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Student Squads as Agents of Socialization of Student Youth (Based on Research in the Altai Territory)

Akhmedova Angelina Rustamovna

Student, Department of General Sociology and Conflictology, Altai State University

656049, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Dimitrova str., 66, office 520

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Koda Egor Aleksandrovich

Student, Department of General Sociology and Conflictology, Altai State University

656949, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Dimitrova str., 66, office 520

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Sterlyadeva Natalya Anatolevna

PhD in Sociology

Associate professor, Department of General Sociology and Conflictology, Altai State University

656949, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Dimitrova str., 66, office 520

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Lapteva Dar'ya Nikolaevna

Student, Department of General Sociology and Conflictology, Altai State University

656949, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Dimitrova str., 66, office 520

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Oleinikova Elizaveta Pavlovna

Student, Department of General Sociology and Conflictology, Altai State University

656949, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Dimitrova str., 66, office 520

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Abstract: Student groups in sociological science are studied from the point of view of interaction with youth policy management bodies, the formation of specialists in the labor market, and socialization tools. It seems heuristic to consider student groups as agents of socialization, carrying out their activities through social practices. Within the framework of this work, we will focus on the movement of student detachments as an important agent of the socialization of student youth, since student detachments provide labor training and inclusion in the work of students, form patriotism and love for the Motherland, and also ensure the development of the potential of young people in various aspects of modern life. Student groups as agents of socialization of students perform a number of dysfunctions, including emotional and economic aspects, additional workload, negative interaction with other people. Despite this, the fighters of student squads highly appreciate the level of adaptability to professional activity and the level of leadership qualities acquired or developed in the student squad, this is confirmed by experts. Each student named a number of qualities that he acquired or developed thanks to student teams, including: responsiveness, openness, confidence, perseverance, patience, stress tolerance, diligence, determination, punctuality, sociability, responsibility for himself and others, the ability to solve conflict and problem situations, the ability to delegate, as well as make quick decisions.


youth policy, social institute, student squad, sociolization, student youth, agents of socialization, sociological research, labor activity, patriotism, social practices

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The actual problem of modern sociological knowledge is the problem of socialization of personality, in particular, the socialization of student youth. Thanks to this fundamental process, the individual gradually enters society, as well as the individual's occupation of a certain place in society. The basic way to develop youth potential can be considered involvement in the socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-political life of society. Certain public organizations and social groups can be considered guarantees of the effectiveness of the social development of student youth[1]. Within the framework of this work, we will focus on the movement of student detachments as an important agent of the socialization of student youth, since student detachments provide labor training and inclusion in the work of students, form patriotism and love for the Motherland, and also ensure the development of the potential of young people in various aspects of modern life.

The headquarters of student detachments are engaged in the direct provision of employment of student youth. In addition to realizing the labor potential of young people, they influence the creation of leisure, which is aimed at comprehensive personal development, form citizenship and do everything possible for self-realization of the individual. The relevance of the study of the influence of social practices of student groups on the socialization of student youth is explained by two factors, firstly, we are talking about the full integration of young people into the modern social structure, and secondly, student groups form the real labor reserve of our state, which is extremely important in a period of socio-economic instability.

The value of this work lies in the consideration of student groups as agents of socialization through the prism of their activities through social practices – unusual actions. Given the similar social practices of socialization by student groups, we can talk about the possibility of a broad extrapolation of the results of sociological research to other regions of the Russian Federation.

Psychological aspects of personality socialization were considered in the works of such Russian scientists as A.N. Leontiev, I.V. Dubrovin, etc. Clausen brought methodological clarity to the issues of socialization of the individual, G. Zimel identified the main ways of adapting a person to social norms. Spanish sociologist D.B. Aizenson considered the formation of identity of students as a factor of successful secondary socialization of personality [18]. Features of the process of socialization of the younger generation, in particular, students, were considered by S.I. Levitskaya and V.N. Nechipurenko. In the works of V.M. Syrykh and A.S. Grechin, the key factors of socialization of modern youth were identified, as well as the factors of professional self-determination and social self-identification were identified. Sociologists of the Altai Territory also contributed to the study of the process of socialization of student youth: Popov E.A., Zamyatina O.N. and Chukanova T.V. characterized the legal culture of a modern student as a basic component of socialization of personality in the context of quality indicators of higher education. It is worth noting that the above list of works on this topic does not affect the role of specific organizations in the socialization of student youth, the mechanisms of socialization by specific organizations. Also, the subjective component of the perception of the process of socialization by a particular organization is not considered, in other words, whether the objects of socialization themselves consider this or that organization useful in their lives and by what criteria. The socialization of students is a complex and complex phenomenon, the result of which includes not only the presence of a legal culture, but also a set of professional, general cultural and other necessary competencies. Accordingly, the subject area of this work is the social practices of student groups as agents of socialization of student youth. Despite the fairly good scientific elaboration of this problem, there are practically no studies of the social practices of student groups as agents of socialization of student youth, which is why the novelty of this work is due.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is the concept of structural functionalism by T. Parsons, because the process of socialization of an individual is based on a system of interconnected social structures. In turn, student groups perform the role of such a social structure, thereby influencing the process of socialization of the individual. As for research methods, in addition to the traditional analysis of scientific literature, comparative analysis and systematization, questionnaires and expert interviews in the form of in-depth interviews were also used.

