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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Biofeedback Therapy in the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers

Zentsova Natal'ya Igorevna

Doctor of Psychology

Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology and Pedagogy, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University)

119421, Russia, Moscow, Novatorov str., 378









Abstract: The rationale for the use of BOS therapy for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers is presented. The subject of the study is the problem of prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers. The object of the study is the use of a BOS simulator for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers. The necessity of searching for innovative methods to increase stress tolerance and emotional burnout of senior managers is revealed. It was revealed that BOS therapy helps to self-regulate their behavior with the help of biological feedback. The author considers breathing training as the most accessible and manageable method of developing stress resistance. A training has been developed aimed at developing this skill with the help of special software. Special attention is paid to teaching a special method of mastering the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing. The results of the conducted complex of trainings showed the prospects of this direction for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers. A special contribution of the author to the study of this problem is to identify the effectiveness of using the technology of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing with maximum respiratory arrhythmia of the heart by the method of biofeedback. The novelty of the research lies in the presentation and testing of an innovative method using a BOS simulator, which allows analyzing the state of organs and body systems according to certain indicators. There is a need for further study of this direction, as it is promising in preventive psychotherapy, which allows to prevent crisis states at the initial stage of emotional burnout of top managers.


stress, emotional burnout, crisis conditions, innovative methods, biofeedback therapy, stress resistance, self-regulation, diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing, cardiac respiratory arrhythmia, training complex

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Relevance. In 2022, global events took place in the world, which were accompanied by high uncertainty and the strongest emotional stress. All this affected both managers at all levels and their teams as a whole. According to Kontakt InterSearch Russia, which implements projects in the field of management consulting, search and selection of top managers for corporate positions, in 2022, 28% of Russian company executives turned to psychologists, of which 14% did it regularly. At the same time, 31% of top managers constantly experience stress [10].

A study of well-being practices among top managers conducted in February 2023 showed that of 572 Russian company executives, more than half noted an increase in psychological stress, 37% indicated recycling on weekdays and 12% work daily, including weekends. At the same time, only 18% rate their professional level as high, 74% of respondents maintain it at an average level [8].

Thus, the stress tolerance of top managers, the ability to overcome anxiety in difficult times, is crucial for the successful operation of the team. The head, independent of external circumstances, makes more effective decisions. At the same time, resistance to adverse circumstances does not imply the complete absence of non-resource states, but, on the contrary, the ability to recognize and change them with the help of various psychotherapeutic techniques.

Novelty. At the same time, there is a need to find innovative methods to increase stress tolerance and emotional burnout of top managers. One of these methods is biofeedback therapy (biofeedback). Its principle is to analyze the state of organs and body systems according to certain indicators, in real time and conscious management of them [2, pp.6-12].

BOS therapy is one of the most promising areas in preventive psychotherapy. At the initial stage of emotional burnout, the methods of BOS therapy are especially attractive, as they make it possible to prevent crisis states. During its implementation, approaches similar to cognitive therapy are used, contributing to the acquisition of skills to overcome stressful conditions. In this regard, BOS therapy will allow top managers to adapt their behavior, using biological feedback, towards a greater degree of self–regulation and homeostaticity.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the use of the BOS simulator for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers.

The methodological basis of the research was the work:

– Yu.A. Naumova, N.Y. Khalina [5], V.G. Konovalova [4] on emotional burnout as a professional deformation of managers;

– V.M. Barshai, T.A. Rybkina [2], S.V. Guryeva [3] on the use of biofeedback for the correction of a psychoemotional state;

– A.V. Aladysheva [1], I.P. Yastrebtseva, V.A. Krivonogova [7], D.P. Hatch [6] on the influence of self-regulation on human internal reserves.

The study of the problem of stress prevention and emotional burnout of top managers is based on general logical methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization. As well as the methods of practical psychological research – testing, observation, evaluation method.

During the biofeedback session, the patient sits down in a comfortable chair. Sensors are installed on the head or on the body with the help of a special gel, which register the trained physiological signals and transmit them to a computer. The computer displays these signals in the form of a moving graph or game image, individual sounds or music varying in volume. Thus, a person can directly observe how the body's performance indicators change and learn to consciously manage them [1, pp.86-87].

