blockchain and becomes available to customers.

 At the same time, the information stored in the blockchain is available to all legal clients participating in transactions and cannot be changed without its confirmation by other participants.

Thus, the implementation of the consensus principle widely known in the humanities in the field of information technology data storage has ensured the transparency of data and their protection from unlawful encroachments. A similar data storage system is widely used in other cryptocurrencies, but it can also be used in other areas, for example, in voting systems, logistics, medical care and other areas [12].

In addition, some authors in the definition of the concept of blockchain pay attention to the peculiarity of the network technology of its implementation, indicating that the system is a peer-to-peer (peer-to-peer) data storage network [16].

This is another important feature of the blockchain, which is important for ensuring the stability of the storage system and the ability to organize and implement better security measures to prevent data leakage and cyber attacks – common phenomena that require immediate solutions. Thanks to blockchain technology, valuable data can be safely and efficiently exchanged using complex mathematical and software algorithms for cryptographic data processing, and potential attackers face enormous difficulties in conducting cyber attacks and hacks. An important role in this regard is played by the territorial dispersion of the system, which does not allow localizing the direction of a cyber attack, since neither the territorial localization of the technical means of storing processed information nor their addresses are known.

Based on the listed features of the blockchain organization's network architecture, it can also be defined as a replicated (distributed database) – a technology for encrypting and storing data dispersed over a variety of computers connected to a common network. The records in the blockchain are presented in the form of a chain of sequentially arranged blocks connected by special keys.

Blockchain technology has a number of characteristics that can be useful for almost any application. The advantages of blockchain technology include the following properties.

Decentralization – network participants are equivalent to each other and can transfer data directly to each other. Transactions within the network are recorded and processed in it autonomously, without the involvement of external computing resources and third-party services. Distributed registry technology assumes that the current state of the blockchain at a specific time on a specific user's machine is determined at boot, synchronized and provided by hundreds of thousands of computers around the world – nodes or "nodes" (from the English node). When a new block appears on the network, all nodes update their blockchain [3, 20]. Nodes store the full up-to-date version of the blockchain, and other client computers access them if any data needs to be verified. At the same time, the main vulnerability factor of databases is missing – their local dislocation in the information space, which allows one targeted attack or their targeted combination to disrupt the information security system of the informatization object and simultaneously gain access to the entire array of stored data.

Data immutability – during data processing in replicated distributed databases, their completeness, correctness and consistency of the data entered, processed and stored by the system are maintained.

Only verified data gets into the blockchain. Verified, valid information is recorded in the next block, attached to the existing chain and remains in the blockchain forever, while any willing client can verify its authenticity. In this case, the transaction will be considered valid if it is confirmed by several independent sources – nodes, with the mandatory condition that their number must exceed 50% of the nodes present in the network [19].

The disadvantages of the blockchain technology in question are a direct consequence of its advantages: distribution, openness and anonymity. High data security is achieved using complex cryptographic algorithms, the implementation of which requires too much electricity and computing resources. The distribution does not allow you to perform transactions quickly. For example, the MasterCard and Visa banking payment systems process about 45 thousand transactions per second, and in the blockchain network this number is thousands of times less. At the same time, the weight of the database stored on users' computers is growing daily [3].

Currently, we are not talking about such transaction volumes. For this reason, to date, this drawback can be considered insignificant for the direction of blockchain use considered in the work.

The complexity of scalability of the data storage chain. If the Bitcoin blockchain accounted for a share of Visa transactions, then its size would reach hundreds of terabytes. Currently, this problem does not have an obvious solution provided by the existing capabilities of information technology and telecommunications.

As part of the applied use of blockchain technology in law enforcement, there is currently no talk of such transaction volumes. For this reason, to date, this disadvantage can be considered insignificant.

 Another significant drawback of the blockchain is that it is very difficult to change them after adding data. Although stability is considered an advantage of the blockchain, it is not always a good thing. In addition to the use of the technology in question in the activities of law enforcement agencies, situations may arise that objectively require adjustments to individual blocks of the chain. Changing the data or code of the blockchain usually requires a lot of effort and often a hard fork - creating a new chain and stopping work in the old one.

