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Yan, Y., Mitrofanova, I.I. (2023). The Concept of Honor in Russian and Chinese Linguistic Cultures. Litera, 2, 125–137.
The Concept of Honor in Russian and Chinese Linguistic Cultures
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.2.39529EDN: DBSHEHReceived: 28-12-2022Published: 05-03-2023Abstract: This article is devoted to the actual problem of the concept "honor" in the Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The concept "honor" is important both for the Russian and Chinese language picture of the world, and is found in different contexts with different meanings. The concept "honor" is of interest in the studies of Russian and Chinese scientists, it reflects the cognitive perspectives and psychological state of different peoples. The object of the research is the concept "honor", the subject is the concept "honor" in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The author considers conceptual studies in the Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world. The aim of the research of this work is to fully disclose the concept "honor" in Russian and Chinese linguoculture, as well as to identify national and cultural characteristics of the studied concept, trace the concept of the "honor" with the help of different dictionaries, investigate different concrete and stable expressions of the concept "honor" with similar meaning, including proverbs, sayings and others, analyzing symbolization of the concept "honor" in the mentality of the Russian people. In the process of work were used general scientific methods, inductive, descriptive, comparative, etc. As a result of the study it was possible to find out that the concept is an extremely important subject of study in linguoculturology. From the position of linguoculturology the concept "honor" is a reflection of the external world in human consciousness, which organizes the category of the linguistic picture of the world. Honor as an important concept in the study of linguoculturology, and at the same time one of the main concepts constituting Russian and Chinese national spirit. Keywords: linguoculturology, language picture of the world, concept, honor, linguoculture, vocabulary, lexeme, proverb, proverbs, phraseologyThis article is automatically translated. You can find original text of the article here. The linguistic picture of the world (YAKM) is one of the basic concepts of linguoculturology. Russian and Chinese scientists were engaged in the definition of this concept, its history, connection with linguistics and other sciences, the hierarchy of its components, the content and definition of the terminological status. The basic unit of the linguistic picture of the world is the concept [3, p.225]. According to D.S. Likhachev, “the concept is the result of a collision of the dictionary meaning of a word with a person's personal folk experience” [D.S. Likhachev 1997:320]. Thus, each concept may not be equally deciphered, taking into account the context and originality of the native speaker of culture and language. Likhachev notes that there are four levels in the lexical stock of the language: 1) it is the lexical stock itself; 2) the meanings of the lexical type; 3) the conceptual sphere; 4) concepts [D.S. Likhachev 1997:282]. According to V.I. Karasik, “conceptual - mental education, which represents significant conscious typed fragments of experience stored in a person's memory” [4, p. 59]. As Yu. S. Stepanov writes, an individual perceives culture mentally in the image of a concept. On the other hand, the researcher believes that through the concept, a person himself becomes a part of culture and has the opportunity to influence the formation of culture [5, p. 43]. S.G. Vorkachev believes that the concept is like a mental education, emphasized by linguistic and cultural specifics, and also notes in the “authorization of an impersonal, objectivist concept” [2, p. 67]. Russian Russian culture, character, spirit, value, etc. have been analyzed by some scientists from the point of view of the topic expression, while others have carried out a comparative analysis of the state culture, character, values of different peoples, including Russians. At the same time, more and more Chinese linguists are interested in studying concepts. The works explore the basic theories of the concept, and a certain aspect of the concept, specific concepts. For example, Jiang Yamin(2007)in the work "concept"highlighted the terms "concept", "meaning", "representation" and "meaning", summarized the main research on the concept in Russia. Liu Juan (? 2007 2007) in?Concept from the point of view of etymology, terminology and lexicography explores the origin of the concept. In another work, Liu Juan(2008) analyzes in more detail the history and development of the theory of the concept. Master's, Candidate's and doctoral dissertations“MEMORY"?(2017), "spring/?"2021?, "life"?"death""?"?"