For the first time the term socialization is found in sociological science in the works of the American sociologist F. Giddings. He defined the process of socialization as the development of social nature, the development of the character of an individual, as well as the preparation of human material for social life. This interpretation of socialization is not absolute and exhaustive, in the future, the phenomenon of socialization was developed by other scientists, including T. Parsons. Generally speaking, socialization is a process during which an individual learns the values and norms that are necessary for the successful implementation of social interactions in society. It is important to note that the process of socialization continues throughout a person's life, and one of the most active stages of socialization should be considered adolescence [9].

Considering T. Parsons' theory of socialization, it should be noted that socialization is the development of rules and norms for satisfactory functioning in a certain social role. The fundamental basis of the process of socialization lies in a person's ability to learn, as well as in his ability to a certain social plasticity. We are talking about the fact that a person is able to change under the influence of the external environment, for example, when studying at school or university. Socialization performs a number of important tasks, among which it is possible to note the formation of loyalty and devotion to the system. In addition to the above, in the process of socialization, a person assimilates norms and absorbs a certain conglomerate of values, which determines the motivational structure of the personality and the list of needs of this very personality [14]. If a person at the stage of primary socialization has learned the value of work and perceives it as a social norm, then throughout his conscious life an individual will strive for work so that his real actions coincide with the learned standards of life and behavior. In the process of primary socialization, motivational attitudes of a person are formed, but during the period of secondary socialization, human resources adapt in accordance with the role structure of adult society[2].

It is also important to pay attention to the phenomenon of social practice. Social practice should be understood as a set of routine actions of individuals, groups or organizations that are regularly repeated and ensure the sustainable functioning and development of social institutions. It is necessary to highlight the basic, fundamental features of social practices, namely: normativity, stability, mass character and reproduction in time[16]. If a certain action can be classified according to the above characteristics, then, most likely, it is a certain social practice. The value of considering any social interaction from the perspective of social practice is that the whole spectrum of the influence of monotonous actions and events of public life on both the individual and society as a whole is revealed[12]. The universality of the category of social practice is that it is applicable both to the social microcosm – the practices of an individual, and to the social macrocosm – the world of practices of social groups. Undoubtedly, social practices are the product of people's joint activities. An important role of social practice is the possibility of changing the quality of the social environment of individuals, because certain behaviors and options for social actions are gradually being added that allow people to realize their interests. The functioning of social practices is strongly connected with the activities of social institutions, for example, family, school, university, unions of professional workers, etc. [17].

This work implies the consideration of student groups as agents of socialization, moreover, the process of socialization is carried out through the totality of those social practices that are implemented by student groups. Naturally, student groups are agents of secondary socialization of the individual. There is a real research question with regard to what mechanisms the socialization of student youth in detachments takes place, what features of socialization by student detachments exist, whether there are real socializing dysfunctions of student detachments, as well as how the participants themselves assess the role of the student detachment in their socialization, etc.

The socio-pedagogical type of social practices should be considered as part of the activities of student groups. These include preventive, rehabilitation and correctional and developmental measures[3]. The socio-cultural type of social practices includes the following list of activities, namely cultural events, concert and entertainment activities, leisure activities and cultural activities of relevant institutions. It is necessary to pay attention to socio-medical social practices, we are talking about surveys, certain trainings and psychocorrection, and social practices of a social and everyday type imply the physical and cultural development of young people, etc. The social and labor type of social practice includes job quotas for young people, as well as conducting career guidance projects. The totality of such a list of types of social practices is specific within the framework of the activities of student groups[11].

