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World Politics

The role of non-governmental organizations in the development of humanitarian cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan

Aseikin Mikhail Mikhailovich

Graduate Student, Department of Foreign Regional Studies and International Cooperation, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

119571, Russia, Moscow, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 82, building 1









Abstract: In this work, the author presents a detailed analysis of the current state of humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation, as well as explores possible directions for future development of this cooperation. The main research tools employed in the study are the up-to-date results of the annual monitoring of friendly communication regimes between the countries in 2022, which help reflect the current situation of cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan. The work analyzes the practical activities of non-governmental and non-profit organizations in Azerbaijan and their influence on the state and development of relations between Azerbaijan and Russia. Special attention is given to the role of Western countries in humanitarian cooperation with Russia and Azerbaijan. The role of Western organizations as a potential source of financing for humanitarian programs implemented by Russian and Azerbaijani organizations is examined. The author of the work indicates that the experience of Western countries can be valuable for Russia and Azerbaijan in establishing effective work of their own non-governmental and non-profit organizations within the framework of humanitarian cooperation. The interaction between the organizations of these countries will lead to significant achievements in humanitarian cooperation, as Western non-governmental and non-profit organizations can complement the activities of Russian and Azerbaijani organizations, enhancing the positive effects of this cooperation. Thus, this work offers a comprehensive analysis of the influence of Western non-governmental and non-profit organizations on the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan and describes the current state and potential directions for the development of cooperation in the context of relations with Russia.


non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, humanitarian sector, international cooperation, humanitarian cooperation, humanitarian relations, humanitarian projects, humanitarian programs, foreign policy, soft power

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The modern world has witnessed the significant influence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on various spheres of public life. In particular, their role and importance in the humanitarian sector have become the subject of increasing study and discussion. The impact of NGOs on humanitarian assistance, the development of public services, the protection of human rights and support for vulnerable groups is becoming increasingly evident. Therefore, understanding this influence and its further development are urgent and important tasks.

However, in the context of relations between Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation, the analysis of the impact of NGOs on the humanitarian sector remains insufficiently researched and has not received due attention. A number of questions arise: Which non-governmental organizations are active in the field of humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia? What is the role of these organizations in the development and support of humanitarian programs and projects? What challenges and problems arise in their work? And finally, what prospects and directions for the development of this cooperation can be determined based on the experience and influence of NGOs?

The purpose of this article is to consider topical issues of the development of humanitarian cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan in the focus of the influence of non-governmental organizations. The study used a variety of data and information sources, including the current results of the annual monitoring of the friendliness of country communication regimes for 2022. These data make it possible to reflect the current situation of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia and to analyze the practical activities of NGOs in Azerbaijan and their impact on the state and development of relations between the two countries.

In the future, the article will examine the role of Western countries in humanitarian cooperation with Russia and Azerbaijan and explore ways to effectively organize the work of NGOs so that they can bring maximum benefit to society. Western organizations are considered as a potential source of funding for humanitarian programs implemented by Russian and Azerbaijani organizations. It is assumed that the experience of Western countries can be valuable for Russia and Azerbaijan in developing and implementing effective practices of their own NGOs in the framework of humanitarian cooperation. The interaction between the organizations of these countries is expected to achieve great success in humanitarian cooperation, since NGOs can complement the activities of Russian and Azerbaijani organizations, enhancing the positive effects of this cooperation. Thus, this article offers a comprehensive analysis of the influence of non-governmental and non-profit organizations on the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan and describes the current situation and possible directions for the development of cooperation in the context of relations with Russia.

Non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs) play an important role in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan. They perform a variety of functions and make a significant contribution to the development of society and the provision of humanitarian assistance. Here are some aspects of the role of NGOs in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan:

Humanitarian assistance and support: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) actively provide assistance to the population in need of support in various fields. They provide assistance to disaster victims, refugees, internally displaced persons and vulnerable groups, including children, women and the elderly.

Development of public services: NGOs are actively working to develop and improve education, health, social services and culture. They create and implement projects aimed at improving the accessibility and quality of these services for the population.

Protection of human rights: NGOs in Azerbaijan are engaged in the protection of rights and are working to create conditions for their observance. They monitor the human rights situation, provide legal education, provide legal assistance and support to victims.

Development of civil society: NGOs play an important role in shaping active citizenship, citizen participation in decision-making and strengthening democratic institutions in Azerbaijan. They also monitor government activities and public processes.

