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Culture and Art

Study of birch bark handicrafts of the Oroqen people in China

Chzhan Syaoli

ORCID: 0009-0008-1203-1484

Associate Professor, School of Art and Design, Heihe University (People's Republic of China); Postgraduate, Department of Arts and Design, Far Eastern Federal University (Russia)

690078, Russia, Primorsky Krai region, Vladivostok, Ajax str., 10, sq. building 6.2

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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to characterise the characteristics of birch bark crafts of one of the ethnic minority groups, the Oroqen people who live in north-eastern China. The following research methods were used: description, synthesis and classification. The paper examines the characteristics of the handicrafts of the Oroqen people, namely forms, patterns and cultural connotations of ethnic birch bark art. including the cultural component, historical evolution of art and its distribution.Research objectives: to study the characteristic features of traditional fine arts of ethnic minority Oroqen people, classification of traditional art, analysis of the production technology, analysis of the general characteristics of traditional art. Scientific novelty of the study: The art of ethnic minorities in Northeast China has a long history and diversity of types, has a deep cultural connotation, while the Oroqen people have a diverse heritage of folk arts, and birch bark craftsmanship is one of the most important elements. This fact determines the scientific novelty of this study. Conclusions: The paper concludes that the ethnic birchbark art of the Oroqen people has been influenced by the following factors: lifestyle, religion and cultural heritage.The art of the people is determined by their style and standard of living, religion and cultural heritage.


artistic, Craftsmanship, Orochon, ethnic minorities, origins, evolution, design, cultural connotations, characteristics, Forms of art

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The purpose of this work is to characterize the features of the birch bark craft of one of the ethnic minority groups - the Orochon people, who live in the northeast of China. In the course of the work, the following research methods were used: description, synthesis and classification. The paper examines the features of handicrafts of the Orochon people, namely: forms, patterns and cultural connotations of ethnic birch bark art. The paper concludes that the ethnic birch bark art of the Orochon people was influenced by the following factors: the way of life of the people, their religion and cultural heritage.

         Relevance of the study

Since the beginning of the XXI century, various aspects of the art of national minorities in the Northeast of China have shown a tendency to revive and change its forms. Efforts and research in the field of traditional artistic creativity of national minorities in the North-Eastern part of the country contributed to the transition from the elite to the masses and the change of traditional artistic values of national minorities.

The northeastern regions of China are the largest national diaspora of China, they are located in the border areas. The national composition is complex, it is the largest part of the cross-border national population. Evenks-Orochons, Manchus, Mongols, Daurians, Tungus-Solons, Hezhe-Nanais and Koreans live here. The study of the traditional artistic culture of national minorities in the Northeastern region can contribute to the understanding, dissemination and development of art in the northeastern regions of China.

The degree of scientific elaboration of the problem

At the beginning of the XXI century, Chinese and Russian researchers worked on studying the culture of national minorities of the Northeastern part of China and their unique decorative and applied arts. Among these researchers are Chinese scientists Wang Bomin.Art History of Chinese Minorities([1], Chen Zhaofu(Ancient art of Chinese minorities)[2]. Zhao Fuxing (Orochon Study) [3] and Han Yufeng (Heilongjiang Oroken)[4] were engaged in the introduction to the art history of Chinese minorities of Orochon art. Wang Yizhang's works were devoted to the description of Orochon art and culture.Birch Heritage- birch bark culture in Northern China)[5] and Sun Yunlai(Plastic art of the peoples of the Heilongjiang Valley)[6].

The study of the ethnic art of the Orochons from the point of view of the shapes and patterns of birch bark products was carried out by the Work of A.V. Konstantinova[7] they introduced the Orochon people from the point of view of shamanic religion. Research in the field of art of primitive people was conducted by S.B. Ivanov, he is also the founder of the national research, which was conducted in the Amur Bay and has historical and cultural value. L.K. Maak made a significant contribution to the research of small peoples. N.M. Prizhevalsky is a famous geographer who conducted scientific research in the Ussuri region in 1867-1869. Also, such scientists as P.P. Shimkevich, L.Ya. Sterbert, L.A. Lopatin, Yu.A. Sem, A.V. Smolyak, V.A. Avrorin, N.V. Kocheshkov were engaged in the study of small peoples. In addition to Russian and Chinese scientists, the works of Japanese scientists provided a lot of information about the traditional art of national minorities in the Northeastern part of China.