The patient is not a passive object of manipulation, but the main actor of the psychotherapeutic process. BOS therapy is painless and safe. The absolute contraindications to Bos therapy are:

1. The presence of serious signs of mental disorders, volitional sphere and intelligence;

2. Serious cardiac arrhythmias;

3. Diseases of internal organs in the decompensation stage

Relative contraindications:

1.Acute and acute chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases


2. Injuries of the central nervous system, spine and chest in acute


3. Pain syndrome of any origin;

4. Epilepsy and other conditions that provoke convulsive syndrome in

hyperventilation type of breathing;

5. The presence of a diaphragmatic hernia;

An individual program is prepared for each patient at the Nakhabino Harmony and Health Rehabilitation Center, which includes different types of trainings and their combinations.

The duration of the session is 30-50 minutes, the course is from 10 to 40 sessions. Today, more and more specialists around the world are choosing the biofeedback method as a safe alternative to drug treatment. This is a training of biofeedback abilities, the effect of which a person retains for many years [7, pp.6-20].

During BOS therapy, the body's work is visualized in a playful way. There are the following types of trainings:

1. DAS – BOS (breathing training), used to relieve stress, improve overall immunity, normalize vegetative state;

2. EEG – BOS (electroencephalographic), which, in turn, is divided into α – relaxation, β – rhythm concentration, or θ –rhythm of the rapid phase of sleep;

3. EMG – BOS (muscle relaxation), aimed at relaxing the clamped muscles. As a rule, this is the upper part of the trapezius muscle, which can cause muscle and headaches [2, pp.6-12].

In the work of Yu.A. Naumova and N.Y. Khalina, three stages of the development of emotional burnout in managers are noted. At the first stage, there is a tendency to constant relaxation during the working day, memory impairment, interruptions in the performance of motor functions. At the second stage, there is a decrease in interest in the results of work and communication. At the same time, apathy increases by the end of the working week, somatic manifestations are traced (lack of strength, migraine, lack of dreams during sleep), high excitability. The last stage of emotional burnout is characterized by a complete loss of interest in the work process and in life in general, emotional loyalty, and chronic lack of strength [5, pp.310-312].

V.G. Konovalova also notes the fact that emotional burnout of top managers refers to a specific professional deformity, which includes the following components: emotional and/or physical exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced work productivity [4, pp.6-10].

Thus, top managers may have any of the functions considered violated, therefore, BOS therapy is not only indicated, but also necessary. It helps to solve problems with relaxation, inability to relax or concentrate in a timely manner, etc.

To train relaxation and concentration, there are various oriental practices (yoga, qigong, etc.), trainings, and various types of art therapy. But in these cases, it is not always possible to assess the current state of your body.

BOS therapy makes it possible to make such an assessment. At the same time, it is associated with certain skills:

– first, it is the control of the bioelectric activity of the brain (α - relaxation, β – rhythm of concentration, or θ – rhythm of the rapid phase of sleep). If necessary, they are normalized with the help of special training;

– secondly, it is a skill of voluntary muscle relaxation. This skill is quite difficult to develop, since in most cases muscle stiffness becomes a habit.

– thirdly, this is the skill of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing, namely abdominal breathing. It should be noted that there are two types of breathing, it is stressful (chest type of breathing) and relaxed (belly breathing).

The main assessment of health is related to breathing, and if it is carried out with the stomach, then there is a short inhalation and a long, smooth exhalation. At the same time, the diaphragm works, the abdomen inflates and returns to its original position on exhalation.

As you know, breathing is directly related to the work of the heart. On inhalation, the pulse quickens, on exhalation it decreases. For us, the difference between the maximum heart rate on inspiration and the minimum on exhalation is important. It is called DAS (respiratory arrhythmia of the heart). According to this indicator, it is possible to accurately assess the level of human health, the level of his ability to relax or concentrate [6, pp.61-63].

Of all the skills discussed above, breathing training is the most manageable, accessible. Through breathing, you can easily turn on a person's internal reserves, using the capabilities of the BOS therapy method.

