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Security Issues

Development of the “Safe city” software and hardware complex on the example of the municipality city of Krasnodar

Es'kov Aleksandr Vasil'evich

Doctor of Technical Science

Head, Department of Information Security, Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

350005, Russia, Krasnodar, Yaroslavskaya str., 128

Tsimbal Vitaly Nikolaevich

ORCID: 0000-0002-0561-148X

PhD in Law

Deputy Head, Department of Information Security of the Educational and Scientific Complex of Information Technologies, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotya"

117997, Russia, Moscow, Akademika Volgina str., 12










Abstract: The safety of the human environment is a fairly relevant area of research at the present time. Existing technologies make it possible to prevent threats to society and an individual in megacities, as well as to minimize potential negative factors from their manifestation, and should be implemented actively and in a timely manner. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that a city with a population of more than a million people should have at its disposal a modern and efficient mechanism for managing it, which allows making decisions in the shortest possible time and quickly enough in the field of ensuring public safety and comfortable life. Such a mechanism is the "Safe City" system. However, despite the widespread introduction of such systems in most cities, they require constant qualitative improvement: the addition of new functions and the results of scientific achievements. The work is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the application of the hardware-software complex (HSC) "Safe City" on the example of the municipality of the city of Krasnodar, as well as proposals for its improvement. In particular, the addition of additional functionality and individual technical and software solutions (biometric technologies, recognition of actions of people, objects and subject, neural network technologies, etc.), which will improve the quality of its work, in order to ensure the safety of the life of a modern city, responding to threats to public safety and eliminating their consequences (illegal acts, emergencies accidents, natural phenomena). The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive study of the effectiveness of the application of the HSC "Safe City" in the city of Krasnodar and the formulation of proposals for its improvement. The scientific value of the work lies in the fact that the presented proposals can be used in practice when improving the "Safe City" system to achieve a decent standard of living for citizens in a modern city, its security and safety.


information technology, safe city, public security, integrated security, crime prevention, law and order, biometrics, automatic photo fixation, artificial intelligence, CCTV

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The current state of development of society requires constant improvement of all kinds of information technologies (hereinafter – IT), which are used in various spheres of its life. Informatization of municipal structures is not an exception, in terms of control over the movement of vehicles (urban economy, public transport), interaction with other bodies through the use of electronic document management, maintaining official pages on the Internet, etc. Also, in the last decade, complex systems designed for automated collection, systematization, analysis and subsequent response to the received data have been actively introduced and developed, for example, the hardware and software complex (hereinafter referred to as the APK) "Safe City".

Within the framework of the study: the regulatory legal regulation of the development and implementation of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" both in the Russian Federation as a whole and in Krasnodar, in particular; a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the agro-industrial complex (on the example of law enforcement), various ways of supplementing and improving existing technical solutions used in the "Safe City" are proposed." to improve the quality and productivity of its functioning.

The complex is "... a set of functional and technical requirements for hardware and software, regulatory legal acts (hereinafter referred to as NPA) and regulations of interdepartmental interaction aimed at countering threats to public safety, law and order and habitat security, forming, together with federal security systems, an intelligent multi-level security management system of the subject of the Russian Federation as a whole and in particular, by forecasting, responding, monitoring and preventing possible threats, as well as controlling the elimination of the consequences of emergency threats" [1].

The regulations regulating the need for the construction, implementation and development of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" in the Russian Federation are: Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 2014 No. Pr-1175 "On the development of a general concept for the construction and development of hardware and software complexes "Safe City", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 20, 2014 No. 39 "On the Interdepartmental Commission on issues related to the implementation and development of systems of the hardware and software complex of technical means "Safe City", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2446-r dated December 3, 2014 "On the Concept of construction and development of the hardware and software complex "Safe City".

A typical agro-industrial complex "Safe City" consists of a set of technical means (control systems, public notification systems, a distributed network of surveillance cameras, a situation center (or several), communication tools and appropriate infrastructure [2, pp. 71-72]) designed to organize video surveillance in the service area of the environment, informing citizens about various accidents, effective interaction of municipal services with other organizations and bodies (state, regional, etc.), ensuring public safety.

