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National Security

Evaluation of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear power industry" in order to ensure the economic security of the country

Evloeva Alina Borisovna

Student, Department of Economic Security and Taxation, Southwest State University.

305040, Russia, Kursk region, Kursk, ul. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 94

Other publications by this author

Belousova Svetlana Nikolaevna

ORCID: 0000-0001-8493-7922

PhD in Economics

Associate Professor, Department of Economic Security and Taxation, Southwestern State University

305040, Russia, Kursk region, Kursk, ul. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 94










Abstract: The subject of the study is to study the effectiveness and efficiency of measures for the development of the nuclear energy industrial complex, taken during the implementation of the relevant state program. Data from nuclear energy, investments and innovative projects are analyzed, taking into account compliance with the strategic goals of economic security. These measures are designed to ensure the stability of the Russian economic system and minimize potential risks. An important component of the study is also the analysis of the compliance of these measures with the general state strategic goals of ensuring economic security. The study is based on an analysis of data on the current state of the Russian nuclear energy sector, investment and innovation projects implemented within the framework of the program under consideration, as well as an assessment of their impact on the economic situation of the country. The research methodology includes a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the nuclear energy industrial complex, as well as a study of investment and innovation projects implemented within the framework of the program. The assessment of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear energy-industrial complex" allows us to say that the analysis of program implementation indicators shows positive dynamics and achievement of the set goals. High performance indicators, such as a high degree of readiness of power units, an increase in electricity generation, an increase in the number of results of intellectual activity and the creation of new jobs, indicate the successful implementation of the program. The results of the study will be useful for developing further strategies and adjusting program measures aimed at increasing the stability of the economic system and minimizing risks, taking into account national strategic goals.


nuclear industry complex, state program, economic security, energy security, innovations, nuclear energy, scientific and technical potential, resource efficiency, scientific progress, Rosatom State Corporation

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The State program of the Russian Federation "Development of the Nuclear Energy Industry" is a strategic document that defines priority areas and measures for the development of nuclear energy in the Russian Federation. It was developed with the aim of ensuring the country's energy security, increasing its competitiveness and strengthening Russia's position in the international nuclear technology market.

The program also provides for assistance in the development of scientific and technical potential in the field of nuclear energy, training of a personnel reserve of specialists, cooperation with foreign partners and participation in international projects.

The implementation of the state program is carried out through a set of measures, including financial support, research, technical updating, legislative regulation and international cooperation. At the same time, special attention is paid to ensuring safety, environmental sustainability and social responsibility in the implementation of nuclear production.

Based on the data presented on the websites of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the State Corporation Rosatom, an assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry complex" in the Russian Federation was carried out, possible risks and ways to minimize them were identified. The article uses a set of methods of economic research.


Study and analysis of the energy industry of the Russian Federation


According to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on this program, the nuclear energy industry plays an important role in the development of other sectors of the economy, such as energy engineering, construction industry, shipbuilding, transport, rocket, space and radioelectronic industries, digital technologies and medicine. Currently, the nuclear energy industry employs about 255 thousand highly qualified workers, and more than 360 organizations are engaged in various aspects of nuclear energy.

The Russian Federation is a leader in the field of nuclear energy and has maintained this position for a long period of time. The Russian nuclear power industry has a strong potential to participate in international nuclear energy development projects based on competitive products and technologies that have been successfully reviewed and tested on the Russian market [1, p. 268].

One of the significant opportunities for the Russian nuclear power industry is cooperation with countries that are starting to use nuclear energy, as well as with those that replace aging nuclear power plants. The implementation of projects abroad in the field of nuclear energy will depend on the creation and implementation of comprehensive proposals based on competitive products that have successfully been reviewed and tested on the Russian market [2].

By 2030, the Russian Federation plans to improve the environmental situation in places where radioactive waste is stored and radiation hazardous facilities are located. This will be achieved through a set of measures, including the extraction and transfer of radioactive waste to burial, the elimination of nuclear and radiation-hazardous facilities, as well as the rehabilitation of radiation-contaminated areas.

The development of nuclear energy also contributes to reducing the negative impact on the environment and limiting the increase in electricity tariffs for ordinary consumers.

