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Realization of the Diachronic Emergence of the Text Space (Using the Example of a Creolized Text)

Arguneev Eduard Petrovich

Lecturer, Department of Romance Philology and Methods of Teaching French, Orenburg State University

460018, Russia, Orenburg region, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13, office 4-103










Abstract: The subject of this study is the specifics of the implementation of the diachronic emergence of the text space on the example of hypertext. From the point of view of psycholinguistics and linguosynergetics, scientific interest is the result of understanding the text space. In this regard, the relevance of the research topic lies in the ambiguity of the movement of the text space, manifested in the increment of meaning as a result of prompting an individual to speech activity in order to project emotionally significant information. Such a process in linguosynergetic science is commonly called emergence. This phenomenon is the result of the perception of a creolized text, and also structures fragments of semantic and associative semantic fields. The article presents the results of a directed psycholinguistic experiment that demonstrated the process of increment of meaning formed as a result of the perception of a complex text formation. The methodology of the organization and conduct of experimental work is described. The scientific novelty of the research is reflected in the use of a new approach to the study of the specifics of the development of meaning. The directed psycholinguistic experiment made it possible to determine the role of emergence in the formation of the dynamics of semantic text space. Along with this, the possibilities of the phenomenon under study are highlighted, which are revealed in the formation of new systems, which is a demonstration of the movement of the text space. As a result, two groups of emergence components have been identified: the first is represented by comments developing the main idea, distributed by topics; the second is contradictions, which are logically contradictory statements that do not correspond to the topic of the stimulus material. In the course of the implementation of the information flow of the text, new meanings, thematic ramifications arise, the potential possibility of anticipating which is significant for diachronic emergence.


increment of meaning, emergence, linguosynergetic experiment, creolized text, hypertext, psycholinguistics, perception, linguosynergetic process, psycholinguistic experiment, applied linguistics

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The process of perceiving text, or rather information, is a complex scientific issue that reveals itself in various scientific directions: psychological, linguistic, psycholinguistic, physiological. Such a mental process "is realized with the help of visual (iconic and verbal/verbal components) and kinesthetic (internal sensations) channels. A reference point in what? it serves as a word, a phrase, an image, a graphic element of a complex text formation, which stands out visually (in color, size) against the background of the others" [2].

To achieve the purpose of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

- to study the semantic field of the studied language unit;

- highlight the contradictions of the text space as properties that could not be predicted before their actualization;

- to identify the emergent field of creolized text based on experimental research.

To solve research problems, the following methods were used in the article: psycholinguistic experiment, qualitative selection of linguistic reactions, synergetic modeling, linguistic description of linguistic phenomena, semantic analysis, logical transition from particular characteristics to a general property of complex textual education (induction), generalization of experimental data.

The theoretical basis of the research was the work of N.N. Albekov, which examines the emergence of the language system as a result of the functioning of speech units; P.N. Baryshnikov, who described the theoretical and methodological foundations of emergence in modern philosophy of consciousness and linguistics; G.G. Moskalchuk, who studied the structure of the text as a synergetic process; I.Y. Moiseeva, who characterized the synergetic model of text formation N.L. Myshkina, who studied the peculiarity of the linguodynamics of the text in a counter-radical synergetic approach; E.L. Slovikova, who turned to the study of discursive semantic space in a gestalt synergetic approach.

The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using the described psycholinguistic experiment in focus groups in the development of outdoor advertising, as well as other polycode texts in various fields of activity; the results of experimental data can be useful to marketers and targetologists working with social networks. Along with this, the research materials can be used in universities of the humanities in the study of special courses on the problem of text, issues of applied linguistics. The obtained data can be used in the process of educational and methodological activities in the creation of textbooks on psycholinguistics.

The main part

The question of the emergent properties of linguistic units was addressed by N.N. Albekov, P.N. Baryshnikov, G.G. Moskalchuk, P. Hopper and others.

P. Hopper, who considered this phenomenon in the context of grammar as "an ongoing process of structuring", "an ongoing movement towards structure" [10]. In his understanding, the structuring process was important. The mental or linguistic unit is diverted from the semantic core, which generates new contexts.

In this process, the property of the invariant becomes relevant, which, from the point of view of G.G. Moskalchuk, is understood as a hierarchical organized structure of the text. The scientist believes that the invariant is a dialectical unity of structural symmetry and asymmetry of the text, that on the basis of the invariant there is a structural distribution of the parts of the text that form its form and content [6].

In the interaction of the human thought process and the properties of language, P.N. Baryshnikov considers emergence, who believes that emergence as a unifying structural and functional property of language and consciousness may solve both the psychophysical problem and the problems of the ontology of the sign [3].

N. N. Albekov understands emergence as "an increment of meaning manifested in emotionally significant communication situations, structuring fragments of semantic and associative semantic fields of the text, creating one or another modification of the invariant of the text" [1].

