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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rehabilitation of survivors of shock psychological trauma by methods of deep existential psychology

Bogachev Aleksei Mikhailovich

ORCID: 0000-0002-9430-2274

Researcher at the Center for the Prevention of Extremism in Education and Youth Environment, A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University Senior Lecturer of the Department of Practical Psychology, Mariupol State Humanitarian University named after A.I. Kuindzhi

197198, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Bolshaya Pushkarskaya str., 6, sq. 20

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Vyalkova Irina Aleksandrovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-2732-9776

PhD in Sociology

Associate Professor, Department of Media Communications, Mariupol State University named after A.I. Kuindzhi

287510, Russia, Republic of the DPR, Mariupol, Stroiteley str., 52

Vintonyuk Tat'yana Grigor'evna

Senior Lecturer, Department of Practical Psychology, Mariupol State University named after A.M. Kuindzhi

287510, Russia, Republic of the DPR, Mariupol, Stroiteley str., 52










Abstract: This paper presents the results of a study based on a formative experiment in the field of psychological psychotherapy. We are also talking about the rehabilitation of people who have experienced a shock psychological trauma, using methods of deep existential psychology and in the context of appealing to fundamental (traditional) values. The use of methods of transpersonal psychology, art therapy, body-oriented psychotherapy, psychosynthesis, united by a theological and psychological methodology based on the principle of participation (the commandment "love your neighbor as yourself") is considered by the authors as extremely promising in the field of overcoming the consequences of shock trauma and, accordingly, stress disorders of various etiologies. In modern Russian society, this topic is obviously extremely relevant. Despite the fact that deep psychology is, in its own way, a traditional method of working with individuals who have experienced serious psychological trauma, its application in working with people who have experienced psychological shock trauma in the liberated territories implies an element of innovation. At the same time, the combination of technologies of deep psychology with access to the sphere of direct, personal meaningful, existential experience of the significance and essence of the fundamental values of Russian culture opens, in our opinion, an extremely promising direction of activity of practical psychologists and (or) psychotherapists. The conclusions presented in the article make it possible to build the structure of such activities.


Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation, Injury, Integration, Integrity, Elaboration, Transpersonal, Value, Psychosynthesis, Experience

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The need for psychological and socio-psychological rehabilitation of civilians who have been subjected to shock trauma, especially in the territories of the Russian Federation that have been liberated and subjected to terrorist attacks, is obviously extremely relevant today. It is necessary to look for ways of both internal elaboration of the relevant experiences and personal injuries, as well as prevention and correction of destructive and autodestructive behavior resulting from them.

One of such methods is the use of the methodology and tools of deep psychology of an existential nature (meaning such approaches as transpersonal psychology, psychosynthesis, logotherapy, various areas of analytical (Jungian) psychology, psychology of self-actualization, etc.). Adaptation of these approaches to Russian reality (that is, in the context of the fundamental values of Russian culture), in our opinion the view is of great theoretical, applied and practical value. In this regard, the A.I. Herzen RSPU represented by the Center for the Prevention of Extremism in Education and Youth Environment and the A.I. Kuindzhi Moscow State University represented by the Department of Practical Psychology conducted a pilot nine–day seminar in the mode of immersion in the process of psychological psychotherapy and, at the same time, training for students - future psychologists. The results of the work done are presented below.

Methodological and methodological foundations of the study

Our research is based on the method of formative experiment. To participate in it, we selected 13 students – future psychologists – studying at different courses of Mariupol State University (all of them were women). Each of the participants in the experiment went through a traumatic experience of military operations and, as part of a self-report, described their general condition as either "extremely depressed" or "oppressed". At the same time, the students expressed hope for a transformation in the course of the seminar, that is, in fact, for a rebirth.

It should be noted that this hope corresponded to the basic methodological position of our approach: the need for a psychologically traumatized person to relive the cycle of "death/birth" and, having processed traumatic states, reach a new quality of life. It should be noted that this is exactly what such experts in this field as K. Jung [11, 12], V. Frankl [10], A. Assagioli [1], A. Maslow [7], R. Lang [6], S. Groff [3,4], etc. In general, this is obviously said by all practical masters of practical psychology and psychotherapy, but in the case of the mortal experience, these axioms are just as obviously gaining special significance.

The seminar itself, consisting of nine parts, was built in accordance with the following program: the first six days (three preparatory and three leading to the "culmination"), the participants of the program (having passed the appropriate training and working in pairs) practiced holotropic breathing in combination with this method with practices based on body–oriented [8] and existential approaches [9], as well as with art psychology - with drawing mandalas (drawing in a circle) after each session. It should be noted that drawing mandalas performed both diagnostic and therapeutic-ecological functions. Immersion in a very deep state of belonging and, at the same time, painful experience (up to the "frozen" horror helped to go through this experience in the "here and now" mode and consolidate the dominant trust in the Other and yourself, a sense of inner reliability and reliability of the world around. Russian Russian culture combined this dominant in the course of the discussion with the images of Russian culture (starting with folk tales of Russia) and thus became part of the identity of the Russian superethnos. On the seventh day, the participants of the program were asked to undergo the rebirthing procedure (in its classic version with the division of the group into "birth canal", "mothers" and babies", and each realized the role of each). The remaining two days were devoted to consolidating the results of transformation and integrating relevant experience (including work on a common mandala).

Separately, we note that the novelty of the study under consideration lies in the synthesis of a set of methods of deep psychology, including holotropic breathwork, with an approach referring to the basic existential givens corresponding to Russian culture. We are talking about such an immersion into a transpersonal state (identified with the space of a "fairy tale"), which allows you to go through the most difficult states and work out the corresponding psycho-emotional complexes with access to a new quality of internal integrity and adaptability (moreover, adaptability) to reality. It is holotropic breathing that makes it possible to actualize repressed or even detached mental contents in the "here and now" mode. Working with these states, including using the methods of existential psychology and a body-oriented approach, makes it possible for a person to find support in a new (or restored) dominant for creation. We emphasize that our approach was used in relation to people who received psychological trauma in conditions perceived as a threat to life. Only an appeal to transpersonal (transcendental) givens, to what is revealed in communion (that is, in fact, spiritual) sense gives the opportunity to fully overcome the consequences of such a trauma and even continue a qualitatively new development of personality. Metaphorically speaking, in this case, there is an immersion in a fairy tale and a return to reality while maintaining access to the resources that have opened "in fairy tale mode". The main resource here is the basic trust in the world and oneself, which is expressed in the harmonization of interaction and interpenetration of consciousness and the unconscious. It is the restoration of basic trust (which can be done quickly enough only with the use of such approaches as transpersonal), combined with the understanding of the experience gained, that is the way to effective in-depth psychological work with a person who has suffered a shock trauma, including in the liberated territories. 


