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Pedagogy and education

Socio-pedagogical design in the training of students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of the future

Glebova Lyubov' Nikolaevna

Doctor of Pedagogy

Russian Federation Senator, Federation Council Of The Federal Assembly Of The Russian Federation

103426, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka str., 26

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Abstract: The author considers the problem of using socio-pedagogical design as a condition for training students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of the future, reveals the features of such socio-pedagogical design, its structure, presents a model for implementing a system of training students of pedagogical universities of socio-pedagogical design as a guarantor of readiness for future professional activity and conditions for maintaining a harmonious educational environment as a means of formation of personality. The need to develop a model for the use of socio-pedagogical design in the training of students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of the future is caused by a number of reasons: the uneven development of the environment with the priority requirement of the organization of effective education and personal development. Instability, inconsistency of environments leads to a negative impact on the personality both in psychological terms (discomfort, contradictory, ambivalent experiences) and in the pedagogical aspect (lack of a stable idea of values, problems with choosing and building a priority of values, difficulties in forming a stable worldview). A coherent educational environment, or, in other words, a balanced, harmonized one, is able to maximize the capabilities to solve the problems of the educational process, maintain concentration, adequate interactions of all environments with each other. This is possible with the extraction of its potential by specialists who possess advising competencies.


Designing, socio-pedagogical design, preparation of students, coherent environment, pedagogical education, psychological and pedagogical education, students, future, coherent educational environment, personality

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The imbalance of development in the broad understanding of the environment, the surrounding world, both in economic, political issues, and in the value sphere has reached such proportions today that can lead to serious contradictory consequences in the formation of younger generations. Therefore, it is not surprising to focus the attention of the public, and, above all, the psychological and pedagogical scientific community on the problems of education at the junction with sociological problems. At the same time, socio-pedagogical design is regarded as a factor in stabilizing the development of the environment, providing sustainable opportunities for the formation of the younger generation, consolidating the efforts of all subjects involved in the organization of the educational process in one way or another.

That is why socio-pedagogical design as a phenomenon and professional skill is increasingly coming to the fore, acting both as a way of transforming the surrounding reality (pedagogical, educational), and as a way of mastering and testing value orientations. This situation is caused by a number of factors. Firstly, in Russia, the shift of emphasis on education has recently been pronounced. One of the first steps towards this was the emergence of a Strategy for the development of education until 2025, with a priority in the education of civic-patriotic and family values, then the introduction of a professional standard of a teacher, an adviser on education with a pronounced labor function of education, the development and testing of the Core of pedagogical education aimed at improving psychological and pedagogical work in an educational organization, and Finally, the updating of Federal State Educational Standards at all levels with the introduction of an educational component. Secondly, educational activities, as well as educational policies over the past decades, have been built in the form of project activities (National Education Project, etc.), financing of many advanced pedagogical ideas is also carried out in the form of projects and various initiatives for competitions. At the same time, as a rule, these are not just projects, but strategic algorithms based on a clearly defined scientific basis, foresight (for example, Priority Childhood 2023)

The relevance of the topic, therefore, is due to the need to prepare psychological and pedagogical personnel for the successful implementation of socio-pedagogical project activities, having not just a general idea of it, but to be motivated and ready to actively participate in it, to create and implement projects.

Socio-pedagogical design is designed to stabilize the influence of the environment on the formation of pupils, which can be achieved by developing the skills of students studying in the areas of training "Pedagogical education" and "Psychological and pedagogical education" in the examination and creation of programs of cultural and leisure activities, educational programs at school, establishing the degree of their effectiveness.

The study of the problem

I.A. Kolesnikova, M.P. Gorchakova-Sibirskaya, M.V. Samoilova, L.F. Belikova, T.V. Luchkina were among the first to address the problem of pedagogical design as a phenomenon and type of activity of its place in the structure of the educational process. It was considered in the context of vocational education, S.M. Mashevskaya considered socio-pedagogical design as a type of pedagogical design. in the context of the training of social educators, A.V. Kibalnik, I.V. Fedosova identified the concept of socio-pedagogical design and gave its analysis in the framework of teacher training, a culturological approach to the understanding of socio-pedagogical design is reflected in A.V. Karnaukhova. However, a detailed study of socio-pedagogical design in the training of students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of the future was not presented. In this regard, consideration of this issue seems necessary in modern conditions.

