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Software systems and computational methods

Developing the Methodology for the Effective Placement of Security and Fire Alarm Systems

Sharipov Rifat Rashatovich

ORCID: 0000-0002-4957-8132

PhD in Technical Science

Associate Professor of the Information Security Systems Department of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI

420015, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Bolshaya Krasnaya str., 55

Yusupov Bulat Zufarovich

Student of the Information Security Systems Department of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI (KNRTU-KAI)

420015, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Bolshaya Krasnaya str., 55

Martynov Artur Mikhailovich

Student of the Information Security Systems Department of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI (KNRTU-KAI)

420015, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Bolshaya Krasnaya str., 55

Zaripova Rimma Soltanovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-3548-1866

PhD in Technical Science

Associate Professor of the Department of Digital Systems and Models of Kazan State Power Engineering University

51 Krasnoselskaya str., Kazan, 420066, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan










Abstract: The article focuses on security and fire alarm systems (SFAS) as means of ensuring the safety of facilities, viewing them as integrated complexes for promptly detecting potential threats. The main emphasis is on detectors, including their classification and role within the system. The article examines various configurations of SFAS and ways of connecting and processing signals from detectors, allowing for an evaluation of how these factors affect the system's effectiveness. The lifecycle of SFAS is described, highlighting the importance of each stage from design to operation. The article provides an overview of regulatory documents, emphasizing the importance of compliance with standards and requirements when implementing SFAS. Recommended for security professionals and individuals interested in delving into this topic. Additionally, the article addresses issues related to the placement of SFAS and their impact on system effectiveness. It analyzes vulnerabilities arising from irrational placement of components and presents a methodology for optimizing placement to enhance security. The methodology is described step by step, considering input and output processes at each stage. The authors conduct practical testing of the methodology in an educational laboratory with an installed SFAS, identifying placement errors and formulating recommendations for correction. The article is beneficial for professionals in the design and installation of SFAS, as well as for those seeking to improve the level of protection of facilities, accentuating the critical importance of proper component placement.


Security systems, Fire alarm, Placement, Methodology, Effectiveness, Optimization, Components, Installation, Protection, Design

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The security and fire alarm system occupies a central place in the structure of comprehensive measures aimed at ensuring the physical security of facilities. This is an integral element that creates barriers for possible intruders and reduces the risk of fires, which, in turn, contributes to the preservation of tangible assets and prevents losses among the population. Fires can have catastrophic consequences, resulting in significant material losses and, much worse, loss of life. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop a rational approach to fire safety. In addition, in today's world, which is becoming more and more technologically advanced, the importance of information security is undeniable. An analysis of current trends shows that special attention should be paid to protecting the infrastructure of companies. This may include the protection of various elements such as subsystems, workstations, servers, etc. It should be recognized that sometimes the importance of physical protection in the context of information security is overlooked. For example, the global Internet, which we often perceive as an abstract space, actually relies on physical components: switching equipment, wired and radio channel devices, data processing devices, data warehouses and servers. All these elements have a specific physical location and, therefore, can be threatened by intruders. In this context, fire alarm systems act as the first line of defense, preventing unauthorized access to critical infrastructure components and preventing possible fires. Thus, the importance of OPS systems cannot be overestimated. They play a crucial role in ensuring physical and information security, contributing to the protection of human life and well-being, as well as the preservation of valuable resources and assets of organizations. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the effectiveness of the OPS system directly depends on the quality of its design, installation and regular maintenance. A responsible approach to the selection of equipment, taking into account the specifics of a particular facility and strict compliance with regulatory requirements is the key to high reliability and functionality of the system. In addition, attention should be paid to the integration of the OPS system with other security systems, such as video surveillance, access control and anti-terrorist protection systems. Such integration will provide an integrated approach to security, which will significantly enhance its effectiveness. In today's world, where technology is developing at a rapid pace, it is also necessary to take into account and adapt to new threats and challenges. This includes monitoring and applying the latest technological solutions in the field of safety, training personnel and creating emergency response plans. 