Let's consider a training aimed at developing these skills among senior managers using special software. Before starting work, it is necessary to introduce a person to the type of "effortless belly breathing". You need to put one hand on your stomach. When inhaling, the abdomen must be inflated, and when exhaling, the abdomen must be retracted. Inhalation is done through the nose, exhalation is carried out smoothly through the mouth.

BOS technology is designed to diagnose and correct human health by developing the skill of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing (DRD or "belly") with maximum respiratory arrhythmia of the heart using biofeedback in heart rate (HR).

This type of breathing is called "Smetankiu breathing". The skill of diaphragmatic relaxation type of breathing with maximum DAS allows a person to synchronize the work of the most important body systems, respiratory and cardiovascular, relying on multimedia visual and auditory signals understandable even to children.

One set of equipment includes a device "Hardware fitness complex", heart rate sensors with a fastening belt, a power supply, a connection cable to a computer [9].

The training is aimed at increasing DAS by biofeedback, by increasing the pulse rate on inhalation and decreasing it as much as possible on exhalation. Before conducting the lesson, it is necessary to familiarize the patient with the instructions:

1. Put on the pulse sensors, turn on the electronic unit and run the Training DAS software on the computer.

2. Create a group and enter your details (full name, date of birth).

3. Select and start an activity.

4. To carry out breathing according to the "belly without effort" type.

5. When inhaling, the column rises on the screen (the abdomen inflates), and when exhaling it falls (the abdomen retracts).

After the end of the lesson, a results window will open, where a pulsogram in the rhythm of breathing, a table with DAS indicators, and the respiratory rate in each minute of the lesson will be presented. There is also an assessment for the occupation, work and rest periods. The average respiratory rate for periods of work.

To get full information about the results of the lesson, click the "report" button.

When analyzing the results, it is necessary to pay attention to the evaluation of the work, it depends on the value of the DAS. The higher the score, the more DAS, which reflects the positive dynamics of learning. The average respiratory rate decreases during work periods, which is a good result.

The pulsogram during rest and work periods are similar to each other, this indicates positive changes, the trained skill is consolidated.

The use of breathing according to the "Smetankin Method" allows a person to easily learn "belly breathing", which increases DAS. This, in turn, contributes to a more coordinated work of the main body systems responsible for the general condition in physical and emotional terms.

DAS indicators are influenced by emotions, physical activity, stress, sleep, nutrition, etc. The higher this value, the better the main body systems function.

When evaluating the results of the formation of the breathing skill by the "Smetankin method", the following conditions must be taken into account:

1. Diaphragmatic breathing should be free, effortless.

2. The mark in the biofeedback training sessions should gradually increase and become equal to 4-5.

3. It is necessary to reach the maximum value of DAS in each respiratory cycle (Table 1).

4. A long, even exhalation is required.

5. Slowing of the respiratory rate (BH) depending on age (the upper limits of BH are 8.)

Table 1

The value of respiratory rate depending on age [3, pp.85-90]

DAS, ud/min.

Biological age, years















The results of the study: BOS therapy was used in the prevention of emotional burnout of an insurance company manager. The age is 50 years old. The gender is male.

The classes were aimed at teaching the skill of diaphragmatic relaxation type of breathing to synchronize the work of the most important body systems: respiratory and cardiovascular. The work used a computerized portable portable electroencephalograph recorder "Encephalan-EEGR-19/26", a modification of "Mini" with the installed software "Functional biofeedback with BOS "Reactor".

A total of 14 trainings were conducted. In the first lesson, the following indicators were obtained (Table.2): the score for the performance was 2 points, the average BH is 18.3 breaths / min.; the score during normal breathing is 1 point (DAS – 2 beats / min.); the score during the training with BOS is 2 points (DAS – 5 beats / min.)

Table 2

DAS and BH indicators in the first lesson











DAS ud./min.










BH dh./min










At the last lesson, the following results were obtained (Table.3): the score for the lesson is 5 points, the average BH was 14.6 breaths / min.; the score during normal breathing is 4 points (DAS is 13 beats / min.); the score during the training with BOS is 5 points (DAS is 19 beats / min.).

Table 3

DAS and BH indicators in the last lesson











DAS ud./min.










BH dh./min










After the entire set of classes using the "Smetankin Breathing" method, significant improvements in all indicators occurred: breathing slowed down, the score increased both during normal breathing and during the training with BOS.