Consideration of the analyzed technology from the point of view of efficiency and information security allows us to note the following.

The full equality of users who administer the work of network nodes determines the potential probability of a "51% attack", the essence of which is to recognize the opinion of the majority as the absolute truth. For example, if a group of users concentrates 51% of computing power in their hands, they may not confirm everything, but only profitable transactions. Currently, successfully implemented attacks of this type are known, practically implemented by cybercriminals in relation to the Ethereum cryptocurrency [3].

When using blockchain technology in law enforcement, this threat is not feasible due to the presence of organizational and structural features of the law enforcement system, adequate staffing and ensuring the necessary level of educational training for employees operating information systems according to the profile of their official activities.

The international experience of using blockchain in various applications is generally positive. There are successfully implemented blockchain-based projects that are related to medicine, energy, logistics and other industries. For example, a project was created to control the quality of medical services using blockchain technology. Blockchain is also widely used in the field of finance and international payments [8].

Ulysse Nardin has implemented a system of certificates for its products based on meringue blockchain technology for new Ulysse Nardin watches purchased from a network of authorized dealers.

The future prospects for the use of blockchain are also quite transparent.

Blockchain technology has a huge potential for application in many areas of production and public administration, its application can be promising in various fields, including:

1. Finance – blockchain can significantly reduce the cost of transfers, transactions and data processing in the financial sector, improving security and freeing up resources for other innovations.

2. Information technology – blockchain technology can improve the quality and security of data storage and give more flexibility to data management systems.

3. Healthcare – blockchain technology can significantly improve the processing of medical and statistical data, accelerate the delivery of medical services, including more accurate diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

4. Online commerce – blockchain can improve the security and transparency of transactions in e-commerce, as well as increase consumer confidence in online commerce.

5. Public service – blockchain can be used to save budget funds and improve the security and efficiency of public services, including in terms of monitoring their activities.

In general, blockchain technology can contribute to more transparent, efficient and secure information processes in various fields of activity, and its prospects in the future look very promising.

However, blockchain technology has not yet become widespread in Russia. One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of regulatory regulation of the activities of entities in various fields of applied use of information and telecommunications technologies, in particular, blockchain and restrictions imposed by the state on the development of certain aspects of technology. However, reputable experts believe that a favorable market environment and the desire to save on commissions and costs can launch an acceleration of the adoption of blockchain technologies in business processes and government structures in Russia [15, 16].

The fields of application of the blockchain are very diverse – it is big data processing, cryptocurrencies, business, banking, investments, exchanges and other sectors of the economy [1, 17]. Analyzing the prospects for the use of blockchain technology in the police, it is necessary to take into account the positive developments and existing problematic issues of using the technology in question in other branches of human activity [14]

Below are some examples of the use of blockchain technology in the police:

1. Event registration: Police personnel can use blockchain technology to register events such as the arrest of a criminal, the identification and registration of traffic violations and other administrative offenses. This will preserve the exact time stamp and immutability of the data, which will help restore the chain of significant events.

2. Storing records of citizens' appeals: police units can use blockchain technology to store records of reports of crimes and administrative offenses. This helps to keep this data free from manipulation, as well as to ensure their security and confidentiality.

3. Identification of persons: The police can use blockchain technology to identify criminals or other persons in various cases of official activity.

4. Contract Management: rear police units will be able to use blockchain technology to manage contracts, which allows them to reduce costs and improve interaction with external suppliers and contractors when organizing the supply of internal affairs agencies with consumables, conducting competitive bidding for construction and repair work at departmental facilities.

5. Confirmation of authenticity of documents: police officers can use blockchain technology to confirm the authenticity of documents on which an investigation can be based, or which are attached to the materials of criminal cases as evidence. This allows you to verify their authenticity and accuracy.

In addition, in the future, it is necessary to carry out work on training police officers and, if possible, the development and creation of international standards for the use of blockchain technology in the field of law enforcement [2].

The need to train police officers and employees in new technologies is undeniable. The modern world is changing and improving rapidly, and criminal offenses are becoming more sophisticated and committed. To cope with these challenges, law enforcement officers must constantly update their knowledge and use new technologies.