Various scientists have studied the development of the considered agro-industrial complex in the cities of our country, the peculiarities of using its capabilities in law enforcement, ensuring public safety when using it: Arabidze I. T. [et al.] (2017), Bezgachev F. V. (2022), Isinger A.V. (2018), Linkov V. V. (2019) and others . At the same time, not enough attention is paid to certain issues of improving and supplementing the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" (on the example of the city of Krasnodar) in scientific research for this period of time

The deployment of such systems in the territories of cities is not a declining global trend, in other countries (for example, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Singapore, the People's Republic of China, the Arab Republic of Egypt, etc.), such technical solutions, as a rule, have other names and in the sense of the ideology of such complexes are called "smart city", "automated security systems", etc. [3, pp. 57-58].

However, in our opinion, the name of the modern representation and implementation of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" in Russia as a "smart city" is not entirely correct, due to the big difference in the conceptual and technological construction of the latter, as well as the main goals that are pursued during its creation. The marked difference between these concepts and their content part is that the studied agro-industrial complex is mainly intended, according to [1], for "... countering threats to public safety, law and order and the safety of the environment... by forecasting, responding, monitoring and preventing possible threats, as well as controlling the elimination of the consequences of emergency threats ...". In turn, smart city solutions are designed for automated intelligent management of housing and communal services, economic, energy, social and other aspects of the functioning of the city and its population [25, 26]. In addition to the above, in technological terms, the "smart city" is more automated and "intelligent" due to the use of innovative software, hardware and other solutions (automated decision-making systems, management and control systems, various software products), functioning on the basis and with the help of a single digital platform. Thus, it seems that the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" is part of the "smart city", whose primary tasks include ensuring a safe urban environment, protecting the population from extraordinary incidents and illegal acts. 

Since 2014, a program has been implemented on the territory of the Krasnodar City municipality to build and organize the functioning of the "Safe City" system.

The regulatory regulations for the development and creation of this system are as follows: Resolution of the Administration of the Municipality of Krasnodar dated July 28, 2015 No. 5442 "On the establishment of an interdepartmental working group of the Municipality of Krasnodar on the construction (development), implementation and operation of the hardware and software complex "Safe City", the Plan for the construction (development) and implementation of hardware and software the complex "Safe City" on the territory of the municipality of the city of Krasnodar, approved by the head of the municipality of the city of Krasnodar on February 8, 2018 E. A. Pervyshev et al. [4].

Now the complex has more than 1050 video surveillance cameras, and since May 2021, an intelligent video surveillance system has been launched on busy highways, which allows faster and better processing of video data and automating the process of fixing violations [5].

It should be noted that the work of this agro-industrial complex is quite effective in ensuring public safety and combating illegal acts, so, in 2022, thanks to the information received from the "Safe City", more than 350 crimes and 982 administrative offenses were solved in Krasnodar in the line of public order and road safety [6].

In total, more than 7 thousand complexes of video surveillance cameras have been installed on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory [24], used to ensure law and order and security on the streets and other public places.

The overall effectiveness of the use of agro-industrial complex in the organization of the protection of urban infrastructure and residents of large cities, from the point of view of ensuring the safety of citizens, is obvious. However, updating and supplementing existing systems with the latest capabilities, it seems, will only contribute to improving their quality of operability, improving functioning, automating the execution of heterogeneous operations.

 We will consider the following proposals to supplement the "Safe City" system in order to counteract and combat various offenses, create a more comfortable and safe urban environment:

1.       Human biometrics capabilities on the example of facial recognition systems

Currently, various user devices (smartphone, laptop, tablet computer) use technical solutions and algorithms for human face recognition (for example, FaceID on Apple smartphones, Face Unlock on Huawei/Honor smartphones, Windows Hello on computers running the Windows operating system, etc.). They are used in these devices in order to ensure the protection of stored data, comfortable access and safe operation of applications (banking, instant messaging, file managers, etc.). The prospect of introducing face recognition capabilities in the "Safe City" agro-industrial complex seems relevant. Law enforcement agencies are constantly faced with the need to search for people who are wanted for committing illegal acts, missing persons whose identity has not been established. The use of facial recognition systems will increase the number of solved crimes, protect the population, and promptly find missing citizens.

