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Linguistic picture of the world on the example of the diplomatic discourse of the Russian and Arabic languages

Al-Lami Furkan Abdulsalam

Postgraduate Student, Department of Higher School of Translation, Lomonosov Moscow State University

117321, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, ul. Ostrovityanova 16 Building, 16









Abstract: Cultural differences are exacerbated when relations between ethnic groups are not uniform and ideal. In today's uncertain political environment, especially taking into account the Middle East, it is usual to use various methods and strategies to create clarity and confidence to exit the "emergency" in communication processes, regardless of specific political events and circumstances. The author notes that the genre of political discourse has its own vocabulary, which includes certain routine lexical devices and clichés. However, in modern languages (including Arabic), words lose their uniqueness and become polysemic, given the globalized environment and the world in which modern man lives. The study of some languages used in political discourse and the identification of linguistic features in this area are important for linguistics due to the small number of scientific studies in the field of political discourse in Arabic and Russian. It is also noted that today there are few scientific works devoted to some aspects of modern diplomatic issues. The study notes that some linguistic activities aimed at studying and clarifying the meaning of the form of political discourse are important, especially those related to the linguistic picture of the world, Arabic and Russian languages and methods of studying political discourse.


language picture of the world, diplomatic discourse, Russian language, Arabic language, cultural specificity, translation, intercultural communication, political diplomacy, international relations, linguistic anthropology

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Modern diplomatic discourse has become interdisciplinary. This is evidenced by many examples of the fact that for effective communication (oral and written), knowledge of a foreign language, knowledge of its vocabulary, grammar and stylistic rules is not enough to successfully conduct international negotiations and achieve the desired results. The inability to use certain forms of speech in writing, communicating, communicating and acting in politics due to possible violations of international law sometimes creates confusion and prevents communication. The same problem arises when representatives of different countries, ethnic groups and peoples interact. The need to resolve and prevent cultural, ethnic and religious conflicts has prompted many Governments of different countries to introduce mandatory courses on the study of culture, customs and history of a country before sending communication messages to another country. In some countries, there is also a tradition to hold language courses every year when employees of international organizations return from business trips.

Human relations are regulated by people's knowledge and understanding of the rules and norms of human relations, understanding the linguistic picture of the world of a particular ethnic group. Each language culture has its own language, and native speakers organize their speech content accordingly. There is no doubt that the worldview of any person is expressed in language. Language is the most important way for a person to form knowledge about the surrounding world[1]. Those who correctly express the goal express the consequences of their consciousness in action.

One of the first linguists to pay attention to the inner world of language and thinking was V. von Humboldt. He claimed that "languages form the first part of human thinking and perception" [2]. V. von Humboldt saw in language the "golden section" between thought and reality and pointed out that language enhances our thoughts, consciousness. This part is the "spiritual matter", the mind. "The worldview is mobile and dynamic, it is constantly changing, because it contains a language that destroys reality." Thus, "language plays an important role in the formation of ways of thinking: the leading role is played by the collective experience of generation and language"[3].

The term "Linguistic picture of the world" (German sprachliches Weltbild or Weltbild der Sprache) was introduced into science by the German linguist Leo Weisgerber. The scientist emphasized the role of language in relation to human thought and practical experience. To develop this approach L. Weisgerber started with the so-called "active" method of learning languages. This means that people have discovered a language that positively influences the thoughts and actions of its speakers. This method of language learning involves the study of language models. In other words, the linguistic image of the world in a language is a universal set of knowledge about the world and people.

Political rhetoric is the subject of research by the following linguists who have studied discourse as a linguistic unit: E.I. Sheigal, P.B. Parshin, T. van Dyck, Y. Habermas and others. A diplomatic language can be considered an official language. Politicians express their opinions and have the necessary influence on their audience. Studying the speeches of politicians, we can not only predict certain actions and their intentions, but also identify the most effective methods and methods of persuasion. Diplomatic speech is characterized by a pragmatic component, which includes the goal of the speechwriter (speaker).

The purpose of this article is to study the socio-cultural and linguocultural aspects of diplomatic discourse based on the principles of effective cooperation between national institutes of linguistic science and media organizations in order to strengthen the positive image of the country in the international arena. In our opinion, a comparison of the Arab and Russian experience in the field of diplomatic discourse and in the prism of the linguistic picture of the world is more necessary today than ever before.

The structure of the system of political communication characterizes the written and oral communication of representatives of different ethnic groups. Political discourse is characterized by respect, tolerance, respect, avoidance, increased sociability and practical orientation. The concept of "success" is also important (as a rule, successful negotiations). In the study of diplomatic discourse, the stability of the system of speech types and nonverbal parts of speech is observed. It is noted that the overall importance of the style and manners of a diplomat is greatly influenced by the style of communication during negotiations. At the same time, non-verbal means of communication are important: voice, facial expressions, body movements, gestures.

