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Police activity

Optimization of the professional training of policemen: parameters, pedagogical conditions and stages of optimization

Seleznev Vladimir Igorevich

ORCID: 0000-0001-9426-360X

Independent Researcher

196606, Russia, St. Petersburg region, Pushkin, General Khazov str., 34, sq. À

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Abstract: The subject of the study is the optimization of the process of professional training of policemen, which will ensure the achievement of levels of preparedness of employees for police activities. The policemen preparedness to act competently, meaningfully and actively in the specific conditions of the operational situation will contribute to his professional self-determination and career growth. The parameters and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the professional training process substantiated in the study contribute to increasing the level of preparedness of a policeman (the level of his initial qualifications) and create conditions for the professional development of a policeman when performing professional functions in solving future official tasks. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the parameters have been determined and pedagogical conditions have been developed for optimizing the process of professional training of policemen, which are aimed at the professional development of an employee who is ready and able to perform professional service tasks in any position held with his further specialization. Reasonable levels of professional preparedness of policeman can be used to clarify the qualification requirements for this activity, as well as when assigning employees to various positions, to other units or services (departments), during rotations or career moves.


policeman, optimization, process, parameters, professional training, pedagogical conditions, knowledge, competence, abilities, levels of preparedness

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Introduction. In modern conditions, increased requirements are imposed on personnel training in internal affairs bodies through professional training, not only to specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to the level of development of the employee's psyche, intelligence, emotional and volitional qualities and abilities of the individual, as well as compliance by the employee with a number of requirements, restrictions and prohibitions.

Professional training of police officers is carried out according to professional training programs in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or vocational training centers of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 05.05.2018 No. 275 "On approval of the procedure for organizing training for positions in the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation").

The analysis of professional training shows that about 52% of newly recruited police officers have an unsatisfactory level of physical fitness, about 36% have an unsatisfactory level of theoretical training, and they do not have time to fully acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and their level of preparedness for activity is quite low. The generalized average result based on the results of qualification exams (final attestations) in a specific educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia averages from 3.41 to 3.58 points when mastering a list of knowledge, skills, and skills from 184 points and the formation of one cumulative professional competence.

"The purpose of education is the development of those personality traits that are necessary for her and society to be included in socially valuable activities" (V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov, etc.)[17, p.264].

Therefore, in modern conditions, it is necessary to optimize the process of professional training, which should ensure the formation of the subject of professional activity – a police officer.

Research methods. Observation and study of experience, analysis and synthesis, generalization, structuring and method of expert assessments, which is based on the opinion of expert specialists - direct heads of territorial divisions in which police officers are sent for professional training to the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The main part. The recruitment schedules for the professional training of various official categories of police officers are approved annually by the General Directorate for Personnel Management (GURLS) The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and are sent to educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for execution. Professional training of police officers in modern conditions should be based on mandatory accounting:


1) the readiness of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to train a police officer;

2) qualification requirements for the position of a police officer (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 02/01/2018 No. 50 "On approval of the procedure for organizing service in the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation") and information from the All–Russian Classifier of occupations, initial group 5412 - "police officers" ("OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08). The All-Russian classifier of occupations" (adopted and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated 12.12.2014 N 2020-st);

3) the needs of society for qualified police officers, as well as the needs of management for a specific employee;

4) abilities, capabilities, personal and business qualities of the police officer himself.

B.F. Lomov rightly argued that the people included in the target group have their own field of goals, creating prerequisites for their coincidence with common goals[13].

In addition, the existence and functioning of an interconnected and interacting "triple alliance" is required:

1) employer – customer (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region);

2) the contractor is an educational organization (for example, the teaching staff of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia);

3) employee – listener (police officer)[10].


The scientific research of S.S. Zhevlakovich[4,5], V.V. Zakatov[6], V.A. Iogolevich[20], I.A. Kalinichenko[7], V.Ya. Kikotya[9], L.P. Stolyarenko[18], S.N. Tikhomirov[19] was devoted to optimizing the professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies and others, which made it possible for us to determine the importance of optimizing the process of vocational training, as the choice of a set of the best options for ensuring innovative activity in a time-limited training process, i.e. identifying optimization parameters and developing pedagogical conditions for its implementation.

