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Pedagogy and education

Problems of Integration of Domestic and Foreign Systems Education in the Modern Pedagogical Process

Kalinin Sergei Vladimirovich

Senior Lecturer, Department of Tactical and Special Training, Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

656038, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Chkalova str., 49










Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of integration of various education systems in order to improve pedagogical activity. The subject of the study is the integration of various education systems in the modern pedagogical process. The object of the research is the improvement of the modern pedagogical process based on the integration of domestic and foreign education systems. The author considers: modern problems of integration of various educational systems; goals and possible directions of integration; external and internal factors of implementation of integration processes; directions of improvement of the domestic pedagogical process based on the integration of various educational systems. The main conclusions of the study are: strengthening the educational orientation of the entire education system; reorientation of educational programs to a practical orientation; changes in the order of financing of the education system; providing educational organizations with effective communication with real production; expanding integration with the countries of the economic and political community; taking into account the positive experience of innovative methods of foreign education systems. The author's contribution: substantiation of the relevance of the topic; identification of the essence and content of the integration of various education systems; determination of goal-setting in educational activities. Scientific novelty: the essence and content of integration processes are clarified; integration problems are identified and analyzed; factors, conditions and directions of implementation of integration of Russian and foreign education systems are determined.


integration, pedagogical integration,, educational organizations, unified educational space, Commonwealth of Independent States, Bolon process, the principle of learning, pedagogical process,, goal setting, innovative teaching methods

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Integration is one of the main principles of the development of educational systems. The category of integration practically reflects almost all the fundamental conditions for the improvement of various components of pedagogical activity. Integration as a process and result forms the integrity of systems, forming a single quality based on the synthesis of many other qualities [1, p. 6]. It is based on the complementarity and penetration of different forms of cognition of reality and creates conditions for improving the existing education system or creating a unified educational space. Therefore, the topic that reveals the problems of integration of domestic and foreign systems is relevant and timely.

It is important to note that the integration of various educational systems is not aimed at creating a new educational system, and not replacing the existing one with a system integrated with it, but involves improving it while ensuring continuity and building up existing experience with positive components of other systems.

Both domestic and foreign researchers dealt with the problems of integration in educational activities. The study of integration in domestic education was carried out by A.Y. Danilyuk, E.A. Ermolinskaya, E.P. Kabkova, V.M. Lopatkin, E.P. Olesina, L.G. Savenkova, etc. The experience of foreign countries in improving educational activities is revealed in the works of such scientists as: B.L. Wolfson, V.A. Izvozchikov, B.M. Kedrova, B.V. Klarin, I.A. Kolesnikova, V.P. Lapchinskaya, Z.A. Malkova, N.D. Nikandrova, N.K. Sergeev, V.A. Slastenin, T.F. Yarkina, T.I. Shamova, etc.

At the same time, not enough attention has been paid to the integration of various educational systems in research. The change in the system of international relations, the exclusion of Russia from the Bologna system, and the need, in this regard, to clarify the features of the competence approach and further implementation of integration processes requires further research.

The purpose of the work is to identify the problems of integration of various education systems and to identify areas for improving the domestic education system and conditions for creating a unified educational space in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

The scientific novelty consists in the following: the essence and content of integration processes for various educational systems are clarified; integration problems are identified and their analysis is performed.

The theoretical significance lies in the fact that: the goal-setting for the implementation of integration processes is justified; the factors, conditions and directions for the implementation of the integration of Russian and foreign education systems are determined.

Modern socio-cultural conditions are determined by the multipolar trends in the processes of globalization and the formation of a multipolar world, the value foundations of which are in accordance with national Russian values [2, p. 147]. The integration of education systems in different countries is possible only with common goals and cooperation in the political, economic and social spheres of life. The goals of education come from the prevailing socio-political conditions, which determine the ideology in a given society and are fixed in the leading national idea.

Today, there is no possibility of integration as the creation of a single educational space with the Western education system, as this will not contribute to either the economic or social development of our country. In the 90s, there was practically no integration, but a change of the domestic education system to the Western European one, without taking into account the historical experience and the prevailing mentality of Russians, therefore, despite the directive introduction of the structure of the Bologna educational system, the quality of education has significantly decreased. The structure of the system is determined by its content, and it has not undergone practically any changes, which saved from the complete elimination of all educational processes, with the planting of a new, unusual structure. Today, due to the current situation, there is an additional need to study integration processes.