?"2008? and "path" 2017?multidimensional concrete concepts as "earth", "fire", "bread", "life" and "death" in the cultural-linguistic aspect. There is little research on the concept of "honor" in China. Hence, we conclude that in modern times in the Middle Kingdom, the study of the concept of "honor" in the aspect of linguoculturology is still in the formative stage. Regular enrichment and formation of the system of studying the concept gives us a better idea of the relationship between culture, man and language. The views of Russian linguists do not oppose each other, but rather unite and complement, filling the image of the concept. Currently, Chinese scientists are also paying attention to this issue, so linguists Zhao Aiguo, Liu Hong, Peng Wenzhao, Jiang Yamin, Liu Juan and others are exploring the concept as a unit of intercultural communication. It is important to note that there are no scientific studies in China yet, the theoretical basis of which is the teaching of V.V. Kolesov on conceptology. Although the monograph "Language and Mentality" by V. V. Kolesov has been translated into Chinese [trans. Yang Mingtian] already in 2006. The concept of "honor" is present in different linguistic cultures. This article discusses the lexical and semantic analysis of the concept of "honor". "Honor" is one of the basic concepts of any language and different cultures. This concept is of interest in the research of Russian and Chinese scientists. The object of the research is the concept of "honor", the subject is the concept of "honor" in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures based on dictionaries, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings. The material for the work was Russian and Chinese academic and modern dictionaries, a dictionary of synonyms, a phraseological dictionary. Phraseological units from Internet resources were investigated, literature containing posters on the topic "honor" was analyzed. These materials show the novelty of the research approach of this article, because this study is an addition to modern research in the field of linguoculturology, in which no comparative study of the concept of "honor" in Russian and Chinese culture has yet been found. In addition, most studies of the concept of "honor" were conducted within the framework of literature, ethics and pedagogy. In this paper, an attempt is made to integrate and compare the concept of "honor" in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures. The chosen concept of "honor" may be interesting from the point of view of lexical meaning and semantics. For example, the following lexical meanings are given in Russian dictionaries:
Table.1. The meaning of the concept "honor" in Russian dictionaries. Also in Chinese dictionaries?
Table.2. The meaning of the concept of "honor" in Chinese dictionaries. As you can see in Chinese, the concept of "honor" has many meanings, as in Russian. In Chinese, the word "honor" has the meaning of honor and reputation," , and in Russian, the meanings of "dignity", "honor, respect" met. Next, we should consider the meaning of the language unit "honor" on the basis of proverbs and sayings, since both proverbs and sayings carry a generalized metaphorical meaning. Below we will look at some examples of the use of the concept of "honor" in Russian and Chinese everyday proverbs, sayings and phraseological expressions. Proverbs and sayings were selected from Chinese and Russian websites. The concept of "honor" in Russian proverbs, sayings and phraseological units means: (1) To enter into honor (to enjoy honor and respect; to be at the mercy of someone), for example, he entered into honor. (2) In honor (about the honor, respect that someone or something enjoys), for example, he is in honor. (3) In honor (1. as a sign of respect for someone or something; 2. as a solemn occasion; on the occasion of something, for example, a reception in honor). (4) It is not out of honor that they carry the news, in meaning it is similar to our other expression "whoever will inform, he will not take his head off." It means that a person who denounces someone is a person without honor. (5) Honor is not in the beard, this phrase means: the goat also has a beard. This means that no matter the size of your beard, honor is achieved in another way, namely through hard work. In Chinese proverbs, sayings and phraseological units? (6) r?ng r? d? sh? fame and (or) the shame, the acquisition or loss. (7) [ r?ng r? zh? sh?u ] knowing his glory, to save it for yourself obscurity. (8) [ r?ng z?ng y?o z? ] To glorify their ancestors; to increase the glory of their ancestors with their glory. (9) [su? s? y?u r?ng] deserved fame, even when he died. (10) Initially, it referred to a woman who had lost her chastity, but later it came to mean the loss of modesty in general. To die of poverty and hunger is a small matter, but to lose one's virtue is a much more serious matter. (11) This is a sacrifice in the service of the people, and his death is more important than the mountain. (12) ,The point is that the student