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National Security

Russian tax policy under sanctions pressure: theoretical approaches and alternative directions for practical implementation

Mel'nikova Nadezhda Petrovna

PhD in Economics

Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Department of Taxes and Tax Administration, Financial University

15 Verkhnyaya Maslovka str., office 507, Moscow, 127083, Russia

Tikhonova Anna Vital'evna

ORCID: 0000-0001-8295-8113

PhD in Economics

Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of Taxes and Tax Administration, Financial University

127083, Russia, Moscow, Verkhnyaya Maslovka str., 15, room 507

Other publications by this author










Abstract: The article examines the theoretical and methodological issues of building the tax policy of the state in the face of overcoming the negative consequences of the sanctions pressure of the collective West and the United States. We presented the results of the analysis of external and internal factors influencing the implementation of the state tax policy. We have formed five groups of external factors that are most relevant for tax policy in the context of sanctions pressure in the present period of time (the significance of sanctions pressure; the objective need for a significant increase in budget revenues in the context of the military operation; the need for comprehensive support for organizations of the military-industrial complex; ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country; electoral campaign 2023-2024). Based on a generalization of Russian taxation practice in 2014-2021, we have identified the most effective tax tools to counteract the negative economic consequences of sanctions pressure on Russia. The result of the study was the substantiation of the feasibility of an alternative solution to the issue of switching to a progressive personal income tax as a tool to increase budget revenues and equalize income inequality between the rich and the poor. Two possible approaches to the implementation of the tax maneuver in the field of taxation of the population are argued. This is a revival in the Russian tax system of the previously levied (1992-2005) inheritance and gift tax, taking into account modern realities. We have shown the relevance of raising the VAT rate as a tool for transferring part of the tax burden from the population's income to their expenses (consumption).


taxes, budget revenues, sanctions pressure, tax incentives, maneuvers in taxation, inheritance tax, gift tax, tax maneuver, income and consumption, VAT increase

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Tax policy is an integral part of the higher-level state policy. This approach is fixed in many modern definitions of tax policy. For example, the Financial and Encyclopedic Dictionary defines tax policy as an integral part of financial policy [1]; Wikipedia as an integral part of socio—economic policy [2]. Subordination of tax policy to the tasks of state policy at a higher level, as well as the orientation of tax policy towards solving socio-economic problems of society, is an essential feature of tax policy itself. Currently, the socio-economic objectives of the development of Russian society in a concentrated form are reflected in 38 state programs in 7 areas and in 14 National projects. At the same time, tax policy has a certain degree of independence, since the implementation of the tasks of state programs requires attention to the needs of the development of the tax system itself and tax regulation as an integral part of tax policy. The dual content of the essence of tax policy is most fully reflected in its following definition:   "tax policy is a set of economic, financial and legal measures of the state to form the country's tax system in order to meet the financial needs of the state, individual social groups of society, as well as the development of the country's economy through the redistribution of financial resources"[3]

It should be noted that at each time interval, tax policy faces challenges caused by a combination of external and internal factors that force appropriate adjustments to tax legislation. Over the past five years, external factors have had the greatest impact on the modern tax system. Such factors include, for example, the involvement of a country in an armed conflict; the consequences of the introduction of "medical" isolation in a pandemic (COVID-19 pandemic); economic sanctions, both from individual countries and from various international unions and associations. The latter factor will be given special attention in the framework of this study. It is also important to take into account that in modern Russian conditions, the pre-election phase of the so-called business cycle, conditioned by political motives, is superimposed on the sanctions factor. This should be taken into account when developing tax instruments to support the economy. The point is that politicians can manipulate tax policy in order to maximize voter support during election campaigns [4]


The most significant external challenge that the Russian tax policy has faced in the last decade (2014-23) has been large-scale economic sanctions, both from individual countries and from various international unions and associations.