The problems of integration of various educational systems should be considered from two directions, the first is integration in order to create a unified educational space on a regional or international scale, and the second is the improvement of the existing domestic education system taking into account foreign positive experience.

It should be noted that the first direction needs to be implemented on the scale of the CIS and possibly with some of the BRIGGS countries, such an opportunity is not available with the countries of the Western world due to serious confrontation in international relations. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that adjustments will have to be made to the national education system, which until recently was completely oriented towards the Western Bologna system, it is not advisable to exclude all components of this system, but it is necessary to clarify them from the point of view of positive experience and integrate productive components.

To do this, let's consider the features and problems of integration for the CIS countries and Western European countries. The formation of a unified educational space in the CIS is based on international agreements, concepts and the adoption of model laws. These regulations are aimed at the equal use by educational national organizations of established certificates and diplomas on the training of specialists in secondary, higher education, candidates and doctors of sciences issued by the state bodies of the Commonwealth [3, p. 145]. This approach promotes the integration of values of different national cultures and the development of intercultural communication.

The CIS legislation in the field of education implements the following principles: prioritization of measures to create a common educational space; ensuring secular character and democratic principles in education; encouragement of various types of educational organizations; orientation towards universal values; implementation of continuity in the formation of educational programs.

At the same time, there is no specific unified approach regarding the content of citizens' rights and ways of obtaining education. The only common measures can be identified to ensure the accessibility of only basic education, approximately the same age of admission and pumping of schooling, the procedure for admission and exclusion from educational organizations, the organization of special institutions for students with various behavioral deviations, the introduction of legal responsibility of parents for the upbringing of the younger generation [4, p. 12].

However, despite the measures taken, it has not yet been possible to ensure the creation of a unified educational space, due to various problems that have arisen due to external and internal factors in national education systems.

External factors are related to the information war waged by Western countries against Russia, which is aimed at disconnecting and manifesting unfriendly relations with Russia and with each other, significant material resources are allocated for these purposes.

Internal factors are associated with the manifestation of an unregulated and uncontrolled liberal market economy imposed by the same West on both Russia and all CIS countries, in which it is almost impossible to realize equal and friendly relations, not only between different countries, nationalities, but also the common population. This is due to the fact that at first everyone interacts as partners, and after a certain time inevitably become competitors, this manifests itself by and large in social injustice in the distribution of national wealth, leads to the stratification of society, even in family relations, there is a moral crisis progressing on the basis of the priority of material hedonic values.

Internal factors hindering the formation of a unified educational space include: insufficient level of organizational activities, resulting in a small number of joint educational organizations, experience exchange programs; excessive autonomy of educational organizations, limited academic freedoms of teaching staff and students; decreased interest in learning Russian as a means of interethnic and intercultural communication, low academic mobility of students within the Commonwealth countries; the system of recognition of educational documents for various levels of education has not been worked out; the rights and obligations of subjects of the educational process are not the same, especially for public and private educational organizations; there is no unified monitoring of the assessment of the quality of education and the qualifications of teaching staff; the integration processes implemented do not sufficiently ensure the introduction of innovative technologies and advanced scientific achievements in the field of pedagogy and psychology [5, p. 238.11, p. 16].

Today, it can be clearly stated that Russia's entry into the Bologna process has caused significant problems, they are caused by: an unbalanced directive replacement of the traditional structure of the education system with a Western one, without taking into account the CSO and the mental level of development of our society; the introduction of levels of education that are not typical of Russian reality and an attempt to combine them with existing ones; the introduction of a modular approach to education that does not correspond to the existing content of the educational process; shortening the terms of study and at the same time introducing additional degrees for higher education; the restructuring of educational goals on a competence basis with insufficient validity of this category and the complexity of monitoring the formation of competencies; the exclusion of educational tasks from the educational process and, as a result, a decrease in socio-moral orientation and a drop in motivation among the younger generation to receive education; the loss of previously accumulated experience in solving educational tasks and the possibility of improving it; the exclusion of real control of the process management improving the quality of education; the loss of educational and national identity created over the centuries.