Purpose, objectives and subject of the study

Including the cultural component, the historical evolution of art and its dissemination.Research objectives, the study of the characteristic features of the traditional fine art of the national minorities of the Orochons, the classification of traditional art, the analysis of the technology of manufacturing products, the analysis of the general characteristics of traditional art.

Scientific novelty of the study

The art of the ethnic minorities of Northeast China has a long history and a variety of types, has a deep cultural connotation, while the Orochon people have a diverse folk heritage, and birch bark craft is one of the most important elements. This fact determines the scientific novelty of this study, but the technology of creating birch bark products has not yet been studied by modern science, there is also little information about what constitutes the decor of birch bark products, what their functions are in traditional culture and in the modern life of ethnic minorities of Northeast China..

Methodology and methods of research

To achieve the objectives of the study, such research methods as description, synthesis, classification were used.

Source/empirical base of the study

Publications in magazines of the People's Republic of China, the USSR, the Russian Federation on handicrafts, mass media and Internet resources.Interviews, conversations with folk artists and artisans.An illustrated atlas of works by artists published and exhibited in China and Russia.Exhibits in museums in China and Russia.Statistical and factual data in research, reference and educational literature.

The main (analytical) part (discussion, results)

In China, the main locations of birch bark are:Singanlin[NW1] , Da-Khingan-the mountains of Changbai and Zhangguankailin. In Heilongjiang Province, birch bark is mainly concentrated in the ethnic Oroken settlement of Aihui District, Huma County, Bayinna Oroken Settlement, Tahe County, 18 Oroken Station settlement and Sunk County, Xine Oroken ethnic settlement[5, p. 7].

Traditional Orochon art: genesis, evolution and current state

Throughout history, the emergence of culture has been determined by the needs of the ruling class, as well as the needs of folklore and religion. The emergence of culture must stand the test of history. If culture has no social value, it will eventually disappear into history. If it has no social value, then eventually it will be excluded from history. [1, p. 26].

The origin and development of the traditional art of the national minorities of Orochon. As for the ethnic source of the Ororen Chun tribe, although there are various claims, most scholars seem to tend to be descendants of them. [3, p. 8] However, from the point of view of the existing literature, it is difficult to clearly state the full connection between the Oro-Erungun from ancient times to the present day. These are the Oro Chun people who have always lived in the mountains and forests. As a rule, this nationality is referred to as nomadic tribes. We are talking about the Orochon people. [8, p. 85]

The current state of the traditional art of the national minorities of the Orochons. The people of the people do not have their own written language, and the northern branch of the Manchu ethnic group is Tonggus[7, p. 22]. In addition to their national language, many people speak Manchu. The cultural communication forms of the people are mainly realized through oral speech. Therefore, there is no information fixed on paper about the traditional art of this nationality.

The value of Oro-Chun folk art lies in its unique image, stable color, strong regional characteristics and artistic style. The art demonstrates the unique ethnic and cultural atmosphere of the Heilongjiang Basin civilization. Birch bark craft reflects rich regional characteristics and is a concentrated manifestation of the living environment.[5, p.25]

Comparison of the traditional art of the national minorities of the Orochons with the traditional art of the national minorities of the Russian Far East. There are many similarities between the Erenenhun arts and the Evenk ethnic group in the Russian Far East and Northeast China, such as birch bark boxes. They are very similar in shape and design.

Characteristic features of traditional Orochon art?

In ancient times, the exchange between Chinese and foreign art had to take place through border areas; this determined the status of ethnic minorities as a bridge through which the interchange between Chinese and foreign art was carried out, and which played an important role for minorities in the history of the development of Chinese art. [2, p. 35].