A generalized analysis of vocational training programs from 2010 to 2020 made it possible to identify and structure the following parameters for optimizing the vocational training process aimed at becoming a subject of professional activity - a police officer:

a) the content of professional training programs for employees (elimination of fragmentation and differentiation of the content of programs by education levels and by job categories of employees);


b) requirements for the results of mastering professional training programs for employees in the position of a police officer (elimination of a disproportionate amount of requirements: from 1 to 16 competencies in programs when mastering 18-20 disciplines and 184 points of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities);

c) the results of mastering certain disciplines, subjects, courses in employee training programs (eliminating the undifferentiation of assessing an employee's readiness for work as a "Policeman" employee).


Pedagogical conditions are the means for optimization, which have an impact on the quality of professional training and contributes to improving the level of preparedness of employees to work as a "Police officer".

Thus, in order to optimize the process of professional training, the following pedagogical conditions have been developed:


1. Pedagogical condition – changes in the professional training program for employees – developed blocks of academic disciplines (introduction to the specialty, physical training, psychological training, legal training, special training). A distinctive feature of the proposed blocks of academic disciplines is the following: the curriculum allocates 952 hours for the entire process of professional training, 400 hours are allocated for mastering during the optimization of blocks of academic disciplines, 200 hours remain unchanged for mastering a professionally specialized cycle. I.e., 352 hours remain for mastering 3 (three) important academic disciplines: fire, physical and tactical special training (100 academic hours each, plus electives and reserve hours). This is of fundamental importance for optimizing the process of professional training of an employee as a "Policeman", since a modern police officer must necessarily have the opportunity, be able and ready to effectively perform professional and official tasks in any operational environment.


2. The pedagogical condition is the author's technology. When structuring technology, based on the theory of systems, we took into account the achievements of scientists in the formation of various structures. Thus, V.S. Lednev argued that the creation of the theory of the system should include the optimal volume and properties of the components for effective functioning, when establishing links between them [12, p.45]. M.V. Klarin rightly explained that pedagogical technology from a systemic procedural point of view is the process of phased implementation of the project of pedagogical activity[11], namely:

- "The model of actions of a police officer in the suppression of offenses" [16], which provides for the interaction of 4 (four) blocks of academic disciplines: introduction to the specialty, psychological, legal, special training and working out by each employee up to 7 typical tasks-situations related to professional and official activities;

- "The model of readiness of a police officer for actions to prevent and suppress offenses" [15], which provides for the interaction of 5 (five) blocks of academic disciplines: introduction to the specialty, physical training, psychological, legal and special training; employees are invited to learn three possible options (algorithms) for the development of any situation and use them during the business games, imitation-game exercises or dramatizations.

The implementation of the proposed pedagogical conditions contributes to the acquisition by a police officer of the level of the formed set of knowledge, abilities and competencies necessary for them to carry out professional and official activities as subjects of professional activity, namely:

- knowledge of: the main provisions of legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the police; the basics of the use of special, forensic equipment and information technology; the legal foundations of the use of physical force, special means and weapons; first aid (for the assessment of knowledge, a test task is applied: 100 questions on blocks of academic disciplines: introduction to the profession, legal, psychological and special training);

- abilities (based on the acquisition of skills and abilities): to act in a complex, constantly changing operational environment, to demand and seek from citizens the cessation of illegal actions, to physically confront the offender, to use special and technical means (to assess abilities, methods are used: diagnostics based on the California questionnaire in T-points, diagnostics of career orientations "Anchors of a career" in points, compliance with standards for general physical training and combat techniques of wrestling);

- competencies: 1) willingness to respect the honor and dignity of a person's personality, respect his rights of freedom and show self-control, restraint and emotional stability in communicating with citizens; 2) willingness to present his point of view in a reasoned manner and be guided by the norms of the law, observe the rules of official conduct; 3) willingness to demonstrate efficiency, determination, speed of decision-making in suppressing crimes, violations and to show will, character in conflict situations, in their elimination, perseverance in overcoming difficulties; 4) willingness to act on the effective implementation of the task and to the lawful and justified use, if necessary, of physical force, special means (for the assessment of competencies, methods are used: diagnostics based on a Five-factor questionnaire in T-points and personality diagnostics "Motivation to success" (striving to achieve a goal) T. Eilers in points.