Until 2014, sanctions were applied against Russia, but these were sanctions imposed against individual citizens and organizations of the Russian Federation. These sanctions were of a one-time nature, and therefore did not exert serious pressure on the national economy. For example, on April 12, 2013, the US Treasury Department published a list of 18 representatives of law enforcement agencies and the judicial system of Russia who were barred from entering the United States, and their American assets were frozen. In 2020-2021, the Russian economy, like the entire world economy, was under pressure from the economic consequences caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, the Russian economy faced a global challenge of sanctions pressure unprecedented in recent history in its scale and depth. Figure 1.3 shows the rating of countries that have experienced sanctions pressure by the number of economic sanctions imposed on them (as of 31.07.2023).

Source: compiled by the author according to [5].

Figure 1.1 – Ranking of countries by the number of sanctions imposed in 2014-23, as of 07/31/2023

More than 13,000 different kinds of economic sanctions were imposed on Russia after 2022. This significantly exceeds the number of sanctions against Iran, which previously led in the issue of external sanctions pressure on the national economy. It should be noted that the negative consequences of sanctions pressure from the collective West are layered with such a factor as the need to overcome the ongoing negative consequences caused by "self-isolation" during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The structure of sanctions pressure on facilities in the period 2014-2023 is shown in Figure 1.2.

Source: compiled by the author according to [5].

Figure 1.2 – The structure of sanctions pressure on Russia by objects in the period 2014-23. (as of 31.07.2023)

As of July 31, 2023, economic sanctions were imposed on more than 10,000 individuals, 3,251 organizations, 102 aircraft and 142 water vessels.

The structure of sanctions pressure on the Russian economy from the perspective of the countries that imposed sanctions is also interesting (Figure 1.3).

Source: compiled by the author according to [5].

Figure 1.3– Country-by-country structure of sanctions pressure in 2014-23, (as of 05.04.2023)

The palm belongs to the United States, which has imposed more than 2,500 sanctions. Switzerland (2,109 sanctions) and Canada (1,946 sanctions) occupy the second place, the United Kingdom (1,624 sanctions) takes the third place.

As the analysis showed, the reasons, scope and depth of the impact of external factors on the tax policy in 2014, 2020 and 2022 were different. However, in all three cases, the common thing was that the tax policy measures were carried out within the framework of the strategy adopted by the state to prevent the growth of the tax burden and fundamental changes in the tax system itself. Starting from 2022, an important factor in the development of tax policy has become an objective increase in the need to increase the revenue side of the budget in the conditions of ITS implementation. Tax policy, of course, should answer the question of possible sources of tax revenue growth. Moreover, this issue should be resolved in the context of the implementation of the strategy, the implementation of all economic and social development programs adopted by the state, the inevitable growth of social expenditures of the budgets of the budgetary system in connection with the provision of large-scale assistance to the participants of ITS, mobilized citizens, and their family members.


The most frequently used tax instruments to mitigate the negative consequences of various kinds of external challenges in world and Russian practice are the following (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 - Tax instruments to mitigate the negative consequences of external challenges

No. p / p



Application example


Reducing the tax burden

By reducing the amount of tax rates for individual taxes, and by expanding the composition of tax benefits.

Reduced corporate income tax rates for radio electronics entities, reduced insurance premium rates for small and medium-sized businesses, catering, the application of a zero rate or VAT exemption in certain priority industries.


Simplification of tax administration and control

Reduction of administrative pressure on business as an alternative to direct reduction of the tax burden. 

Some success of this approach has been demonstrated in practice during the period of overcoming the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. A moratorium on conducting tax audits of individual business entities has been repeatedly established in connection with the beginning of ITS.


Transfer of tax liabilities or tax amnesty

The instruments are mainly redistributive in nature and do not lead to a reduction in the overall tax burden. The exception is tax amnesties, which in Russia are applied mainly to individuals and sole proprietors.

In most cases, tax deferral and various forms of tax credits were used in Russian practice, primarily for small and medium-sized businesses.