As an example of the use of such technologies, Moscow can be cited, where, according to data for 2021, more than 200 thousand video cameras are functioning [7, p. 178]. Some of them are equipped with a face recognition function, for example, Face Pay (the possibility of contactless payment for public transport, mainly in the metropolitan metro); the state automated information system (hereinafter – the traffic police) "Sphere" (which is the traffic police of Moscow, containing information in electronic form, including software and hardware, designed to automate the processes of centralized collection, processing, storage of information in order to ensure transport security at the transport infrastructure facilities of Moscow [8]).

In general, the implemented video surveillance system in Moscow for ten years has reduced the crime rate by 14 times (in particular, burglaries) [9]. So, in 2021, thanks to the traffic police, more than 2.2 thousand wanted persons were identified, 1.9 thousand persons - for committing crimes and 319 - missing [10]. Employees of operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia successfully use the video analytics module "Parsiv" GIS "ECCD" [7, p. 179].

The practices of using the considered facial recognition technology are also available in foreign countries, for example, in China, the UK, the USA [11].

2. Noise detection systems and its subsequent recognition

In crowded places (parks, squares, squares, etc.) it is possible to install specialized microphones to capture acoustic noise of various nature in order to record, interpret, recognize and otherwise. Due to the fact that there are a large number of cameras operating in the "Safe City" complexes, the operator cannot always see and react promptly to an incident (a traffic accident (hereinafter referred to as an accident), a gunshot, loud music playing or noise from a car, etc.). Such noise recognition systems will allow you to identify and interpret what is happening in a particular place by sharp and unusual sounds and display (highlight, highlight) the image on the monitor, warning the operator or automatically transmitting information to the appropriate services. Also, this technology can be applied in the operational activities of law enforcement agencies in terms of combating the preparation, commission of crimes and their subsequent disclosure. Of course, there are issues affecting the constitutional rights of citizens, the safe storage and transfer of recorded (recorded) information, the lack of regulation of this in the current legislation and other controversial issues that require serious study and analysis.

3. Systems for recognizing gait and other human actions, parts of clothing, objects and their subsequent "intelligent" analysis

The scenario of using this supplement in high-risk areas (railway and bus stations, metro, etc.): surveillance cameras installed there track people's movements, record what they are wearing (coats, shorts, business suit, etc.), what kind of hand luggage they have with them (women's bag, purse, sports backpack, briefcase, suitcase), their overall dimensions, as well as features of human actions [12]. This example does not mean that the conducted "intellectual" observation assumes total control over the actions of citizens, however, some "unusual" human behavior, for example, uneven gait, falling, stationary position for a long time and other factors may indicate his poor health or illegal actions. The system will allow you to identify such features, mark (highlight) the image on the monitor of the identified person and notify the security service of the facility or law enforcement agencies. In this case, we are not talking about the fact that it is immediately necessary to apply any coercive actions against a particular subject, but it will allow us to monitor his behavior, route of movement, other actions (inaction) and take operational measures depending on the current situation.

The Chinese and Japanese companies Watrix [13] and Hitachi [14], respectively, are engaged in the development of such systems and technologies, for example.

4. Development and increase in the number of "smart" (adaptive) traffic lights, automated systems for fixing administrative offenses

The traffic situation in the locality is an important part in the organization of a comfortable urban environment. Modern, convenient and regularly moving public transport is definitely the best solution for cities with a large population (such as Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, etc.). However, the growing motorization significantly reduces the positive effect of public transport due to emerging traffic jams and traffic jams, road accidents, adverse weather conditions, the condition of the road surface, and other emergency situations. A possible solution to this is the introduction of "intelligent" traffic lights into the urban transport infrastructure, which, with the help of special sensors and modern software solutions, will allow tracking passing car traffic and the situation on the road, timely transmitting commands to turn on a particular signal, depending on what is happening.