Conclusion. Stress tolerance of managers is a very important indicator of the success of strategies and decisions taken. The current situation is characterized by an increase in simultaneously executed projects, an increase in obligations to partners, government agencies, and employees. Managers have an increasing level of problems, and the cost of error is becoming higher. Under these conditions, the use of BOS therapy allows you to prevent crisis states even at the initial stage of emotional burnout. During its implementation, managers get the opportunity to acquire skills to adapt their behavior through feedback, physiological communication, and self-regulation. The results of the training allow us to talk about the effectiveness of this method to increase the stress tolerance of top managers. Thus, BOS therapy is a promising direction for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout.

1. Aladyshev, A.V. (2005).Functional biofeedback with feedback-a promising information technology in medicine. Sovrem. Science-intensive technologies, 3, 86–87.
2. Barshay, V. M., Rybkina, T. A. (2017). The use of biological feedback to correct the psycho-emotional state. Tauride Scientific Observer, 10-2(27), 6-12.
3. Guryev, S.V. (2017). Using a computer simulator to preserve and strengthen the health of students. Physical culture in the system of agricultural vocational education: ideas, technologies, prospects: collection of materials of the VI scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university. Omsk State Agrarian University named after. P.A. Stolypin, 85-90.
4. Konovalova, V. G. (2016). Why professional deformations arise and what lead to them. Personnel and intellectual resources management in Russia, 6-10.
5. Naumova, Yu. A., Khalina, N. Yu. (2017). Problems of emotional burnout syndrome among managers, 3(64), 310-312.
6. Hatch, D.P. (1992) The influence of the autonomic nervous system on cardiac activity during self-regulation of heart rate using biofeedback. Biofeedback-2. Theory and practice. Novosibirsk: Ofset, 61-63.
7. Yastrebtseva I. P., & Krivonogo, V. A. (2018). Stabilometrictraining using biofeedback of various modalities: anal,ysis of results. Doctor. RU, 1(145), 16-20.
8. Dubrovina, E. A quarter of Russian top managers turned to psychologists in 2022. Vedomosti.2023. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from
9. Biofeedback therapy. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from
10. Kontakt InterSearch Russia. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The rationale for the relevance of the research in this text is not entirely convincing. The author begins the introduction by saying that "in 2022, global events took place in the world, which were accompanied by high uncertainty and the strongest emotional stress." There is no explanation of what these events were and therefore the mystery of the perception of this phrase immediately arises. Moreover, further there is a reference to an unspecified source and it is noted that in the same year 2022, "28% of the heads of Russian companies turned to psychologists, of which 14% did it regularly. At the same time, 31% of top managers are constantly stressed." The reasons for the appeals are not specified. Substantiation of the relevance of the study requires significant improvement. The justification of scientific novelty is also incorrect. The author writes without any justification that "there is a need to find innovative methods to increase stress tolerance and emotional burnout of top managers. One of these methods is biofeedback therapy (biofeedback). Its principle is to analyze the state of organs and body systems according to certain indicators, in real time and consciously manage them." And at the same time, a link to the source is given. Firstly, this statement is not substantiated on its merits, since it has not been proven that managers suffer from stress and therefore burn out emotionally. Secondly, a reference to a literary source is inappropriate in this case. A significant revision of the formulation and justification of scientific novelty is necessary. The subject of the study is not indicated in the text and therefore it is unclear what the author is researching. Accordingly, the purpose of the study was formulated incorrectly and designated as "justification for the use of the BOS simulator for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers." The purpose of the study should be consistent with its subject and the title of the article. The works of researchers indicated in the text to substantiate the methodology are relevant to this text. Therefore, it is quite possible to agree with the proposed justification of the research methodology. About the title of the article: it should not contain an abbreviation. The style of presentation of the text is superficial. The structure of the work does not quite correspond to the logic of the presentation of the text on the justification of anything, including the simulator as a means of prevention. The author simply shows the technique of using this simulator, listing contraindications, breathing methods, etc. And to justify it, it is important to show the results of a comparative analysis to assess reasonable performance criteria. That is, it is obvious that the research methodology was chosen incorrectly. Moreover, statistical methods have not been used. The justification without statistical processing is inconclusive. It can be seen from the content of the text that the author's research methodology has not been thought out. I quote verbatim what is indicated in this regard: "The study of the problem of stress prevention and emotional burnout of top managers is based on general logical methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization. As