Conducting a tax maneuver in order to redistribute the tax burden, both for individual taxes and for categories of taxpayers

The advantageous difference of this instrument of tax stimulation of economic development is the presence of a fiscal effect, which does not lead to a general decrease in the total amount of tax revenues to the budget.

An example of a successful tax maneuver is the redistribution of the tax burden in the oil industry between oil exports and domestic trade and refining; a tax maneuver in the IT sphere.

Source: compiled by the authors themselves.

The study of practical Russian experience in the period 2014-21 on overcoming the negative consequences of external factors (the global financial crisis, economic sanctions, the COVID-19 pandemic) allowed us to identify the following instruments of tax policy.

 1. Providing tax support to those categories of taxpayers who have been most affected by Western sanctions. In this case, the most useful is the existing experience of tax regulation in the period 2014-2019 and the period 2020-2021. Here we are talking about tax support for small and medium-sized businesses, which primarily bear losses, and the volume of losses puts them on the verge of closure. The invaluable experience of tax regulation in the face of the negative economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic was the ranking of the affected industries and areas of activity, as well as the identification of the most effective tools for each group. The set of specific tax instruments used at that time is diverse. For example, exemption from VAT from 2020 for the provision of a number of services:

- catering services through public catering facilities, and outside of public catering facilities at the place chosen by the customer (field service);

- works (services) for the production of film products performed (rendered) by cinematography organizations, rights to use (including rental and screening) of film products that have received a national film certificate.

In the same year, a zero VAT rate was established for services for the provision of rental or use on another right of objects of the tourism industry put into operation (including after reconstruction) after January 1, 2022.

In 2020, the corporate income tax rate was set at 3% to the federal budget and 0% to the regional budget for Russian organizations operating in the field of information technology, starting from the tax period of receipt of a document on state accreditation of an organization operating in the field of information technology. Since 2022, they have also started paying income tax to the federal budget at a zero rate.

In order to support small and medium-sized businesses, a tax benefit of limited temporary effect was applied, which is known as tax holidays. In 2015, the subjects of the federation were given the right to establish a zero single tax rate based on the results of economic activity (within the framework of the application of a special tax regime of the USN) for newly registered sole proprietors. The 0% rate was applied from the date of state registration of the sole proprietor continuously for two tax periods.  These tax holidays were granted only to those sole proprietors who carried out entrepreneurial activities in the industrial, social and (or) scientific spheres, as well as in the field of household services to the population.  A similar tax benefit was also applied under the special tax regime of the PSN.

Of the rich arsenal of tax instruments to support victims of sanctions and COVID-19 for use in the present conditions, it should be considered ineffective to grant tax deferrals, since the most difficult period for the Russian economy (the second and third quarters of 2022) has already been passed, and the system of Western sanctions will remain for years to come.

2. Search for effective and fair tools to increase budget revenues in connection with the objective inevitable growth of the expenditure part of the budget. Under the present conditions, it is advisable to solve this problem by redistributing the tax burden between individual groups of taxpayers and individual spheres of activity through "tax maneuvers". Increasing the tax burden on the population through the transition to a progressive income tax is definitely unacceptable. This is due both to the fact that the consequences of economic sanctions have affected the real incomes of the population, and to the need to ensure public support for public policy during the election campaigns of 2023 and 2024. However, the instruments used in 2018 and 2021 to replenish the revenue side of the budget attract attention. In order to find additional federal budget revenues in the amount of 60 billion rubles, the VAT rate was increased from 18% to 20% from January 01, 2018. With a certain surge of media attention to this measure, the society calmly accepted this step in the field of tax policy. Indirect taxes hidden in the price make them psychologically easier for the population. This feature of indirect taxes is one of their advantages over direct taxes. The reserve for the growth of the revenue potential of the budget may be the expansion of the list of excisable goods at the expense of goods and services classified as "luxury", which corresponds to global tax practice. As part of overcoming the negative economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, an increased personal income tax rate was also introduced. The introduction of an increased personal income tax rate of 15% from 2021 for incomes exceeding an annual income of 5 million rubles was announced by the President as a measure of additional taxation of persons with high incomes. At the same time, this innovation has a low regulatory potential, since the equivalent amount of the additionally collected personal income tax is not distributed among other groups of the population in the form of social transfers, but is sent to the charity fund for the support of children with severe life-threatening and chronic diseases, including rare (orphan) diseases "Circle of Good". In this regard, for the purposes of developing the redistributive potential of taxation, one of the directions of shifting the tax burden to the rich strata of the population may be the revival in the Russian Federation of the property tax, which passes in the order of inheritance and (or) donation. These measures will be approved by the society as a whole and will bring a certain fiscal effect.