In general, the use of adaptive traffic lights in conjunction with the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" and other intelligent transport systems will allow timely response to changes in the road situation, notify specialized services about incidents, optimize public transport routes, reduce the risk of traffic jams (congestion) and other.

Experiments with such traffic lights took place abroad in the 60-70s of the XX century. To date, these systems have been implemented and used in the USA, Great Britain, Denmark and other countries. In our country, experiments on computer control of traffic lights were carried out in the early 80s of the XX century [15]. Adaptive traffic lights were tested in Moscow in 2007-2008, now a large number of traffic lights are connected to an automated traffic control system [16]. In Krasnodar in 2022, more than a dozen similar devices were installed [17], which is insufficient for a city of a million people. The introduction of such technical solutions in other cities of Russia is either isolated cases, or in the form of long-term development plans.

Regarding the systems of automated fixation of administrative offenses, the introduction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in all regions of the country of specialized software "Web" [18] is seen as positive (it allows you to track vehicles (stolen, stolen, hiding from the scene of an accident) by car license plates, using any cameras, including the agro-industrial complex "Safe City") In most cities, such solutions have been implemented for a long time and effectively, however, a large number of cameras placed as part of the agro-industrial complex make it possible without replacing them with others, with the introduction of neural network technologies, to use as a source of information about the traffic situation, to fix administrative offences related to road safety and to bring to justice the perpetrators. Moreover, the proceeds from fines for traffic violations go to the regional road fund, according to Article 46 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, which, it seems, should be relevant for municipal authorities.

5. Specialized display boards (screens, other means of visualizing information) for informing the population

This technology includes designated information screens that are installed at stops (platforms) and inform people about the time and number of arriving public transport (tram, trolleybus, metro, commuter or other train); on sidewalks in front of pedestrian crossings and highlighted in different colors (red and/or green), thus informing that the crossing is either prohibited or allowed; the use of holographic images at pedestrian crossings (practices of such use have been implemented in foreign countries [19]); placed above the roadways and informing motorists about weather conditions (rain, snowfall, current temperature), the condition of the roadway (ice, wet road, irregularities, damage) and the need to reduce the speed of movement, about the distance to any locality, about the incidents that have occurred (accidents, damage to power lines, the presence of obstacles on the road); electronic (interactive) road signs and other.

Similar solutions have already been implemented in many cities of our country at public transport stops, federal highways, railway stations, however, as a rule, they do not have a systematic and centralized application within the framework of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City", performing individual (specific, narrowly focused) functions.

Regarding the city of Krasnodar, the use of information boards is problematic. The display of the arrival of municipal transport (tram, trolleybus, bus) at a specific public transport stop, its time and route number due to independent circumstances cannot be displayed correctly on the screens. Not to mention that not all public transport stops are equipped with them.

6.       Introduction of machine learning technologies, "artificial intelligence" (hereinafter – AI) and work with big data.

The rapid development of the above technologies and their active integration into the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" will significantly reduce the material costs of equipping or updating the technical means that have already been installed as part of the improvement of the complex; promptly introduce them into its operation; qualitatively improve the efficiency of work by "pre-training", updating and other.

Prerequisites for this are the adoption in our country of the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030 [20]; conducting experiments on the introduction of AI technologies in cities [21]; "... the emergence of inexpensive sensors and effective technologies for remote access to them ("Internet of things"); economical storage and processing of information in "cloud" environment; successful developments in the field of information and analytical technologies, such as "AI", "big data" [22, p. 7]; "... the work of AI associated with processing a large amount of data based on available indicators becomes indispensable in relation to the elimination of accident concentration sites and monitoring compliance by road users the established mandatory rules ..." [23, p. 35] (in the latter case, it is considered as an example of application in the field of road safety).

It was already mentioned above that neural network technologies are universal, they can be integrated into a fairly wide range of areas, not an exception to which is the agro-industrial complex "Safe City". Specially trained neural networks can recognize images: state registration signs of motor vehicles, the make and model of the vehicle, people's faces, animal silhouettes, various objects and objects, events and phenomena (meteorological, fires, etc.); by acoustic recordings or in real time: to determine a person's voice, interpret various noise, recognize its intensity and other characteristics; other possibilities.