Results of the work

As a result of the seminar, all 13 participants (each of them went all the way to the end), within the framework of self-reports, declared a radical change in their condition for the better (which was confirmed by the dynamics of their drawings in the circle (mandalas): in each case, by the end of the workshop, the mandalas became significantly more centered, symmetrical, balanced and colored than at the beginning of the work. We will summarize the results of the transformation of each of the participants of the seminar, and then accompany it with some detailed examples (a detailed example of feedback is provided in the Appendix).

1.                     Participant "A": before the seminar she was in a state of uncertainty and sadness, after the seminar she realized her mission in life, her mood improved significantly and steadily, she managed to accept the identity of a professional psychologist;

2.                     Participant "K": before the seminar, she was in an extremely depressed state, practically lost the ability to creative imagination, after the seminar she moved into a much more positive state, began to perceive internal images;

3.                     Participant "L": before the seminar, she was in a state of depression, acutely felt the loss of a sense of trust in people and herself, after the seminar, trust returned, the general mood background is moderately positive;

4.                     Participant "G": before the seminar, the mood often changed, she could not build relationships with some close people, after the seminar the mood became more even, relations with loved ones began to improve;

5.                     A2 participant: before the seminar, she was in a depressed state, felt "burdened", worried that she could not fly in a dream, as in childhood; after the seminar, the general mood improved significantly, the ability to "fly in a dream" returned;

6.                     Participant "I": before the seminar, she experienced a certain feeling of boredom, she really wanted to move into a new quality of personal growth; after the seminar, she gained experience of a "creative breakthrough", experienced a number of "insights", managed to accept the identity of a professional psychologist;

7.                     Participant "O": before the seminar, she was in a depressed, unstable state; after the seminar, she moved into a positive state, gained a conscious ability to trust herself and others, including in the context of self-development as a specialist in a helping profession;

8.                     Participant "N": before the seminar, she was in a depressed and anxious state; after the seminar, she realized a profound increase in self-esteem and general mood background;

9.                     Participant "M": before the seminar she was in a depressed and anxious state; after the seminar she came out in a somewhat more positive general psycho-emotional state;

10.                 Participant "A3": before the seminar, she was in a moderately negative state; after the seminar, her condition significantly improved, including as a result of peak experiences;

11.                 Participant of "O2": before the seminar, she was in a steadily negative state, experienced a sense of separation from her kind; after the seminar, the condition improved significantly, there was a sense of belonging to her kind;

12.                 Participant "E": came to the seminar in an extremely depressed state; after the seminar, the condition leveled off to a significant extent;

13.                 Participant "B": before the seminar, she was in an extremely depressed state, practically did not eat for a long time, experiencing critical weight loss; after the seminar, she came out in a steadily positive state, began to eat regularly and with an appetite.

         It should be noted that three weeks after the end of the seminar, its results remain stable for each participant with all the inevitable and regressive states that arise from time to time, which, nevertheless, are corrected due to both spontaneous and conscious self-regulation of states. Status tracking is carried out both in the general Telegram chat and in personal correspondence with the participants of the seminar.

It is important to emphasize that each of the seminar participants experienced peak experiences, so well described by A. Maslow, and at the level of high awareness and with their inclusion in the personality structure, which is a certain guarantee of the stability of the result.

Here are examples of feedback from the participants of the seminar:

Participant "G": "Alexey Mikhailovich and all the girls, I am very happy that you all appeared in my life. A lot of things fell into place in my head. And the most interesting thing is that the problem I came with is beginning to be solved. I look at some things differently that used to annoy me. And some kind of harmony appeared in the soul."

Participant "A": "Practice From heart to heart. A very pleasant feeling of returning to the mother's womb. A rush of energy, a feeling of bubbling inside the stream, like champagne.  19.06 The practice of revealing the life force.  It was painful to stretch out the air, the feeling of a block in the chest, and then a lump in the throat. There is a strong pain in the temples, a feeling of temperature and heat.  Again, the feeling of an icy heart and chest pain during practice. 21.06 Condition in the morning, before classes: I don't want anything. I don't want to go anywhere.  My whole body aches after yesterday's practice. Especially in the chest area. It's like my ribs are broken. Practice Reptilian memory.  During the mental return to childhood on the ladder of life - chest pain and a mute scream. 22.06 The condition before practice is excellent.  The practice of getting rid of shame. Very pleasant sensations from Oksana's hand. A sense of gratitude.  23. 06 After re-surfing, there is a feeling of a surge of energy, a feeling of a winner.  25. The practices of this day were the most comfortable and memorable.  A very strong feeling of unity and gratitude."

A2 participant: "For me, it became a fairy tale! The world of knowing oneself through oneself and through another. Maybe the knowledge of the other through self-discovery. An amazing stage of life. New directions and issues have been identified, on which it is necessary to work, study information. The seminar was over, but the soul remained filled with the warmth of the heart, the light of another. A wonderful feeling of the presence of another. Yesterday, remembering the practice shoulder to shoulder, I felt a strong feeling that the world cares about you, supports, directs. Just learn to hear, see, notice. Trust and collect the "sparkles".

A3 participant: "Even if all the efforts with my institute were for the sake of your seminar, it was worth it! Thanks!!! After the seminar, I feel calm, relaxed. It seems to me that some complexes, fears, irritation, fatigue, fear of tomorrow, fear of a hunted animal have gone. Calmly and nothing interferes with the flow of thoughts. Pacification.  Psychology is a science. The most gorgeous and amazing, but science. And the most important thing in it is a competent specialist. This seminar is a great gift for me.  At the exit, I have a stable cool liberated state. What is only the memory of the "root of tranquility" worth!  It's wonderful! I am not stressed, I am not clinging to current tasks. And there are a lot of them… Life will go on as usual, and I will solve them with my family. And there will be exactly as much as you can do. And it is necessary to collect good deeds for the family. Yes, what to collect… Just to live like that. I guess we're all one big family.  Today I went to the admin. Instances and there is a difference in my internal state. There is no tension, stress. This is amazing! A huge benefit to the body. I can't even believe that it can be calm with me anyway. Thank you!"