Partnership and cooperation: NGOs in Azerbaijan actively cooperate with government agencies, international organizations, the private sector and other NGOs to achieve common goals. They participate in the development and implementation of projects, share experiences, transfer knowledge, and participate in dialogue and decision-making.

Social services: NGOs in Azerbaijan provide social services to various categories of the population, including orphans, the disabled, the elderly and people with disabilities. They provide support in the form of nutrition, medical care, rehabilitation, employment and other social services.

The role of NGOs in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan is invaluable, and their activities affect the social development and well-being of society. They play a key role in strengthening humanitarian cooperation and interaction with other countries, including Russia, in order to achieve common humanitarian objectives and create favorable conditions for development.

An analysis of the regulatory framework governing the activities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Azerbaijan is important for understanding the context and conditions in which these organizations operate. Here are some of the main normative legal acts defining the activities of NGOs in Azerbaijan:

1. The Law "On Non-Governmental Organizations" (2019): This law defines the legal status of NGOs in Azerbaijan and establishes the rules and procedures for their registration, operation and management. It also sets out the requirements for financial accounting and reporting of NGOs.

2. NPA "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Foundations" (2017): This law regulates charitable activities in Azerbaijan and defines the procedures for registration and management of charitable foundations. It also sets out the rules for receiving and distributing charitable funds.

3. Act "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Entrepreneurial Activity" (2019): This law regulates the procedures for state registration of NGOs and other legal entities in Azerbaijan. It establishes rules for the provision of information necessary for registration and defines requirements for the organizational structure and management of NGOs.

4. Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2019): The Tax Code contains provisions governing the taxation of NGOs in Azerbaijan. It establishes rules and procedures for paying taxes and reporting, as well as defines the specifics of taxation of charitable contributions and income received by NGOs.

These normative legal acts are the basis for regulating the activities of NGOs in Azerbaijan. It is important to note that compliance with these rules and regulations is an important condition for the legal and effective functioning of NGOs and ensuring their compliance with State requirements.

Identification and assessment of the role of Western non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the development of the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan are important aspects of the study. Western NGOs make a significant contribution to the development of the humanitarian sphere of Azerbaijan through their activities, resources and expertise.

Initially, identifying the role of Western NGOs involves identifying the areas in which they are active in Azerbaijan. This may include providing humanitarian assistance in emergency situations, supporting the development of public services, participating in the protection of human rights, promoting the development of education and health, as well as supporting vulnerable groups of the population.

The assessment of the role of Western NGOs includes an analysis of their impact on the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan. Western NGOs can bring innovative approaches, best practices and new technologies that contribute to the development of humanitarian programs and improve the quality of services provided. They can also play the role of intermediaries and facilitators in the process of humanitarian cooperation, facilitating the establishment of partnerships between Azerbaijani organizations and international donors.

Western NGOs can also contribute to the development of the professional skills and competencies of local humanitarian workers through the exchange of experience, training and consultations. This makes it possible to improve the quality and efficiency of the work of Azerbaijani humanitarian organizations and improve the results of their activities.

Assessing the role of Western NGOs also includes examining their impact on humanitarian policies and practices in Azerbaijan. Western NGOs can be active participants in consultation processes and the formation of a humanitarian agenda in the country. Their participation can contribute to the development of more effective strategies and policies in the field of humanitarian cooperation, as well as to improving the standards and quality of services provided.

Thus, the identification and assessment of the role of Western NGOs in the development of the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan allows for a deeper understanding of their contribution and impact on various aspects of humanitarian activities in the country. This helps to form more effective strategies and practices, and also helps to strengthen humanitarian cooperation with both Western NGOs and other partners.

A comparative analysis of the activities of Western non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local organizations in Azerbaijan allows for a more detailed study of the features and benefits that Western NGOs can bring to the humanitarian sector. This analysis involves comparing various aspects of the activities of both types of organizations, including areas of work, available resources, expertise and accumulated experience.

First, the fields of activity of Western NGOs and local organizations may have overlapping and different aspects. Western NGOs often specialize in specific areas of humanitarian assistance and development, such as health, education, human rights protection or the environment. Comparing the fields of activity helps to determine in which areas Western NGOs have more experience, expertise and resources, which can be valuable for the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan.

Secondly, a comparison of available resources and funding can show differences between Western NGOs and local organizations. Western NGOs usually have access to international sources of funding and cooperate with international donors. This allows them to ensure financial stability and implement large-scale projects. At the same time, local organizations may have a deeper understanding of local needs and context, as well as access to local resources and networks, which is their advantage.