The active use of neural networks and AI technologies in the functioning of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" will qualitatively increase the capabilities of municipal and state bodies to take measures to respond to all kinds of situations related to ensuring security in the city, promptly identify and respond to emergency situations.

Access to IT facilitates a person's life, simplifies it, makes it more comfortable: the use of the capabilities of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" (on the example of the municipality of Krasnodar), its digitalization, improvement and creation of a comprehensive, unified, effectively functioning platform designed to ensure the safety of the life of the population of the municipality, operational interaction and response of various services, departments and specialized state authorities, prevention of intentional and accidental emergencies.

The additions of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" proposed within the framework of this scientific work, in terms of human biometrics and recognition of objects (objects), will allow to quickly identify and detain offenders and criminals, search for missing persons, install all kinds of objects and objects that may be of interest to law enforcement agencies, other bodies and organizations; noise recognition in automatic mode will be useful for various departments of law enforcement agencies and emergency services, which, in turn, will allow you to quickly respond to emergencies and other emergency situations related to the organization of a safe urban environment; adaptive traffic lights can affect the effectiveness of traffic management;the use of AI (machine learning) technologies will significantly reduce the material costs of retrofitting and supplementing the agro-industrial complex, as well as generally improve the automation of decision-making.


It should be noted that the work of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" of the Krasnodar municipality is effective (on the example of law enforcement), this is demonstrated by the number of detected and solved crimes, administrative offenses and, in general, its use in the activities of law enforcement agencies; its addition with new cameras; "intelligent" systems. The development of existing functionality, the timely introduction of the latest technical means and scientific achievements in the work of the agro-industrial complex, in turn, will allow to qualitatively improve the standard of living of citizens in a modern city, its security, create conditions for more productive work of law enforcement agencies in terms of identified illegal acts of various kinds; the disclosure of crimes in hot pursuit; search missing persons; bringing to responsibility for administrative offenses; ensuring road safety, etc. Municipal authorities will be able to improve the traffic situation, reduce the number of congestion and traffic jams on the roads, due to automation and implementation of the considered "intelligent" systems, get effects in economic, social and other areas.