In general, these descriptions convey the individual results of the seminar for each of its participants, who not only made qualitatively significant steps in terms of personal development, but also managed to make significant professional progress: after completing their training, they will be able to extrapolate the experience gained outside as both practical psychologists and guides of Russian culture.

Conclusions and recommendations

The results obtained by us indicate a sufficiently high efficiency of the synthesis of classical methods of deep (transpersonal) psychology (psychotherapy) and the appeal to the basic symbols of Russian culture (civilization) in the rehabilitation of persons who have experienced shock trauma, as well as with the assistance of personal development and professional growth. This kind of work is especially effective when it is combined with the perception and awareness of the fundamental values of domestic civilization and world culture, which, we note, are especially vividly prescribed to the concept of A.A. Ukhtomsky [9].

In our opinion, it makes sense to disseminate the experience we have gained among practical psychologists who could "network" in the appropriate groups both in the liberated territories and in other regions of the Russian Federation. This can be done on the basis of a refresher course for psychologists by trained specialists who would begin systematic work with civilians in need. In addition, the relevant messages should, in our opinion, be included in educational and educational materials in the context of the theological and psychological concept of the prevention of destructive behavior [2].


So, the experience we have gained allows us to speak with a sufficient degree of confidence about the possibility of its extrapolation within the framework of psychological psychotherapy. It is assumed that the participants of the seminar in the course of practice at the final stage of their training will apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired (for starters, with respect to willing junior students). Within the framework of a broader scope, elements of a transpersonal approach can be used within the framework of a concultative and (or) less in-depth work. Anyway, this direction is very promising, taking into account the emergence of more and more new spiritual, psychological and socio-psychological challenges in modern reality. 


(detailed example of feedback from one of the participants of the seminar):

Mariupol State University

"Practical Psychology", bachelor's degree, distance learning

Subject General Psychologists

……………..   Female, 40 years old.

1st year, Mariupol 2023

Psychocorrection of trance practice from June 17 to June 25, 23 Bogachev.

The phrase "I allow myself.. " Alexey Mikhailovich only needs to be thanked for this one thing.

I wanted to eat nuts and apricots. Meat is not there. It came by itself in the practice of the birth canal.

Day 1. June 17. It starts with presenting yourself in a circle, what we are waiting for, what we came for.

Warm-up that unites different people into a common circle 33. We call the numbers in turn. But who gets a number with a triple or a multiple of three, the participant, silently, claps his hands. Who stratified - we start counting from him again to 33.

We've been messing around with this seemingly easy warm-up for a long time. But my concentration weakened, I was distracted by something else, and everything is new.

Brownian motion. Everyone is moving around the field with their eyes closed. They are looking for each other with their hands. They transmit information about themselves or a message through their hands.

An unexpected feeling! When no one is around, the field is empty, cool, even absorbing. When a person appears, it's even like a spark of discharge. And a person in the form of dense hot energy. Everyone is like an exclusive universe. It became interesting for me to try, to get to know different people. How they will differ. I moved from couple to couple. The girls' hands are hot, transmitting energy, powerful. It seemed to me that I could not radiate such a powerful, dense stream with my hands. Or maybe I have a different wavelength, more transparent, maybe penetrating. I said it out loud, Alexey Mikhailovich said that it could be thought by my brain. Later, when practicing from heart to heart, he told me that I have not weak energy from the heart. My first thought was, did you remember my words, pay attention to someone else's pawn? Surprisingly.

I really liked it when we said goodbye to each other with our hands. This is great transmitted through the hands.

Then there was the practice of trust through relaxing the other's hand. The elbow must be on the support. The wrist and the beginning of the hand lies in the palm of the setter. Very slow micro movements move the hand. If it gets tense, we stop and start again very slowly. Then the amplitude can be increased in a chaotic manner. Swing to the right, to the left - as on the waves. Up to the bottom as in the wind.  Like on a swing. From 15 minutes or more.  

I found out that if my hand starts to drop lower, I'm wary, maybe they decided to drop me or leave me. And above - control is weakened, I calm down. Suddenly, the muscle of the bent leg loosened mechanically, relaxed, almost dropped it. The muscle in the abdominal press and in the chest. It became wider and freer to breathe, fuller.

After this practice, it somehow began to spit on everything, but not in the sense of interest, but the importance, anxiety, tension was removed. It became calm, not dangerous, maybe serene.  It seems that there is even more light.

Practice 20 minutes of holotropic breathwork. You can energetically, you can have a slower, but deeper rhythm, you can change them.  The servant of God opened the gates of space.  Gave the universe access to processes. Each pair is marked with a safe circle.

My legs and arms started buzzing up to my knees, vibrating up to the elbow, especially the left one. Then I rubbed her a little bit.  The back of my head was numb. In the following days, the back of the head no longer felt numb and the arm did not go numb.  Then a draft started in mulathar. 1 chakra began to vibrate, buzz, then 2 and reached 3 chakras.  The other chakras were not humming.  And then the rainbow appeared. It started with the upper lilac color.  At first there were small highlights. Everything was flickering. The moment was flooded with light to white. Then all the colors darkened a lot, went dark. In the end, it came out on wide strips of normal colors. If desired, I saw them with my eyes open.

Day 2. June 18. Umbilical cord, practice from heart to heart. We take the person's left hand with our right hand and put it on our heart. Put your left hand on his heart. If the sitter is sitting, then the person's elbow is on the stop or leg. It's better when both are lying down. In a horizontal position, a person's hand will be more relaxed, trusting. It is necessary to adjust to the rhythm of human breathing. If it is too chaotic, then only start breathing movements together. Then, gradually we slow down, equalize the breathing, lead the person. This practice is used in emergency situations when a person is stressed.  So about 15 minutes. Then gradually we say goodbye with our hand, close the channel. At first, his hand rises a little, slowly. Only then, after a few minutes, the human hand is removed gradually, very slowly. But we still continue to make contact, somewhere we touch it carefully, for example, the shoulder. Maybe we stroke a little, that everything is fine, in order.

I really liked the practice. Thanks! Since the evening I felt bad, my head ached, my heart was pressing, as if it was in a shell, in a lump. It was like a battered one. The whole body is like after physical exertion, but some are not ordinary.  With this practice, the pressure and the clamp in the heart were immediately removed. The condition stabilized and never returned.