In modern conditions, solving integration problems is complicated by the exclusion of Russia from the Bologna system, and its certain organizational requirements for changing the structure of the educational system, which were introduced from the moment of joining it, lose their importance, since they mainly served the interests of Western countries for brain pumping. Today it has already become obvious that the replacement of the traditional education system in Russia with a centralized one has had an ambiguous effect on the quality of training specialists and the problem arose of how to change the current system, what to change and what to leave, since many international requirements are losing their importance due to the erosion of political and economic ties with a significant number of Western countries anti-Russian minded.

The integration of the educational systems of the CIS countries into a single educational space does not lose its relevance today, but for this, first of all, the problem of general goal formation must be solved. That is, a common unifying interethnic idea should be developed, which would be the basis for a national ideology that manifests itself in all spheres of public life and, first of all, in educational activities. This is hindered by the fact that in Russia, according to article 13 of the constitution, state ideology is officially prohibited, and therefore it has become possible for everyone to subjectively define fundamental concepts such as: good – evil, truth – lie, fair – unfair, etc. In practice, this state of affairs separates people, nations, peoples and States. A single educational space was created in the USSR due to a single ideology, which was nationwide and took into account the interests of both the majority of the population and all the peoples of the united state. This idea was developed historically, was consistent and corresponded to the ideology for the entire coexistence of Russia as a state. Since the beginning of the 90s, a liberal market ideology has been introduced and, accordingly, the national idea began to be realized in goal-setting as enrichment, achieving prestige in any way and hedonic needs became the main value, which entailed all the accompanying consequences. In Russia, before revolutionary Russia and the Soviet Union, the content of the leading idea was: service, that is, a type of relationship in which the meaning of a person's life is determined in improving the conditions of coexistence of society and for which he bears personal responsibility; creation is an activity whose main purpose is to create material and cultural goods, and not personal enrichment and only profit; unity as the principle of conciliarity, uniting people, different nationalities, confessions and social groups to strengthen the unity of the peoples of Russia [9, p. 135.2, p. 142]. In fact, it is the antipode of an unregulated liberal market ideology, which is destructive for creating a unified educational space, and in general is not productive as an idea of the development of society.

There are other problems for the integration of the CIS countries. At the same time, the processes of integration of higher education cause the greatest difficulties, since different levels remain, these are specialty, bachelor's and master's degrees, while bachelors are not listed at all as specialists with higher education and are not consistent with the existing needs of the labor market. It should be especially noted that the replacement of one system with another turned out to be painful in all spheres of public life and so far this is not a solved task, and besides, doubts are growing about such a replacement in the future.

One of the problems is the choice between training narrow specialists, as in the West, or implementing a fairly wide range of specialist areas in the education system, we see that to solve this problem it is necessary to find compromise solutions for each specialty.Today, graduates have to work in most cases not at all in their specialty, this is due to the fact that there is no state planning and distribution of specialists in areas of real production.

A significant problem of education is its financing, which clearly does not meet modern requirements and, as a result, manifests itself in the low quality of education at all its levels and stages.

The problem of educating the cultural level of students who do not see real prospects in life in gaining knowledge and mastering a profession is highlighted separately. The prevailing liberal and market values in society form a consumer, infantile and hedonic attitude to life.

 An important problem of Russian education is the presence of various religious denominations, differences in the content of which can be used to provoke centrifugal forces and not promote integration. Therefore, an integrated educational system should have a concept that would realize the study and respect for various religions and national cultures. It should be emphasized that the main problem of integrating various educational systems and creating a single educational space remains the definition of a single goal setting in pedagogical activity, on the basis of which it is possible to improve the content and structure of educational activities [6, p. 84].

Thus, the education system in Russia lacks: targeted planning for really in-demand professions and specialties; the introduction of applied content into educational programs; the introduction of career guidance for the younger generation at earlier stages of education; the development of education in the regions in accordance with economic and geographical features; improvement of the educational process through the introduction of modern technologies and innovative approaches; qualitative improvement of the material base and financing of educational activities; restoration of the educational process on a spiritual and moral basis through the revival of previously effective various forms, such as mentoring, curation in educational groups of educational organizations [7, p. 157].