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2. Belousov, R. A., & Pogrebov, S. A. (2022). Improving the efficiency of the Safe City system. Nauchnye vesti, 11(52), 69-74.
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The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as its name implies, the development of the software and hardware complex "Safe City" on the example of the municipality of Krasnodar. The stated boundaries of the study are fully respected by the author. The methodology of the research is not disclosed in the text of the article, but it is obvious that the scientists used universal dialectical, logical, statistical, formal legal, comparative legal research methods. The relevance of the research topic chosen by the author is justified in the article as follows: "The current state of society's development requires constant improvement of all kinds of information technologies (hereinafter referred to as IT), which are used in various spheres of its life. Informatization of municipal structures is no exception, in terms of control over the movement of vehicles (urban economy, public transport), interaction with other bodies, through the use of electronic document management, maintaining official pages on the Internet, etc. Also, in the last decade, complex systems designed for automated collection, systematization, analysis and subsequent response to the received data have been actively implemented and developed, for example, the hardware and software complex (hereinafter referred to as the APK) "Safe City". Additionally, the scientist needs to list the names of the leading experts who have been engaged in the study of the problems raised in the article, as well as reveal the degree of their study. What is the scientific novelty of the study, the article does not explicitly say. In fact, it manifests itself in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Safe City hardware and software complex proposed by the scientist in the city of Krasnodar, as well as a number of the author's proposals to improve it ("1. The possibilities of human biometrics, using the example of facial recognition systems"; "2. Noise fixation systems and its subsequent recognition"; "3. Systems for recognizing gait and other human actions, parts of clothing, objects and their subsequent "intelligent" analysis"; "4. Development and increase in the number of "smart" (adaptive) traffic lights, automated systems for fixing administrative offenses"; "5. Specialized displays (screens, other means of visualizing information) to inform the public"; "6. The introduction of machine learning technologies, "artificial intelligence" (hereinafter – AI) and working with big data"). Thus, the work has not only theoretical, but also practical value and deserves the attention of the readership. The scientific style of the research is fully sustained by the author. The structure of the work is quite logical. In the introductory part of the article, the scientist substantiates the relevance of the chosen research topic. In the main part of the work, the author reveals the essence of the concept of "Safe City hardware and software complex", describes the regulatory framework for its functioning, and makes recommendations for improving this system. The final part of the article contains conclusions based on the results of the study. The content of the article fully corresponds to its title and generally does not cause any particular complaints, but one provision of the work needs to be clarified. So, the author writes: "The deployment of such systems in urban areas is not a decreasing global trend, in other countries (for example, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, the Republic of Singapore, the People's Republic of China, the Arab Republic of Egypt, etc.), such technical solutions, as a rule, have other names and are called "smart city" within the meaning of the ideology of such complexes, "automated security systems", etc. [3, pp. 57-58]. However, in our opinion, the name of the modern representation and implementation of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" in Russia as a "smart city" is not entirely correct, due to the large difference in the conceptual and technological construction of the latter, as well as the main goals that are pursued during its creation." The author's thought needs a more detailed explanation - what exactly is the difference in the conceptual, technological, and target construction of the complexes under discussion? The bibliography of the study is presented by 24 sources (normative legal acts, scientific articles, analytical data), including in English. The nature and number of sources used in writing the article allowed the author to reveal the research topic with the necessary depth and completeness. There is an appeal to the opponents (S. V. Koleganov, D. L. Kuvshinov, etc.) and it is sufficient. The scientific discussion is conducted by the author correctly. The provisions of the work are justified to the necessary extent and illustrated with examples and statistical data. There are conclusions based on the results of the study ("It should be noted that the work of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" of the Krasnodar municipality is effective (using the example of law enforcement), this is demonstrated by the number of detected and solved crimes, administrative offenses and, in general, its use in law enforcement agencies; its addition with new cameras; "intelligent" systems. However, the development of existing functionality, the timely introduction of the latest technical means and scientific achievements into the work of the agro-industrial complex, in turn, will qualitatively improve the standard of living of citizens in a modern city, its security, create conditions for more productive work of law enforcement agencies, in terms of identified illegal acts of various kinds; the disclosure of crimes on "hot traces"; search for missing persons; bringing to justice for administrative offenses; ensuring road safety, etc. Municipal authorities will be able to improve the road situation, reduce congestion and traffic jams, through automation and implementation of the considered "intelligent" systems to obtain effects in economic, social and other areas") and deserve attention readers, however, they need to be specified, including in the final part of the work all the author's proposals to improve the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City". The article needs additional proofreading. There are spelling and punctuation errors in it. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by specialists in the field of municipal law and administrative law, provided that it is finalized: disclosure of the research methodology, additional justification of the relevance of the topic of the article, clarification of some provisions of the work, concretization of conclusions based on the results of the study, elimination of violations in the design of the article.