The analysis of diplomatic discourse cannot ignore the well-known features of the Arabic language, since the language, which has been formed over the centuries under the influence of national thought, is associated with the evolution of human thought and social consciousness. Today, the Arab-Muslim heritage of culture is opposed to the art of Anglo-Saxon influence, and a situation of trilingual cooperation has arisen: Arabic, English, Russian. The main disadvantage of pictorial words in Arabic is associated with the introduction of separate and unusual words into the speech process.

Let's consider the linguistic features of diplomatic discourse. In some ways, these features resemble political discourse. Therefore, this can be traced in the language of the leadership, because one of the main characteristics of political communication is the desire to "obscure" the real situation. Thus, such techniques as the creation of deliberate uncertainty and political correctness are very common in both political and diplomatic discourse. D. Krystal in his book talks about the so-called obscure term "half-truth, half-truth"[4]. The goal is to avoid false accusations and unsubstantiated statements. A similar tactic is used in diplomatic communication, where diplomats must perform tasks such as avoiding conflicts, protecting reputation, avoiding "offensive" questions from other participants in communication.

The second characteristic of the language of indirect communication is the absence of "random" lexemes. This is the main requirement for the language. Because what the recipient says must be interpreted correctly in order for the recipient to benefit. From a political point of view, simple speech is often preferable to ensure that what is said will be understood by all members of society. However, in diplomatic documents, the language is saturated with signs of an official business style. It is impossible to completely exclude the meaning of the spoken language from the access of indirect information.

Researchers pay special attention to written diplomatic documents. All diplomatic documents can be divided into two groups. The first is internal communication, the second is external communication. Internal communication is characterized by brevity, clarity and meaningfulness. In addition to clarity and meaningfulness, external messages should also show caution, attentiveness, restraint, understanding of the words used, and the ability to use diplomatic language correctly. "In many cases, problems arise not because of misunderstandings, but because of the lack of literary language in diplomatic documents and official communications"[5].

Another characteristic of the language of diplomatic discourse is its dependence on the words and phrases used. For example, discussion, cooperation, attitude, motivation, interaction, innovation ( ? ? ? )[6]. Bulleted text is characterized by the use of such words and combinations of commonly used literary language. These terms are used in different senses in various documents, such as protocol, memorandum, etc. It is extremely important to use various international diplomatic terms and international legal terms as diplomatic terms. This lexical group of intermediate words includes many words and phrases, mainly of Latin or French origin.

The next linguistic characteristic of diplomatic communication is the use of the official business language. For example, the words of the protocol contain a request to the person to whom the document is sent. A specific person addresses representatives of other countries with different titles and titles. It shows the social status of the speaker, for example Your Majesty, Your Highness ( ? )[7] The vocabulary of etiquette also often includes various historicisms, for example, sir/madam ( / / / / / / / ). In addition, within the framework of the etiquette protocol of the diplomatic language, the formulas of official politeness of various protocols are used. They are used as final compliments at the end of the correspondence. For example, "write with reverence", "Take the pledge of respect" ("with the greatest respect"), "With the deepest respect and devotion are at your servant," "Your Excellency", "I Have the honour to be" (" " ? " " (" ") ? " ?   " ? " " ? " ). Most of these speech formulas are international in nature.

In addition to the above features, the syntactic structure of media texts is characterized by the use of all kinds of conditional and simple expressions that meet the requirements of meaning and understanding. "The use of such constructions is explained by the main purpose of diplomatic discourse: the peaceful resolution of conflicts or contradictions"[8].

Therefore, it can be concluded that the analysis of the linguistic features of diplomatic speech shows that it is close to the official business style. The use of commonly used words and expressions, media language and some cultural information to perform the task of transmitting information and establishing relationships with media texts. The use of literary language is not considered a specific, closed form of speech, but in a general sense, tropes can be used to assess the nature of social relations.

The linguistic aspect of the Arab world is characterized by two main features of the Arabic language. Arabic dates back to ancient Arabic as an "intellectual writing style". Arabic idioms (or Arabic pronunciation) are the main forms of oral communication used in everyday life, by word of mouth and on the radio, in magazines and in different countries and regions[9]. Latif Walid Abdullah notes: "thoughts and thought processes arise during the word-by-word synthesis of many words, and, finally, foreign words acquire symbolic meaning through the use of metaphors"[10]. Some of these words can be found in modern dictionaries. In Arabic, there are many variations of two, three, and sometimes four letters. There may be one character at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word, or even one character outside the word. Such a word is sometimes difficult to interpret.