It should be noted that OPS are complex complexes of technical means, the task of which is to ensure the safety of facilities by monitoring possible threats and notifying them. Sensors or detectors can be identified as the main components of a typical OPS system, which, as a rule, are sensors capable of registering various types of events, such as movement, door opening, temperature rise or smoke. These sensors are switched to a central device called a receiving and control device (control panel) [1]. The receiving and monitoring device plays a key role in the system, as it processes the signals received from the sensors and, if a possible threat is detected, activates appropriate response measures. Such measures may include, for example, the inclusion of light and sound alerts to alert facility personnel and/or to call the security service. ID readers can also be connected to the control panel, which allows you to control the system using special cards or key chains. This is especially convenient for removing and arming an object. In some cases, a separate control panel may be provided in the OPS system, which provides advanced control and monitoring capabilities of the system. This can be useful in large facilities where it is necessary to provide centralized control over the security system. In addition, additional components can be integrated into the system, such as manual launch consoles that allow facility personnel to immediately activate the emergency warning system, or expansion modules that provide additional interfaces and functions for integration with other systems. In general, the fire alarm system is a multifunctional tool capable of adapting to various conditions and safety requirements. The modular structure of the system allows you to customize it according to the characteristics of a particular object, taking into account its size, number of rooms, infrastructure features and potential risks. An important aspect is also the possibility of integrating the OPS system with other building security and management systems. Thus, modern OPS can be combined with video surveillance systems, access control, as well as automated building management systems to optimize energy consumption and ensure comfort. High-quality design, installation and configuration of a security and fire alarm system are key factors that ensure its effectiveness. At the same time, attention should be paid not only to the selection of suitable components, but also to their proper installation, as well as staff training in the basics of working with the system. Regular maintenance and health checks of all system elements are also important components of ensuring reliable operation of the OPS.

There are many types of security and fire detectors and their classification according to several parameters is given [2]. However, some features should be taken into account when using them, depending on many factors that significantly depend on the object of protection. For example, production facilities with different environmental factors affecting the detectors. Among them: the state of air humidity, which causes corrosion, temperature and vibration effects, high electromagnetic background, causing false alarms or failure of security devices within the service life. For commercial office premises and educational institutions, several types of standard security and fire detectors are usually used. Among them [3,4]:

– optoelectronic detectors;

– acoustic (passive) detectors;

– magnetic contact detectors;

– fire detectors.

Common types of fire detectors are smoke and heat detectors. In large rooms with high ceilings, linear fire protection systems are used, consisting of groups of co-directional receivers and transmitters.

The classification of detectors according to the methods of connecting and processing signals from detectors with monitoring devices is also known. The following types of detectors are distinguished here [5,6]:

– analog;

– addressable;

– addressable analog.

In addition, radio channel detectors have been actively used in recent years [7,8], which simplify the deployment of OPS systems, since it does not require laying wire loops to connect the detectors to the control panel.

There are several stages in the life cycle of OPS systems, starting from setting the task of protecting the facility, controlling access to the facility, delineating protection zones and making demands to the customer [9,10]. At the last stage, a technical specification is drawn up, which usually reflects the following points [11]:

– the objectives of the work are indicated,

– a list of regulatory and regulatory documents is indicated,

– brief descriptions of the objects are given,

– requirements are set for the contractor, for the equipment and execution of works and for the order of execution of works.

After agreeing on the terms of reference, the implementing company proceeds to the study of the object of protection, studying its structure, design features and develops a working draft in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. 

Problems when placing the components of the OPS

Let's consider the main regulatory documents regulating the design and implementation of the OPS system at security facilities.

The following basic regulatory documents are generally known [12,13,14]:
– Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/16/2008 No. 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” [15]. This resolution establishes the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for the content of these sections in the preparation of project documentation for various types of capital construction facilities and in the preparation of project documentation for individual stages of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities;
– GOST R 50776-95 (IEC 60839-1- 4:1989) "Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements". It was put into effect by Resolution No. 256 of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated May 22, 1995 [16]. This national standard establishes requirements for the design, installation, commissioning, testing, operation and maintenance of alarm systems, security, fire alarm systems used to ensure the safety of people and property;
– SNiP 3.05.05-84, SNiP 3.05.06-85 and SNiP 3.05.07-85. These building codes specify the mandatory requirements for commissioning, which must be carried out by the installation and commissioning organization;
– SP 68.13330.2017 "SNiP 3.01.04-87 Commissioning of completed facilities. The main provisions" [17]. This set of rules specifies the requirements and rules for commissioning. After commissioning, the contractor provides warranty service and maintenance of the system.