Student groups contribute to the integration of young people into the social structure[7]. As part of the social practices of student groups as agents of socialization, a sense of patriotism is formed among the younger generation, social and labor initiatives are implemented, favorable soil is formed for the personal growth of student youth, as well as for the self-realization of young people [15]. Among other things, an active civic position is being formed, which is the fundamental basis for the functioning of a democratic state[13]. Student detachments allow representatives of student youth to learn not only the necessary social skills, but also to obtain additional qualifications in a particular specialty, for example, the right to conduct leadership activities or documents authorizing the activities of a railway carriage conductor. Social interactions of student groups allow participants to expand their social circle, become useful to society in the framework of working with children in camps, construction, organization of recreational activities, etc. The social practices of student groups as agents of socialization allow participants to reveal certain talents in themselves, as well as to distract themselves somewhat from phenomenological activities, getting new impressions and emotions[5].

The performance of the functions of student groups is determined by the social practices of student groups, for example, a system of cultural events or concert and entertainment activities. So members of student groups regularly participate in cultural events and perform on stage. Many student groups prepare reporting concerts about their activities, as well as concerts that are timed to coincide with a new set of student group members [10]. These actions are also implemented in the social practices of the Altai student pedagogical detachment "Juventa". Student detachments of the Snow Landing also implement concert programs prepared in advance in the areas where they travel annually. Almost every student group, within the framework of its social practices, implements training in a particular specialty, as well as scientific and educational activities are carried out: participation in methodological exhibitions, presentation of their developments and scientific projects [6]. Often, members of student teaching teams present their methodological innovative developments of lesson plans with schoolchildren. As part of the social practices of student groups, preventive measures are implemented, including lectures on a healthy lifestyle, obtaining knowledge on the sanitary minimum as a basic component of admission to work. The process of socialization of an individual is influenced by events related to physical culture and sports, for example, the Spartakiad of student squads of the Siberian Federal District, where members of student squads competed in a number of sports. It is also important to note socially useful events that are held by participants of student groups, for example, subbotniks, volunteer actions, etc. [8].

Youth activity aimed at assimilation of socio-cultural experience is a basic component of the process of socialization. Student groups provide not only creative, cultural, voluntary and socially significant activities, but also create conditions for the full and harmonious development of the individual both physically and intellectually [4]. Thus, the social practices of student detachments represent a certain set of behaviors, some actions within the framework of the activities of student detachments that are aimed at realizing the interests of people.

The methodology of this sociological research was based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, which makes it possible to raise the heuristic potential of this scientific work. The quantitative method is represented by a questionnaire, and the qualitative method is represented by an expert survey. The general population of the study is represented by students of higher educational institutions of the Altai Territory, while the sample totality consisted of 207 people – all of them are members of one or another student group. 207 people in the sample are representatives of various student groups, including pedagogical, construction, guides, service squad, medical squad, agricultural squad, Snow landing. The sampling was carried out by the method of typical representatives within the student groups of the Altai Territory. In the student groups themselves, respondents were selected spontaneously, according to the principle of accessibility. The sample, which is 207 people, is due to the information saturation of this sociological study. Considering the fact that there were representatives of almost all student groups of the Altai Territory, we can say that the sample has a sufficient degree of representativeness, and the reliability and validity of the data obtained is beyond doubt. Respondents from different areas of activity of student groups will provide a variety of information about the social practices of socialization of students. As for the sample set of the expert survey, the sample was formed based on the position held by the expert at the present time or in retrospect. There is no doubt that the specialists of the regional headquarters of the student detachments of the Altai Territory, and representatives of the staff of the labor affairs of the educational institution are competent enough to act as experts on this topic. A face-to-face meeting was held with each expert, where the competent specialist was asked certain questions in turn, and the answers to these questions were recorded on a dictaphone. The survey of exactly 10 experts is due to the information saturation within the framework of this sociological study. It is also worth noting that the answers of experts within the framework of the implementation of the qualitative method did not contradict the conclusions that were obtained as a result of the questionnaire survey, which indicates a clear relationship between quantitative and qualitative methods in this sociological study.

The study was conducted in two stages, the first stage was a mass survey, which was conducted on the basis of the headquarters of student detachments directly with members of student detachments. An online questionnaire was also launched, which was addressed to the participants of student groups. The second stage of the study was an expert survey, which allowed us to deepen the ongoing research, to describe in more detail the role of student groups in the socialization of student youth.