By 2030, it is planned to create a foundation for the construction of new power units of nuclear power plants of the "3+" generation and readiness for the construction of power units of a new technological platform with improved reactors. This will increase the share of nuclear energy in the country's energy balance, strengthen Russia's leadership in nuclear energy technologies and increase the volume of high-tech exports.

The implementation of these measures will increase the level of nuclear and radiation safety, reduce the rate of accumulation of spent nuclear fuel, ensure effective management of radioactive waste and improve the environmental situation.

The construction of nuclear power plants abroad has a significant effect on the development of national industry. The participation of Russian organizations in these projects contributes to increasing the competitiveness of domestic high-tech products [3, p. 168].

The analysis of the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in Russia is essential for assessing the achievement of goals and the efficiency of resource use:

- Achieving the goals of the program: the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in Russia successfully achieves its goals. The construction of new nuclear power plants, modernization and expansion of existing plants, as well as the development and implementation of new technologies in the field of nuclear energy are carried out in accordance with plans and schedules. This is confirmed by regular reports and achievements in the development of nuclear energy.

- Economic growth and employment: the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" contributes to economic growth and the creation of new jobs. The construction and operation of new nuclear power plants leads to an influx of investments, infrastructure development and employment growth in related industries. This makes it possible to strengthen the economic potential of the country and regions [4].

- Energy security: the implementation of the program "Development of the Nuclear Energy Industry" plays an important role in ensuring Russia's energy security. The development of nuclear energy makes it possible to diversify energy supply sources, reduce dependence on energy imports and increase the reliability of the country's energy system.

- Scientific and technological progress: the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" contributes to scientific and technological progress in the field of nuclear energy. The development and implementation of new technologies, increasing the efficiency of nuclear fuel use and ensuring the safety of nuclear facilities contribute to the development of the country's scientific and technical potential [5].

Table 1 shows the most important indicators of the program's implementation for the period from 2018 to 2022.


Table 1 - Performance indicators for the implementation of the program




The value of the indicator

Growth rates, %











electricity generation

on atomic

power plants

billion kWh










an intellectual.


(patents, applications)












power units

in the Russian Federation











jobs on the

power units

Nuclear power plants IN THE Russian Federation










Source: compiled by the author on the basis of data [6]


According to this table, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The value of electricity generation is growing from 204.27 billion. kWh in 2018 to 217.7 billion. kWh in 2021, which is an increase of 6.54%. However, in 2022 there is a slight decrease to 213.8 billion. kWh. The growth rate from 2018 to 2021 is 4.67%, and from 2021 to 2022 - 98.21%. There is a steady increase in the production of electricity from nuclear power plants;

2. The value of the number of intellectual activity results increases significantly from 1,339 in 2018 to 2,645 in 2022, which is an increase of 97.54%. The growth rate from 2018 to 2021 is 97.54%, and from 2021 to 2022 - 104.96%. Thus, the growth in the number of intellectual activity results, such as patents and applications, indicates the development of innovations in the field of nuclear energy;

3.                      The total capacity of operating power units in the Russian Federation - the value of this indicator fluctuates slightly during the period under review, amounting to 30108 MW in 2018 and 29473 MW in 2022. The growth rate shows a slight decrease in total capacity by -2.11% from 2018 to 2022. Thus, we can conclude about the relative stability of the total capacity of existing power units in Russia;

4.                      The number of jobs created increases significantly from 699 in 2018 to 1,284 in 2022, which is an increase of 83.69%. The growth rate from 2018 to 2021 is 83.69%, and from 2021 to 2022 - 115.26%. This indicates the importance of the program for the development of employment and economic growth in the industry.

5.                      In general, these indicators indicate the positive dynamics of the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in Russia, reflecting the steady growth of electricity generation, an increase in the results of intellectual activity, the stability of the total capacity of existing power units and the creation of new jobs at NPP power units.


Analysis and evaluation of the indicators of the implementation of the state program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in the Kursk region


Also, let's consider the regional performance indicators of the program implementation using the example of the Kursk region.