3. Tax support for organizations undergoing the process of re-profiling for the purposes of the military-industrial complex in the conditions of ITS implementation. To solve this problem, it is possible to apply such tax benefits as an investment tax credit, exemption from paying corporate property tax for two tax periods; deferred payment of corporate income tax or zero corporate income tax rate to the federal budget for a certain period; zero VAT rate for a two-year period. It is important to note that in the context of this direction of tax policy development, it is necessary to assess the joint effect of the use of tax incentives and other incentive mechanisms (concessional loans, budget subsidies). Due to the priority and the need to provide military-industrial complex enterprises with financial resources in the shortest possible time, a comprehensive assessment of all incentives is at the forefront.

4. The most difficult task of the state's economic policy in the face of unprecedented sanctions pressure from the collective West is the task of ensuring technological sovereignty. In accordance with this, the priority task of tax policy is the formation of a set of effective tax incentive tools for organizations that ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. It should be noted that the first and decisive step was the development of criteria that determine the importance of individual industries and types of industries on which technological sovereignty depends. The second step is the formation of a list of these industries. The list of such industries is defined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 603 dated April 15, 2023.  The third step is the justification of a set of specific tax instruments to stimulate the development of these industries. It is the third stage that is being implemented, a number of priority tax incentives are already being actively applied (presented above), but a significant amount of unresolved socio-economic tasks of the state determines the need for further development of tax support tools.

In the search for additional financial resources to support, including tax, the development of branches of technological sovereignty, it is also possible to conduct a tax maneuver. I would like to recall the historical experience in the Russian tax system in the early 90s of the twentieth century. Along with VAT, a special tax was levied to support the development of the most important sectors of the national economy. The tax base of this tax was similar to the VAT tax base, and the tax rate was 3%. This special tax was abolished as violating the principle of single taxation.  However, the design of such a tax can be developed in such a way as to reduce the tax burden on the branches of "technological sovereignty" at the expense of other branches of the national economy.  The payers of this kind of tax should be Russian and foreign organizations engaged in the most profitable and least affected types of economic activity that meet certain criteria. A specific list of such criteria is fixed by a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that at present the state applies an excise taxation mechanism similar in purpose, but at the same time not violating justice, within which the state uses excise taxes on steel to withdraw excess profits from the metallurgy industry.

5. Formation of public mood in the conditions of election campaigns in 2023-2024. In addition to the above-mentioned tax maneuver in terms of increased taxation of the wealthy segments of the population, it is necessary to seriously consider the effectiveness of the currently available standard, social tax deductions for personal income tax, as well as property deduction in connection with the acquisition of real estate. The authors of this article in their earlier publications proved that the existing tax deductions cannot be recognized as effective and fair, including due to the fact that with a formal equal right to their application, people with high incomes can actually use them [6-8]. We are talking, first of all, about deductions for training, treatment, purchase of residential real estate. Even if we accept this scientific position, then from a practical point of view, it is not possible to cancel these deductions or lower their size. This will be extremely negatively received by society.  However, it is possible to revise the mechanism of their provision, taking into account the level of welfare of taxpayers. It is worth noting that a number of positive directions in this direction have already been implemented, in particular, since 2024, the maximum amount of social deductions for children's education has been increased to 100,000 rubles, and the combined social deduction to 150,000 rubles. However, even the indicated amounts of deductions do not correspond to the cost – the costs for which these deductions are given.