The importance of using quantitative and qualitative methods in this sociological study is due to the need to consider the impact of social practices of student groups on the socialization of student youth from the perspective of representatives of student groups, as well as to consider the impact of practices from the point of view of experts in this field in order to get an extensive and reliable picture of what is happening. In addition, the joint use of the two methods makes it possible to increase the reliability of the data obtained.

The research tools consisted of a questionnaire and an expert survey form. The expert survey form contained 42 questions and 6 semantic blocks, while the questionnaire contained 53 questions and 6 semantic blocks. The first block of questions identified socio-pedagogical practices that are essential in the implementation of the function of socialization of the individual, the second block of questions considered the social and everyday practices of student groups, the third block of questions characterized the socio-medical aspect of practices, the fourth block of questions - the socio–cultural component, and the fifth block of questions – social and labor practices. The passport also contained questions of a socio-demographic nature, which ended the questionnaire.

Considering the socio-pedagogical practices of student detachments, we found out that most of the fighters of student detachments regularly undergo training in their specialty, where they increase their level of competence and education. In addition, they attend not only narrow-profile, but also functional and generally erudite events. We learned that most of the fighters are personally interested in being trained, it is important for each of them to get the necessary skills and knowledge. We have learned that a significant part of the fighters perform at these events as an assistant, organizer, speaker or lecturer, which indicates a high level of skills and competencies. All respondents noted the high degree of usefulness of participating in professional educational activities, thanks to which they acquired new knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities, developed the ability to work with information, make decisions and find new ways for them, also cooperate in groups and pairs, as well as use new information and communication technologies.

The second block of the questionnaire survey contained questions to understand which social and everyday practices of student groups help students in the process of socialization.

Student groups are also engaged in volunteer activities, for example, charitable assistance, both to individuals and to whole families, which contributes to the formation of such important social qualities as compassion, mercy, kindness, care, responsibility in students. To the question "How often do you participate in charity events for individuals and families as part of the activities of your student group?" the answers were distributed as follows: 1-3 times a week – 1.4% of respondents, 1-3 times a month – 22.7% of respondents, 1-3 times a half–year – 39.1% of respondents, 1-3 times a year - 18.4% of respondents, not participating – 18.4% of respondents (Table 1). The fighters of pedagogical, environmental groups and groups of guides are the most interested in this type of activity, they participate in these events more often than others. We see that more than half of the surveyed students are engaged in charitable assistance, which allows us to conclude that student groups form socially important qualities in people.

Table 1. Distribution of respondents' answers to the question: "How often do you participate in charity events for individuals and families as part of the activities of your student group?" depending on the gender, age and direction of the student group, as a percentage of the number of respondents

Answer optionTotal



Squad direction



16-18 years old

19 years old

20 years

21 or more years







Squad wire











Snow Landing Squad




1-3 times a week
















1-3 times a month
















1-3 times in six months
















1-3 times a year
















Not participating

















Experts explained why there is such a small percentage of participants in charity events: "such events are not held often, pre-planned and large-scale organized are held several times a year / half a year, but always when there is a need (to collect money, things, materials, etc.), the fighters of student detachments actively respond", "this is it happens more often out of necessity – if our help is needed, we help, students also write projects themselves, go to orphanages or nursing homes," "student teaching teams are slightly more engaged in such activities than other teams."

There are several levels of charity events for individuals and families, in which the fighters of student detachments can take part. Among them are all–Russian events (for example, the volunteer action "We are together"), regional, regional events (such as assistance to children of orphanages in the Altai Territory), city and district events (assistance to residents of districts or cities). Participation in any of these levels is certainly important, both for those who receive this assistance and for those who provide it. We asked respondents to answer what levels of charity events they participate in. Most of the respondents answered that they help at the city/district level, a little less at the regional/regional level and even less at the All–Russian level. Even fewer people do not participate in such events at all – 38 out of the total number of respondents. "Our fighters participate in charity events both in our region, villages and villages, and go to All–Russian events", "the action "Snow Landing of the RSO" is an All-Russian patriotic action that is held annually, and the fighters perform a huge layer of work - patronage assistance, concerts, career guidance programs and master classes for schoolchildren and not only – and all this on a voluntary basis", "many of our fighters help in the city and the region, but many go further – and we are proud of them." – so the experts told us about this type of activity of student groups.