The State Corporation Rosatom is actively implementing an extensive program to create an NPP-2 at the Makarovka site in the Kursk region. Kursk NPP-2 is a replacement for the existing power units of the Kursk NPP. The total area of NPP-2 is 80 hectares. Within the framework of the plant, it is planned to build a new generation of VVER-TOI type power units with an increased level of safety and improved technical and economic characteristics. The technical customer of the project is Rosenergoatom Concern Joint Stock Company, and the general designer and general contractor is Atomstroyexport Joint Stock Company (Kursk NPP-2. The official website of Rosenergoatom. Access mode: URL. https://www.rosenergoatom.ru/stations_projects/sayt-kurskoyaes/kurskaya-aes-2/).

One of the main projects in the Kursk region over the past few years has been associated with the federal program "Development of the nuclear energy industry". This is the construction and commissioning of 4 power units of the new Kursk NPP-2 nuclear power plant.

The NPP-2 project includes 4 power units with VVER-TOI reactor installations (a typical optimized informatized water-water power reactor). It is the most advanced product in the field of high nuclear technologies. 

The total capacity of the two power units is 2,510 megawatts, and the thermal capacity of the reactor reaches 3,300 megawatts. After completion of construction and start of operation, each power unit of the Kursk NPP-2 will operate for 60 years [6, 7].

Table 2 shows the indicators characterizing the implementation and implementation of the state program "Development of the nuclear energy industry". These indicators are related to the operation of the Kursk Nuclear Power plant in Kurchatov, Kursk region, as well as to the ongoing implementation of the Kursk NPP-2 project, which is under construction.


Table 2 - Indicators of the implementation of the state program in the Kursk region





The value of the indicator

Growth rates, %











under construction

power units

Nuclear power plants in the Russian Federation









Degree of readiness

Power unit No. 1

Kursk NPP-2 c


installation of VVER-

TOI for commissioning










Degree of readiness

two-block Kursk

NPP-2 with reactor

installation of VVER-

TOI for commissioning










Source: compiled by the author on the basis of data x [8]

Based on the data in the table, it can be concluded that the degree of readiness of the Kursk NPP-2 power unit No. 1 with the VVER-TOI reactor unit for commissioning is increasing from 26.7% in 2020 to 49.1% in 2022. The growth rate from 2020 to 2022 is 151.54%. The increase in the degree of readiness of the Kursk NPP-2 power unit No. 1 indicates progress in the implementation of the program in the Kursk region. The degree of readiness of the two-unit Kursk NPP-2 with the VVER-TOI reactor plant for commissioning is also increasing from 20.4% in 2020 to 49.1% in 2022. The growth rate from 2020 to 2022 is 131.64%. The increase in the degree of readiness of the two-unit Kursk NPP-2 indicates progress in the implementation of the program in the Kursk region.

The implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in the Kursk region is of strategic importance for the development of this region and the Federal District as a whole. The Kursk Region is one of the most active subjects of the Russian Federation included in this program. The construction of the Kursk NPP-2 is being carried out here.

It is expected that three of the four planned power units of Kursk NPP-2 will be put into operation by the end of 2030. This represents a significant achievement and will become a powerful driver of economic growth in the region. The launch of a new nuclear power plant will lead to the creation of a large number of jobs and attract highly qualified specialists to the region.

In general, these indicators show positive dynamics in the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in the Kursk region. The increase in the degree of readiness of power units indicates progress in the construction and readiness for commissioning of new nuclear power plants in the region.

In addition to the implementation of the Kursk NPP-2 project, a number of other activities related to the federal program "Development of the nuclear power industry" are being carried out in the region. Thus, within the framework of the program, work is also underway to modernize and increase the readiness of existing power units of Kursk NPP-2. The purpose of these measures is to improve the efficiency of the station and ensure its safety.

 The program also provides for the development of not only the nuclear power industry, but also related infrastructure in the Kursk region. This includes the construction and modernization of energy facilities, the development of transport and social infrastructure, job creation and investment attraction.

Moreover, during the implementation, attention is paid to the issues of environmental safety and sustainability of the nuclear energy industry. All work and construction is carried out in accordance with high safety standards and environmental requirements.

 One of the most important things for the region is that the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in the Kursk region has a significant impact on the economy of the region. The construction of new power units and the modernization of existing ones contribute to the creation of jobs, attracting investment and the development of related industries.