The scientific novelty of the research is determined by integrative, synthetic, polysubject, competence-based approaches to preparing students for socio-pedagogical design as a way to stabilize the development of the environment and its potential for the development of children and youth. The study presents an attempt to identify the specifics of the concept of social design as a factor in the development of the educational environment, systematization and generalization of the concept of socio-pedagogical design, identifying the features of preparation for psychological and pedagogical activity in the conditions of mastering the programs "Pedagogical Education" and "Psychological and pedagogical education", presents the structure and characteristics of the preparation of students for socio-pedagogical design.

A system of activities has been developed to prepare students for socio-pedagogical design as a process of creating a harmonious environment, maximally focused on achieving educational results.

Purpose and objectives of the study

The problem of using socio-pedagogical design in the process of preparing students of pedagogical universities for professional activity within the framework of designing a coherent environment requires thorough consideration, and therefore, the purpose of this study can be defined as the justification of social-pedagogical design as a condition for stabilizing the educational environment of the future and a means of forming students studying in the areas of training "Pedagogical education" and "Psychological and pedagogical education" of the competencies necessary for professional activity.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to determine the range of tasks that will allow achieving greater objectivity and reliability in solving the designated problem:

determination of methodological guidelines and specifics of the concept of socio-pedagogical design as a means of forming readiness for professional activity among students of pedagogical universities;

establishment of the structure and stages of the introduction of socio-pedagogical design into the system of training students of pedagogical universities in the conditions of building a coherent educational environment of the future;

to identify the problems of the development of professional competencies through socio-pedagogical design;

to develop ways of developing competencies of environment design that are significant for professional activity based on the use of socio-pedagogical design.

Methods and methods of research.

The methodological foundations in the consideration of this problem, which will allow achieving the greatest objectivity in the understanding and evaluation of socio-pedagogical design as a means of preparing students of pedagogical universities to build the educational environment of the future were:

a system-structural approach to the consideration of socio-pedagogical design and the process of training psychological and pedagogical personnel;

understanding it by I.A. Kolesnikova and M.P. Gorchakov-Sibirskaya as a kind of pedagogical design, the result of creative activity, a process understood as a list of goal-setting, forecasting, designing operations carried out by a group or individual, "aimed at changing the social environment and solving socially significant problems of children and adults in everyday life by pedagogical means" in the context of the information paradigm and an innovative approach to education;

socio-psychological interpretation of the educational environment V.V. Rubtsova, V.A. Yasvin and others. As a defining concept;

cultural and creative characteristics of the educational environment as an object of design and a source of opportunities for personality formation;

the substantive and procedural characteristics of the training of psychological and pedagogical personnel in a coherent environment are based on a number of general pedagogical approaches: competence-based and polysubject approaches as guarantors of successful formation of readiness for professional activity, an integrative approach as a condition for the integrity of the content of training future professionals.

The choice of the following research methods was aimed at solving the set goals and tasks:

Theoretical - comparative analysis of the fundamental concepts, characterological analysis of the documentation of the educational organization accompanying the preparation of students, deductive in the construction of the content of the study; empirical - testing to collect information on the problem, conducting an experiment to verify the solution of the research problem, modeling the preparation of students using the technology of socio-pedagogical design; mathematical – to calculate quantitative data.

The theoretical significance of the work is that it develops the ideas of improving the training of psychological and pedagogical personnel in the format of socio-pedagogical design as a way to build and develop a coherent environment of the future, complements the knowledge of socio-pedagogical design as a technology for designing an environment maximally aimed at achieving a guaranteed result, as well as a way of establishing psychological and pedagogical personnel as subjects of the design of the educational environment. The considered and analyzed features of the use of socio-pedagogical design, which ensures the coherence of the educational environment, in the preparation of students are important for improving the system and content of psychological and pedagogical education.

The results of the research can be applied in the preparation of programs of professional education and self-education of future teachers, social educators, psychologists, etc. The developed model of use in the training of students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of future socio-pedagogical design as a way of forming significant professional competencies can become the basis for the design of psychological and pedagogical education of specialists of the future. This determines the practical significance of the work.