had to respect his teacher, and only after he respected his teacher, he could respect the truth he was studying. (13) , , A person's death can be heavier than a mountain or lighter than a feather. In the course of our research, we compared the use of the concept of "honor" in Russian and Chinese dictionaries, proverbs, sayings and phraseological units and revealed the following similarities and differences. In Chinese, the concept of "honor" has its own specific features associated with the hieroglyph "zun?", "rong?", "lianmian ", etc. In the Russian language, the meanings of "honor, respect" and "the totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual are more common. The use of the word "honor" in the meaning of "zun?", "rong?" turned out to be similar. When the concept of "honor" is associated with a face, and in China the face plays an unusual role, here this meaning is very important for every Chinese. The famous Chinese writer Lin Yutang wrote, "the cult of a person cannot be translated or precisely defined...", this is something abstract, immaterial, a subtle standard of Chinese social relations. In Russian culture, it is, nevertheless, more about trust, and for the Chinese it is unrealistically important, for them it is everything! [Electronic resource? ] . The importance of propaganda posters is also important in the study of the concept of HONOR, as it reflects the social, cultural state of society and people's worldview. When it comes to linguoculture, for Russians and Chinese, especially for young people, the poster plays an important role in their communicative speech life. Of course, there are a lot of propaganda posters related to the concept of honor in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures, for example? Figure 1. Poster about honor from the heading "Soviet posters. Education"Thus, honor embodies the moral dignity of a person, and it should be cherished from a young age. When people are young, they think they have enough time and that things can change in the future. Figure 2. Poster about honor from the heading "Soviet posters / Education"This reminds us that it is necessary to preserve honor with dignity, and to arouse respect for ourselves. Figure 3. A meme about honor from a Chinese book for childrenThe point of the poster is that you may not remember me, but you should not forget about the eight honors and eight disgraces. This reminds us that we need to remember the political socialist program. "Eight theses about glory and shame." Figure 4. A poster about honor from a Chinese book for children.This means that this honor belongs to us, this is our honor. In the article we examined the concept of the concept "honor", compared the use of the concept in Russian and Chinese dictionaries, proverbs and sayings, as well as phraseological units, posters. It can be understood that the concept of "honor" is important for both the Russian language picture of the world and the Chinese and occurs in different contexts, with different meanings. The concept of "honor" arouses interest in the research of Russian and Chinese scientists, reflects the cognitive perspectives and psychological state of different peoples. In this paper, we analyzed conceptual studies in the Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world, as a result, we identified similarities and differences between them. Russian Russian and Chinese have almost the same concept of "honor" in the meaning of "face and reputation" (), but in Chinese the meanings are not only associated with reputation as in Russian, but also mean prosperity, beauty, brilliance; joy, disabled war veteran, lush, thick; blooming, prosperous, etc. It can be said that in the meaning of the concept of "honor" there are similarities and differences in Chinese and Russian. In addition, the concept is an extremely important subject of study in Chinese and Russian linguoculturology. From the standpoint of linguoculturology, the concept of "honor" is a reflection of the external world in a person's mind, which organizes the category of the linguistic picture of the world. "Honor" as an important concept in the study of linguoculturology, and at the same time one of the main concepts that make up the Russian and Chinese national spirit. We note the insufficient degree of study of the concept of HONOR as a component of the picture of the world of a native speaker of modern Russian in linguistic, discursive, cultural-speech, content, etc. aspects, as well as the lack of research of this concept, which would be of a complex nature. The description of the concept of HONOR seems relevant, since this concept is significant in any linguistic culture, both in Russian and Chinese, is defined as one of the important components of the national picture of the world. His research is important for introducing the world to Russian and Chinese culture and attracting more attention of specialists, translators interested in this topic. References
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