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Arctic and Antarctica

Study of the Cryosphere of the Zeravshan and Hissar Ranges (Tien Shan)

Frolov Denis Maksimovich

Scientific Associate, Faculty of Geography, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

119991, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Leninskie Gory, 1, of. 1904B
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Koshurnikov Andrei Viktorovich

PhD in Geology and Mineralogy

Leading Scientific Associate, Department of Geocryology, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory str., 1, office 205
Other publications by this author

Gagarin Vladimir Evgen'evich

PhD in Geology and Mineralogy

Scientific Associate, Department of Geocryology, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory str., 1, room C23
Other publications by this author

Nabiev Islom Abdudzhaborovich

Postgraduate, Department of Geocryology, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory str., 1, office 205
Dodoboev Ekhson Ikromovich

Postgraduate, Department of Geocryology, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory str., 1, office 205









Abstract: This paper presents brief results of studying the cryosphere of the Zeravshan and Hissar Ranges. At the same time, the rate of change in the area of glaciers over the past almost one hundred years and the presence and degradation of permafrost during this time were considered. The actual description of the numerical method for estimating the depth of soil freezing based on data on the thickness of the snow cover and air temperature was also given. An example of using this numerical method for estimating the depth of soil freezing on the slopes was given to map the cryolithozone of the Zeravshan and Hissar Ranges. According to the calculations, the ground under the snow cover remains frozen on the Anzob Pass from December to April. The power of the accumulated snow cover can reach one and a half meters or more. At the same time, the soil under the snow-covered surface freezes, according to calculations, by an average of 1.5 m. Thus, the proposed method for calculating the dynamics of the depth of soil freezing based on air temperature data and snow cover thickness made it possible to assess soil freezing as a factor of soil stability during the construction of village and avalanche protection structures. Thus, the Anzob Pass belongs to an area of seasonal freezing of rocks. Considering the gradient of the average annual temperature of rocks, we can conclude that permafrost rocks on the Hissar Range can be expected at altitudes of more than 4,000 meters.


numerical method, freezing depth, snow cover thickness, air temperature, mapping, high-altitude permafrost, thermometry, cryolithozone, Tien Shan, geophysical research


According to media reports, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has recognized the last eight years as the hottest since the beginning of meteorological observation. The global average temperature in 2022 will be about 1.15 degrees Celsius higher than in the pre-industrial period (1850–1900). This means that every year since 2016 has been record-breaking hot. WMO experts state that greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere have led to an increase in the level of the world's oceans and the melting of ice, as a result of which extreme weather has been recorded in various parts of the world. In Greenland, at an altitude of 3.2 thousand meters above sea level, it rained for the first time. Thus, since the main elements of the cryosphere in high-altitude areas are frozen soil, underground ice, and glaciers, their condition is most sensitive to the global and regional climatic fluctuations currently occurring. According to the calculations of Gorbunov and Ermolin [1981], the volume of underground ice in the Tien Shan is 320 km3. Over the past sixty years, the volume of underground ice in relation to the volume of glaciers has significantly decreased. This trend persists in all mountainous regions of Central Asia (Gorbunov, 2018). Such permafrost thawing rates, in turn, can provoke the development of dangerous permafrost geological processes, which is significant in shaping the ecological situation in mountainous areas. The increased seismic and dynamic activity of high-altitude permafrost development areas facilitates the development of dangerous and often catastrophic cryogenic geological processes. These factors must be taken into account both when drawing up projects for the economic development of these areas and carrying out measures to protect structures already built in the mountains.


According to the 1982 Glacier Catalog, there were 72 glaciers with a total area of 162.02 km2 in the Zeravshan Glacier basin as of the glaciation in 1957, of which 12 had an area of less than 0.1 km2. According to the Catalog of Glaciers of 1980, as of the glaciation in 1980, 63 glaciers with a total area of 141.62 km2 are represented in the Zeravshan Glacier basin. In the conditions of glaciation degradation in the Zeravshan Glacier basin, the number of small glaciers with an area of less than 0.1 km2 was 17 in 2021. According to the USSR's catalogs in 1957 and 1980, there were 12 glaciers.

Swimming pool

Area of glaciers, km2

Number of glaciers







Zeravshan Glacier Basin







In 2016, the Department of Geocryology of Moscow State University also organized a stationary geocryological site in the area of the Hissar Range (Anzob Pass, Ziddin Valley) [Zheltenkova et al., 2020]. 3 geocryological wells have been drilled in this area with a 3-to-5-meter depth, equipped with thermal sensors. The first two wells are located at an altitude of 3,372 m above sea level, and the third well was drilled later in 2019 in the Ziddin Valley (abs. height 2,000 m). With the help of wells, routine observations of the temperature state of the soil and geophysical and laboratory work were carried out to determine the composition, structure, and properties of frozen soil.