P.K. Anokhin called the useful result the main factor of the system, which itself initially and externally forms or sets its content and parameters in the form of a model or goal[1,2].

The critical level of the formed set of knowledge, abilities and competencies corresponds to the low level of preparedness of employees for the profession of "Policeman". The average level of the formed set of knowledge, abilities and competencies corresponds to the acceptable level of preparedness. The high level of the formed set of knowledge, abilities and competencies, respectively, is the optimal level.

Researchers O.N. Oleynikova and A.A. Muravyova rightly noted that qualification is the totality of a person's individual readiness to perform functions professionally within a certain profession [14, p.27], therefore, the following levels of preparedness of police officers were determined:

1) Low level of preparedness. The employee has insufficient knowledge of the legal foundations of the "Policeman" profession; lack of desire for professional growth, low self-demand, inability to physically confront the offender; in most situations, he shows indecision, unwillingness to seek from citizens the cessation of illegal actions.

2) The acceptable level of preparedness. The employee demonstrates average knowledge of the legal foundations of the profession "Police officer; shows interest only in a specific position, cannot always physically confront the offender; tasks of increased complexity cause difficulties, including in conditions of risk to the life and safety of others, doubts about legality, hesitation in the use of force.

3) The optimal level of preparedness. The employee demonstrates excellent and good knowledge of the legal foundations of the "Policeman" profession, the desire for professional growth, determination, initiative, the ability to effectively physically resist; shows a conscious willingness to use force, special means, if necessary, when performing tasks of increased complexity and at risk to his own life.

Achieving the levels of preparedness of employees for the position of a "Policeman" employee is carried out sequentially through the following stages of optimizing the professional training process:

1) Preparatory stage (interviewing and questioning of employees, analysis of the results of entrance control of police officers upon arrival for professional training);

2) The initial stage (the ascertaining stage is the assessment and diagnosis of the initial level of the totality of knowledge, abilities and competencies that determine the initial level of preparedness of police officers);

3) The main stage (the formative stage is the assessment and diagnosis of the final level of knowledge, abilities and competencies, which determines the formed level of preparedness of police officers as a result of optimization);

4) The final stage (the control stage is a re–assessment and diagnosis of the final level of knowledge, abilities and competencies, which determines the formed level of preparedness of police officers to verify the reproducibility of results, reliability and accuracy of the data obtained, minimizing errors and distortions of the results obtained; the method of expert evaluations of the effectiveness of optimization and a survey of employees upon completion of professional training).

In his research, T.V. Kamoza confirms that the formation of any subject of professional activity is one of the main goals of vocational education (or vocational training – author)[8]. According to V.A. Yakunin, if professional training of a specialist is taken as a goal, then the signs of its effectiveness will be a large list of skills, from self-determination of the goal to restructuring one's own activities [21, p.42].

The method of expert assessments of the effectiveness of optimization is used to compare the significance of the formed set of knowledge, abilities and competencies, which determines the level of preparedness of employees to work as a "Police officer" for various job categories. An analysis using this method and a comparison of the opinion of expert specialists with the annual schedule of recruitment for professional training may indicate for which official categories of police officers the totality of formed knowledge, abilities and competencies is most significant.

Conclusion. Optimization of the process of professional training of police officers is aimed at forming the levels of preparedness of employees for the profession of "Policeman", which allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The essence and considered parameters of optimization of the professional training process determined the choice of optimization tools in conditions of limited time of the professional training process, which should be aimed at improving the level of preparedness of employees to work as a "Police officer".

2. The developed pedagogical conditions for optimizing the process of professional training have an impact on the quality of training of police officers and contribute to increasing the level of preparedness of employees to work as a "Policeman" employee.