Participation in charity events may be due to various reasons – this is on personal initiative, and by decree or request of someone else. So, we asked the respondents the question "For what reason do you participate in charity events for individuals and families?" and found out that more than half of the respondents participate in such events due to personal interest, a small part of those who participate at the direction of the commander or at the request of other persons, as well as those who do not participate at all (table 2). So, we can say that the fighters of student detachments have high moral qualities. Not participating 18.4. According to experts, the fighters of student detachments themselves want to help others: "they do not need to be particularly forced, persuaded... they asked for help, there are always those who will respond", "as a rule, when people need help (whether it's a fire, flood, death of someone close, etc.), there is no question "Why should I help someone?", so fighters are always "undermined" to help without demanding anything in return", "they just get high just to help people, help grandma, play with children", "they write projects themselves, participate in volunteer actions".

Table 2. Distribution of respondents' answers to the question: "For what reason do you participate in charity events for individuals and families?", as a percentage of the number of respondents

Answer option

Percentage of respondents

I participate on the instructions of the squad leader


Personal interest


Request of other persons


Not participating



In charity events, you can act as both an organizer and a volunteer participant. To the question "What is your role in charity events for individuals and families?" 12.3% of respondents answered that they act as organizers, 80.3% of respondents answered that they are volunteer participants and 19.7% of respondents do not participate (Fig. 1). There is a small number of people who have the necessary skills or abilities, opportunities to organize such events, but still there are such people. But there is a large proportion of those who participate in such events, which means that students have feelings of mercy and compassion.




























Fig. 1 Distribution of respondents' answers to the question: "What is your role in charity events for individual people and families?", as a percentage of the number of respondents

Members of student teams are often involved in providing assistance in landscaping – to put up a memorial sign, hang banners or posters, make or decorate a photo zone, etc. We asked students the question "How often do you participate in landscaping activities as part of the activities of your student squad?". More than 80% of students take part in such events in one way or another, which indicates a high level of interest and diligence.

Participation in charity events is certainly beneficial for those who take part in them. We decided to find out from our respondents how useful it is for them to participate in charity events for individuals and families (from 1 to 5, where 1 is the least useful, 5 is the most useful)" by several indicators. The answers are presented in Table 6. Due to the fact that students are involved in such events, they develop the ability to adapt to difficult situations and evaluate people's social habits, how they live. And what is very important – they develop feelings of compassion and mercy.

We know from experts that "it is not often necessary in terms of landscaping, rather, spontaneously – to hang a banner before a major city event or to assemble cubes for a competition or build a structure, etc.", but "there are always handy students who can do it, more, of course, men from construction teams are involved in such a job."

We asked the question "For what reason do you participate in landscaping activities?", the answers to which were distributed as follows: 28% of respondents participate at the direction of the commander, 10.1% of respondents participate at the request of other persons, 19.8% do not participate in such events at all and 42% participate in landscaping activities, because they are interested in it themselves (Fig. 2). We can say that such events are not in high demand among students, but still most (more than 80%) are inclined to work. It is important to note that in the table of the ball-rating system for the title of the best student squad, there is such an item as assistance to the regional headquarters, and squad commanders who seek to get that title, it is important and necessary to get an extra point (which will not be superfluous at all), therefore, if not on their own initiative, the fighters help in something- or, so on the instructions of the squad leader.

Fig. 2 Distribution of respondents' answers to the question: "For what reason do you participate in landscaping activities?", in

as a percentage of the number of respondents

Analyzing the social and everyday practices of student detachments, we managed to find out that more than half of the surveyed students are engaged in charitable assistance, among whom the most interested in this type of activity are fighters of pedagogical, environmental detachments, guide detachments and Snow landing detachments. Most often, students participate in events at the city/district and regional/regional levels. There is also a high level of personal interest and motivation to participate in such events. Mostly fighters of student groups act as participants – just over 80% of respondents. Students note the high degree of usefulness of participating in charity events for individuals and families – because it allows them to develop feelings of compassion and mercy, the ability to adapt in difficult situations, evaluate people's social habits, participation in this kind of events forms socially important qualities in people. In addition, students participate in landscaping activities as part of the activities of their student group: mostly 1-3 times a month and six months (more often than not, assistance is not required, according to experts). Fighters of student construction squads and guide squads more often than other areas participate in this type of activity, as well as pedagogical and service squads stand out for their active position. We found out that almost 40% of respondents participate in such events at the direction of the commander or at the request of other persons, 42% of respondents – because of personal interest. Thanks to the experts, we learned that the activity in this type of activity allows the student squad to earn points for the title of the best student squad, which is why it is so important for each squad to participate in such events. Mostly students act as volunteer participants, a smaller part of them – about 10% - are organizers. In general, participation in landscaping activities allows you to develop diligence, responsibility, a sense of beauty, as well as a desire to help people.