Classification and clarification of the specifics of the traditional art of the Orochon people. Orochon people interact in harmony with nature. They devote a lot of time and effort to natural creativity and to the perception of nature itself. Consequently, there are many variations, patterns on birch bark products. All the patterns that are applied to the birch bark product can be divided into 4 main categories: images of plants, animals, geometric drawings, as well as portraits and images of people.

Plants are given the first place in this classification, since products are the most common and are more common. This is because the Orochon people have lived in the Singanga area for a long time. And for them, the surrounding nature has become the key to creativity. Often on their products, Elun Chun illustrate leaves, show tree trunks, images of flowers, grass, petals, etc. Animals appeared on oleun leather crafts. Patterns like fish scales are widespread. However, such images are rarely found on household utensils. Only on individual elements of everyday life, for example, a similar pattern can be applied to dishes.

On the products of the Orochon tribe, patterns with the image of a person are as rare as animal patterns. Only occasionally can you see patterns engraved with images of hunters. Images of people mostly carry a positive connotation. Images with animals do not carry a positive or negative assessment, so we attribute such images to a neutral overtone. In the process of making products and decorative items in the traditional style, the Orochons show artistic thinking. The traditional folk art of the Orochons can be characterized in three words: diversity, abstraction and waywardness. [6, p. 101]

The features of this craft are rich in themes that Orochons use. As mentioned earlier, they depict animals, plants and people, as well as abstract geometric drawings. The basis of the images on the product of abstraction and geometric drawings of the Orochons are animals and plants. Showing respect for nature, orochons highlight certain features, add or remove features, deform and, in the end, this image becomes a unique image on a birch bark product.

Ornament, analysis of the general characteristics of traditional art. The symbolic meaning of decorative patterns lies in the fact that most of the meanings that symbols carry on household items are reflected directly in people's lives. Basically, these ornaments or symbols do not have a special connotative meaning, but some patterns carry positive energy. There are ornaments that symbolize good omens, such as long life, peace and joy, etc. [4, p. 68] For example, among the Orochons, one of the most popular ornaments is a flower [NW2] [NW3]. This flower in the language of the Orochon people is called the Namdrola Flower (The names of the flowers of the Orochon people). The flower is distinguished by its unusual shape. He is depicted on birch bark products with additions that resemble clouds. This ornament symbolizes pure love. [4, p. 70].

Conclusions, their practical significance, possible directions for further research.

        In our study dedicated to the people of the Orochon people who live in the Heilongjiang River Basin area, China, it is necessary to emphasize the following:

       1. The art of a people is determined by their style and standard of living, religion and cultural heritage.Orochons are primarily hunters. Their lifestyle has a strong influence on the formation and development of birch bark craft.

      2. It is important to emphasize the main points that characterize the birch bark craft of this ethnic group to one degree or another.

      The products that the Orochons produce are endowed with both aesthetic and practical value.

      Each birch bark product is a tradition that is executed in a certain technique, ornamental design, and color scheme, and at the same time it is an engine that helps to develop innovations and promote new modern birch bark crafts. The best way to preserve the traditional craft of working with birch bark is to develop and use resources.

     3. Religious characteristics of ethnic art and the Orochon people.

     Since the national faith of the people is shamanism, the works of art reflect the natural environment, i.e. the nature and way of life of the people in this area. The way of life of the people has formed a special craft and cultural form in the conditions of the natural environment.

1. Wang Beming. (1985). History of Chinese Minority Art. Fuzhou: Fujian Fine Arts Publishers.
2. Chen Zhaofu. (1991). Ancient Art of Chinese Minorities. Peking: People's Publishing House of Fine Arts.
3. Zhao Fuxing. (1987). The study of oroken (pp. 8-10). Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House.
4. Han Yufeng. (2002). Heilongjiang oroken (pp. 68-70). Harbin: Harbin Publishing House.
5. Wang Yizhang, & Wang Tifeng. (2011). Heritage of birch bark culture in North China (pp. 7-25). Heilongjiang People's Publishing House.
6. Sun Yunlai. (1990). Plastic Art of the Peoples of the Heilongjiang Valley. Published by the Tianjin Ancient Book Publishers.
7. Noll Richard, Kun Shi.(2009). The last orochon shaman of North-Eastern China. Religious Studies. pp. 22.
8. Konstantinova, A.V. (2017). The art of the Evenks as the cultural memory of the people. Siberian Federated University.
9. Baudelaire. (1986). On art. Ìoscow: Art.
10. Gromov E.S.(2004). Art and hermeneutics in its aesthetic and sociological dimensions. SPb: Aletheia.