Information technology can be used in various aspects of police work: from processing information about the commission of a crime to the prosecution of criminals. Training in new technologies will make it much more efficient and faster to find criminals, conduct investigations and ensure the safety of society.

For example, the use of video surveillance and facial recognition systems will allow you to quickly find suspects in the case of terrorist acts or other crimes. Also, the use of special programs for data analysis will help to identify connections and identify certain patterns in cases of organized crime [1].



Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn. Blockchain technology is suitable for use in the activities of law enforcement agencies in terms of its functionality and information technology features. Confirmation of this conclusion can be the positive results of the use of blockchain technology in solving information problems and implementing information processes, considered above, similar in content to those implemented in the activities of internal affairs bodies.

Advantages of using blockchain technology in the police:

1. Data reliability and security – the blockchain stores data in encrypted form, and each block of the chain contains information about previous blocks, which makes the data irreplaceable and reliable.

2. Transparency and accessibility of information - the blockchain is a distributed database that can be accessed from anywhere on the network, which facilitates the exchange of information.

3. Accelerated data processing - the blockchain uses a decentralized data processing system, which allows you to speed up the information processing process

4. The blockchain can be used for automatic processing and registration of citizens' appeals to the territorial police authority, minimizing possible errors and reducing the cost of processing appeals [6, 7].

At the same time, the studied blockchain technologies are not without a number of disadvantages, expressed to varying degrees, when solving applied tasks of different content, for example:

1. Making an entry is not a one-time action, unlike conventional databases, but can take up to 24 hours of time.

2. Ensuring the reliability of data storage in an unchanged state by database systems and distributed registries based on the use of blockchain technologies is a stochastic value, i.e. it has no fundamental differences from existing databases. Data modification by an attacker can be carried out using hacker attacks in order to change the content of records on more than 50% of the computers of the blockchain system, which will entail the recognition of reliable records with the content modified by the attacker. For departmental use in law enforcement agencies, the problem is not significant, since access to the system is limited to a specific circle of authorized persons.

3. The correction of distributed registry data required by legal users in order to eliminate the error that has occurred is a computationally cumbersome action, since it will require recalculation of the hash functions of all records made chronologically after the corrected record, without exception.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following limitations of the use of blockchain technology in the police:

1. The complexity of implementation – blockchain requires large one-time development and implementation costs, which may limit its use in small police units [13].

2. Insufficient maturity of technology – blockchain is a new technology that has not yet reached full maturity and may contain errors and vulnerabilities that are not obvious when solving other applied tasks.

3. The need for training – police officers will need to be trained in order to use blockchain technology, which may also require additional training costs [7].

To date, there is a BaaS principle of blockchain implementation. Its essence lies in the fact that a corporate client, and in our case a police officer, gets access to blockchain services that are provided in the form of cloud services. Thus, law enforcement agencies do not need to invest significant funds in the blockchain infrastructure, but they can easily integrate blockchain technologies into the information support of the process of their official activities.

BaaS can also reduce document processing time, as blockchain technologies allow you to automate processes related to the transfer and processing of documents. Each transaction is stored in the blockchain, which allows corporate clients to monitor processes in real time and significantly reduce the time for processing documents [4, 5].

Positive experience in the implementation of the telecommunications component of the Unified Information and Analytical Support System (ISOD) The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, implemented in a similar way, allows us to evaluate such a technical solution as promising.