The designation of diplomatic discourse is controversial. Although the term "Arab diplomacy" is closer to Western terminology, on the other hand, communication is based on the traditional structure of the official Arabic language. For example, the words of diplomatic discourse (protocol, method, prohibition, advice, announcement, etc.) "are used in the romanization of the world." Latif Walid Abdullah notes that the study of words as a language group should be based on a combination of two things: classifications and manipulations[11].

Haifa Trabelsi, an Arabist researcher of diplomatic discourse, wrote about this: "Political language education is used in important spheres of human activity. The phenomenon of synonymy is very characteristic of the Arab diplomatic discourse, and sometimes it leads to a close union of different lexemes, which is ambiguous in coordination." For example, words of different stylistic layers belong to the same meaning: the words of different stylistic layers: the words of different stylistic layers: the words of different stylistic layers: The words of different stylistic layers: The words of different stylistic layers: The words of different stylistic layers: The words of different stylistic layers: The words of different stylistic layers: The words of different stylistic layers: The words of different stylistic layers: The words of different stylistic layers include the words of different stylistic layers. "The main method of synonymy in diplomatic terminology is the creation of Arabic equivalents of borrowings and the preservation of already Arabized borrowings"[12].

Familiarity with the Arabic language and analysis of published articles in the field of interpersonal relations allow us to draw conclusions about the features of this subfield of effective legal business communication from the point of view of cultural and linguistic comparative methods. Firstly, this substyle seems to be characterized by a combination of phonetic and grammatical models. Conflict in diplomatic discourse can be considered as a form of creating a good image of a "human" state in situations where consensus and balance of interests of various parties are important. This factor determines the language of diplomatic discourse and its features: pragmatic orientation, stereotyping, adaptability, strictness of rules, installation of respectful tolerance, ambiguity of judgments, legal syntactic complexity of the text, indirect meaning, ambiguity.

1. Awad, Ahmed Mohamed. (2003). Peculiarities of the development of the Arab media in the conditions of globalization at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries (dissertation). Moscow.
2. Ahmed, M.Sh. (2007). The language of Russian diplomacy in the Arab perception (dissertation). Moscow.
3. Mikhaleva, O.L. (2009). Political discourse: Specificity of manipulative influence. Moscow: The Book House LIBROCOM.
4. Finkelberg, N. D. (2010). Arabic language. Theory and technology of translation. Moscow.
5. Sheigal, E.I. (2000). Semiotics of Political Discourse, pp. 328-365. Institute of Linguistics RAS; Volgograd State Pedagogical University. State Pedagogical University. Volgograd: Peremena.
6. Versteegh, K. (1997). The Arabic Language. Articles in collections of essays. Eds. K. Versteegh, H. M. Corneilis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
7. Balandina, L.A. (2011). Language of diplomacy: tradition and modernity. Eds. L.A. Balandina, G.F. Kurachenkova. Language and law: current problems of interaction: proceedings of international scientific and practical internet-conference. Ed. by V. Yu. Rostov n / D: Rostizdat.
8. Volkova, T.A. (2007). Diplomatic̆ discourse: lexico-semantic peculiarities and translation strategies. Samara: Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts.
9. Nasser, Falih M. (2019) Features of diplomatic discourse in Arabic and Russian (linguocultural aspects). Izvestiya VGPU, 3(284), 112-117 с. Retrieved from
10. Terenty, L.M. (2010). Diplomatic discourse as a special form of political communication. Voprosy kognitivnoy linguistics, 1. Retrieved from
11. Trabelsi, H. (2012). The question of terminology in Arabic diplomatic language. European Applied Sciences. Leipzig. Retrieved fromВопрос_терминологии_в_арабском_дипломатическом_языке
12. El Sabruti, R.R. (2016). On the functioning of modern Arabic terminology. Language and Culture, 3. (35). Retrieved from
13Big encyclopedic dictionary. (2003). Ed. by I. Lapina. MOSCOW: AST.
14. Borisov, V.M. (1995). Russian-Arabic dictionary. Moscow.
15Diplomatic Dictionary. (1960). Ed. Gromyko, A. A. State publishing house of political literature. Vol. 1. Moscow.
16Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. (1990). Ed. V. N. Yartseva. Moscow: Sov. encyclopedia.
17. Ozhegov, S.I. (2014). The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow: AST World and Education.
18. Ushakov, D.N. (2010). Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language. Moscow: Dom. XXI century RIPOL classic.