Then there was holotropic breathwork. The whole body was already vibrating.  The humming rose from the lower chakras gradually and hooked the heart chakra.  Then the remaining upper chakras also passed.   Vibrations on the neck and head. But the back of my head was no longer numb. There was a strong convulsive yawn and tears flowed mechanically. A draft was walking inside the trunk everywhere. It was cold. I did not take into account the recommendation and did not put a blanket next to it. Couldn't figure out what's wrong with the climate? After all, I came in a T-shirt, and here is the climate of autumn, off-season winds. What is it. There were slight cramps on the left leg. Several times Alexey Mikhailovich fitted his hands to his feet and as if there was energy up to his knees. It was getting warmer for sure.

When I got out of practice, I was surprised, there was a summer, slightly stuffy, sticky, warm air in the room. And there was a different climate. A very contrasting difference. I got up and wanted to go for markers, but realized that I was not ready to go in this reality. Something's wrong, I had to sit back down. Then she recovered.

Alexey Mikhailovich said that it was I who faced the universal cold, because I was without a sitter. She said so herself. Another person gives a living warmth in the circle.

I drew a frog, he has the sun to warm him. The rainbow that I see. A plant sprout and a flower, so that he would not be lonely. Loneliness.  I wanted to draw.  It is to express images from within oneself through the eyes, to splash out into a circle. I caught myself signing the drawing and correcting the squiggle on the letter, that is, I look with my eyes, I rely on vision.  I write all the time purely mechanically and there can be no thought to correct a stick or connect a stick in a circle - I lose it without seeing it. And here! The physiological mechanism of perception of the world, familiar in childhood, was turned on again. I'm a visual. Apparently, this is why I could not immediately reach the markers, I began to rely on vision, and not on the already familiar other sensations. It happened once.

Day 3. June 19.

Wilhelm Reich's sponge. Psychothelic practice with holotropic breathwork. Opening and pumping of the mulathara chakra.

Only 30 - 40 minutes. It starts with smoother music, holotropic breathwork has already started. Lying down, the legs are bent at the knees and tucked to the chakra. To inhale, we spread our knees to the sides. This is a swing going on. About 10 minutes.

Then more quickly-rhythmic music. It looks like shamanic or African, somewhere like rap, he apparently came out of Africa. Smile. To follow the constant deep breathing holotropic rhythm can be different for everyone. We pump oxygen into the blood. At the same time, in time with breathing, we lift up the pelvis. It's like turning up the tail. Follow the prerequisite: the lower back tightly touches the floor, stuck. Only the pelvis moves. Hands can be knocked on the floor in time with the shamanic rhythm.

My feelings. Strong vibration of the arms, legs and head, up from the heart chakra. My mouth was dry, tears were flowing. It wasn't cold at all, there was no wind. But when I started to stop - wrapped up in a blanket to my feet - it became cold. The vibrations subsided for a long time. I would not say that there was a vibration in the 3 lower chakras. The spears of African dancing Zulus were presented in their hands and they knocked on the ground. Properly selected shamanic music is important. The mind control didn't go away. After acceleration, a live, moving tube-hose of white-light yellow color was formed in front of the stomach. Curved to the right. With voluminous folds, like a caterpillar, semicircular corrugation. The walls seemed thick and made of living substance. Immediately after her education, I was drawn to dive into her - I stopped the desire, I was afraid to lose control of reality. Its width is just along the width of the abdomen, between the thighs and from the pubis to just below the navel.

Bogachev said that it is possible to dive here in this room under his control - this is a transformation.

When I moved my knees at the beginning, the muscles got tired quickly. There was a feeling of lack of physical and energy strength.

Bogachev. If there is pain, is it necessary to remove it? Ask that place how you see the pain, what it protects you from. What she wants you to do for her.

A physical test of responsibility. Jump up and hit heel to heel in a jump to land and at what width of the feet of the legs relative to the width of the shoulders. Shiren's adequate responsibility roughly coincides. If the legs are wider, the responsibility has piled on more of its capabilities is not adequate.  If the legs are already shoulders - does not take responsibility, walks away from responsibility.

Standing with your eyes closed, stretch out your arms and show the width of your shoulders. Duty, control, responsibilities.

To show the height of your legs is the reality of evaluating your capabilities as a movement towards a goal.

Day 4. June 20.

Work with the genus.

A safe sacred, sacred circle is circled and closed. The client is sitting on the floor. The sitter stands from behind and mentally allows himself to be the guide of the client's kind. Then he sits down from behind and puts his hand on the back of the area between the client's shoulder blades and so 1 musical composition. Then the client lies down, the sitter sits at the head and puts both hands under his back parallel to the spine. So about 15 minutes. At the same time, holotropic breathwork gradually begins. We help with our hands to the beat of breathing, we lift a little to inhale. Then you can continue to hold your hands, or you can carefully remove them. Breathe further more intensely. If he forgets to breathe, we help, we breathe in his ear. Just 40 minutes. Then slow music still goes on and images can begin, but without holotropic breathwork. At the exit, we draw in a circle.

 When I was a sitter at Sasha's, as soon as I allowed myself to be a guide of Sasha's kind, I circled a protective circle around us, put my hand on her - with a click from the top of her head, traction went, as a hose was connected to the top of her head. Then this movement of something sank lower through the throat to the heart, it did not go further. At the end of the session with Sasha, there was a steady pressure around the upper part of the head. She said that her head was also being squeezed by a hoop. I had it at the end of the entire practice. And she stopped. And when I was a slave, and Sasha was a sitter, a pumping sucker was also formed on the top of my head, but less strong. Or maybe the sensations were already expected and did not frighten.

Sasha started coughing and then crying. To be honest, I was worried. When other girls were crying, I understood that it was just a process of liberation, it's normal. But when a person cries at you, it's different. I called Alexey Mikhailovich, I thought he would calm Sasha down. And he showed that I would calm down, just be there, be involved, try to give love, support, support, that you are not alone. Sasha gradually calmed down. But it was a lesson for me. Meeting with a real person in the emotion of suffering. Theory is good, but a living person… Thanks to Alexey for this experience.

To many girls, the deceased conveyed the idea - to remember, to remember more often. I have a strong feeling that Rod is alive, exists in another world, I am, as part of his plan, the embodiment here and now. I can and do his tasks. Maybe the accumulation of goodness. Anya said that you need to collect sparks for the genus. But also working out, reducing the negative for the energy of the kind. If you refuse this, then nothing will just disappear, so they will continue to work out. Interesting, philosophical ideas are rising.  For good, good accumulates, for evil, respectively, evil.