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11. Zhmurko, D.Yu., & Ivanov I.P., & Kiryushin I.I. (2023). On the possibilities of using blockchain technology in the russian police. Bulletin of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Russia, 3(73), 83-87.
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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. The subject of the research of the peer-reviewed article "The use of blockchain technology in law enforcement" is the analysis of the expediency and effectiveness of the use of blockchain technology in law enforcement and the corresponding legislative consolidation of this. The author tries to prove that "blockchain systems can provide transparency, reliability and data integrity, which may be important for organizations working in the public sector, such as the police." Research methodology. The methodological apparatus of the research consists of modern methods of scientific cognition, both general and particular. The use of comparative law can be noted as a positive one. The relevance of research. The author points out the importance and significance of the introduction of blockchain technologies in law enforcement, in particular, in the work of the police. The article shows that despite the advantages of blockchain technology in policing, there are some problems that prevent widespread use. Thus, the author concludes that one of the main reasons preventing the introduction of blockchain technologies into law enforcement is the lack of "a legal framework in this area and restrictions imposed by the state on the development of certain aspects of technology." There is no doubt that new social relations require new legal regulation. For this reason, any scientific developments on this issue can be useful, since they can have not only theoretical, but practical significance. The scientific novelty of the research. The novelty of the topic of the article is obvious, since blockchain technology is only being introduced into various spheres of life: economics, public administration, medicine, education, etc. The author has chosen a completely new aspect of the study:the use of blockchain technology in law enforcement. Some of his conclusions and suggestions deserve attention, for example: "The advantages of using blockchain technology in the police: 1. Data reliability and security – the blockchain stores data in encrypted form, and each block of the chain contains information about previous blocks, which makes the data irreplaceable and reliable. 2. Transparency and accessibility of information - the blockchain is a distributed database that can be accessed from anywhere on the network, which facilitates the exchange of information. 3. Accelerated data processing - the blockchain uses a decentralized data processing system, which allows you to speed up the information processing process." However, unfortunately, not all the conclusions and suggestions of the author are justified. Style, structure, content. It cannot be said that the style of presentation of the material meets the requirements for scientific publications: most of the article consists of separate abstracts, there is no argumentation of conclusions and proposals. There is no analysis and scientific controversy in the article. It seems that this part of the article needs to be finalized, since the material is submitted for publication in a scientific journal. Further, the content of the article is broader than its title (for example, the author writes: "In particular, VTB, Vnesheconombank and Sberbank financial corporations, as well as VISA, Mastercard, Unionpay and SWIFT payment systems are planning to introduce this technology in the banking sector in Russia. Since July 2017, S7 Airlines and Alfa-Bank have launched a blockchain platform for automating trading operations with agents based on the Ethereum cryptocurrency", etc.). A huge amount of material (descriptive in nature) has nothing to do with the topic of the article. The author pays a lot of attention to the description (!) blockchain technology and its application in various industries, it is necessary to focus on the stated topic - the use of blockchain technology in law enforcement. The correctness of the structuring of the material is questionable. The introduction and conclusion of the article do not meet the requirements for writing them. Bibliography. Due to the fact that this topic has not been sufficiently developed in domestic jurisprudence, it is quite logical to turn to foreign sources. However, the author has used an insufficient number of doctrinal sources. I would also like to note that links to sources and Internet resources are incorrectly designed, it is necessary to adhere to the bibliographic GOST. Appeal to opponents. The article does not contain any scientific discussion on the stated issues. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article "The use of blockchain technology in law enforcement" needs to be finalized, in this form it cannot be recommended for publication. The topic of the article is relevant, it is characterized by scientific novelty, therefore this article (after its revision, taking into account the established requirements for scientific publications) may be of interest to a wide range of readers (scientists, practitioners, teachers and students of law schools and faculties).