Second Peer Review

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REVIEW of an article on the topic "Development of the software and hardware complex "Safe City" on the example of the municipality of Krasnodar". The subject of the study. The article proposed for review is devoted to topical issues of using software for security assurance purposes. As stated in the article itself, "Within the framework of the study: the regulatory legal regulation of the development and implementation of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" both in the Russian Federation as a whole and in Krasnodar, in particular; a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the use of agro-industrial complex (on the example of law enforcement), various ways of supplementing and improving existing technical solutions used in the "Safe City" to improve the quality and productivity of its functioning." The direct subject of the study was the opinions of scientists, the provisions of normative legal acts, and information from open sources. Research methodology. The purpose of the study is not stated directly in the article. At the same time, it can be clearly understood from the title and content of the work. The goal can be designated as the consideration and resolution of certain problematic aspects of the issue of regulatory regulation of the development and implementation of the agro-industrial complex "Safe City" both in the Russian Federation as a whole and in Krasnodar, in particular. Based on the set goals and objectives, the author has chosen the methodological basis of the study. In particular, the author uses a set of general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, and others. In particular, the methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to summarize and share the conclusions of various scientific approaches to the proposed topic, as well as draw specific conclusions from materials taken from open sources. The most important role was played by special legal methods. In particular, the author actively applied the formal legal method, which made it possible to analyze and interpret the norms of current legislation (first of all, the provisions of various normative legal acts of the Russian Federation). For example, the following conclusion of the author: "The regulatory regulation for the development and creation of this system is as follows: Resolution of the Administration of the Municipality of Krasnodar dated July 28, 2015 No. 5442 "On the creation of an interdepartmental working group of the municipality of Krasnodar on the construction (development), implementation and operation of the hardware and software complex "Safe City", the Construction Plan (development) and implementation of the hardware and software complex "Safe City" on the territory of the municipality of Krasnodar, approved by the head of the municipality of Krasnodar on February 8, 2018, E. A. Pervyshev and others." The possibilities of an empirical research method related to the study of various data, including statistical data, should be positively assessed. In particular, we point to the following author's conclusion: "Now the complex has more than 1,050 video surveillance cameras, and since May 2021, an intelligent video surveillance system has been launched on busy highways, which allows faster and better processing of video data and automating the process of fixing violations." Thus, the methodology chosen by the author is fully adequate to the purpose of the study, allows you to study all aspects of the topic in its entirety. Relevance. The relevance of the stated issues is beyond doubt. There are both theoretical and practical aspects of the significance of the proposed topic. From the point of view of theory, the topic of using automated security systems is complex and ambiguous. In fact, modern security systems and guarantees have been created in various municipalities of Russia, but many theoretical, legal, and ethical issues of using such complexes and systems continue to be debatable. Thus, scientific research in the proposed field should only be welcomed. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the proposed article is beyond doubt. Firstly, it is expressed in the author's specific conclusions. Among them, for example, is the following conclusion: "The additions proposed within the framework of this scientific work of the agroindustrial complex "Safe City", in terms of human biometrics and recognition of objects (objects), will allow to quickly identify and detain offenders and criminals, search for missing persons, install all kinds of objects and objects that may be of interest to law enforcement agencies automatic noise recognition will be useful for various departments of law enforcement agencies and emergency services, which, in turn, will allow you to quickly respond to emergencies and other emergency situations related to the organization of a safe urban environment; adaptive traffic lights can affect the effectiveness of traffic management; the use of AI technologies (machine learning), will significantly reduce the material costs of retrofitting and supplementing the agro-industrial complex, as well as generally improve the automation of decision-making." These and other theoretical conclusions can be used in further scientific research. Secondly, the author has proposed certain original generalizations of practice, which may be useful to specialists in the field under consideration. Thus, the materials of the article may be of particular interest to the scientific community in terms of contributing to the development of science. Style, structure, and content. The subject of the article corresponds to the specialization of the journal "Security Issues", as it is devoted to legal and organizational problems related to the use of software and hardware security systems. The content of the article fully corresponds to the title, since the author considered the stated problems and achieved the purpose of his research. The quality of the presentation of the study and its results should be recognized as fully positive. The subject, objectives, methodology and main results of the study follow directly from the text of the article. The design of the work generally meets the requirements for this kind of work. No significant violations of these requirements were found. Bibliography. The quality of the literature used should be highly appreciated. The author actively uses the literature presented by authors from Russia (Kachanov S.A., Popov A.P., Kuzmin N.A., Polovinka A.Yu., Belousov R.A., Pogrebov S.A. and others). I would like to note the author's use of a large number of practice materials and other empirical data, which made it possible to give the study a law enforcement orientation. Thus, the works of the above authors correspond to the research topic, have a sign of sufficiency, and contribute to the disclosure of various aspects of the topic. Appeal to opponents. The author conducted a serious analysis of the current state of the problem under study. All quotes from scientists are accompanied by author's comments. That is, the author shows different points of view on the problem and tries to argue for a more correct one in his opinion. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The conclusions are fully logical, as they are obtained using a generally accepted methodology. The article may be of interest to the readership in terms of the systematic positions of the author in relation to the use of modern technologies for security purposes. Based on the above, summing up all the positive and negative sides of the article, "I recommend publishing"