3. The formed levels of preparedness of police officers objectively reflect the requirements for the quality of the professional training process and satisfy the demands of society and the employees themselves to carry out professional and official activities as a "Policeman" employee.

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study is the content requirements for the process of professional training of police officers, including the presentation of parameters, pedagogical conditions and optimization stages. The research methodology includes two aspects. The first aspect is related to the presentation of theoretical justifications for improving the quality of training, based on research on both personality and educational situation. The second aspect is related to the presentation of the course of empirical research conducted by the author of the article. The research methods used in writing the text of the article are quite valid and representative of the sample of subjects. The relevance of the presented article is beyond doubt, since a sufficiently complete and well-founded study of the construction of optimization of the process of professional training of police officers is necessary. Optimization support is determined by the choice of a set of the best options for ensuring innovation activity in a time-limited training process, i.e. identifying optimization parameters and developing pedagogical conditions for its implementation. This situation is necessary, since in many ways the training of police officers takes place in fairly limited conditions, both temporary and factorial. Indeed, it can be stated that the system of professional training of police officers that exists in reality does not always fully meet the needs of the services and departments of the internal affairs bodies for professionally competent police officers with a sufficient level of formed knowledge, skills and abilities based on the results of training in the existing vocational training system. The scientific novelty of the presented research is also of interest in view of the fact that the formation of the levels of preparedness of employees for the profession of "Policeman" allows you to form the readiness of police officers in a meaningful way in order to maximize both the training opportunities at the initial stage of employee formation and further improve the professional development of the individual. The style of the article is designed in accordance with the requirements for scientific publication. The structure of the article corresponds to the ideas of the course of empirical research. The content of the submitted article corresponds to the stated topic. However, in the work, quite a lot of attention is devoted to only actually one side of training related to understanding and using the legal foundations of police activity. In fact, the topic stated in the article looks broader than the material presented. The bibliography is mainly represented by literature that has a fairly long-term use in pedagogy. However, recently there have been studies that focus on optimizing professional training. It was also necessary to present in the bibliography literature that reveals the specifics of police training (in particular, regulations governing all issues of vocational education, etc.). This article is undoubtedly of interest to the readership. However, it requires a more thorough analysis of the parameters for optimizing police training.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The object of research in the work submitted for review is the optimization of the police training process, while the subject is actually its main pedagogical aspects. The relevance of the study is caused by the high social significance of the police profession, the complexity and specificity of this profession, which requires a combination of highly developed qualities of various kinds: physical, social, moral-volitional, intellectual, etc., as well as the understanding that no development, including professional development, can occur without improving the learning process. The relevance argument is based in the study on statistical data, which deserves attention. The article summarizes the main aspects of optimizing the police training process, which can be defined as a local methodological novelty. From a methodological point of view, the article is theoretical in nature, although practical aspects of the work are touched upon on its pages, the experimental part is not presented in the text. In fact, the main research method is descriptive and pedagogical analysis, which is the minimum and sufficient level for studying the format of a journal article. A well-founded description of the sample of methodological tools used, a review of authors who have studied similar issues and their definitions, an overview of the regulatory framework of the process under study, good structuring and abstract presentation of the material, in particular abstract conclusions, deserves attention. The text is written in a language that meets the standards of scientific style, the list of references meets the requirements and is reflected on the pages of the work in links to sources. The work may be of interest to a very wide pedagogical audience, taking into account the study of basic educational categories, in particular, the text can be used as a source base for qualifying works. As the only fundamental comment on the work, we note that from a substantive point of view, the title does not fully correspond to the text of an extremely small volume by the standards of scientific research. Several aspects of such a global pedagogical as optimization are stated at once, namely parameters, stages and pedagogical conditions, although one of these could well be the subject of research. As a result, the work has acquired an extremely overview character, where all these phenomena are considered in passing, which somewhat detracts from the meaningful value of the text. From a structural point of view, in the context of the above, the work would also benefit if the text were divided into meaningfully interrelated parts, each of which would be devoted to one of the categories indicated in the title. Nevertheless, the article satisfies the basic structural and substantive requirements for works of this kind, examines relevant topics and represents a holistic author's research that can be recommended for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.