At the beginning, while I was still sitting, an oval of a beautiful turquoise color appeared at the level of the throat chakra, then other colors began to move away from it in circles. Many girls see eyes, maybe that's how the eye presented itself to me. Smile.

I already recognize my reaction to the change in state: the vibrations of my legs, hands. Deep yawning and the release of tears without emotion, mechanically.  There were no visions or "flight". But I saw a doll figure of an old man sitting a little to the right, from the back, he was turned slightly to the right. I didn't see any legs or hands. White voluminous shirt made of natural material. The hair is gray, tousled or disheveled in different directions, obviously not a stylish haircut. The question arose who is this? The answer came from my dad's grandfather, who built the house in which I live. Only here he is not the same as he was in the real incarnation. But there was a feeling of fullness of a living, but different, energy. I realized that since the genus lives, has power, there must and will be a continuation of the genus. So I'll have grandchildren while they're gone. Recently the question came, will I have grandchildren? I want 3. I also saw a little from the right and also from the back a girl holding a boy's hand, a head lower than her and a smaller copy of her ex-husband. I didn't think about him at all. There were only two. Smile. For some reason, the right side works.

Returning to practice. There was a physical sensation as a hard stone came out of the corner of the right eye with a tear and floated over the eye. I wanted to remove it with my hand, then I realized that there was no physical stone, only real sensations. Alexey Mikhailovich said, perhaps I need to forgive. By analogy with kidney stones.

His right leg was twitching slightly.

Towards the end, there is a feeling of a hot clot of energy or something that has flooded or entered the mulathara. The day before, we opened it with a Reich sponge. Smile. Sasha, my sitter, assumed that she had now opened up.

There was a breeze on the inside of the thighs, a feeling like the fabric of the pants is wet, it's cold, and inside the stomach like a draft. 

In the end, for some reason, I purposefully felt my cartilage on the right hand of the middle finger, it appeared on the joint at the same time about 13 years ago and did not go away. Surgeons said that it is possible to cut out, but if it does not interfere, it is better not to operate on the finger. So that's it! My cartilage climbed back! And this place was burning. He is not there now, there is a little bump left, but you touch it, it hurts a little. Miracles!

When it was necessary to draw, I wanted to write Thank you!!! Thanks to my grandfather! He is, the genus is alive.  It came to some understanding that the genus is a solid channel or 2 parallel channels, maybe a path from the future to the past and back. And I am a kind point in the plane of reality. I carry tasks of a kind. The body we grow is different from our incarnation there.

Thanks to Alexey Mikhailovich for this practice!

Already at home, remembering, I mentally thanked Alexey Mikhailovich and suddenly my heart chakra was filled with hot warmth.

In the evening, a lot of fatigue. I really want to sleep.

The night before, when I was washing, I caught myself thinking that I couldn't clean the dirt, I was rubbing the skin with a washcloth already creaking, and the feeling of dirt was coming from inside.  I went to bed: my legs began to vibrate by themselves and she began to breathe holotropically. I stopped, but I wanted to spontaneously.

June 21, day 5. Went monthly 8 days earlier. This is out of the ordinary, it could be with strong drugs or very high stress.

In the morning, she hummed a song and turned into a shamanic babalum beat. The garbage truck creaked, and its creaking turned into the sound of meditative practice, but sounding in the real world, a layer.

In the morning I wanted a broom and would have flown...  She was full of energy. I wanted to rush with speed. When I was traveling by bus, the terrible smells of the landfill, the stench turned on in the middle of the route, there is no landfill and there was not., I think that I will not get there, stop! It was removed gradually.

Summer solstice day.

I saw a turquoise oval at the chest level, it became orange-red-pink and circles of a different color from it. There were no more visions.

In the beginning, we walked slowly with our eyes closed, imagined ourselves as trees, we could return to the place. When I imagined myself as a tree, I had a good idea of the roots going down, branching. I felt like a crystal interesting.

Sensations: energy slippers, thick, dense energy were put on my feet at 1 moment. A balloon exploded in the solar plexus, inflated and went to the throat to exit, but there was not even a thought to scream at all. Later, when I sat down, there was a belch of air. At the end, something hot was poured into the muladhara.

3 times I fell into a very high state of serene happiness of the world of happiness and caught myself not breathing anymore. Then I started breathing. This is the root of tranquility when there are no images and similar to nirvana.

I wanted to eat nuts and apricots.

There was eye-to-eye practice. For 8 minutes, 3 approaches. You can blink, you can't look away or close your eyes. To say I love you. I am me. You are you. You are me.  I am you. To see either the soul of another or through another self.

At the end, they lay down and took each other's hands.

June 22. I had a vivid but terrible dream. I don't want to disturb you once again.

A disciple and follower of Wilhelm Reich L... interpreted the removal of emotional blocks in a different way through the removal of muscle clamps of certain muscle groups.

The arch L ... on the stool is a roller and lies with the lower back. There will be pain, a large tremor.

Removing the block of shame and morality. A hand is placed under the deflection of the lower back, the little finger is placed under the sacrum, it is done on the floor. When inhaling, it shrinks slightly, then decompresses. The whole session is 50 minutes. The hand is held at least half the time, the second one can lie next to it. The greater the deflection of the spine above the floor, the more constrained this area is. Ideally, having relaxed, the lower back should lie completely on the floor, the spine lies on the floor without bends and rises. When the lumbar clamp relaxes, the energy will flow freely up and down.

Pleasant relaxation of the muscles in the lower back. It would be nice to have such a device at home. Plugged into the socket and go to sleep. But my lower back is far from the floor.

I missed the rebirthing day. I didn't feel well.

June 24. Practice 1000 touches. A group of about 5 people. The client is lying with his eyes closed. He pre-voices his zones of non-touchability - taboo, groin, chest, maybe head. They don't touch him there. 20 minutes in a chaotic manner, everyone touches with his palm, does not stroke. With both hands. There should be no untouched place, except for the taboo zone. Do not forget the legs, feet, waist, sides under the back.    

I didn't define my head as a taboo zone, but it felt like it was defined by a dominant, separate zone of increased attention and control. When they touched the head, all the sensations of the rest of the body receded into the background. Immediately there was increased alertness, but the touches were pleasant and it became calm, good, like a mother's care. It is pleasant to touch the feet of the legs, in the area of the sides, ribs, waist, closer to the back, there may be a feeling of support, support. At the beginning of the practice, I wanted to say: get away from me, but after a while the sea appeared and I was on an air cushion, and waves and foam splashes were playing with my body.