The main part

The study was conducted on the basis of the Arzamas branch of the UNN. It involves several stages over three years: stage 1 – study and analysis of literature on the problems of socio-pedagogical design and coherence of the environment, theoretical and methodological justification of the need to use socio-pedagogical design as a technology for the formation of competencies necessary in professional activity, analysis of curricula and programs in the areas of training during the training of psychological and pedagogical personnel "Pedagogical education" and "Psychological and pedagogical education", identification of problems, development of a model for training future specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology with the use of socio-pedagogical design as a condition for building a harmonious environment. Stage 2 of the study involved conducting a primary survey of methods for students' knowledge of project activities, participation in it, understanding and evaluating the importance of socio-pedagogical design for the implementation of professional activities in the field of pedagogy and psychology, for the development of the environment as a means of personality formation. Approbation of the developed model for the formation of competencies of socio-pedagogical design in the educational system in a pedagogical university under the conditions of building a coherent educational environment. At the 3rd stage of the study, it is planned to conduct repeated surveys, methods, and bring quantitative and qualitative indicators into the system. Conducting a comparative analysis of the results of the obtained quantitative and qualitative indicators obtained in the control and experimental groups. Justification of the results.

The basis of our proposed model for the formation of socio-pedagogical design as a competence necessary in professional activity in the conditions of constructing a coherent educational environment are the concepts of socio-pedagogical design, environment, coherent environment.

The need to develop a model for the use of socio-pedagogical design in the training of students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of the future is caused by a number of reasons: the uneven development of the environment with the priority requirement of the organization of effective education and personal development.

The educational environment is understood as a set of a number of interacting environments that are in a state of influence on each other, in their interrelations increasing the potential for effective education and personal development. This environment includes not only the environment of an educational organization, but also the relationship with cultural institutions, subjects of education departments (departments, ministries), the system of additional education (art, sports music schools), physical culture and recreation institutions, volunteers, etc. Accordingly, the coherent environment in the pedagogical interpretation is a number of micro–, meso-, macro-, mega-environments, as a fact of the socialization of the individual, affecting her personality, their balance, consistency. The greatest number of contradictions, as a rule, arises in the micro- and meso-environment inconsistency, different attitudes to the social structure in the country, generates a different opinion of the microenvironment (different requirements for the upbringing and development of personality, the choice of instruments of influence in the educational process, its construction, etc.); in the microenvironment (parents) about the legitimacy of social- educational policy. Recently, the imbalance in mega- and macro-environments has become more pronounced due to the fact that the views of the most developed countries lobbying for a particular worldview and values are not just different from each other, but are opposite, which leads to a variety of conflicts. As a result, this led to a decrease in the importance and authority of international documents and organizations designed to protect human rights and freedoms.

Instability, inconsistency of environments leads to a negative impact on the personality both in psychological terms (discomfort, contradictory, ambivalent experiences) and in the pedagogical aspect (lack of a stable idea of values, problems with choosing and building a priority of values, difficulties in forming a stable worldview

A coherent educational environment, or, in other words, a balanced, harmonized one, is able to maximize its capabilities to solve the problems of the educational process, maintain a focus on stabilization, adequate interactions of all environments with each other. This is possible with the extraction of its potential by specialists who possess advising competencies.

Therefore, the possession of the competencies of socio-pedagogical design can have a positive impact on the development of the educational environment as a factor of personality formation.

A system of approaches to understanding socio-pedagogical design in practical professional activity (heads of educational institutions, teachers, educators, employees, social pedagogics, etc.): personal (V.A. Yasvin), communicative-oriented (V.V. Rubtsov), psychodidactic (V.P. Lebedeva, V.A. Orlov, etc.), environmental (Yu.S. Manuilov) and others, allow us to talk about it as a procedure for transforming social processes, phenomena, conditions with the help of socio-pedagogical means. In this case, the subjects of socio-pedagogical design are most often entire teams developing their promising projects. It is a complex way of expressing the idea of improving the environment in the language of specific goals, objectives, measures and actions to achieve them, as well as a description of the necessary resources for the practical implementation of the plan and specific deadlines for the implementation of the described goal.

The result of socio-pedagogical design is "a set of interrelated actions and activities designed to achieve the set goals and objectives, with clearly defined results, deadlines, resources and specific organization."

We offer the following model of student training.

The analysis of curricula and the content of disciplines in the areas of training "Pedagogical education" and "Psychological and pedagogical education" allows us to contact that there are not enough materials on socio-pedagogical design and the potential for mastering the technologies of its implementation of training: 1) the absence of the discipline of socio-pedagogical design itself (and if it is acceptable for the direction of "Pedagogical Education", since the teacher primarily deals with educational projects, then for "Psychological and pedagogical education" can lead to negative consequences), disciplines on general design issues only partially affect the issue of socio-pedagogicalpedagogical design; 2) lack of components in the content of programs that reveal socio-pedagogical design; 3) lack of special courses on relevant topics; 4) lack of practical tasks in programs focused on socio-pedagogical design; 5) limited participation of students in socio-pedagogical projects; 6) insufficient number of scientific and methodological support of students in the field of socio-psychological design; 7) lack of involvement of specialists in the field of education who are able to share the experience of successful design. Our proposed model is aimed at eliminating the identified shortcomings.