The federal program "Development of the Nuclear Energy Industry" is very important for the Kursk region and is aimed, among other things, at strengthening the energy security of the region, developing infrastructure and creating conditions for sustainable economic growth in Kursk and the region.


The effectiveness of the implementation of the state program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" by Rosatom Corporation


The monitoring process includes the systematic collection and analysis of data related to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the program, as well as the assessment of the results achieved. Monitoring can be carried out both within the state program itself and by external independent organizations or specialized agencies [9, p.123].

The monitoring process evaluates various aspects of the program, including financial costs, implementation of planned activities, achievement of targets, compliance with deadlines and quality of implementation, as well as assessment of socio-economic results. Various tools and methods are used, including statistical data collection, questionnaires, interviews, analysis of documents and reports [10].

The monitoring results allow the government and stakeholders to obtain objective information about the current state of the program's implementation, identify problematic issues and causes of their occurrence, as well as develop recommendations and measures to improve the effectiveness of further work.

Table 3 shows the performance indicators of the state program for the development of the nuclear energy industry.


Table 3 - The effectiveness of the implementation of the state program for the development of the nuclear energy industry



The performer of the program

Control points




Rosatom State Corporation





Rosatom State Corporation





Rosatom State Corporation





Rosatom State Corporation





Rosatom State Corporation




Source: compiled by the author on the basis of data [11]


 The share of program implementation increases from 93.20% in 2017 to 98.10% in 2021. The program administration shown in the table reaches 100% in all years. This indicates a high level of organization and management of the program on the part of Rosatom Corporation. Although the implementation of the program shows positive dynamics, there is an opportunity for further improvement in performance. The differences between the level of implementation of the program and the control points indicate the need for additional measures to achieve the set goals.

In general, the indicators indicate a positive trend in the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in Russia, however, there are areas in which it is necessary to take measures to further improve performance and achieve the goals set.

Thus, consideration of performance indicators for the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear Energy industry" is necessary to assess the achievement of goals, control the implementation process, ensure transparency and accountability, optimize the use of resources and improve decision-making. This makes it possible to ensure the successful and efficient development of the nuclear energy industry and increase the economic security of the country. Consideration of this topic in the textbooks of the authors: Afanasyeva L.V., Belousova S.N., Tkacheva T.Yu., Tsiklauri V.Yu., Rykunova V.L. emphasizes its importance and relevance in modern practice, providing students and specialists with valuable knowledge and methods to achieve optimal results and ensure safety in this area [12-15].

The objectives of the Program and the activities implemented within their framework contribute to the implementation of the provisions of Decree No. 474, which is currently the most relevant document of strategic planning until 2030, covering most areas of socio-economic development of the country.

The Program's activities are aimed at solving priority state tasks in the field of science, ecology, development of energy and transport infrastructure, increasing the export potential of the nuclear industry and labor productivity in conditions of ensuring nuclear and radiation safety and have an impact primarily on achieving the following national development goals of the Russian Federation provided for by Decree No. 474.

According to the results of the analysis of the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in Russia, the program achieves its goals, which is confirmed by the growth of indicators such as electricity generation at nuclear power plants, the number of intellectual activity results and the creation of new jobs at NPP power units. This indicates the effectiveness and efficiency of the program both in the Russian Federation as a whole and in the Kursk region.

The development of the nuclear energy sector is of strategic importance for ensuring the economic security of the country, but at the same time there are certain challenges and dangers. The main risks and possible ways to mitigate them are presented below:

- Technological risks

1) Maintaining technological relevance: the field of nuclear energy requires constant innovation. The lack of introduction of new technologies can reduce competitiveness.

2) Technological failures and accidents: malfunctions in nuclear installations can lead to serious consequences.

- Environmental risks:

1) Possible accidents: Nuclear accidents can lead to environmental disasters and potentially affect human health and the environment.

2) Problems with nuclear waste management: Inadequate management of radioactive waste can cause serious environmental problems.

- Economic risks:

1) Financial stability: the development of nuclear energy requires significant financial investments, and the unsuccessful implementation of any program can lead to losses.

2) Fluctuations in energy prices: changes in world energy prices may affect the economic efficiency of nuclear energy.