The formation of public sentiment in the conditions of the 2024 election campaign will be facilitated by the further support of such a wide part of the electorate as individual entrepreneurs, self-employed and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in general. It is necessary to further search for additional effective measures of comprehensive, including tax support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses to solve a whole range of tasks: ensuring employment of the population and, on this basis, improving living standards; detenization of the economy; creating barriers to tax evasion due to the fragmentation of business.


One of the most acute problems of the practical implementation of tax policy in the context of large-scale sanctions pressure from the collective West of its own is the search for effective ways to increase the revenue side of the budget. In scientific research, scientists have repeatedly considered various options for the development of tax policy during sanctions, among which the following areas are the most popular:

- establishment of personal income tax progression [9];

- application of a differentiated approach to setting the corporate income tax rate depending on the profitability of companies and a single simplified tax for SMEs engaged in priority industries [10];

- expansion of investment tax benefits and tax holidays [11];

- reduction of the burden on insurance premiums for individual taxpayers [12].

This article discusses two alternative options for the growth of the revenue side of the budget by shifting the tax burden on the population without prejudice to fairness and deterioration of the financial situation of persons with low and medium incomes.

Inheritance and gift tax instead of progressive income tax. The transition to a progressive income tax is politically short-sighted before the end of the 2024 elections. The proposal to move from proportional to progressive taxation of individuals is in itself very controversial. In 2001, a "historic" choice was made in favor of proportional personal income tax. From the standpoint of the principles of taxation formulated by A. Wagner, this decision can be assessed as a sacrifice of justice for the sake of the principle of sufficiency of taxation. A. Wagner, in the development of the principles of taxation of A. Smith, not only expanded their composition from four to nine, but also ranked the principles by groups. Combining the principles of taxation into four groups indicated the choice of priorities. A. Wagner put the interests of the state in the first place, i.e. financial and political principles (sufficiency and elasticity of taxation). The ethical principles of taxation, which include fairness, were given the third place. If it is impossible to apply all the principles simultaneously, it is necessary to sacrifice those that occupy lower positions in the rating.

The return from the proportional method of taxation to the progressive method will always be negatively perceived by society due to the ambiguity of the understanding of justice [13-22]. The authors of the article previously argued the inexpediency of returning to the progressive income tax in the article [7]. With the existing income gap between the poor and the rich in Russia, a progressive income tax will in no way be able to significantly smooth out the existing inequality. A positive response from the society will cause a revival in the Russian tax system of inheritance and gift tax.  The tax on property transferred by inheritance and donation was present in the tax system of the Russian Federation from 1992 to 2005 inclusive. The abolition of the tax from January 1, 2006 was primarily due to political motives: to exempt from tax the wealthiest individuals who managed to accumulate large amounts of property in the conditions of the formation of a market economy [23].  Inheritance and gift tax is widely used in world practice. It is charged in more than 80 countries, for example, in the USA, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, etc. [24]. The fiscal value of this tax in all countries is very modest (in the OECD, the share of this tax varies from 0.01% in Austria to 1.6% of tax revenues in Belgium). Taking into account the average share of tax in OECD countries (0.4%), the volume of its receipts in Russia will amount to approximately 16.8 billion rubles. The main purpose of the inheritance and gift tax is its role as a tool for the redistribution of wealth.

In an earlier publication, the author argued the expediency of reviving the inheritance and gift tax in the status of a federal tax with 100% crediting of its revenues to local budgets.  Natural persons (except individual entrepreneurs) should become tax payers; the object of taxation is real estate, land plots, vehicles, securities and mutual funds, money in deposits, digital currencies or other digital asset of material values, as well as assets with high fiscal potential and a certain uniqueness (cultural values, art objects, etc.). art, antiques, precious stone products, collectible objects). The transfer of tax to local budgets when setting a complex progressive tax rate will allow to some extent to solve fiscal problems for local budgets. The non-taxable minimum and tax exemption of a number of categories will strengthen the fairness of this tax [25].