The main conclusions follow on the basis of their considered provisions, and determine the following directions for creating a unified educational space of the CIS countries: improving public administration of all educational organizations, taking into account all ideological, economic, social and cultural factors in accordance with the changes taking place within the Commonwealth countries and abroad; exchange of experience on the introduction of new pedagogical technologies that enhance the quality of education and implementing modern advanced methods of interactive, contextual, problematic, synergetic learning, upbringing and general personal development [8, p. 210.10, p. 63], as well as the quality of teacher training; deepen the link between education, scientific research and real production; activate the educational process in all educational organizations and facilities mass communication, to actualize the formation of social needs and values among the younger generation in it.

To improve the existing education system of modern Russia, it is proposed to: strengthen the educational orientation of the entire education system on a spiritual and moral basis, taking into account the historically developed mentality of the peoples of Russia; reorientation of educational programs to a practical orientation and career guidance of students at earlier stages of education; changes in the order of financing the education system and all subjects of pedagogical activity; providing educational organizations effective communication with real production and expansion of the infrastructure of educational institutions; strengthening and expanding integration with the countries of the economic and political community; taking into account the negative experience of striving to integrate into the Western model of education, which mainly benefited only the countries of the Western hemisphere in the form of pumping intellectual, financial and energy resources.

The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the considered provisions can be used in the development of programs for the integration of various educational systems, both at the federal and regional levels, as well as making adjustments to the educational plans of educational organizations for the introduction of various domestic and foreign approaches in education.

The development of any state is primarily determined by the level of development of its education system, and only it allows it to occupy a leading position in the world. This is possible only if education is a priority in state policy and provides all citizens with affordable, universal and free education and literacy, which ultimately determines the scientific, technical and cultural potential of the country and becomes a factor of national security.

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The object of research in the article submitted for review is the integration of educational systems, while the subject is the development of domestic education on this basis. The work is undoubtedly relevant. In the early-mid 2010s, the expediency of switching to the Bologna model of higher education was perhaps the most discussed both in the scientific and publication space and in the pedagogical environment of universities in general. Now, when more than 10 years have passed since the introduction of compulsory bachelor's and master's degrees, a period has come when it is possible to draw not only speculative, but also objective practical conclusions. Indeed, despite the fact that the new system has brought a certain novelty and innovation to domestic education, the thesis that during this period it became a real driver of the content-qualitative development of this social system is significantly controversial. If any expectations have not come true in these ten years, there is no reason to believe that they will definitely be realized in the future. That is why the pedagogical analysis of the effectiveness of the Bologna system in Russia, already based on real existing experience, seems to be a new approach. Returning to this topic 10 years later determines the practical novelty of the work, since it allows us to compare the reasoning of researchers in the early 2010s with modern pedagogical analysis. The work is theoretical in essence, although the author talks about practical problems, the pedagogical experiment, or its elements, as well as any other signs of practical activity are not set out on the pages of the work. Thus, the main research method is theoretical interdisciplinary analysis, located at the junction of pedagogy, sociology, history and political science. Such tools certainly deserve attention. A detailed theoretical consideration of educational integration from a general theoretical perspective should also be positively noted, as opposed to the so often observed description of bachelor's and master's degree training in a specific field. The article is written in a language that fully complies with the norms of scientific style. The list of references meets the requirements and finds a real meaningful reflection on the pages of the work. The publication will undoubtedly arouse the interest of a very wide pedagogical community, since it touches on fundamental issues on the one hand, and on the other - really topical issues. As a recommendation, we note that the work would be perceived better if it clearly highlighted the main components of the study – the structural parts of the article. From a substantive point of view, we note that in the final part of the work and in the conclusions of the author, too generalized formulations are presented in relation to the reasoning about the development of Russian education. Such conclusions are indisputable and even axiomatic, while the article would benefit if it presented the author's proposals at the level of more concrete steps to implement these development paths and overcome the main obstacles to the development of education in Russia. These comments are of a recommendatory nature and do not negate the understanding that the study was performed at a good level. The article meets the basic structural and content requirements for publications of this kind and deserves publication in a journal in the pedagogical field.