Structured arrangements according to Hellinger. When appointing me as a character, some processes were felt inside. An interesting thing is the arrangement, maybe useful. Maybe she needs a special attitude, preparedness. I don't think it's easy to create.

June 25 ending. Parting is a very sad moment. Despite the difficulties, there was a fairy tale, a fabulous state of serenity, tranquility, bliss. It's as if we were torn out of real events, fears, problems, tasks and plunged into the safe, serene world of a fairy tale. Unforgettable impressions and useful experience.

The day began with a pleasant one - imaginary gifts with wishes were given in a circle. Very magical, healthy, pleasant and right.

Vika gave me, putting her hand on my forearm, a silver balloon. She herself is associated with airiness, mobility, and volatility. It's interesting, but before that I was thinking about my gift to Oksana and wanted to give her a broom for flying, but I rejected it, not everyone will accept a broom. I thought that it could still move through the air - freedom... I settled on an amphora with an artifact inside to move through the air, following my hobbies.

2. A fun, fun practice of presenting yourself as an animal or various animals. We moved around the field, made sounds, interacted with others.

I started with Bagheera, then began to bounce in the form of a roe deer. I heard someone howling and I imagined a picture of the night forest, the edge and the moonlight and I, in the form of a dog breed animal, howl and whine in the silence of the night under the moon. I didn't invent this image, it worked by itself. When a sniffing wolf approached me, I felt uneasy that he could smell me a meter away from me, I even wanted to block the flow of the smell, tobish - to hide.  There was a fright that I was discovered and bewilderment as the smell intensified. It passed at the level of sensations. Interesting points for reflection... A fun, relaxing excessive tension practice.

That's where the questions arise: is it possible to go into the world of smells at will? So you can. How and how to return at will.

3. Shoulder to shoulder. Everyone stands in a circle tightly shoulder to shoulder and holds their hands to their chest, palms forward. The client is standing in the center of the circle with his eyes closed, his hands are clasped on his chest, his feet are tightly together. Gradually, it begins to sway back and forth and around. At the same time, 3 or more pairs of hands are supported and pushed further. So about 5 minutes. Then they slow him down smoothly and he stands, and everyone touches him with their hands. This trust lets go of control.

Very useful practice. It gives a feeling of support for the world, people, and space. Understanding that you are not alone and safe. Not knowing who and what forces, but there is help for you, and they will spend it the way you need. I would like to keep the feeling of protecting the world for a long time.

When I was immediately swung hard, my control instantly turned on and my eyes opened. Then they started pumping me very carefully, with a small amplitude. So it was safe, I tried to relax, to trust.

4. Trust in another. Work in pairs. The client is standing with his eyes closed. The sitter stands at the back and adjusts to it. Takes him by the shoulders and slowly shakes him from side to side, back and forth. Then, without losing body contact, it is applied with the solar plexus to the client's back. Then, without tearing off the contact, he slips his hand instead of the solar plexus into the area of the third lung, stands there for a few minutes. Then he comes forward, takes both the client's hands under the wrist and wrist, the client's palms are directed upwards. Moves, moves his hands as he pleases, is not predictable, you can lead both hands up in the same direction. Very slowly, the client's hands should be relaxed, trusting. 5 minutes. Then the sitter leads the client by the hand, whose eyes are closed all the time, across the field, slowly in different directions. 5 minutes. They find their place. 

I've never been so calm, comfortable, safe around. I even wanted to make unnecessary movements to explore the space, like small children spinning, running around an adult leading very slowly by the hand.

In my real life, if I have to move quickly in the dark and take a hand, there is always a lot of tension in the solar plexus, the head, as a control protective and warning shield 20 cm in front of the body. Severe fatigue from such walks. And I always walk a little behind. And paired with Sitter, I wanted to get ahead of him, to tell the whole world that I was free and not dangerous and I wanted to explore new things.

5. The miracle of wish fulfillment. Everyone stood in 2 parallel rows. A person went out into the middle and made 1 wish without voicing it. He was picked up in his arms in a supine position and gently rocked back and forth. Alexey did the main thing himself. He said that a person's name rises above the clouds, everyone joins their power to fulfill his desire and a miracle will be created. They rocked for 3-4 minutes and slowly carried them to the end of the hall, where there was a carpet of wish fulfillment. Unfolding a half turn, you are rushing through time and space to fulfill your desire. And carefully put them on their feet on the carpet. 

It was easy to understand and formulate your desire. What is truly important to me in this life? Me? A son? Yes, that's right. Which is important to him... And no more questions are needed.

When, shaking, Alexey Mikhailovich said that I was flying over the clouds - it seemed to me that white swirling cumulus clouds were below me, I was lying on them. A very fabulous feeling of the possibility of a miracle. When they turned, it seemed like a downward spiral. They put me on my feet, too, there was a wonderful feeling of not the reality of what was happening, a miracle, magic. The girls said that it seemed that the legs were lengthening, stretching.

How does such a feeling happen when consciousness does not turn off? Half asleep in Java? There is a question, the answer from a material point of view is not yet visible to me. But it's just magical and cool! Thank you Alexey Mikhailovich!

6. Passing through death. No need to go to the rides! I've been looking forward to something terribly special, scary, but interesting and useful since the evening. I wanted to remind you from the very morning about the promised practice of passing death, so that they wouldn't suddenly come up with it. But I was ashamed to be an upstart. When at the end of the day Alexey Mikhailovich asked if we would go through death or postpone it for the next time, I wanted to squeal: of course! This is the most interesting thing! But again I didn't want to interfere with the wishes of the others. But mentally I pushed everyone to ask for practice. And so they cautiously said they wanted her. Hurray!!!

The practice of passing through death. Everyone is sitting in 2 rows and interlocking their hands with each other on the counter just above the elbow. A person stands on a chair with his back to the catchers. He clasps his hands in front of him in the lock so as not to hit the catchers. He stretches himself to the string and falls back himself. The back of the head to the catchers, backwards.