Shifting the tax burden from income taxation to consumption taxation. VAT as a kind of indirect taxation has a high fiscal potential. The volume of its revenues to the budget directly depends on the volume of sales. In terms of revenue from the sale of consumer goods, the increase in VAT receipts is a kind of indicator of the well-being of the population. In the field of industrial consumption, the volume of VAT payments to the budget largely depends on the budget financing of the branches of the national economy. Increasing the growth rates of defense industries and industries that ensure technological sovereignty, including through budget support, will logically be  contribute to increasing the fiscal effects of VAT. At the same time, we should not forget that it is for VAT that the most effective tax administration has been created in Russia to date. The indicated dependencies allow us to put forward a proposal on the possibility and expediency of increasing the VAT rate to solve the problem of increasing the revenue side of the budget.

When VAT was introduced in Russia in 1992, an unreasonably high tax rate (28%) was established. The miscalculation was eliminated after a year.  In 1993, the VAT rate was reduced to 20%.   In 2004, the second reduction of the tax rate was carried out to the level of 18%. In 2019, an unpopular decision was made to raise the VAT rate. It was again set at 20%. An increase in the VAT rate logically leads to inflation. According to Tikhonova A.V. and Zasko V.N., a sharp inflationary jump was recorded in 2019. For food products, almost 2 times. This effect took place in conditions when 33% of the population's expenditures on the purchase of food products fell on goods for which a reduced VAT rate was established. If there is a significant inflationary effect, it is possible to make a decision to increase the VAT rate only if the budget effect is significant and covers the costs of the inflationary effect. Calculations by Tikhonova A.V. and Zasko V.N. showed that in the period 2019- 2020, a significant budget effect was obtained under the influence of an increase in the nominal VAT rate [26].

The inflationary effect of an increase in the VAT rate leads to a decrease in real incomes of the population. However, this negative consequence of an increase in the VAT rate is psychologically perceived by the population more easily than a decrease in disposable income as a result of an increase in income taxation. In modern conditions, inflation has become an inevitable and constant companion. The population has developed certain adaptation mechanisms in the face of inflation. Independent regulation of the volume and structure of consumer demand for the population is easier than regulating the volume of disposable income with an increase in the income tax rate (the state of the labor market in terms of employment and wages is outside the sphere of influence of individual people).

In particular, with an increase in the base VAT rate by 1% to 21%, the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation will receive an additional approximately 593 billion rubles in revenue only, administered by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, this amount is equivalent to a third of the income from property taxes.

Thus, the proposed mechanisms for improving the tax policy of the Russian Federation, on the one hand, meet the interests and requirements of the budgets of the budgetary system of Russia and the national economy, will not cause a sharp public response in the current electoral cycle, and therefore can be implemented in practice.


The modern tax policy of the state is designed to effectively solve specific tasks of socio-economic development of society in relation to a specific period of time. The specifics of the tax policy depends on a combination of internal and external factors. In the current economic situation, external factors are of particular importance for the development of Russia's tax policy, among which economic sanctions are at the forefront. They define a set of tax incentive tools that are used to ensure economic growth. At the moment, the most frequently used tax instruments to mitigate the negative consequences of various external challenges in the world and Russian practice are: reducing the tax burden; simplifying tax administration and control; transferring tax obligations or tax amnesty, conducting a tax maneuver in order to redistribute the tax burden; searching for effective and fair tools to increase budget revenues.