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

A REVIEW of an article on the topic "The use of blockchain technology in law enforcement". The subject of the study. The article proposed for review is devoted to topical issues of legal regulation and technical equipment when using blockchain technology in law enforcement. The author examines the directions of using blockchain in law enforcement, as well as some problems that Russian law enforcement agencies may face. The specific subject of the study was, first of all, the opinions of various scientists and data on the practice of using blockchain technology. Research methodology. The purpose of the research is stated directly in the article. As indicated by the author, "The purpose of this work is to explore the possibilities and prospects of using modern information technologies for data storage and processing, in particular blockchain technology in law enforcement." The article also states the objectives of the study. Based on the set goals and objectives, the author has chosen the methodological basis of the study. In particular, the author uses a set of general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, and others. In particular, the methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to summarize and share the conclusions of various scientific approaches to the proposed topic, as well as draw specific conclusions from the materials of practice. It is necessary to positively assess the possibilities of an empirical research method related to the study of materials on the practice of using blockchain technology in law enforcement agencies. So, the author writes: "Below are some examples of the use of blockchain technology in the police: 1. Event registration: Police personnel can use blockchain technology to register events such as the arrest of a criminal, the identification and registration of traffic violations and other administrative offenses. This will preserve the exact time stamp and immutability of the data, which will help restore the chain of significant events. 2. Storing records of citizens' appeals: police units can use blockchain technology to store records of reports of crimes and administrative offenses. This helps to keep this data free from manipulation, as well as to ensure their security and confidentiality. 3. Identification of persons: the police can use blockchain technology to identify criminals or other persons in various cases of official activity." Thus, the methodology chosen by the author is fully adequate to the purpose of the study, allows you to study all aspects of the topic in its entirety. Relevance. The relevance of the stated issues is beyond doubt. There are both theoretical and practical aspects of the significance of the proposed topic. From the point of view of theory, the topic of using blockchain technology in law enforcement is complex and ambiguous. Technologies are developing and some of them have significant prospects for detecting, suppressing, and investigating crimes. Some of the available positive aspects related to blockchain technology (impossibility of change, openness, clear fixation, etc.) may well help in the work of law enforcement agencies and reduce the shortcomings that exist in this work. It is difficult to argue with the author that "Law enforcement is one of the most important functions of the modern state. In the Russian Federation, this area of government activity is being filled with new functionality, determined and dictated by the modern realities of the international political situation and the increased degree of foreign interference in various spheres of government activity. Taking into account the above circumstances, the use of modern information security technologies is an urgent task." Thus, scientific research in the proposed field should only be welcomed. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the proposed article is beyond doubt. Firstly, it is expressed in the author's specific conclusions. Among them, for example, is the following conclusion: "It is necessary to pay attention to the following restrictions on the use of blockchain technology in the police: 1. The complexity of implementation – blockchain requires large one-time development and implementation costs, which may limit its use in small police units. Insufficient maturity of technology – blockchain is a new technology that has not yet reached full maturity and may contain errors and vulnerabilities that are not obvious when solving other applied tasks. The need for training – police officers will need to be trained in order to use blockchain technology, which may also require additional training costs [7]." These and other theoretical conclusions can be used in further scientific research. Secondly, the author suggests ideas for generalizing examples of using blockchain technology. This can be used by specialists in this field, first of all, by those representatives of law enforcement agencies who develop the use of digital technologies in these bodies. Thus, the materials of the article may be of particular interest to the scientific community in terms of contributing to the development of science. Style, structure, content. The subject of the article corresponds to the specialization of the journal "Policing", as it is devoted to legal problems related to determining the directions of using blockchain technology in law enforcement. The content of the article fully corresponds to the title, since the author considered the stated problems and fully achieved the purpose of his research. The quality of the presentation of the study and its results should be recognized as fully positive. The subject, objectives, methodology and main results of the study follow directly from the text of the article. The design of the work generally meets the requirements for this kind of work. No significant violations of these requirements were found. Bibliography. The quality of the literature used should be highly appreciated. The author actively uses the literature presented by authors from Russia and abroad (Antonyan E.A., Aminov I.I., Zhmurko D.Yu., Ivanov I.P., Kiryushin I.I. Dong Shi, Abbas Khushnood, Li Meixi, Mishra Aditya, Sharma Ankit, Shrivastava Devesh, Jha Deepa, Goel Prachi and others). Many of the cited scientists are recognized scientists in the field of problems of the development of legal regulation of relations related to the use of blockchain technology. Thus, the works of the above authors correspond to the research topic, have a sign of sufficiency, and contribute to the disclosure of various aspects of the topic. Appeal to opponents. The author conducted a serious analysis of the current state of the problem under study. All quotes from scientists are accompanied by author's comments. That is, the author shows different points of view on the problem and tries to argue for a more correct one in his opinion. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The conclusions are fully logical, as they are obtained using a generally accepted methodology. The article may be of interest to the readership in terms of the systematic positions of the author in relation to the use of blockchain technology in law enforcement. Based on the above, summing up all the positive and negative sides of the article, "I recommend publishing"