Let's consider possible ways to minimize the risks presented. In order to minimize technological risks, it is also necessary to invest in research and development, as constant investments in scientific research will help maintain the technological relevance of the industry. It is also important to carry out regular equipment updates, because constant updating of technological equipment will help prevent technical failures.

To reduce environmental risks, strict safety standards are necessary, that is, constant compliance with strict safety standards in the design and operation of nuclear installations, as well as investments in waste treatment technologies, for the development and implementation of effective technologies for the treatment and disposal of nuclear waste.

In order to minimize economic risks, it is necessary to diversify the sources of financing, since a variety of sources of financing helps to reduce financial risks. It is necessary to adapt effectively to changes in world prices, develop a flexible price and contract management system to minimize the impact of fluctuations in the energy market.

Systematic risk assessment and the application of appropriate precautionary measures will help ensure the sustainable development of the nuclear energy complex, which will ultimately contribute to the economic security of the country.



The assessment of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear energy industry" suggests that the analysis of the program performance indicators shows positive dynamics and achievement of the goals set. High performance indicators show such indicators as the degree of readiness of power units, the growth of electricity generation, an increase in the number of intellectual activity results and the creation of new jobs, indicate the successful implementation of the program. In general, the assessment of the implementation of the state program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" shows positive results, indicating its success and importance for the economic security, development and sustainability of the country.

Rosatom Corporation is one of the key companies in the implementation of the state program "Development of the nuclear energy industry". The result of the corporation's work under this program is the creation and development of new nuclear power facilities, improving the safety and efficiency of nuclear power plants, as well as expanding international cooperation in the field of nuclear energy.

Among the main achievements of Rosatom within the framework of the program are the following:

1. Construction of new nuclear power units in Russia and abroad. Thus, new power units at the Kalinin, Rostov and Novovoronezh nuclear power plants were commissioned in Russia, and construction of new power units at the Kursk NPP began. In addition, Rosatom is actively involved in the construction of nuclear power plants abroad, having successfully implemented projects in Belarus, Iran, India and a number of other countries.

2. Development and implementation of new technologies and equipment for nuclear power plants. Rosatom is actively working to improve the safety and efficiency of nuclear power plants by developing and implementing new technologies and equipment that meet the highest international standards.

3. Participation in international projects for the development of nuclear energy. Rosatom cooperates with other countries and international organizations, such as the IAEA and the European Atomic Energy Union, in the development and implementation of joint projects in the field of atomic energy.

4. Professional development of employees. Rosatom pays great attention to the training and advanced training of its employees, which allows them to successfully implement complex projects and ensure a high level of safety of nuclear power plants.

5. Development of scientific and technical potential. Rosatom is also actively engaged in the development of scientific research and development in the field of nuclear energy, which contributes to the creation of new technologies and increases the competitiveness of the Russian nuclear industry in the global market.

Thus, Rosatom Corporation makes a significant contribution to the implementation of the state program "Development of the Nuclear Energy industry", ensuring the development of new nuclear facilities, improving the safety and efficiency of nuclear energy, as well as strengthening international cooperation in this area.