The materials of observation and calculations of the depth of soil freezing at the Anzob Pass (Tajikistan) given in this article are taken partly from the works of Frolov et al., 2021 and Frolov et al., 2022. The methodology given in this article for calculating the effect of snow cover on the depth of soil freezing is taken from Frolov, 2019; Frolov, 2021; Frolov, 2020; Frolov, 2020; Frolov, 2021; and Frolov, 2020. Thus, according to these thermometric observations, seasonal freezing of the soil in this area on the slopes of the northern exposure has been observed since mid-October and continues until the end of April.

At around 1.5 m, the temperature of the rocks already changes from negative to positive at the end of May, and by the beginning of June, the rocks are completely thawed. Taking into account the snow cover, rock composition, and humidity, as well as other factors affecting the freezing depth, the freezing depth was simulated according to the developed calculation scheme. Calculations of changes in the depth of soil freezing were carried out according to the proposed calculation scheme based on data on the thickness of snow cover and air temperature based on a three-layer model of the medium (thawed soil, frozen soil, snow) and assuming a linear change in temperature in the media and heat flow according to Fourier's law.

The design scheme was based on the problem of thermal conductivity of a three-layer medium (snow, frozen, and thawed soil) with a phase transition at the boundary of frozen and thawed soil. The heat balance equation included the energy of the phase transition, the inflow of heat from the thawed soil and outflow into the frozen soil and, in the presence of snow cover, into the atmosphere through it. The heat flow was calculated according to Fourier's law as the product of thermal conductivity and temperature gradient. It was assumed that the temperature in each medium varies linearly (for example, [DeGaetano, 2001]). For snow cover and frozen ground, the formula of thermal conductivity of a two-layer medium was used. The work also involved literary data ([Usupaev Sh.E. et al., 2019], [Khmelevskoy V.K. et al., 2010], [Shatravin V.I., 2007], [Yurkevich N.V. et al., 2020], [Brown J., 1994], [Marchenko S., 2001] and [Williams M.W. et al., 2006]).

Results and conclusions

In this work, based on the developed calculation scheme, the depth of soil freezing is estimated for the last few winter seasons based on data on the thickness of the snow cover and air temperature for the Anzob Pass (Tajikistan).

The Aznob Pass (Tajikistan) is located at latitude 39.07 and longitude 68.88, with an altitude of 3,373 m above sea level. The average annual temperature is -2.7 °C, but due to heavy snow accumulation, there is no long-term freezing—only seasonal is observed. Computational modeling showed the presence of seasonal frozen rocks on the slope of the northern exposure at a depth of up to 1.5 m. Thus, in winter 2018, on the slopes of the northern exposure, the depth of seasonal soil freezing was 1.5 meters (Fig. 1). In winter 2020, on the slopes of the northern exposure, the depth of seasonal soil freezing was 1.2 meters at an average annual soil temperature of 2.42 °C (Fig. 2).

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Drawing. 1. Changes in air temperature, snow cover thickness, and ground freezing depth according to calculations and observations for the Anzob Pass weather station for the winter period 2017/18.Drawing.Описание: Anzobskiy_pereval (1)2233445566____2

2. Changes in air temperature, snow cover thickness, and ground freezing depth according to calculations and observations for the Anzob Pass weather station for the winter period 2019/20. The geophysical studies carried out at the Anzob pass made it possible to correct the geoelectric section, on which, according to the difference in electrical resistance, loams with a thickness of up to 3 m, a zone of coarse-grained rocks with sandy aggregate, a zone of rocks and a zone of faults are well distinguished.

As a result of annual studies, maps and schemes of the distribution of frozen rocks of the Hissar Ridge were constructed (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). An approach was used to compile the maps, which takes into account differences in the altitude position of the MMP distribution boundaries for macrosclines with the most pronounced differences in the geothermal regime. These are the macrosclines of the northern and southern exposures. The soil samples collected at the Anzob Pass under artificial freezing in laboratory conditions are characterized by a massive cryogenic texture. The distribution of ice over the entire volume of the soil is observed in the form of cement. The formation of ice slots is observed only with an increase in humidity up to 30%.

Figure 3. Map of the cryolithozone in the upper reaches of the Zeravshan River (Matcha River). Figure 4 Map of the cryolithozone in the upper reaches of the Varzob River (Zideh River).