The third block of the questionnaire survey contained questions to understand which socio-medical practices of student groups help students in the process of socialization. During the year – during the preparatory period and the labor semester itself, fighters have the opportunity to participate in competitions and sports performances (for example, cheer sports). We asked the students the question "How often do you participate in physical development and sports activities as part of the activities of your student team?", the answers to which are presented in the table. We see that a significant part, namely 30.4% of respondents, do not participate in sports events. An almost equal percentage of respondents among those who participate in such events 1-3 times a month and 1-3 times a year. Many answered that they participate 1-3 times every six months. In addition, sports events are the least popular among girls – more than 75% of respondents said that they do not participate. We asked the experts a question about why the fighters of student squads participate little in sports events, and found out: "sports events are traditionally held in spring and autumn – these are sports contests among all squads, also command teams sometimes hold competitions within the squad and necessarily one sports event between two squads", "sports events are during the labor semester, there are various competitions between the squads at the facilities," which is not so often. In addition, the reason for the small number of participants is also the fact that "there is a quota for squads for all types of competitions, unfortunately, few can participate," there are also opinions that "athletic guys do not always come to student squads, and many simply cannot get into the team to defend honor the squad, perform at competitions", "few people have good physical data, who are prepared for competitions, competitions, and no one wants to substitute the squad, so they often hesitate not to try to show themselves in sports", the following opinion was also voiced: "among girls, sports is not the most relevant type of activity, but in many squads the number of girls prevails, so sometimes squads don't even show up for sports competitions."

All fighters of student groups have different interests, goals and opportunities. We decided to find out what is the level of physical development and sports activities in which they take part. The results are shown in the figure. We see that the smallest number of fighters participate at the All–Russian level (not everyone is given and not everyone has the opportunity to do this), much more of those who participate in events at the regional/ regional level, and more than half of the respondents noted that they take part in city/district events - available to everyone who has the desire. There are also those who do not participate at all, but there are much fewer of them. It means that the fighters of student groups are interested in sports.

Having analyzed the social and medical practices of student groups, we can say that a significant part of students do not participate in sports events, in addition, this type of activity is the least popular among girls - more than 75% of respondents said that they do not participate. This may be due to quotas, insufficient physical fitness of students and lack of self-confidence. A small part – less than 2% of respondents – apply for competitions at the All-Russian level, most of them participate in regional/regional or city/district competitions. We also learned that students participate more in sports events on their own initiative, many of them – just over 30% of respondents – act as assistants or organizers. Students note that through participation in sports events, they develop socially significant qualities such as the ability to resist uncertainty and difficulties, the ability to work in a team, develop communicative, strong-willed and strength qualities. In addition to sports events, fighters of student teams participate in quizzes, surveys, trainings on healthy lifestyle – mostly 1-3 times a month or six months, which, according to experts, corresponds to the frequency of such events. Respondents noted that they participate at will. By participating in quizzes, surveys, trainings on healthy lifestyle issues, you can not only gain knowledge, learn to work with information, develop abilities, skills and abilities, but also develop communicative qualities, since you have to communicate and interact with each other a lot. Therefore, respondents highly appreciate the usefulness of participating in such events. We also found out that the students are sufficiently aware of the issues of a healthy lifestyle, which indicates the good work of the command staff in their squads and in general the whole squad. More than half of the respondents observe the rules of a healthy lifestyle outside the activities of the student squad and inside it, one third of the respondents observe while in the student squad and /or labor semester, which allows us to conclude that the fighters of student squads are people who take care of their health and the appearance of their squad. On average, from three to five points, respondents assess their compliance with such rules as proper nutrition, daily routine, rejection of bad habits and exercise.

Speaking about the participation of fighters of student detachments in surveys, quizzes, trainings on healthy lifestyle issues, it should be noted that they receive a sufficient amount of knowledge by participating in events. The fourth block of the questionnaire survey contained questions to understand which socio-cultural practices of student groups help students in the process of socialization.

In addition to all the above-mentioned events for student teams, cultural and creative events of different levels and directions are also held, in which both whole squads and individual fighters can take part and demonstrate their talents on stage. The answers to the question "How often do you participate in cultural and creative events as part of the activities of your student group?" are presented in the table. The percentage of those who do not participate in such events or participate extremely rarely, 1-3 times a year, is small. Slightly more than those who often participate, 1-3 times a week. The largest number of those who participate 1-3 times a month, there are also many who do it 1-3 times every six months. We can say that there are a lot of creative and active people among the fighters of student detachments.

