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Philology: scientific researches

The cultural aspects of ecological non-commercial advertisements in Arabic and Kazakh

Novospasskaya Natalia Viktorovna

PhD in Philology

Assistant Professor, Department of General and Russian Linguistics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba

117198, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6

Haddad Aida

Master's Degree Student, Department of General and Russian Linguistics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba

117198, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6

Kolmykova Yana

Master's Degree Student, Department of General and Russian Linguistics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba

117198, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6










Abstract: Non-commercial environmental advertisements is a topical social phenomenon in many countries around the world. Studying its multidimensional aspects is the subject of several disciplines in human sciences. The linguistic analysis of non-commercial advertisements is aimed primarily at studying the verbal component of a polycode (print advertising) or polymodal (video clips) text. The connection of verbal and nonverbal components (images of various types) and codes, such as color and kinesics, is subject to the intention of the creator of the advertisement. One of the approaches of researching these ads is the comparative analysis of the tools used in polycode texts in two or more languages. The purpose of our comparative analysis is the study of polycode text in printed environmental advertisements in Arabic and Kazakh. The hypothesis of the study suggests that there are two kinds of characteristics to this form of advertising: the universal characteristics resulting from the effect of globalization on covering the traditional subjects in environmental advertising, as well as the cultural characteristics of non-commercial advertisements in Arabic and Kazakh. The study showed that the advertising strategy is based on constantly raising the viewer’s awareness about the environmental issues and projects by including culturally specific elements (moral guidelines, ethnic symbols, precedents of national and civilizational levels, colloquial and topographic vocabulary). Universal elements of non-commercial environmental advertisements have become the use of colored fonts, imperatives, paragraph-based means, poster designs.


non-commercial advertisements, ecology, Arabic, Kazakh, comparative analysis, verbal component, non-verbal component, precedent, cultural-specific features, polycode

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Social advertising (SR) currently remains an urgent object of interdisciplinary, and above all, linguistic research. In our opinion, the most significant aspects of its study are the genre diversity of SR [1; 2; 3]; functions implemented in polycode texts of social advertising [4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9]; selection and decoding of precedent phenomena [10; 11]; rhetoric of social advertising [12]; verbal and non-verbal means of CP [13; 14; 15]; special means of the verbal component [16; 17; 18], as well as culturally specific elements of polycode texts of social advertising [19].

The thematic diversity of social advertising can be reduced to the following main areas: personality (healthy lifestyle, norms of behavior), society (patriotism and love for the Motherland; safety rules; a call to fulfill the duties of a citizen; strengthening family and moral values) and ecology (environmental protection measures; education of respect for nature). The object of our research was polycode texts of social advertising dedicated to environmental protection. The subject of the analysis were universal and national-cultural elements that are isolated from the polycode text of printed advertising made on a globally significant topic. The research material was polycode texts of printed social advertising obtained by continuous sampling from open Internet sources. The total volume of texts is 50 (25 in Arabic and 25 in Kazakh).

Research methodology

For the analysis of polycode texts of social advertising in Arabic, an algorithm for the analysis of creolized text proposed by N.M. Dugalich [20] was used, which offers a layered examination of the text in such significant positions as an informational occasion or an event due to which CP appeared; verbal and nonverbal components; paragraph means; color code, kinesics; precedent phenomena; interrelation of components of a polycode text.

Research results

The quantitative results of a comparative study of frequency techniques used in social advertising on an environmental topic in Arabic and Kazakh are placed in the matrix (see Table 1).

Table 1.

Quantitative analysis of the techniques used in the text of the CP


nonverbal component

the verbal component




color code


chesky signs


colored vocabulary


precedent text

morally-oriented fragments





















Features of the polycode text of social advertising in Arabic

As a result of the analysis of Arabic-language social advertising on an environmental topic, the following features were identified: the subject of SR is cross-border, since the entire Arab world is faced with the need for environmental education of the population, but Jordan and the UAE are noted for the largest number of analyzed texts. The polycode text of advertising on socially significant topics is distinguished by the precedent of linguistic and non-verbal elements, a large volume of the verbal component (from 50 characters) and the use of dialect and imperative forms in it; appeal to religious and cultural landmarks. We did not note stylistic and color uniformity in the context of the analysis of extralinguistic means used in the analyzed social advertising. Let's explain the conclusions made using the examples of three advertisements (see Fig. 1-3).

Figure 1. Source: http://www.moenv.gov.jo/Defaul

Figure 2. Source: https://mwe-ye.org

Figure 3. Source: https://www.alyaum.com

Based on the material of Fig. 1, we consider a typical Arabic-language information and educational SR about the campaign launched by the Ministry of Ecology of Jordan in April 2017 — National Cleanliness Day. The slogan of the campaign is the phrase " "... ‘The cry of our motherland ... our environment is our life’, the aim of the campaign is to reduce the amount of waste and spread conscious restriction of consumption. The campaign is based on a message to society, embodied in the concept of "Your homeland is your home" to eradicate the prevailing indifference to cleanliness in public places — forests, parks, gardens, universities, schools, markets and streets.