well as the methods of practical psychological research – testing, observation, evaluation method." These are common phrases and besides, the meaning is distorted. Accordingly, it is difficult to recognize everything that is set out below in the text and indicated by the results of the study. And the very title "Research results" is located just like that, out of place. This is because the author already provides tabular material above it and writes on the procedure for using the simulator. It should be noted that all the tabular material is designed incorrectly. The text pays much attention to the theory of emotional burnout, although the purpose of the study is quite different. There is a kind of attraction of one to the other. In addition, some statements, even with reference to a literary source, raise doubts in the reviewer. For example, that "... emotional burnout of top managers refers to a specific professional deformity, which includes the following components: emotional and/or physical exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced work productivity. Does the author imagine what physical exhaustion is? Or depersonalization? The reviewer understands the essence of both very well. Therefore, there are doubts about the appropriateness of using these terms in relation to the work of managers. There are no conclusions on the text. But there is a conclusion. Some phrases of the conclusion indicate its superficiality and isolation from the text itself. For example, "Stress tolerance of managers is a very important indicator of the success of the strategies adopted ...", "Managers have an increasing level of problems ..." or "In these conditions, the use of BOS therapy allows to prevent crisis states even at the initial stage of emotional burnout" (literally). In the bibliographic list, source No. 10 must be rechecked. This text was prepared hastily, hastily. It shows. But it is quite possible to refine it. Therefore, it is advisable to recommend it for publication as a scientific article after revision, taking into account the above comments.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The work "BOS therapy in the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers" is presented for review. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at substantiating the use of the BOS simulator for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers. In general, the author has achieved his goal and planned tasks. The research methodology is determined by the highlighted relevance. The research is based on the main provisions and principles in the works of: A.V. Aladyshev, V.M. Barshai, S.V. Guriev, V.G. Konovalova, V.A. Krivonogova, Yu.A. Naumova, T.A. Rybkina, N.Y. Khalina, D.P. Hetch, I.P. Yastrebtseva, etc. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that it is necessary to identify effective methods of preventing stress and emotional burnout of top managers. The scientific novelty of the research. The conducted research allowed us to obtain the following results: - the study and approbation of BOS_therapy (biofeedback therapy) is presented as an innovative method of increasing stress tolerance and emotional burnout of top managers. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly traced, the author highlights the main semantic parts. The introduction of the article indicates the relevance of the problem raised. The author highlights the novelty and purpose of the study, as well as the methodological basis of the study. The second section is devoted to the description of the BOS therapy session. Special attention was paid to the active role of the patient himself, who plays a decisive role in the psychotherapeutic process. At the same time, absolute and relative contraindications to BOS therapy have been identified. The paper describes the experience of compiling an individual program of different types of trainings and their combinations at the Nakhabino Harmony and Health Rehabilitation Center. The next section is devoted to the description of such types of trainings as breathing training, electroencephalographic, and muscle relaxation training. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the three stages of the development of emotional burnout in managers. The section "Research results" provides a description of the obtained data of BOS therapy in the prevention of emotional burnout of an insurance company manager. The author considers the dynamics of DAS and BH indicators in the first and last classes. The results obtained made it possible to identify significant improvements in all indicators after using the complex of classes using the "Smetankin Breathing" method: breathing slowed down, the score increased, both during normal breathing and during training with BOS. The work ends with brief conclusions, which present an analysis of the main results of this study. It allowed the author to note that BOS therapy is a promising direction for the prevention of stress and emotional burnout. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 10 domestic sources, there are no publications for the last three years. The list contains mainly research articles and abstracts. In addition, the bibliography contains links to Internet sources. The sources are mostly incorrectly designed. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: - to expand the empirical base for studying BOS therapy in the prevention of stress and emotional burnout of top managers; - to issue a bibliographic list in accordance with the requirements. Conclusions. The problems of the article are of undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of stress prevention and emotional burnout of top managers. The article can be recommended for publication taking into account the highlighted recommendations.