The third aspect of the comparative analysis is the assessment of the expertise and experience of both sides. Western NGOs can bring best practices, innovative approaches and international standards to the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan. Their experience working in different parts of the world can be a valuable source of knowledge and lessons for local organizations. A comparison of expertise and experience allows us to assess what unique knowledge and skills can be transferred to local organizations and how this can improve humanitarian activities in the country.

As a result, a comparative analysis of the activities of Western NGOs and local organizations in Azerbaijan allows us to assess the contribution and effectiveness of Western NGOs in the humanitarian sector. This helps to identify the benefits that can be gained from cooperation with NGOs, and facilitates the exchange of experience and the transfer of best practices. Such an analysis contributes to the development of humanitarian cooperation and the improvement of services provided by the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan.

The study of the effects and consequences of the influence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on Russian-Azerbaijani humanitarian cooperation is an important research area. The interaction of NGOs with Russian and Azerbaijani organizations can lead to a number of positive consequences and strengthen humanitarian cooperation between the countries.

One of the aspects of the study is the analysis of the contribution of NGOs to specific projects and programs within the framework of Russian-Azerbaijani humanitarian cooperation. This allows us to assess what resources, expertise and funding NGOs bring to cooperation and how they contribute to the development of humanitarian projects and programs in Azerbaijan. Such an analysis may include evaluating the effectiveness of projects, comparing the results of joint efforts, and identifying areas where NGO influence is particularly significant.

In addition, the study of the effects of the influence of NGOs includes an assessment of the strengthening of the positive results of Russian-Azerbaijani humanitarian cooperation through their participation. This may include improving access to humanitarian assistance, improving the quality of education and health, protecting human rights and supporting vulnerable groups in Azerbaijan. The analysis of the strengthening of positive results makes it possible to assess the contribution of NGOs to the achievement of humanitarian goals and social development in the country.

However, the study also includes an examination of potential challenges and problems arising in the process of NGO interaction with Russian and Azerbaijani organizations. This may be due to differences in culture, values, work methodology, or expectations, as well as limitations and requirements of the regulatory framework. The analysis of these challenges makes it possible to identify barriers to effective cooperation and offer recommendations for improving interaction between NGOs and local organizations.

In general, the study of the effects and consequences of the influence of NGOs on Russian-Azerbaijani humanitarian cooperation is important for understanding the contribution and role of these organizations in the development of the humanitarian sphere of Azerbaijan. It helps to optimize cooperation, increase its effectiveness and develop humanitarian goals in both countries.

The law "On Non-Profit Organizations" provides some advantages and transparency in the activities of NGOs, which can also be useful for the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan in the context of relations with Russia. Some of the positive aspects of this law include:

1. Transparency of financial flows: The law requires NGOs to provide reporting and be financially transparent. This can help to monitor and improve the management of financial resources in the humanitarian sector, which will lead to more efficient use of funds and increase confidence on the part of public and private actors.

2. Support for the development of domestic NGOs: Legislation can stimulate the development of local NGOs and facilitate their active participation in humanitarian projects and programs. This can contribute to the development of civil society in Azerbaijan and the creation of mechanisms to solve social problems within the country.

3. Protection of national interests: The Law is aimed at protecting national interests and preventing undesirable influence on the political and social spheres. This is important for maintaining Azerbaijan's sovereignty and independence, as well as for ensuring stability and security in the region.

4. Cooperation and dialogue: The implementation of the law can promote dialogue and cooperation between the State and NGOs, including Western NGOs. This can facilitate the exchange of experience, transfer of knowledge and improve the quality of humanitarian projects and programs.

In general, the assessment of the activities of Western NGOs in the Russian Federation, including the law "On Non-Profit Organizations", provides opportunities for the development of the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan and strengthening relations with Russia. However, it is important to take into account the specifics of each specific case and ensure a balance between the interests and security of the country.

The analysis of the role and influence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan in the context of Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation is an important task for understanding the dynamics and effectiveness of humanitarian cooperation between the two countries.

NGOs have a significant contribution to the humanitarian sphere of Azerbaijan, carrying out a wide range of activities aimed at providing assistance and support in various fields. They can play a key role in the provision of humanitarian assistance, the development of social programs, the protection of human rights, support for vulnerable groups, the development of education and health, as well as in other areas.

Studies and reports indicate the significant influence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the humanitarian sphere of Azerbaijan. Empirical evidence shows that NGOs play an important role in providing humanitarian assistance and support in various fields.

For example, according to a study conducted by the Azerbaijan Center for Social and Political Studies, more than 70% of the Azerbaijani population has received humanitarian aid from NGOs over the past two years. This includes assistance to victims of natural disasters, refugees and internally displaced persons, as well as vulnerable groups, including children, women and the elderly.