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The natural language sphere is unique, inimitable, and highly variable. However, language is very acutely dependent on changes in society, changes in human nature. Different disciplines study natural sign systems; there are different approaches to evaluating language as a universal modality. It seems that the appearance of new scientific articles concerning the explanation of the linguistic picture of the world gives a chance to present its functioning more objectively. The reviewed article is no exception, it deals with the consideration of diplomatic discourse as one of the products of the linguistic universe. As the author notes, "each linguistic culture has its own language, and native speakers organize their speech content accordingly. There is no doubt that the worldview of any person is expressed precisely in language. Language is the most important way for a person to form knowledge about the world around them." It is worth agreeing with this, because it is language that forms the layer of experience that is passed on to subsequent generations. In my opinion, this work successfully combines the theoretical component and the empirical/analytical component itself. Information bills allow the reader to fully form a view of the nominated problem together with the author. For example, fragments such as: "the term "Linguistic picture of the world" (German sprachliches Weltbild or Weltbild der Sprache) was introduced into science by the German linguist Leo Weisgerber. The scientist emphasized the role of language in relation to human thought and practical experience. To develop this approach L. Weisgerber started with the so-called "active" method of learning languages. This means that people have discovered a language that positively influences the thoughts and actions of its speakers. This method of language learning involves learning language models. In other words, the linguistic image of the world in a language is a universal set of knowledge about the world and people," or "the structure of the system of political communication characterizes written and oral communication between representatives of different ethnic groups. Political discourse is characterized by respect, tolerance, respect, avoidance, increased sociability and practical orientation. The concept of "success" is also important (as a rule, successful negotiations). In the study of diplomatic discourse, the stability of the system of speech types and non-verbal parts of speech is observed. It is noted that the overall importance of the style and manners of a diplomat is greatly influenced by the style of communication during negotiations. At the same time, non-verbal means of communication are important: voice, facial expressions, body movements, gestures, etc. The author clearly formulated the purpose of his work: "the purpose of the article is to study the socio-cultural and linguistic aspects of diplomatic discourse based on the principles of effective cooperation between national institutes of linguistic science and media organizations, in order to strengthen the positive image of the country in the international arena. In our opinion, a comparison of the Arab and Russian experience in the field of diplomatic discourse and in the prism of the linguistic picture of the world is more necessary today than ever before," he outlined the tasks, created the necessary vector for the unfolding of the topic. I believe that the language/style of this essay correlates with the actual scientific type of speech. For example, this is evident in the following fragment: "Researchers pay special attention to written diplomatic documents. All diplomatic documents can be divided into two groups. The first is internal communication, the second is external communication. Internal communication is characterized by brevity, clarity and meaningfulness. In addition to clarity and meaningfulness, external communications should also show caution, attentiveness, restraint, understanding of the words used, and the ability to use diplomatic language correctly." The illustrative background is sufficient, examples are introduced taking into account the relevance and relevance: "the next linguistic characteristic of diplomatic communication is the use of an official business language. For example, the words of the protocol contain a request to the person to whom the document is sent. A particular person addresses representatives of other countries with different titles and titles. It shows the social status of the speaker, for example Your Majesty, Your Highness (????? ????? ? ???? ?????)[7] In the vocabulary of etiquette often include a variety of historicism, for example sir/Madam (???? / ?????). In addition, within the framework of the etiquette protocol of the diplomatic language, the formulas of official politeness of various protocols are used. They are used as final compliments at the end of the correspondence. For example, "I write with respect", "I accept the pledge of respect" ("with the deepest respect"), "With the deepest respect and devotion, I am your most obedient servant", "Your Excellency", "I have the honor to be" ("????? ??????" ?"?????????????????????????????????????" ("????????").) ? "?? ???? ???????? ???????? ? ??? ????? ?????? ???????" ? "???? ???????" ? "?????? ?? ????). Most of these speech formulas are international in nature." In my opinion, the work could be supplemented with a large number of examples, this would give the text a clear fullness, although the available block is enough. It seems that the mainline of the study of diplomatic discourse can be continued in a different methodological way. Therefore, this work has a productive impulse. In the final, the author notes a number of signs of diplomatic discourse: "the language of diplomatic discourse and its features: pragmatic orientation, stereotyping, adaptability, strictness of rules, installation of respectful tolerance, ambiguity of judgments, legal syntactic complexity of the text, indirect meaning, ambiguity." Thus, this type is different from the general standard of the official business style, since it is influenced by the cultural and territorial component, changes the functionality of the litter, adapts to the situation. In general, the article is completed, it is independent, although the author's dependence on existing points of view is felt; the topic of the work is disclosed, the goal is achieved if possible. No serious factual violations have been identified, and the formal requirements of the publication have been taken into account. The article "The linguistic picture of the world on the example of the diplomatic discourse of the Russian and Arabic languages" can be accepted for publication in the journal "Litera".