It seems to me that when Alexey Mikhailovich did this, everyone was shocked. Even catching is very scary. I went when everyone had almost jumped. I thought that I had lost this situation in my mind: immediately on a chair, without hesitation, stretch out and lean back and now they are already catching you. But I thought that going through death would be in the form of some kind of meditation, but here are real events... But if I don't, then there will always be a clearly bad sediment. It should be done for such reasons. She went to the chair.  In theory, I presented the practice, but in real life it turned out that it seemed! Already around him, I realized that I don't like him at all, I don't trust him, and the idea of climbing on him is not about me.  I can't get rid of the word at all. I asked to fall off the floor, without the terrible chair. They refused me, yes, they also said that once I came out myself, there is no way back. Only through the chair. It was terrible! I knew I couldn't do it. Alexey Mikhailovich said that he would wait as long as necessary. I felt ashamed. I had to fall. The shame that I detain and torment people turned out to be higher than fear. But when I leaned away and started to fall, I forgot about the shame and decided to climb back into the rescue chair. So my hands opened and I fell not beautifully and exactly on the string, but with the fifth point forward. I hooked people with my hands. I probably reacted the hardest to this practice. I wanted to run away. Alexey Mikhailovich caught up, almost calmed down.

During this seminar there was a sea of impressions, experiences, but to fall consciously from a chair blocked everything. On the rides in the extreme park, they scare you, but you save yourself by holding on and you realize that it's a matter of three minutes and the run of time is not implorable, you need to endure, wait and this period of time will pass, everything will end. And here... It is necessary not to wait, but to act - to deviate back. I wasn't ready for this at all. It's just a shock. If I had known in advance what kind of practice passing through death is, I wouldn't even have thought of asking for it.

But we must pay tribute to Alexey Mikhailovich - he conducted the practice masterfully. And pressed, not letting go, did not agree to fall off the floor for less. And then he also played on morality, that he would wait as long as necessary! It was right that I caught up when I wanted to run away after, I would calm down myself longer and more difficult.

As a result, despite the shock impressions, I say thank you so much for the practice!

Not only that, I carried a dozen and a half participants on my hands, then I also caught the falling ones! Physically, this is a very heavy burden and responsibility. I think that not every psychologist will offer the practice of catching falling.

7. As a final chord - in a circle, each participant was told what they liked most about him.

There are pronounced obvious advantages. Everyone noticed them. I didn't want to repeat myself too often. Yes, and it is more useful for a person to learn about their various facets. It may be good to record the past on a dictaphone, for sure a lot has been lost due to a large number of somewhat similar characteristics. But I still remember the main thing.

This gave a positive rallying vector. There remained a warm feeling of gratitude, unity, and belonging.

In the hustle and bustle, we do not sympathize with others who are very different from ourselves, but during the seminar Alexey Mikhailovich managed to convey the involvement of everyone with everyone and the importance of different characters, worlds. The more unique and distinctive a person is, the more expressive his facets are. Now we have been shown the advantages. Through them we can study and comprehend ourselves. It's good that everyone is different!

The final day was very subtly and competently planned. All the practices gradually strengthened trust in the other. If the practice of passing through death had been given without this preparation, I would not have had any thoughts of trying this. And so there was a steady sense of the reliability of the environment, security. Trust, until she came nose to nose to a terrible chair.

After losing my sight, I just have an animal fear of heights, especially if there is nothing to hold on to.  After a couple of days at home, absolutely without fear, I climbed onto the roof of the garage by a ladder with almost no stable angle, because of its missing length. I was able to stand almost on the edge of the roof without horror, and calmly get off, although there was nothing to hold on to.  This is the result of the seminar, apparently, the final day.

How can this be? So much for psychology. Theory, its elaboration in artificial conditions and the result in practice.

Today I discovered at night that the deflection in the lower back pleasantly touches the support. I was glad early that, as Alexey said, it's good when the whole spine lies, relaxed, on the surface. After all, a mattress is much softer than a rug on the floor. Moved to the floor – no, not yet leveled. But the body remembers this, once in a half-dream this thought came. The body still digests the embedded information. Interesting.

After the seminar, I feel calm, relaxed. It seems to me that some complexes, fears, irritation, fatigue, fear of tomorrow, fear of a hunted animal have gone. Calmly and nothing interferes with the flow of thoughts. Pacification.

Psychology is a science. The most gorgeous and amazing, but science. And the most important thing in it is a competent specialist.

 This seminar is a great gift for me.  At the exit, I have a stable cool liberated state. What is only the memory of the "root of tranquility" worth!  It's wonderful! I am not stressed out, current tasks do not cling to me. And there are a lot of them… Life will go on as usual, and I will solve them with my family. And there will be exactly as much as you can do. And it is necessary to collect good deeds for the family. Yes, what to collect… Just to live like that. I guess we're all one big family.

Today I went to the admin. Instances and there is a difference in my internal state. There is no tension, stress. This is amazing! A huge benefit to the body. I can't even believe that it can be calm with me anyway. Thank you!

Thank you so much for the fairy tale!"

1. Assagioli, R. (1994) Psychosynthesis: theory and practice: by dushev. crisis C in ASBOs. "I": [Collection] / Roberto Assagioli. Moscow: refl-book.
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6. Lang, R. D. (1995) Split Self. Anti-psychiatry. London.
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10. Frankl, V. (2000) Man in search of meaning: Collection: Translated from English and German. General ed. by L. Ya. Gozman and D. A. Leontiev; vst. art. D. A. Leontiev. – Moscow: Progress.
11. Jung, K. G. (1994) Problems of the soul of our time. Moscow: Progress.
12. Jung, K. G. (2019) Symbols of transformation. 2nd ed. Moscow: Academic Project.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