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In the journal "Culture and Art", the author presented his article "Research of artistic products made of birch bark of the Orochon people in China", in which a study of the features of works of this direction of traditional Chinese art was conducted. The author proceeds in the study of this issue from the fact that birch bark works are a vivid example of the traditional art of one of the nationalities of northeast China. The relevance of this study is due to the increased interest of both representatives of the scientific community and the general public in traditional Chinese art in the context of the current geopolitical and socio-cultural situation, as well as the revival of interest in the art of national minorities within the country. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the study of the traditional artistic culture of national minorities in the Northeast region can contribute to the understanding, dissemination and development of art in the regions of China. The methodological basis was an integrated approach, including analysis, synthesis and classification, as well as descriptive analysis. The empirical base includes publications in magazines of the People's Republic of China, the USSR, and the Russian Federation on handicrafts, mass media and Internet resources, interviews, conversations with folk artists and artisans, an illustrated atlas of works by artists published and exhibited in China and Russia, exhibits in museums in China and Russia, statistical data and the actual data that are freely available in research, reference and educational literature. The purpose of this work is to characterize the features of the birch bark craft of one of the ethnic minority groups - the Orochon people, who live in northeastern China. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of handicrafts of the Orochon people, namely: shapes, patterns and cultural connotations of ethnic birch bark art. Having analyzed the scientific validity of the studied issues, the author notes a sufficient amount of scientific and ethnographic works by Russian and Chinese researchers devoted to the traditional art of China, in particular the art of small ethnic groups. However, the author emphasizes that the technologies for creating birch bark products have not yet been studied by modern science, and there is also little information about what constitutes the decor of birch bark products, what their functions are in traditional culture and in the modern life of ethnic minorities in Northeast China. Therefore, the scientific justification of this problem constitutes the scientific novelty of the study. To achieve the purpose of the study, the author conducted a socio-cultural analysis, which resulted in the author's position that the Orochon people do not have their own writing system, in addition to their national language, many people speak Manchu. The cultural communication forms of the people are mainly realized through oral speech, therefore, this nation does not have fixed information about its traditional art. The author sees the value of Oro-Chun folk art in its unique image, stable color, strong regional characteristics and artistic style. The art demonstrates the unique ethnic and cultural atmosphere of the Heilongjiang Basin civilization. Birch bark craft reflects rich regional characteristics and is a concentrated manifestation of the living environment. The author also noted the similarity between the objects of art of Ehrenenhun and the Evenk ethnic group in the Far East of Russia and in the Northeast of China. As a result of the artistic analysis, the author highlights the characteristic features of traditional Orochon art: the predominance of natural subjects on birch bark products (plants, animals, geometric patterns, occasionally images of people), these ornaments or symbols do not have a special connotative meaning, but some patterns carry positive energy. After conducting the research, the author presents the conclusions on the studied materials. It seems that the author in his material touched upon relevant and interesting issues for modern socio-humanitarian knowledge, choosing for analysis a topic, consideration of which in scientific research discourse will entail certain changes in the established approaches and directions of analysis of the problem addressed in the presented article. The results obtained allow us to assert that the study of the unique culture of a certain people, its material and spiritual cultural heritage is of undoubted theoretical and practical cultural interest and can serve as a source of further research. The material presented in the work has a clear, logically structured structure that contributes to a more complete assimilation of the material. An adequate choice of methodological base also contributes to this. The bibliographic list of the study consists of 10 sources, which seems sufficient for the generalization and analysis of scientific discourse on the subject under study. The author fulfilled his goal, received certain scientific results that allowed him to summarize the material. It should be noted that the article may be of interest to readers and deserves to be published in a reputable scientific publication. However, the text of the article needs correction.