The implementation of these areas has allowed us to achieve some positive effects, but the number of unresolved socio-economic problems in the conditions of sanctions restrictions, even in the near future, is so large that it justifies the need for further development of the Russian tax system. Taking into account all the factors mentioned above, the authors substantiate two taxation mechanisms that contribute to the implementation of a number of priority tasks of the state:

- introduction of inheritance and gift tax instead of the transition to a progressive income tax;

- increasing the VAT rate instead of switching to a progressive income tax.

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The subject of the study. Based on the title, we conclude that the article should be devoted to Russia's tax policy in the context of sanctions pressure. The content of the article goes beyond the boundaries of "sanctions pressure", as even evidenced by the author's subheadings about "modern Russian tax policy", "external challenges". In this regard, it is recommended to clarify the tail of the title to a broader one or to carry out an audit and correction of the content, leaving only those provisions that are related to "sanctions pressure". The research methodology is based on the analysis and synthesis of data on various facts and phenomena, including numerical ones. It is valuable that the author uses a graphical method of presenting data, because this allows him to attract additional readers. It is recommended to use data analysis and synthesis in the second half of the article when justifying author's proposals. The relevance of the study of issues related to the improvement of the tax policy of the Russian Federation in the context of a wide range of modern factors (including sanctions pressure) is beyond doubt, because it fully meets the national interests of our state. The scientific novelty is contained in the materials submitted for review. It is connected both with the formation of a list of factors of modern Russian tax policy, and with specific measures that could ensure its improvement taking into account these factors. However, the proposals would be more reasonable if they contained quantitative assessments, and not just declarative judgments. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation is scientific. The structure of the article is built by the author, which allows us to present the issues under consideration in depth. The content of the article, as already noted above, goes beyond the issue of sanctions pressure. It would also be interesting in the paragraph "Tools of tax policy to mitigate the negative effects of external challenges" to accompany your conclusions and judgments with specific numerical estimates: how much money can be raised through the use of each of the tools? Bibliography. The bibliographic list consists of 22 sources, 4 of which relate to two authors. How ethically acceptable is this? Sources 20 and 22 do not specify pages. If the source 20 is electronic, then it is necessary to provide a link not to the journal, but to a specific article. It is recommended to increase the number of publications studied in 2022-2023, especially if the context of sanctions pressure is left, because in fact, there are no titles in the list of publications on this aspect. Appeal to opponents. According to the text of the article, there are references to other works of the authors on certain aspects of the topic under consideration. This positively characterizes the article. At the same time, it would be interesting to supplement the scientific discussion with a discussion of different (!) opinions on these issues, and not only those that are in line with the position of the author of the reviewed article. Perhaps the opponents have interesting arguments? Conclusions, the interest of the readership. Taking into account all the above, we conclude that the article requires a little revision (primarily in terms of synchronizing the title and content), after which it can be published, since it will be of interest to a wide range of readership. .