Despite the requirements of the regulatory framework, at all stages of the life cycle of the OPS system, a lot of incorrect decisions appear, reflected both in projects and OPS systems located on real objects. One of the common problems is the incorrect placement of detectors on protection objects, which leads to incorrect logical operation of the OPS system. Subsequently, this leads to incidents in which an attacker can enter critical areas unnoticed, and can also deactivate sensors. Sometimes there are other cases when the number of detectors at the facility may be installed in excess and they are installed in violation of the placement requirements, for example, two detectors may be located close to each other, which may lead to mutual influence and overlap of detection zones. 

Development of the methodology

In order to ensure maximum efficiency of security and fire alarm systems at the design stage, as well as to correct existing installations at protection facilities, a special technique has been developed aimed at optimizing the placement of OPS elements (see Fig. 1). This technique is based on an integrated approach that includes analysis and consideration of many factors. The main emphasis within the framework of the developed methodology is strict adherence to the requirements of regulatory documents governing the operation and installation of OPS systems. At the same time, the specific characteristics of the object of protection are also taken into account. Such characteristics include, for example, the geometry of the room, the location of windows, doors, walls and other elements, which plays an essential role in ensuring the effectiveness of the system. It should be noted that in practice, when installing OPS elements, various difficulties may arise related to the characteristics of a particular object or external circumstances. Unfortunately, installers often allow deviations from the original design for various reasons, such as the desire to save installation time, minimize cable consumption, or due to a frivolous attitude to the work. Such deviations can lead to a serious decrease in the efficiency of the system and increase potential security risks. The methodology developed taking into account all the mentioned factors is designed to ensure the competent and reasonable placement of OPS elements, minimizing possible errors and their negative consequences. It will become a valuable tool both at the design stage and during the subsequent operation of facilities equipped with security and fire alarm systems.


Figure 1. The method of effective placement of security and fire systems

Let's take a closer look at the developed methodology.

The following table (Table 1) shows the input and output dependencies in blocks describing the processes.

Table 1. Process – Input data – Output data


Input data

Output data

Problem definition

Information about current building safety and fire safety systems, potential hazards and risks

A clear definition of the problem

Needs analysis

Building layout, occupancy, usage and other relevant factors

List of requirements for safety and fire safety systems

Definition of requirements

List of requirements

A set of technical characteristics of safety and fire safety systems

Development of the methodology

Technical specifications, best practices, industry standards

The methodology of effective installation of safety and fire safety systems

Testing the methodology

Test data, safety and fire safety systems, monitoring equipment

Feedback on the effectiveness of the methodology

Collecting information

Industry standards, best practices, case stages

Relevant information for the development of the methodology

Development of guidelines

Technical specifications, industry standards, best practices

Guidelines for the installation of safety and fire safety systems

Program development and solutions

Technical specifications, guidelines

Program and solution for effective installation of safety and fire safety systems

Implementation of the program and solutions

Program and solution for effective installation of safety and fire safety systems

Installed security and fire safety systems in the building

Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring equipment, feedback data

Data on the effectiveness of safety and fire safety systems

Changing the methodology

Feedback data, industry standards

The finished product

To verify the developed methodology for the effective placement of security and fire systems, tests were conducted on a real object in order to study the effectiveness of the developed methodology.

Testing the methodology

The educational laboratory P429 was chosen as the object of research (Fig. 2). The educational laboratory is located on the 4th floor of the educational building. The height of the auditorium is 3 meters 30 centimeters, the width is 5 meters 10 centimeters, the length is 8 meters, the auditorium area is 40.8 sq.m. The auditorium has one door and two windows.


Figure 2. Diagram of the educational laboratory P429 with placed detectors

The following detectors are located in the auditorium:

– glass break detector, acoustic passive,

 – optoelectronic detector, passive,

 – fire detector, spot smoke detector,

 – the detector is fire-fighting, thermal. 

All these detectors are connected to a control panel located in another room. After analyzing the room and the test, recommendations were developed according to the developed methodology:
Place: optoelectronic, magnetic contact, point smoke and thermal fire detectors, in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 07/31/2020 No. 582 "On approval of the Code of Rules "of the fire protection system. Fire alarm systems and automation of fire protection systems. Norms and rules of design", paragraph 6 and sub-paragraphs 6.6.15 and 6.6.16.
Install magnetic contact detectors on the front door and one detector for each opening window sash.
Place two fire-fighting heat detectors in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 07/31/2020 No. 582 item 6.6.15 table 1 and the technical characteristics of the heat detector. This detector covers 39.55 sq.m., the laboratory area is 40.8 sq.m.
Place one optoelectronic detector above the door since there are no other entrances, and it is not advisable to install these detectors on the window since the auditorium is on the fourth floor and there is no possibility for an attacker to enter this room through the windows.
Place one fire smoke detector in the middle of the room in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 07/31/2020 N 582, paragraph 6.6.15 of Table 2 and the technical characteristics of this detector, which covers 128.61 sq.m., which is three times less than the laboratory area.
Remove the glass break detectors from the laboratory. It is not rational to install this detector since the auditorium is located on the fourth floor.