The fighters of student groups are not so actively involved in the implementation of career guidance projects with schoolchildren, we recommend that they also convey to them the importance and relevance of this activity: this is in the interests of the squad, because the children – the younger generation – are the very future candidates for fighters, and the more work is done with them, the more interested they are, the more guys will then come to the student squad. It is necessary to come up with new ways of campaigning for universities and student groups, "if earlier it was cool and advantageous to arrange singing in the middle of corridors or streets, now it is not relevant," almost the same as handing out leaflets / business cards of the squad. Now the activity of the top – working groups of teenagers is gaining momentum, so the cooperation of student groups with children's groups would be most welcome – not only communication, joint pastime, but also the transfer of experience and knowledge to the younger generation.

The social and labor practices of the student detachments of the Altai Territory require optimization: many fighters participate in them, but most of them do so at the direction of the commander, as well as at the request of other persons. That is, students are not interested in taking part in cleaning the streets of the city from garbage themselves. Our recommendations: to convey this more environmentally friendly, not as "you have to clean up the garbage, you need to clean the streets", but as "this is your "home", your city; you walk these streets yourself, and you want them to be clean."

We recommend presenting subbotniks as not a job, but as an opportunity to communicate, interact with other detachments; we suggest holding contests, for example, for the largest pile of garbage, who will clean their site faster than anyone else, clean the territory better than others, etc. If these are subbotniks from universities, we recommend holding competitions among squads, where fighters could get extra space or time for training and rehearsals for a victory, since the university administration has the opportunity to provide such a service, and student squads always need it. We offer to encourage students for their work: handouts, souvenirs, merch, certificates (to coffee shops, rides, trampolines, gym, etc.), thereby attracting them to participate in labor actions.

Student groups as agents of socialization of student youth perform a number of dysfunctions, including emotional and economic aspects, additional workload, negative interaction with other people. Despite this, the fighters of student squads highly appreciate the level of adaptability to professional activity and the level of leadership qualities acquired or developed in the student squad, this is confirmed by experts. Each student named a number of qualities that he acquired or developed thanks to student teams, including: responsiveness, openness, confidence, perseverance, patience, stress tolerance, diligence, determination, punctuality, sociability, responsibility for himself and others, the ability to solve conflict and problem situations, the ability to delegate, as well as make quick decisions. Many noted that thanks to their activities in the student squad, they learned to work in a team, plan their time competently, express themselves, not be afraid to express their thoughts, speak and perform, both for a small audience and for a large one.

Most students highly appreciate the importance of their activities, since student detachments benefit society: cleaning the city's territories, holding events, performing creative numbers and concerts, serving vacationers, building and repairing facilities, helping those in need, working with children, etc. Almost all students believe that student detachments help a person in the process of socialization, because thanks to the activity in student groups, a person enters the social environment, adapts to the world around him, while mastering social norms, rules, values, knowledge and skills that allow him to function successfully in society.

We can conclude that student groups are one of the successful forms of socialization of young people, adaptation to modern conditions of industrial relations, development of organization and independence, managerial and business qualities, spiritual and moral ideal. The practice of student teams needs to be expanded. The invaluable experience of participating in the student detachment becomes a platform for the successful start of work, the adoption of an active life position and, ultimately, the formation of a prosperous person.