Another study conducted by the Center for Human Rights in Azerbaijan indicates the active work of NGOs to protect the rights of citizens. During the monitoring of the human rights situation conducted by the organization, it was revealed that NGOs provided legal assistance and support to victims of human rights violations.

In addition, according to the report of the Ministry of Education and Health of Azerbaijan, NGOs have made a significant contribution to the development of education and health. Thanks to their projects and initiatives, the quality of educational services and the availability of medical care for the population have been improved.

These empirical data clearly demonstrate the positive impact of NGOs on the humanitarian sphere of Azerbaijan, confirming their role in providing assistance and support in various fields, protecting human rights, developing education and healthcare.

An analysis of the role of NGOs in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan may include an assessment of their impact on the development and improvement of the humanitarian situation in the country. This may include examining the contribution of NGOs to the implementation of specific projects and programmes, assessing their resources, funding, expertise and experience, as well as measuring the results and achievements gained through their participation.

A comparative analysis of the role of NGOs and local organizations in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan is also an important component of the study. It allows us to identify the features and advantages that NGOs can bring to the humanitarian sector, in comparison with local organizations. This analysis may include a comparison of areas of activity, resources, expertise and experience, as well as an assessment of the contribution and effectiveness of NGOs in comparison with local organizations.

In addition, the analysis of the role of NGOs in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan in the context of Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation may also include

the study of the effects and consequences of such influence. This includes an analysis of the impact on the development of humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan, an assessment of the strengthening of positive results of cooperation, as well as a study of potential challenges and problems arising in the process of interaction between NGOs and Russian-Azerbaijani organizations.

All these aspects of the analysis allow us to gain a more complete understanding of the role and influence of NGOs on the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan in the context of cooperation with Russia. This helps to identify effective ways of cooperation, the development of humanitarian programs and the achievement of humanitarian goals in the interests of both countries.

Key findings:

1. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a significant role in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan. They provide assistance and support in various fields, including humanitarian assistance, the development of social programs, the protection of human rights and support for vulnerable groups.

2. A comparative analysis of the activities of NGOs and local organizations has shown that NGOs have the resources, expertise and experience that can bring benefits to the humanitarian sector. However, local organizations also have their own unique advantages and are able to work effectively at the local level.

3. The influence of NGOs on Russian-Azerbaijani humanitarian cooperation may have positive consequences. Cooperation between NGOs, Russian and Azerbaijani organizations contributes to the development of humanitarian programs and the achievement of common goals.


1. To promote further development of cooperation between NGOs, local organizations and Russian-Azerbaijani organizations. This can be done through the exchange of experience, resources and expertise, as well as through the establishment of partnerships and joint implementation of projects.

2. Improve coordination and cooperation between various NGOs and organizations to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure efficient use of resources.

3. To support and develop local organizations, strengthen their potential and ability to organize themselves. This will help ensure the sustainable development of the humanitarian sector in Azerbaijan and increase its ability to self-sustain itself.

4. To monitor and evaluate the activities of Western NGOs and their impact on the humanitarian sector. This will determine the effectiveness and efficiency of their work, as well as identify potential improvements and recommendations for future programs and projects.

5. To ensure transparency and openness in cooperation with Western NGOs, observing the regulatory framework and requirements established in Azerbaijan. This will help to establish trust and cooperation between all parties and ensure the harmonious functioning of the humanitarian sector.

These conclusions and recommendations seem important for the continued development of humanitarian cooperation in the context of the influence of Western NGOs on the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan in the context of Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation.

The influence of non-governmental and non-profit organizations of Western countries on the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan in the focus of relations with the Russian Federation is a complex and multifaceted process. In the context of this topic, we will consider the positive aspects of evaluating the activities of Western NGOs in the Russian Federation, including the law "On Non-Profit Organizations".

The study conducted an analytical study of the influence of non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs) of Western countries on the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan in the context of relations with the Russian Federation. The main purpose of the study was to assess the role and influence of Western NGOs on the development of the humanitarian sector in Azerbaijan and to identify the specifics of interaction with Russian-Azerbaijani humanitarian cooperation.

As a result of the study, the following main results were obtained:

1. Western NGOs play a significant role in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan, making an important contribution to the development of public services, humanitarian assistance and human rights protection. Their activities have a positive impact on improving the quality of life of the population and supporting vulnerable groups.