Judging by the title of the article, it is made on a topic that is relevant in practical terms. The author notes that the need for psychological and socio-psychological rehabilitation of civilians who have been subjected to shock trauma, especially in the liberated and terrorist-attacked territories of the Russian Federation, is obviously extremely relevant today. One can only agree with this. It is indicated that one of their ways of providing psychotherapeutic assistance is the use of "the methodology and tools of deep psychology of an existential nature (meaning such approaches as transpersonal psychology, psychosynthesis, logotherapy, various areas of analytical (Jungian) psychology, psychology of self-actualization, etc.)". All this is also true and does not cause objections. Moreover, taking into account the fact that deep psychology is a generalized designation of a number of areas of modern foreign psychology that have made the subject of their research the deep forces of personality, its drives and tendencies, which are opposed to the processes occurring on the "surface" of consciousness. At the same time, pathological mental states are interpreted in deep psychology not as diseases in the usual sense, but as an expression of universal human difficulties and mental conflicts that have taken only a pronounced open form. That is, it is quite obvious that such an approach is quite appropriate for people who have experienced shock psychological trauma. The author notes that he used psychoanalytic theories as the methodological basis of his research, which is also quite suitable for this topic. But the subject of the study and its scientific novelty are not defined in the text, which requires further development taking into account the stated topic. There is no formulation of the purpose of the study, which also needs to be eliminated when finalizing the text. Attention is drawn to the "blurriness" of the research methodology. Therefore, the text looks like a progress report. Thus, it was noted that the participants of the seminar "practiced holotropic breathwork in combining this method with confidence-based practices from body-oriented and existential approaches, as well as with art psychology - with drawing mandalas (drawing in a circle) after each session." Further in the text, we are talking only about drawing mandalas. Nothing is said about holotropic breathwork and other methods. By the way, the use of methods, including holotropic breathwork, must be justified. The style of presentation of the text is reporting and analytical. The author analyzes the drawings, analyzes the results of the conversations and makes his conclusions on this basis. Maybe this is quite enough, but then why are all the other methods specified in the methodology? The structure of the work does not yet meet the accepted requirements. The text must show the subject of the study, its purpose and the rationale for scientific novelty. After that, it will be possible to interpret the results more concretely. The content of the work is presented by a description of the results of the "transformation of each of the participants of the seminar" and examples are given for each of the 13 participants of the seminar. For example, "Participant "A": before the seminar she was in a state of uncertainty and sadness, after the seminar she realized her mission in life, her mood improved significantly and steadily, she managed to accept the identity of a professional psychologist." The miraculous effect of the seminar is obvious. But it is precisely this circumstance that the reviewer doubts. The fact is that in rehabilitation centers and hospitals there are a large number of victims of various psychological traumas and it is not always possible to achieve even any improvement, since their psychological rehabilitation requires a much longer time. The author also cites the results of the feedback analysis: "three weeks after the end of the seminar, its results remain stable for each participant with all the inevitable and regressive states that arise from time to time, which, nevertheless, are corrected due to both spontaneous and conscious self-regulation of states. Status tracking is conducted both in the general Telegram chat and in personal correspondence with the participants of the seminar." The reviewer (a psychotherapist of the highest category) has many questions about such results. Nevertheless, the author concludes that "the results indicate a fairly high efficiency of the synthesis of classical methods of deep (transpersonal) psychology (psychotherapy) and the appeal to the basic symbols of Russian culture (civilization)." It is also noted that "this can be done on the basis of a refresher course for psychologists by trained specialists who would begin systematic work with civilians in need. In addition, the relevant messages should, in our opinion, be included in educational and educational materials in the context of the theological and psychological concept of the prevention of destructive behavior." Regarding the conclusions, we can say that they do not accurately reflect the content of the text and need to be revised. There is no conclusion. It is advisable to supplement the bibliographic list with more modern sources and exclude non-scientific sources from it (No. 4). After finalizing the text, it can be considered for publication in the journal as a scientific article, taking into account the relevance of the research topic.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The work "Rehabilitation of survivors of shock psychological trauma by methods of deep existential psychology" is presented for review. The subject of the study. The subject of the study is the study of the potential of methods of deep existential psychology in the rehabilitation of persons who have experienced shock psychological trauma. It can be noted that the selected subject has been studied by the author, and the goal has been achieved. Research methodology. In order to achieve the research goal, both a theoretical analysis of scientific approaches was used, and an empirical study was conducted. The author focused on the analysis of a number of approaches by such specialists as: K. Jung, V. Frankl, A. Assagioli, A. Maslow, R. Lang, S. Groff, etc. Special attention is paid to the main provisions of the concept of A.A. Ukhtomsky. The basic methodological position of the author's approach is the following: it is necessary for a psychologically traumatized person to relive the cycle of "death/ birth" and, having processed traumatic conditions, reach a new quality of life. For the empirical study, the method of a formative experiment was used, in which 13 students who study at Mariupol State University participated. Each respondent has a traumatic experience of military operations, which has led to a general state of "extremely oppressed" or "oppressed". But the participants of the experiment expressed the hope that a psychological transformation would occur due to participation in the study. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the problem of psychological and socio-psychological rehabilitation of civilians who have been subjected to shock mental trauma is most significant for modern psychological science and practice. The scientific novelty of the research is as follows. The author has revealed: - high efficiency of synthesis of classical methods of deep (transpersonal) psychology (psychotherapy) and appeal to the basic symbols of Russian culture (civilization) in the rehabilitation of persons who have experienced shock trauma, as well as with the assistance of personal development and professional growth; - the effectiveness of synthesis of a set of methods of deep psychology, including holotropic breathwork, with the approach, referring to the basic existential realities corresponding to Russian culture. - the importance of holotropic breathing in the "here and now" mode in the actualization of repressed or even detached mental content; - the importance of working with these states using the methods of existential psychology and a body-oriented approach makes it possible for a person to find support in a new (or restored) dominant for creation. The author notes that it is important to disseminate the experience gained in the psychological environment of practical psychologists to work in appropriate groups, both in the liberated territories and in other regions of the Russian Federation. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly traced, the author highlights the main semantic parts. In the introduction, the author of the article identifies the relevance, highlights the contribution of the Center for the Prevention of Extremism in Education and Youth and the Kuindzhi Moscow State University to solving the problem raised. The next section is devoted to the description of the methodological and methodological foundations of the study. The author describes the method used, the respondents and the features of the methodological approach. The results obtained made it possible to fill the following semantic section with content. The author presented a description of the transformation of each of the participants of the seminar. Special attention is paid to the characterization of peak experiences at the level of high awareness and with their inclusion in the personality structure. The following section contains brief conclusions and recommendations. The article ends with a brief conclusion, which contains general conclusions. Special attention is paid to the description of the application, which provides a detailed example of feedback from one of the participants of the seminar. The work is a complete and complete work. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 12 domestic and foreign sources, a smaller part of which have been published in the last three years. The list contains mainly research articles and monographs. The sources are not designed uniformly, and they are also incorrect in most positions. It is important to pay attention to this. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: 1) to make a deeper theoretical analysis of the problem of domestic and foreign sources, including modern research; 2) to present in more detail the results obtained; 3) to specify the prospects of this study, highlighting the main directions for further study; 4) to correctly arrange bibliographic sources, bring them to uniformity in accordance with the requirements; 5) to review the work for descriptions and syntactic inaccuracies. Conclusions. The problems of the article are of undoubted relevance, theoretical value, and will be of interest to specialists who consider the problems of rehabilitation of persons who have experienced shock psychological trauma through the methods of deep existential psychology. The article can be recommended for publication taking into account the highlighted recommendations.