The verbal component is expressed in three phrases: "the cry of the motherland" — the inscription is placed approximately in the middle of the poster; "Our environment is our life".:'We hope for you on this day'. The sentence is read from the dialectal expression ‘we need your will’, the lexemes of which, however, have literary inflections, which is explained by the fact that the use of dialects is not typical for the media sphere (official and state channels). This combination of dialect and literary Arabic makes the call clearer to the recipient, since it includes communicative elements of everyday Arabic culture. Prompting the addressee to act is the imperative form of the verb "observe" from the phrase "all Jordan, observe its frequency".

Non-verbal means. The semiotic color code is represented by the predominant use of blue and green, which was mentioned in the Quran with the meaning ‘beauty, fertility, nature’ [21]. It should be noted that the analyzed Arabic-speaking SR actively use these colors. At the level of the nonverbal component, the use of a precedent element of the civilizational level — the sights of the city of Petra is noted. The image of people working collectively against the background indicates their unity, while it can be noticed that representatives of the younger generation are depicted. The images are made in the style of an iconic image, the main details are marked with color (garbage bags — yellow, gloves — blue, garbage — red, the date of the event is indicated on a yellow background, which is a symbol of happiness and hope (yellow was the first color mentioned in the Quran, it foreshadows favorable changes).

Paraphemous means. Attention is drawn to the placement of the sun as a symbol of life and hope above the words "cry of the motherland", the nonlinear arrangement of this phrase and the use of different fonts, which is motivated by attracting the reader's attention to the polycode text to the environmental problem and the action initiated.

2) is dedicated to the launch of the campaign "Let's start reviving it" in 2019 in Yemen, which was aimed at informing society about the need to take care of the environment.

Verbal means. ‘on the occasion of the Holy month of Ramadan’; - ‘campaign purity — Manage IIA’; . ‘Cleanliness is a part of faith, because this is what Islam calls us to, because it is an accepted quality by everyone, be it personal hygiene, environmental protection and even cleanliness in the house.’ A feature of the verbal component of the SR under consideration was the appeal through spirituality, namely through Islam — the main religion of the Kingdom. Islam promotes spiritual and physical purity (the ritual of ablution before each prayer — 5 times a day, and the requirement for a Muslim to pray in a clean place).

Non - verbal means .The symbolism of the nonverbal level is represented by the logo of the action in the upper right corner and consists of the image of intertwined hands — a sign of unity, wood and water — symbols of nature, fertility.The color code is represented by a combination of purple and black. This color combination is the corporate colors of the organization and is characteristic of the official website of the Ministry of Ecology.In the upper left corner you can see the emblem of the city administration of the city of Main.

The photo shows a law-abiding citizen who cares about the nature and cleanliness of his city. The emphasis is placed on its action — the placement of waste in separate containers.

Verbal means. In the example (Fig. 3) uses four surround phrase: . 'Kingdom attaches great importance to the solution of environmental problems in their future plans in the framework of the project of development of the country "the Look in 2030" has achieved a qualitative leap in the field of environmental protection and reducing pollution'; .; ‘The wildlife, flora and fauna, regulation of hunting’.

: .

‘Challenges: gnawed water; cement plant waste; increased carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions; drought problems’

: ?.? .

‘Efforts by the Government: The establishment of a specialized organization engaged in research of existing problems, the largest environmental reconstruction project in history is being implemented in the Kingdom, the allocation of funds in the amount of $ 1.1 billion for the project."

Enumeration becomes the basis of the verbal component — the author focuses the recipient's attention on existing tasks, problems and on the efforts made by the government to eliminate them.

In addition, one can notice the use of hyperbole: ‘of great importance’, ‘the largest project in history'.

Non - verbal means .In the figure 2030, you can see the image of the official symbol of Saudi Arabia, which includes two crossed swords with golden handles, a date palm is placed between them. Swords are considered a symbol of strength, and their location and palm tree denote justice and wealth. The date palm is the national tree of Saudi Arabia. It is worth paying attention to the neighborhood of nature with human civilization: the image of animals and birds (from predators to rodents), as well as the planet — everything is located in the hands of man. In addition, you can see the symbol of environmentally friendly transport — a bicycle.

The image of a falcon, which is recognized as a cultural symbol in Saudi Arabia, can also be called a precedent national element of the nonverbal level. Falcons are widespread in the country, and are of great importance to the Saudis who are engaged in their breeding.