The analysis of theoretical positions and the specifics of the increment of meaning shows that such a linguosynergetic process influences the formation of text dynamics, which is understood as "the interaction of self-movements of the text space, which, in turn, is interpreted as the process of transposing and projecting some sets of elements into other sets of elements of the system" [8].

To achieve the purpose of the study, a psycholinguistic experiment was conducted aimed at studying the features of the implementation of the diachronic emergence of a creolized text. The creolized text in the social network becomes more complicated, supplemented by the process of commenting, which is the creation of a verbal (written) statement mediated by the topics covered in the stimulus text. This creates a hypertext, which, following M.V. Mineeva, we will understand as a polythematic literary text education intended for reading [5]. However, we will clarify this approach with the property of limitlessness, which is manifested in the reader's ability to express a written reaction – comment.

According to S.K. Gural, "synergetic analysis of language allows us to gain new knowledge about meaning formation, about the organization of communicative processes, as well as about the methodology of language teaching" [4].

Thus, artificial conditions were created to determine the most detailed properties of the synergetic process, where the subjects were offered stimulus material (Fig. 1) together with the speech task of the psycholinguistic experiment:

Imagine that you are flipping through a feed on the VKontakte social network. You see the following meme. Please comment on it.

Figure 1. Incentive material


The criteria for choosing a creolized text for the experiment were the following factors:

- reflects the socio-epidemiological situation familiar to recipients;

- consists of verbal (verbal) and iconic components that stimulate the emotional and logical structures of the individual's mental sphere;

- has a rich thematic potential in generating reactions.

Experimental data were collected at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State University". Two experimental groups are represented by 33 people, including 12 men and 21 women. Age range: from 16 to 32 years old. The main fields of activity of the subjects are: student, translator, linguist, cultural critic.

33 reactions were accepted for processing, among which 12 were isolated and were not subjected to linguistic analysis due to the lack of linguistic and semantic material for research.

For example: "HD (smiley face)"; "Hahahahaha. I agree"; "Neutral"; "Ha ha ha))) no comment».

The stimulus material, the creolized text, is an integral linguistic phenomenon characterized by the dynamism of the external form, which is mediated by the projections of the recipients expressed in the comments. The analysis of reactions (comments) was aimed at studying the specifics of the self-development of the creolized text, which manifests itself in the increment of meanings.

During the analysis of the reaction, two groups were distributed: the first is represented by comments that thematically develop the idea expressed in the creolized text; the second is by contradictions, which are logical contradictory statements that do not correspond to the topic of the stimulus material. Let's look at the examples (spelling and punctuation are preserved).

The first group is represented by such topics.

1. Introduction of QR codes:

- negative reaction: "Of course I understand the introduction of mandatory vaccination, but the qr code is too much. This is essentially discrimination against unvaccinated people. And there will be no special effect, only "insults" to unvaccinated people";

- neutral reaction: "The society was divided into two groups: those who received a QR code (even if they were not vaccinated) and those without a QR code. In these groups, people still contact each other, which is why QR codes are useless and viruses are spreading. But the need for QR codes is still being promoted";

- positive reaction: "It's hard to live without a QR code."

2. Vaccination:

- negative reaction: "Of course I understand the introduction of mandatory vaccination, but the qr code is too much. This is essentially discrimination against unvaccinated people. And there will be no special effect, only "insults" to unvaccinated people";

- neutral reaction: "It's useless anyway";

- positive reaction: "The life of vaccinated people today. Vaccination is the only way to protect yourself from any infection and the currently famous coronavirus. Unvaccinated people risk their health, the health of their relatives and friends. The virus affects each person in different ways, and in some situations it may be fatal. I think you need to get vaccinated. Maybe a little protection, but it is there!!!".

3. The emotion of fear:

"The meme is funny, the situation is scary";

"Cruelty, savagery and fear."

4. The division of society:

"During the pandemic, society split into 2 groups: those who were vaccinated and received a QR code and those who were not vaccinated against the corovirus. Therefore, without a QR code, people are "brutalized", live in poor conditions, and with a QR code they have received the right to good living conditions."

5. Difficult social situation:

"People who have not been vaccinated against covid will be fired from their jobs. And life is bad. The division of society."

The second group consisted of comments-counter-interpretations, which are also of linguistic and synergetic interest, since they reflect the specifics of the movement of the text and the generation of a new meaning. Let's look at the examples (spelling and punctuation are preserved):

"The admin is a man of non–traditional sexual orientation, he posted garbage again";

"An interesting caricature. The monologue of the one going to the river";

"I feel sorry for the cat."

Based on the generalization of experimental data, an emergent field of the creolized text has been compiled (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. The emergent field of the creolized text

Generalization of experimental data suggests that such reactions reflect semantic gaps in the text space, which act as reference points for the spontaneous movement of the text system. The dynamics of the text space, expressed by the movement of semantic images, influences the formation of an information field, the dynamism and static nature of which is mediated by reader activity, as well as intellectual and mental characteristics of the individual, reflected in the desire to express their opinion, knowledge and experience in the field or topic touched upon in the creolized text, perception of contextual space.