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

Tax policy is a powerful state instrument for regulating the economy, despite the fact that the main function of taxes is fiscal. Therefore, the tax policy of states is integrated into the general economic policy, taking into account the necessary areas of impact and the set development goals. Recently, this has manifested itself most vividly and on a large scale in the context of the coronacrisis, when most countries of the world in one way or another introduced tools for tax incentives for business, social tax benefits to support the economy and citizens during the pandemic and during the recovery phase. Tax policy instruments are currently being implemented in Russia to adapt the economy to external shocks – sanctions restrictions. The presented article is devoted to the study of the problems and directions of development of Russia's tax policy in the context of sanctions pressure as a tool for adapting the economy to it. The title of the article corresponds to the content. The article highlights sections with subheadings, which meets the requirements of the journal "National Security / nota bene". The article highlights 5 sections: "Introduction", "The sanctions factor of modern Russian tax policy", "Tax policy tools to mitigate the negative effects of economic sanctions", "Possible directions for solving tax policy problems under sanctions", "Conclusions", which corresponds to the classical requirements for the structure of a scientific article. In the "Introduction", the author substantiates the importance and relevance of the chosen research area. However, the purpose and objectives of the study have not been determined. In the section "The sanctions factor of modern Russian tax policy", the author describes the sanctions applied against Russia since 2014 and significantly intensified after the start of the military operation in 2022, and also evaluates their structure by country and direction of impact, compares their number with other sub-sanctioned states. The section "Tax policy tools to mitigate the negative effects of economic sanctions" is devoted to describing the results of an analysis of the world experience in applying tax policy measures aimed at adapting the economy to sanctions restrictions and mitigating the negative effects of sanctions. The author also evaluates and analyzes the effect of tax policy measures in Russia applied in recent years as anti-crisis measures regarding the consequences of the financial crisis and the coronacrisis. In the section "Possible directions for solving tax policy problems in the context of sanctions", the author examines options for tax impact on mitigating the consequences of sanctions pressure on Russia. These include the introduction of inheritance and gift taxes instead of progressive income taxes, the transfer of the tax burden from income taxation to consumption taxation. At the end of the article, the author records the conclusions based on the results of the study. The author's proposals certainly deserve the attention of wide scientific circles, government officials, practitioners and the public, however, the author's thesis about the inexpediency of switching to progressive income taxation is controversial, which, in our opinion, should be noted in the article. In the article, on the contrary, only the controversial nature of the transition to a progressive scale is noted. The author notes that "The transition to a progressive income tax is politically short-sighted before the end of the 2024 elections." However, the introduction of an increased personal income tax rate for the super-rich when setting a tax-free minimum will be widely supported by the majority of low- and middle-income citizens who make up the majority of the electorate, since 60% of the least well-off citizens (I-III quintile groups) receive only about 30% of income. This is confirmed by the results of sociological research: income inequality is the most painful for modern Russian society and for households (84% and 69% of the surveyed citizens). At the same time, we emphasize the importance of the author's proposal to refund inheritance and gift taxes for the most affluent citizens. The methodological basis of the research is analysis, synthesis, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, logical and historical method, as well as other general scientific methods. Among the specific economic methods, structural and dynamic analysis are used. The author actively uses the possibilities of illustrating the research results in the article. The article presents 1 table and 3 figures. We believe that this helps to increase the level of readers' perception of the results of the author's research. The relevance of the article is beyond doubt. The sanctions pressure on Russia in the context of geo-economic turbulence and budget deficit requires the development of tax policy directions that contribute to the adaptation of the economy to sanctions, if necessary, to ensure budget balance. These tasks are on the agenda today at the highest state level. The article has practical significance, since the results obtained by the author can be used as part of improving Russia's tax policy in the context of the need to increase the adaptability of the economy to sanctions pressure. The article does not explicitly present the elements of scientific novelty. Despite the fact that the study itself, its results and interpretation undoubtedly have novelty in terms of developing adaptive tax policy tools to sanctions restrictions. The article opens up elements of a scientific discussion, especially regarding the inexpediency of switching to a progressive income tax. The presentation style is scientific and meets the requirements of the journal. The bibliography is presented by 26 sources: research by foreign and domestic scientists. Most of the sources are relevant – no older than 5 years. All sources are referenced in the text of the article. The volume and quality of the bibliography meet the requirements of the journal. The advantages of the article include, firstly, the relevance and significance of the chosen research area. Secondly, the practical value of the formulated proposals. Thirdly, the value of the very attempt to develop alternative tax policy instruments to adapt the Russian economy to sanctions restrictions. The disadvantages include the following. First, there is the need to concretize and substantiate the scientific novelty of the conducted research, supplement the section "Introduction" with the formulation of goals and objectives. Secondly, there is a need to clarify the controversial nature of the author's assumption on the inexpediency of switching to a progressive income tax. Conclusion. The article is devoted to the study of the problems and directions of development of Russia's tax policy in the context of sanctions pressure as a tool for adapting the economy to it. The article is able to arouse the interest of a wide readership of the magazine. It is recommended to accept for publication in the journal "National Security / nota bene", provided that the comments indicated in the text of this review are eliminated.