Features of the polycode text of social advertising in the Kazakh language

As a result of the analysis of Kazakhstan's social advertising on the environmental theme, the following features were identified: the precedent of non-linguistic elements, elements-markers of Kazakh cultural identity, the use of linguistic expressive means, appeal to national cultural and moral guidelines. In the context of the analysis of extralinguistic means used in the analyzed social advertising, it is worth mentioning the color semantics of messages. There is a predominance of blue in the design of environmental posters. Let us explain the conclusions made using the examples of three advertisements (see Fig. 4-6).

Figure 4. Source: https://grigoryproshin.livejournal.com/53411.html

Figure 5. Source: https://el.kz/ru/zachem_nam_dubay-_kogda_est_burabay_39468 /

Figure 6. Source: http://old .kzvesti.kz/news/43304-akciya-po-sboru-makulatury.html

The image (Fig. 4) shows a typical example of Kazakhstan's social advertising on an environmental topic — an information booklet for visitors to the main Kazakh resort "Burabai". The territory of the resort "Burabay" is considered a protected area; the directorate of the State National Park urges vacationers to observe the rules of environmental behavior on its territory.

Verbal means. The verbal component of the polycode text of this example is represented by two symmetrical texts in Russian and Kazakh. The main linguistic methods of influencing the reader of the text are the use of the expressive phrase gazhayyp tabigat bolik, which is translated in the booklet as a ‘unique corner’, however, when referring to Kazakh-Russian dictionaries, we find the following translations of the lexical unit gazhayyp: ‘delightful; delightful; wonderful; amazing; charming; amazing’ [22, p. 135], ‘miraculous; wondrous; beautiful; fabulous; wonderful’ [23], i.e. in this context we perceive this lexical unit as expressive. It is worth noting that in the Kazakh language there is a stable combination of gazhayyp ertegiler, which corresponds to the Russian term ‘fairy tales'.

Non-verbal means. The non-linguistic features of the information transmission in the booklet primarily become the color code and paragraph means. The font color is red and green, it is noteworthy that the text containing information about the requirements for visitors and calling for compliance with environmental regulations is colored red; the part of the text containing the courtesy formula is colored green (We wish you a good rest, good health, a happy journey).This dichotomy in social advertising is a universal means of expressing the meanings of ‘dangerous’ / ‘safe’, which in relation to ecology is understood as a ‘call’ / ‘greeting, gratitude for visiting’.

In the design of the booklet, an image of a natural landmark is used, which is a precedent element for the Kazakhstani reader, since this image is easily recognizable. 

The booklet contains an image of the Kazakh national pattern, which serves as an indication that communication takes place in the conditions of the Kazakh cultural environment.

Let's consider an information poster for visitors of the main Kazakh resort "Burabai" (Fig. 6), designed to inform visitors of the park about the popular tourist places of the resort.

Non-verbal means. As in the first example considered, there is a cultural precedent: in the image of a natural object, national Kazakh ornaments. In the upper left corner of the poster there is an eagle in flight — a symbolic transfer of one of the elements of the Kazakh flag. The image is the emblem of the Kazakh ideological program "Rukhani zhangyru" 'spiritual development' The program consists of 6 main directions: "competitiveness; pragmatism; preservation of national identity; cult of knowledge; openness of consciousness; evolutionary, not revolutionary development" [24]. The Kazakh concept of spiritual development of youth is based on the idea of environmental protection and environmental behavior, among other things.

Verbal means. The use of emotionally colored units in the poster text is noteworthy. ‘Burabai audanyn kieli zherleri' — sacred places of Burabai district. Let's consider the variants of the translation of the unit 'kieli’: ‘reverend; sacramental' [22, p. 238], ‘holy; sacred; having a patron spirit; sacred' [23].

Kazakh culture is characterized by following not only Muslim customs, but also ancient pagan cultural landmarks. Kazakhs in ancient times believed that higher powers were contained in natural objects: spirits and gods. For example, "the pantheon of proto-Kazakhs, in addition to Kok-Tengri, includes Ai-Tengri (Tengri of the Moon), Kun-Tengri (Tengri of the Sun), Ydyk Zher-Su (Sacred Land-Water) [25].

It is noteworthy that the word kok was used in ancient Turkic languages to denote both blue and green. The concepts of blue and green are combined into a single concept of the color of nature. The Kazakh pagan deity Kok-Tengri is described above, in whose name the word kok means the divine principle, the creator of nature. There are traces of "Turkic color blindness" in the modern Kazakh language [26]. Now in the Kazakh language, kok is used in the meaning of ‘green’ when it comes to plants, greenery, natural phenomena.

The third example proposed for analysis is an invitation to participate in a garbage collection event published by the administration of the Kazakh city of Kyzylorda.

We suggest paying attention to the text-appeal of the announcement: Oskelen urpakka korshagan ortany korgaudy, tabigatty ayalauga undeytin manyzdy sharaga belsen katysuga shakyramyz ‘We invite you to take an active part in an important event calling for the preservation of the environment for the younger generation, careful attitude to nature’.