Thus, we come to the following conclusions. Emergence as a result of the process of perception of a creolized text is realized in the structuring of the semantic field and the associative-semantic field, including contradictions. As a result of the experiment, two groups of reactions of the subjects were identified.

The first one is represented by comments distributed into the following semantic macropoles: the introduction of QR codes, vaccination, the emotion of fear, the division of society, a difficult social situation. Of these, two fields branch into three, reflecting an emotional assessment (positive, negative, neutral).

The second is by counter–interpretations, which are logical contradictory statements that do not correspond to the topic of the stimulus material. The creolized text, due to its polysemiotic structure, has great emergent potential.

The conducted psycholinguistic experimental study demonstrated the possibilities of the emergent field as a result of the perception of complex textual education. Such possibilities are revealed in the fact that in the process of text implementation, new systems are formed that can be predetermined and unpredictable, which is a demonstration of the movement of the text space.

We see prospects for further research in a more detailed experimental study of the specifics of the diachronic emergence of the text space using the example of hypertext. Comments-answers, comments-dialogues as components of the increment of meaning are also of scientific interest.

1. Albekov, N. N. (2021). Emergence of the language system as a result of the functioning of speech units. Grozny.
2. Arguneev, E. P. (2021). Specifics of perception of components of a creolized text. In The world of science, culture, education (pp. 431-434).
3. Baryshnikov, P.N. (2016). Emergent properties of linguistic processes of consciousness. Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Philosophy. Sociology. Political science (ðð. 21-31).
4. Gural, S.K. (2009). Teaching foreign language discourse as a highly complex self-developing system: language university. Tomsk.
5. Mineeva, M.V. (2017). Linguistic hypertext as a way of decoding information. Chelyabinsk: Iskra-Profi.
6. Moskalchuk, G.G. (2003). The structure of the text as a synergetic process. Moscow: Editorial.
7. Moiseeva, I.Yu. (2007). Synergetic model of text formation. Orenburg.
8. Myshkina, N.L. (1999). Linguodynamics of the text: a counter-radical-synergetic approach. Perm.
9. Slovikova, E.L. (2011). Gestalt-synergetic approach to the study of discursive semantic space. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University (pp. 281-285).
10. Hopper, P. (1987). Emergent grammar. In Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society (ðð. 139-157).

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The article "Realization of the diachronic emergence of the text space (on the example of a creolized text)" submitted for publication in the journal "Litera" is undoubtedly relevant, due to the growing interest in the study of the process of text perception. In addition, the problems of creolized text are the subject of study by many researchers. The article solves the following tasks: studying the semantic field of the studied language unit, highlighting the contradiction of the text space as properties that could not be predicted before their actualization, identifying the emergent field of creolized text based on experimental research. This work was done professionally, in compliance with the basic canons of scientific research. We note the scrupulous work of the author on the selection of practical material and its analysis. Experimental data were collected at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State University". However, we believe that the specified sample size is unlikely to be considered representative because it is negligibly small. The author gives his own classification. The article presents a research methodology, the choice of which is quite adequate to the goals and objectives of the work. The author turns, among other things, to various methods to confirm the hypothesis put forward. To solve research problems, the following methods were used in the article: psycholinguistic experiment, qualitative selection of linguistic reactions, synergetic modeling, linguistic description of linguistic phenomena, semantic analysis, logical transition from particular characteristics to a general property of complex textual education (induction), generalization of experimental data. The research was carried out in line with modern scientific approaches, the work consists of an introduction containing the formulation of the problem, the main part, traditionally starting with a review of theoretical sources and scientific directions, a research and a final one, which presents the conclusions obtained by the author. The bibliography of the article contains 10 sources, among which works are presented in both Russian and English. We believe that there are more references to authoritative works, such as monographs, doctoral and/or PhD dissertations on related topics, which could strengthen the theoretical component of the work in line with the national scientific school. However, these remarks are not essential and do not relate to the scientific content of the reviewed work. In general, it should be noted that the article is written in a simple, understandable language for the reader. Typos, spelling and syntactic errors, inaccuracies in the text of the work were not found. The work is innovative, representing the author's vision of solving the issue under consideration. The article will undoubtedly be useful to a wide range of people, philologists, undergraduates and graduate students of specialized universities. The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using the described psycholinguistic experiment in focus groups in the development of outdoor advertising, as well as other polycode texts in various fields of activity; the results of experimental data can be useful to marketers and targetologists working with social networks. Along with this, the research materials can be used in universities of the humanities in the study of special courses on the problem of text, issues of applied linguistics. The obtained data can be used in the process of educational and methodological activities in the creation of textbooks on psycholinguistics. The article "Realization of the diachronic emergence of the text space (using the example of a creolized text)" can be recommended for publication in a scientific journal.