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. Based on the title, we conclude that the article should be devoted to evaluating the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in order to ensure the economic security of the country. The content of the article, in general, corresponds to the stated topic, but the issue is disclosed superficially, especially taking into account the inaccuracies of the data source/data used (this will be discussed in more detail below). The methodology of the research is based on the study of data characterizing the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear energy industry". At the same time, the reliability of the data used is questionable, since the links indicated under the tables do not contain data for 2019-2022, which the author indicates in the text regarding tables 1 and 2. It was also not possible to use the link indicated under table 3 to provide the information provided in it. Perhaps the author used other sources? When finalizing the article, it is necessary to carefully check the correctness of these sources. It is also recommended that the author add graphs/histograms that clearly demonstrate the dynamics of the development of the phenomena and processes under consideration over time. The relevance of the study of issues related to the development of Russian industry, especially the nuclear energy industry, is beyond doubt, because it meets the national interests of the Russian Federation. The scientific and expert communities, as well as representatives of state authorities of the Russian Federation, have a huge demand for high-quality scientific research on this topic. There is no scientific novelty in the material submitted for review, because in fact, the article contains data and information (in the specified sources for which they are missing) without any analysis, identification of patterns, trends and factors influencing these patterns and trends. When finalizing the article, attention should be paid to solving this problem. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation is scientific. The structure of the article is built by the author. In general, it allows you to reveal the topic, but this was not done by the author. In terms of content, it is recommended to indicate the purpose of the study in the introduction. As part of the main content part with the results of the study, it would be interesting to show and justify the specific factors that influenced the results. Also speaking about the assessment of implementation, it is logical to give the results of comparing the actual data with the planned ones: have the target values been achieved? If not, what was the reason for this? What prevents it? What does the author propose to solve the existing problems? The answers to these questions will help the author to form a scientific novelty that is missing in the current edition. It is also necessary to remove the abbreviation "RF" due to the fact that it is not acceptable for scientific papers. It is recommended to use one of the two options provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Bibliography. The bibliographic list consists of 14 sources. The absence of foreign sources is noteworthy, although program-oriented management of public finances is actively used abroad. The conclusions contained in them can be used to modernize the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear energy industry" and improve the quality of its implementation. The list should also be supplemented with sources of numerical data. Appeal to opponents. Given the fact that the author did not form any conclusions regarding the problems of implementing the state program, as well as recommendations for their solution, there was no scientific discussion on the results reflected in the works of other authors. When finalizing the article, it is necessary to eliminate this remark and show what the increase in scientific knowledge is compared to what already exists in the scientific literature. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. Taking into account all the above, the article in the current edition is not of interest to the readership. Taking into account the high level of relevance of this topic for a potential readership, we consider it advisable not to reject the article, but to send it for revision in order to ensure the elimination of the comments indicated in the text of the review.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The reviewed article is devoted to the assessment of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear energy industry" in order to ensure the economic security of the country. The research is based on the generalization of literary sources on the research topic, the analysis of data on the implementation of the considered state program, the application of a set of methods of economic research. The authors attribute the relevance of the work to the fact that the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the nuclear energy industry" is a strategic document that defines priority areas and measures for the development of nuclear energy in our country. The scientific novelty of the reviewed study, according to the reviewer, consists in the results of the analysis of the indicators of the implementation of the program "Development of the nuclear energy industry" formulated by the authors, indicating the positive dynamics and achievement of the goals set, the contribution of Rosatom Corporation to the implementation of this program. The following sections are structurally highlighted in the article: Introduction, Study and analysis of the energy industry complex of the Russian Federation, Analysis and evaluation of indicators for the implementation of the state program "Development of the nuclear energy industry complex" in the Kursk region, the effectiveness of the implementation of the state program by Rosatom Corporation, Conclusions and Bibliography. The publication notes the role of the energy industry in the development of the economy, says that currently about 255 thousand highly qualified workers are employed in the nuclear energy industry, and more than 360 organizations are engaged in various aspects of nuclear energy. The authors present the most important indicators of the program's implementation for the period from 2018 to 2022, such as electricity generation at nuclear power plants, the number of intellectual activity results, the total capacity of operating power units in the Russian Federation, the number of jobs created at nuclear power units in the country. It also reflects the indicators characterizing the implementation and implementation of the state program "Development of the Nuclear Energy industry" related to the operation of the Kursk nuclear power plant in Kurchatov, Kursk region, and the ongoing implementation of the Kursk NPP-2 project, which is under construction. In addition, the effectiveness of the implementation of the state program for the development of the nuclear energy industry by the state corporation Rosatom from 2017 to 2021 is shown. The authors believe that the development of the nuclear energy sector is of strategic importance for ensuring the economic security of the country, outline the existing challenges and dangers, the main technological, environmental and economic risks, as well as possible ways to mitigate them. The conclusions based on the results of the study reflect the main achievements of Rosatom within the framework of the program under consideration. The bibliographic list includes 15 sources – publications of domestic scientists on the topic of the article, as well as Internet resources to which there are address links in the text confirming the existence of an appeal to opponents. The article corresponds to the direction of the journal "National Security / nota bene", contains elements of scientific novelty and practical significance, may arouse interest among readers, and is recommended for publication.