The structure of the model is compiled with the preservation of curricula and programs and the introduction of internal changes. Its construction on the principles of interactivity, planning, systematicity and consistency, consistency of disciplines consists of the following components: a) the inclusion in the content of the disciplines of the professional block of topics of lectures and practical classes that reveal the specifics of socio-pedagogical design in various fields (in education, in the organization of the children's movement of children and youth, events of various levels within educational organizations, studying the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the City Department of Education, project passports on these sites, studying the work experience of other universities, etc.); b) solving design tasks during practical classes both in the course of individual and group work (creation of programs, examination of programs (identification on scientific andmethodological basis of possible shortcomings and risks); c) invitation of specialists in the field of psychological and pedagogical activity (teachers, administration of educational organizations of the city (schools, kindergartens, etc.), representatives of the department of education, representatives of the department of culture, etc.) to exchange experience in successful design; d) excursions to educational organizations, educational authorities to test their projects and exchange best practices in the field of socio-pedagogical design; e) participation in design competitions, including grant ones; f) organization of intra-university events focused on socio-pedagogical design ("School of a young researcher", "Faculty weeks", "Decades of Pedagogy and Psychology", "Science Week", etc.); g) students broadcast their experience during conferences of various levels.

The criteria for the successful implementation of the model are defined: the presence of ideas about socio-pedagogical design as a process of creating conditions in the environment to achieve a guaranteed result with maximum use of the potential of the environment, understanding the project as a result of joint or individual design efforts, the ability to distinguish socio-pedagogical design from other types of design, awareness of the importance of social design in preparation for the future professional activity in the conditions of designing a coherent environment of the future, the formation of skills in the examination of programs.

Research results

137 people took part in the study. The referents were students studying in the areas of training "Pedagogical education" and "Psychological and pedagogical education". The control group consisted of 67 people (2 groups of the direction of training "Pedagogical education" and 2 groups of "psychological and pedagogical education"), the experimental group consisted of 70 people (2 groups of the direction of training "Pedagogical education" and 2 groups of "psychological and pedagogical education"). In order to achieve maximum objectivity of the result, the composition of the groups was as close as possible: in the control and experimental groups of the Faculty of History and Philology and the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences.

At the 1st stage of the study, 12 questions were tested.




Table 1.

Testing questions


Test Questions

Points for answers


What is socio-pedagogical design?

a) creating a project

b) creation of environment conditions maximally conducive to the upbringing of the younger generation

c) creation of a product aimed at solving educational and educational tasks



The environment is…

a) the spontaneous factor of education

b) the surrounding world

c) the totality of natural conditions



A coherent environment is…



c)consistent across all educational environments



Does the environment influence the formation of personality?

a) yes, b)no



List the actual problems of upbringing in your opinion (at least 2)

1 point for each topic



Can a grant project be the result of socio-pedagogical design? a) yes, b)no



List the grant competitions known to you. (at least 1)

1 point for each



Correlate the description and type of the project (3 projects of three types).



Do socio-pedagogical projects affect personal development?

a) yes, b)no



List the projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Nizhny Novgorod region

1 point per project


The lack of unity of requirements from the environment affects the development of personality a) positively, b) negatively



Socio-pedagogical design is aimed at a)the creation of social conditions for the formation of personality, b) it is a psychological and pedagogical reality, c) circumstances that affect a person in a particular situation








14 points with the minimum number of answers required in the transfers


The low level of representations characterizes the number from 0-5 points, the average level – from 6 to 9 points, the high level – from 10 points and above.

And also the task was proposed to conduct an examination of the "Step towards" program (on interaction with substitute (foster) families), consisting in identifying the components of the program (explanatory note, relevance of the project, the purpose and objectives of the project, the target audience of the project, methodological foundations and principles of the organization and implementation of the project, psychological and pedagogical support of the project, methodological support of the project, methods and techniques of project implementation, the site and timing of the project, the mechanism for evaluating the implementation of the project, thematic planning of events, resource and material and technological support, project estimates) and a comprehensive analysis of each of them. The evaluation of the results was carried out according to the following scheme: level 1 – a formal description of the program without elements of significant analysis, the minimum number of components (from 5 and less) was determined, level 2 is characterized by the identification of at least 6 components of the program, the presence of elements of a reasonable analysis of them. Level 3 – at least 9 components of the program have been identified, and a fairly detailed analysis of them has been carried out.