In Kazakh culture, blood connection and kinship have a sacred, mythologized meaning. For example, the Kazakhs have a custom that a worthy person should know the names of all his ancestors up to the seventh generation; in ancient times, in battle, warriors shouted the names of their ancestors to be filled with strength and fighting spirit. The idea of preserving nature precisely for the well—being of the next generations is a thought characteristic of Kazakh culture and encouraged by Kazakh traditions, one of the distinctive features of the Kazakh mentality.


As a result of the analysis of Arabic and Kazakh social advertising on an environmental topic, the following cultural-specific features were identified: precedent is used, first of all, non-linguistic elements, which include images of precedent phenomena of the national level, ethnic patterns, etc. To precedent phenomena of the textual level, we refer allusions and quoting of the holy text of the Koran, mention of precedent names, etc. toponyms, the use of motifs of fairy tales and legends, an appeal to national cultural and moral guidelines.

Universal elements of social advertising in Arabic and Kazakh languages include the use of colored linguistic means, imperatives, and iconic signs. In the context of the analysis of extralinguistic means used in the analyzed social advertising, it is worth pointing out the color code, which is dominated by natural blue and green colors.



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It is worth agreeing that social advertising currently remains an urgent object of interdisciplinary, and above all, linguistic research. In the mass of critical sources, works appear in which this format of the media space is fully analyzed. Actually, the peer-reviewed work is not an exception. In my opinion, the subject area of the essay corresponds to one of the sections of the journal, the topic is quite relevant, conceptual; the author holistically thought through the levels of work, successfully put together the text, competently brought out a number of arguments confirming the importance of such aspects of social advertising as genre diversity; its functions; selection and decoding of precedent phenomena; rhetoric of social advertising; verbal and non-verbal means; cultural-specific elements of polycode texts of social advertising. Thus, the methodology of the article is verified, the principles of analysis are objective. The accuracy of the work is given by such components as the subject, object, and material: "the object of our research was polycode texts of social advertising dedicated to environmental protection. The subject of the analysis was the universal and national cultural elements that are isolated from the polycode text of print advertising made on a globally significant topic. The research material was polycode texts of printed social advertising obtained by a continuous sampling method from open Internet sources. The total volume of texts is 50 (25 in Arabic and 25 in Kazakh)." The author successfully splits the text into so-called semantic levels / parts, each block is focused on one or another grade of advertising. The internal logic is supported by high-tech intermediate conclusions, and the general concept manifested at the very beginning. The work is terminologically accurate: for example, this is manifested in the following fragments: "as a result of the analysis of Arabic-language social advertising on an environmental topic, the following features were identified: the subject of SR is cross-border, since the entire Arab world is faced with the need for environmental education of the population, but Jordan and the UAE are noted for the largest number of analyzed texts. The polycode text of advertising on socially significant topics is distinguished by the precedent of linguistic and non-verbal elements, a large volume of the verbal component (from 50 characters) and the use of dialect and imperative forms in it; appeal to religious and cultural landmarks. We did not note the stylistic and color uniformity in the context of the analysis of extralinguistic means used in the analyzed social advertising," or "the verbal component is expressed in three phrases: the cry of the motherland — the inscription is placed approximately in the middle of the poster; the 'our environment is our life':'We hope for you on this day'. The sentence begins with the dialectal expression "we need your will", the lexemes of which, nevertheless, have literary inflections, which is explained by the fact that the use of dialects is not typical for the media sphere (official and state channels). This combination of dialectal and literary Arabic makes the call clearer to the recipient, as it includes communicative elements of everyday Arabic culture. Prompting the addressee to act is the imperative form of the verb "to observe" from the phrase: "the whole Jordan, observe its frequency", etc. The work is competent, the text does not need serious editing, no actual violations have been identified. Illustrations productively complement the text analysis, the author's point of view will be fully understandable even to an unprepared reader. The material can be used in line with the study of disciplines related to the assessment / structure of the media, spot advertising. In the final, the author notes that "as a result of the analysis of Arabic and Kazakh social advertising on an environmental topic, the following cultural-specific features were identified: precedent is used, first of all, non-linguistic elements, which include images of precedent phenomena of the national level, ethnic patterns, etc. To precedent phenomena of the textual level, we refer allusions and quoting of the sacred the text of the Koran, the mention of precedent names and toponyms, the use of motifs from fairy tales and legends, an appeal to national cultural and moral guidelines." The conclusion is fully consonant with the main part; thus, the integrity of the project is achieved. The list of sources is extensive, and it can be actively used when writing thematically related works. The article "Cultural-specific features of social environmental advertising in Arabic and Kazakh languages" can be recommended for open publication in the journal "Philology: Scientific research".