Following these recommendations, Figure 3 shows the recommended placement of the following detectors:

 – magnetic contact detector,

 – optoelectronic detector, passive,

 – fire detector, spot smoke detector,

 – the detector is fire-fighting, thermal.


Figure 3. Placement of the recommended detectors in the room P429

As a result, we received a new placement of security and fire detectors, the placement of which allows the detectors to effectively and timely detect intrusions into a protected object, fire protection and timely inform the security service to quickly neutralize threats. 


In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that as a result of the research and development, a methodology has been created that promotes the rational placement of OPS elements. This applies both to the initial design stage and to already functioning protection facilities on which OPS elements are installed.

The application of this technique becomes especially relevant in the light of the analysis conducted by the P429 laboratory. The analysis revealed a number of problems in the placement of detectors that limit their functionality. For example, it was found that some detectors were placed inefficiently due to their proximity to each other or the wrong choice of protection zones. Cases of the use of irrational detectors have also been identified, such as the placement of glass break sensors on the upper floors of buildings, where their operation is unlikely.

It is worth noting that an additional security threat is the placement of control panels and switching cables in places accessible to unauthorized access. Such placement allows attackers to manipulate these elements, which, in turn, reduces the level of protection.

The plans for the future include automation of the developed methodology by creating a software product. Such a solution will provide the ability to enter data from the object of protection and automatically receive recommendations based on the analysis. To implement this task, modern methods presented in the literature [18,19,20], as well as programming languages can be used.

The following table (Table 1) shows the input and output dependencies in blocks describing the processes.

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15. Government of the Russian Federation. (2008, February 16). Resolution No. 87 “On the Composition of Sections of Project Documentation and Requirements for Their Content” [Electronic resource]. Retrieved June 16, 2023, from GARANT system. Retrieved from https://base.garant.ru/
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The reviewed article is devoted to the actual practical problem of indoor safety and reducing the risks of spreading fires. This problem is solved using the approach proposed by the authors to the placement of thermal and sound sensors. The authors note the main problems of installation and design of fire systems, the most common errors. There is no clear formulation of how the proposed technique differs from the standard algorithm. The positive side of the work is the consideration of a practical example, but it is very formalized and does not contain quantitative estimates. The structure of the article meets the requirements for publication. The article does not contain an experimental part or measurement results, and is of a methodological nature. The layout of the sensors of the technique is considered in detail. There are no measurement results, the analysis does not include an assessment of quantitative indicators. The style of presentation meets the requirements. There are illustrations and a diagram. There are isolated errors. The bibliography contains 20 sources in Russian journals, 7 of them based on conference materials. There are links in the text. Remarks. It is recommended to shorten the introduction. There are repeated repetitions of the theses in different formulations, the vagueness does not allow us to clearly identify the task of the study. Bulky paragraphs. There is no analysis of publications devoted to the problems of reducing fire risks at various facilities. An overview of existing techniques is not provided. When listing regulatory documents and having a link, it is not required to provide both the number and the title in the text, it is not recommended to overload the article with reference data. In the bibliography, specify the output data (publisher, year), a link to the website is not required. The described methodology includes standard steps, there is no clear formulation of what exactly the contribution of the authors consists of. It is recommended to focus on examples by adding quantitative indicators. In cx.1 what is the purpose of the "study of methodology" element at one of the final stages? For all elements, it is recommended to align the wording with the content. Figures 2 and 3 are recommended to reduce and combine. Change the caption, for example, the layout of the sensors before and after using the proposed algorithm. Adjust the overall size and signatures. The rationale for the placement of sensors is formalized and complies with regulatory documents. The role of the methodology proposed by the authors is not clear. How are the distances calculated? What quantitative indicators change as a result. Which sensors are used (model, characteristics) and why. In conclusion, it is necessary to focus on the results of the work performed by the authors. Data on the placement of cables and control panels were not considered. Calculation formulas were not given. The purpose of links 18-20 is not clear. The bibliography should be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Journal and GOST. The article will be of interest to a narrow circle of specialists. The article can be published after making edits, re-reviewing is not required.