The results of the first test in the control group: 52% of respondents showed a low result, average – 33%, high – 15%; the examination of the program as a product of socio-pedagogical design showed that 60% of students completed it at the first level, 28% at the second, 12% at the third level. In the experimental group, the test results were 54% low in the number of points, 27% - the average number of points scored and 19% the number of those who scored the highest number of points. The examination of the program as a project of socio-pedagogical design in this group has the following indicators: level 1 – 60%, level 2 – 26%, level 3 – 14%. This result is natural for both groups, since the presence of ideas about socio-pedagogical design at this stage is limited to everyday ideas, fragmentary information obtained in the process of familiarization with the surrounding life.

After the results of the implementation of the model of mastering the competencies of socio-pedagogical design by future professionals, repeated testing was carried out. The results of which showed dynamics in both groups. In the control, the test indicators were 39%, 37%, 24%, respectively, for the low, average and high number of points scored, in the experimental 26%, 31% and 43%. A repeated attempt to implement the examination of the program showed the following results: 48% of students reached the first level, 34% reached the second, and 18% of participants reached the third. The indicators in the experimental group were higher: the number of students who reached the first level decreased to 36%, in the second and third increased to 39% and 26%, respectively.

A comparative analysis of the test results was carried out on the basis of calculating the arithmetic mean. In the control group, he showed a decrease in the number of students who achieved low scores and an increase in the number of students who achieved average and higher scores of 1.15. The same dynamics was observed in the experimental group: a decrease in the number of students in the low indicator and an increase in the average and high, the average score was 1.3. Thus, the increase in the training of students in the development of socio-pedagogical design in the experimental group is 1.13 higher than in the control group.

A comparative analysis of the results of the examination of the program as a product of socio-pedagogical design in the control group showed a slight decrease in the first level and an increase in the second and third (a total of 2.8), the same growth was observed in the experimental group, one increase occurred in total at all levels 4 times. The total growth rate of the experimental group relative to the control group was 2.56. Thus, the implementation of the model of the introduction of socio-pedagogical design into the training of students of pedagogical universities has shown a positive result.

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The object of research in the manuscript submitted for review is socio-pedagogical design, the subject is its use in order to prepare students of pedagogical universities to work in a coherent environment of the future. The relevance of the research is due to the importance of harmonizing the environment as a space for the functioning and development of personality from the point of view of the harmonious development of the latter. The solution of local pedagogical tasks of a diagnostic nature determines the presence of elements of methodological novelty in the work. The work is theoretical and practical in nature, the main research methods are pedagogical analysis and experiment, which is justified from the point of view of the topic and the idea of the study. The theoretical part of the study was carried out at a sufficient level for this kind of work. A review of the authors who have studied this issue deserves attention, indicating their specific research contributions. The practical part is a description of the diagnostic stage of the experiment, which is also enough to work in the format of a journal article. On the positive side, we note the author's interpretation of the data and the division of the sample into experimental and control groups. However, the article would have benefited if the formative work had been described in more detail. The work is written in a language that fully complies with the norms of scientific style, with a certain methodological bias. The list of references meets the requirements and is reflected in the text. The article may be of interest mainly to practical teachers. A typo was found – the absence of a space between the words: ".... preparation of psychological and pedagogical ....". The comments on the article relate mainly to the methodological part in terms of formulations. The novelty should have been formulated "more modestly". In the formulation "... defines integrative, synthetic, polysubjective, competence-based approaches to preparing students for socio-pedagogical design as a way to stabilize the development of the environment and establish its potential for the development of children and youth ..." there are approaches as macropedagogical units. If several approaches are mentioned, they need to be disclosed in the theoretical part, explaining exactly how they determine the vectors of work. Exactly the same can be said about the formulation "A system of activities has been developed to prepare students for socio-pedagogical design ..." - in fact, the text describes in detail only diagnostic work as one component of the system. In general, the development of the system is a task that can hardly be solved in the format of a journal article. In the theoretical part, it would be necessary to disclose the concept of a "coherent environment" from an essential and meaningful position. It would be desirable to see analytical information comparing the "normal" environment and the coherent environment of the future with the identification of specific advantages of the latter. Without this information, the study looks somewhat generalized. In general, the work meets the basic threshold requirements for publications of this kind, is a study that solves a local diagnostic problem and can be published in a peer-reviewed publication in the psychological and pedagogical field.