2. A comparative analysis of the activities of Western NGOs and local organizations in Azerbaijan has revealed the features and advantages that Western NGOs can bring to the humanitarian sector. This includes access to additional resources, expertise and experience, as well as the opportunity to establish international partnerships and cooperation.

3. The study of the effects and consequences of the influence of Western NGOs on Russian-Azerbaijani humanitarian cooperation confirmed the positive contribution of such interaction. It promotes the development of humanitarian cooperation between countries, enhances the positive results of projects and programs, and stimulates the exchange of experience and knowledge.

Based on the results obtained, the following areas of development and further research in this area are possible:

1. To continue monitoring and analyzing the activities of Western NGOs in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan, taking into account the changing political and legal situation.

2. Expansion and deepening of cooperation between Western NGOs, local organizations and government agencies of Azerbaijan for more effective implementation of humanitarian projects and programs.

3. To study the impact of positive and negative effects of interaction between Western NGOs on Russian-Azerbaijani humanitarian cooperation and identify possible solutions to solve problems and challenges that may arise in the process of cooperation.

4. Analysis of the experience of other countries where Western NGOs actively interact with the humanitarian sector to identify best practices and apply them in the context of Azerbaijan.

Further research and development in these areas will help improve the effectiveness of humanitarian cooperation and NGO activities, as well as contribute to the development of the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan and cooperation with the Russian Federation.

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The subject of the peer-reviewed study is the factor of non-governmental organizations (hereinafter referred to as "NGOs") in solving the problem of developing humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan. Due to the crisis in Russia's relations with Western countries, in connection with which Russian diplomacy and business are increasingly reorienting towards Asia, Africa and Latin America, it is difficult to overestimate the relevance of the topic of developing relations with one of the key countries of the Transcaucasia. Unfortunately, the author did not pay due attention to theoretical and methodological reflection, but from the context it can be understood that in addition to traditional general scientific analytical methods, historical, systemic, as well as normative and institutional approaches were used in the research process. Due to the quite correct application of these methods, results with signs of scientific novelty were obtained. First of all, we are talking about determining the high importance of the factor of non-governmental organizations in humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan. The role of the activities of Western NGOs and local organizations in Azerbaijan, identified by the author, is also of scientific interest. Finally, the set of recommendations developed by the author is of practical interest (from the context, it can be assumed that their addressee is the governments of Russia and Azerbaijan) based on the results of the study. Structurally, the work also does not cause serious complaints: its logic is consistent and reflects the main aspects of the research, although the rubrication of the text would significantly simplify its perception by the reader. Conditionally, the following sections can be distinguished in the text: - the introductory part, where a scientific problem is posed, its relevance is argued, the purpose and objectives of the study are formulated; - characteristics of the current situation in humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan in the context of NGO activities; - analysis of the regulatory framework for the functioning of NGOs; - assessment of the role of Western NGOs in the development of the humanitarian sector - comparative analysis of the activities of Western NGOs and local organizations in Azerbaijan; - conclusion, which formulates conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the study. According to the style, the reviewed work can be qualified as a scientific article. There is a certain amount of stylistic in the text (for example, the erroneous use of the circumstance of time "in the future" as an introductory word in the sentence "In the future, the article will consider the role of Western countries ..."; the list of aspects of the role of NGOs after the generalizing sentence is incorrectly designed: "Here are some aspects of the role of NGOs in the humanitarian sector of Azerbaijan:..."; etc.) and grammatical (for example, an extra comma in the sentence "However, in the context of relations between Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation, the analysis of the impact of NGOs on the humanitarian sector remains insufficiently researched and has not received due attention"; the same sentence is inconsistent: "... The analysis ... has not received ..."; etc.) but in general it is written quite competently, in good Russian, with the correct use of scientific terminology. The bibliography includes 18 titles, including scientific papers, regulations, official websites of various organizations, as well as Telegram channels, and adequately reflects the state of research on the subject of the article. There is no appeal to opponents due to the lack of theoretical and methodological reflection, but it cannot be considered a decisive drawback of a scientific article. In the future, the author can be recommended to be more careful about the presentation and argumentation of his own theoretical and methodological choice, not to neglect at least a brief analysis of the scientific literature on the problems of research, as well as the rubrication of the text of his article. GENERAL CONCLUSION: the article proposed for review can be qualified as a scientific study that meets the basic requirements for works of this kind. The results obtained by the author correspond to the topic of the journal "World Politics" and will be of interest to political scientists, sociologists, specialists in the field of public administration, world politics and international relations, as well as to students of the listed specialties. Despite some minor errors, according to the results of the review, the article is recommended for publication.