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. Based on the title, it seems possible to conclude that the article should be devoted to student groups as agents of socialization of student youth. The title also allows us to conclude that the article was prepared based on research materials in the Altai Territory. The content of the article, in general, corresponds to the stated title (we are talking about the issues indicated in it). At the same time, the quality of disclosure of these issues leaves much to be desired, which will be discussed in detail below. The research methodology can be evaluated from two sides: 1) the analysis of sources and current scientific trends on the issue under consideration is based on the presentation of well-known facts and judgments without any critical assessment by the author; 2) based on the information provided by the author, he conducted a sociological study, which positively characterizes this work, but does not provide a description of the methodology and stages of the research, and also, the assessment of the quality and relevance of the results obtained. When finalizing the article, it is recommended to supplement this information, as well as pay attention to the fact of a better perception of numerical values, provided they are presented in a graphical representation (first of all, author's drawings). The relevance of the study of issues related to the modernization of youth policy is beyond doubt, as it corresponds to the national development goals of the Russian Federation and its national security strategy. The state authorities of the Russian Federation are interested in conducting such studies, provided that their results are practically oriented. Scientific novelty. The sociological research conducted by the author is likely to have scientific novelty, provided that the representativeness of the sample and the relevance of the results obtained are assessed. Unfortunately, the current version of the article does not allow us to draw an appropriate conclusion, and therefore it is recommended that the content of the article be adjusted accordingly. Style, structure, and content. The style of presentation is mixed: it combines elements of scientific and journalistic (an example of the latter, for example, is the phrase "fighters of the student detachment"). It seems that a scientific article should be based solely on the use of scientific style. The structure of the article is partially correct by the author, but there are no elements that contribute to the identification of problems and the development of sound recommendations for their solution. Familiarization with the content of the article allows us to conclude that the conducted sociological research, which the author speaks about, is not accompanied by a definition of existing problems. It seems that it should help to identify areas that require response in order to ensure the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation or to solve the problems of other economic agents. Bibliography. The author has compiled a list of sources consisting of 17 names, however, it should be noted that it is not designed uniformly, as well as in violation of GOST requirements. It is recommended to fix this problem. Moreover, the author is recommended to supplement sources from foreign scientific literature, which will most likely make it possible to more clearly substantiate the scientific novelty. Appeal to opponents. On the one hand, the author cites material in the text of the article from other sources, but does not make any critical assessment. The elimination of this problem would allow the author to clearly identify the scientific novelty, as well as to show the increase in scientific knowledge made. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. Taking into account all the above, the article needs to be finalized taking into account the comments indicated in the text. The chosen research topic is of interest to the readership with a focus on the development and implementation of youth policy in the Russian Federation, improving the education of schoolchildren and students. For this reason, high-quality revision of the article will contribute to the real demand among this category of potential readers.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

In the peer–reviewed article "Student detachments as agents of socialization of student youth (based on research materials in the Altai Territory)", the subject of the study is the movement of student detachments as one of the agents of socialization of student youth. The purpose of the research is in the work itself and is not specified. The research methodology is based on T. Parsons' concept of structural functionalism, which allows us to consider the process of socialization of an individual through the prism of interconnected social structures. The research methods are both traditional analysis of scientific literature, comparative analysis and systematization, as well as questionnaires, expert interviews in the form of in-depth interviews. The sample was carried out using the method of typical representatives within the student groups of the Altai Territory and amounted to 207 people. In general, despite the small sample size, it can be considered representative of the totality of representatives of different student groups. The sample of the expert survey was 10 people. It was formed based on the position held by the expert at the present time or in retrospect (specialists of the regional headquarters of the student detachments of the Altai Territory, and representatives of the headquarters of the labor affairs of the educational institution were interviewed). The socialization of youth, in particular, the socialization of student youth, is traditionally one of the most important processes of human formation. Socialization has a significant impact on the formation of value orientations of a young person, his integration into various spheres of public life. But today, despite the fairly good scientific elaboration of the problem of socialization of student youth, there are practically no studies of student groups as agents of socialization of student youth, which is why this work is new. The scientific novelty of the publication is connected with the substantiation of the initial thesis that student groups are one of the successful forms of socialization of youth, adaptation to modern conditions of industrial relations, development of organization and independence, managerial and business qualities, spiritual and moral ideal. It is also noteworthy that students recognize the fact that they have acquired a number of qualities thanks to student teams, including: responsiveness, openness, confidence, perseverance, patience, stress tolerance, hard work, determination, punctuality, sociability, responsibility for themselves and others, the ability to solve conflict and problem situations, the ability to delegate, as well as make quick decisions. The conclusions formulated in the article are generally justified. The content meets the requirements of the scientific text. This study is characterized by general consistency and literacy of presentation. The article has a good level of scientific conceptualization. It will be of interest to specialists in the field of youth education, as well as researchers in the field of youth sociology and personality sociology. The bibliography of the work includes only 18 publications, mostly in Russian. Thus, there is sufficient appeal to the main opponents from the field under consideration. It should be noted that there are small errors in the design of the list of references (for example, the design of the following source is unclear: Gnatyuk K.Yu. The role of student groups in the formation of the social capital of Russia. The journal "Bulletin of Modern Research". – Moscow, 2019. pp. 58-62. What kind of publication is this?). In addition, we note that the author adheres to a different style of design of links to articles from the journal: in some cases with a “–“, in others without this sign. Conclusion: The article "Student groups as agents of socialization of student youth (based on research materials in the Altai Territory)" has scientific and theoretical significance, corresponds to the branch - sociological sciences. The work can be published.