The applied calculation method is physically well justified.

The solution, according to the method, describes the process of changing the depth of freezing during the winter season, which is important for the successful operation of the method and is the most accurate possible setting of the initial data.

According to calculations, the ground under the snow cover remains frozen on the Anzob Pass from December to April. The power of the accumulated snow cover can reach one and a half meters or more. At the same time, the soil under the snow-covered surface freezes, according to calculations, by an average of 1.5 m. Thus, the proposed method for calculating the dynamics of the depth of soil freezing based on data on air temperature and snow cover thickness allows us to assess soil freezing as a factor of soil stability during the construction of village and avalanche protection structures. Thus, the Anzob Pass belongs to an area of seasonal freezing of rocks. Considering the gradient of the average annual temperature of the rocks, we can conclude that permafrost rocks on the Hissar Range can be expected at altitudes of more than 4,000 meters.

1. Gorbunov, A. P., Zheleznyak, M. N. & Seversky, E. V. (2018). Estimation of underground ice volumes in the Tien Shan mountain system. The Cryosphere of the Earth, 22(6), pp. 35–44.
2. Gorbunov, A. P. & Ermolin, E. D. (1981). Underground ice of the mountains of Central Asia. Materials of Glaciology Research, 41, 59–62.
3. Zheltenkova, N. V., Gagarin, V. E., Koshurnikov, A. V. & Nabiev I. A. (2020). Regime geocryological observations on the high mountain passes of the Tien Shan. Arctic and Antarctic, 3, pp. 25–43.
4. Frolov, D. M., Koshurnikov, A. V., Gagarin, V. E. & Dodoboev, E. I. (2021). Observations and calculations of the depth of soil freezing at the Anzob Pass (Tajikistan): Dynamics and interaction of the Earth's geospheres. Materials of the All-Russian conference with international participation dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the training of specialists in the field of Earth sciences at Tomsk State University in three volumes [Vol. 2]. Publishing House of Tomsk Central Research Institute: Tomsk. pp. 81–83
5. Frolov, D. M., Koshurnikov, A. V., Gagarin, V. E. et al. (2022). Application of the scheme for calculating the depth of freezing of rocks during geotechnical monitoring at the Anzob Pass (Tajikistan). Journal of Physics: A Series of Conferences, 1045(1), p. 012094.
6. Frolov, D. M. (2019). Calculations of the depth of soil freezing under the bare and snow-covered surface of the earth for the site of the meteorological observatory of Lomonosov Moscow State University for winter periods 2011/12-2017/18. Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change, 10(2), pp. 86–90.
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When drawing up projects for the economic development of high-altitude areas and carrying out measures to protect facilities already built in the mountains, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the rate of thawing of permafrost, which can provoke the development of dangerous permafrost geological processes, the role of which is great in shaping the ecological situation in mountainous areas. The development of dangerous and, often, catastrophic cryogenic geological processes is facilitated by increased seismic and dynamic activity of high-altitude permafrost development areas. This proves the relevance of the research by the authors of the article. The subject of the research was the cryosphere of the Zeravshan and Hissar ranges (Tien Shan) of Central Asia. The authors note that according to the 1982 Glacier Catalog, 72 glaciers with a total area of 162.02 km2 existed in the basin of the Zeravshan glacier as of the glaciation in 1957, of which 12 have an area of less than 0.1 km2. According to the 1980 Glacier Catalog, as of the glaciation in 1980, 63 glaciers with a total area of 141.62 km2 are represented in the basin of the Zeravshan glacier. In the conditions of glaciation degradation in the basin of the Zeravshan glacier, the number of small glaciers with an area of less than 0.1 km2 was 17 in 2021. According to the catalogues of the USSR in 1957 and 1980, their number was 12 glaciers. In order to study the dynamics of changes in temperature conditions in places where glaciers occur, the Department of Geocryology of Moscow State University in 2016 organized a stationary geocryological site in the area of the Hissar ridge (Anzob Pass, Ziddin Valley). 3 geocryological wells have been drilled in this area with a depth of 3 to 5 meters, equipped with thermal sensors. The first two wells are located at an altitude of 3,372 m above sea level, the third well was drilled later in 2019 in the Ziddin valley (abs. height 2000 m). With the help of wells, routine observations of the temperature state of soils, geophysical and laboratory work were carried out to determine the composition, structure and properties of frozen soil. Along with experimental studies, theoretical ones based on numerical modeling of thermal processes were also carried out. At the same time, the magnitude and nature of the snow cover, rock composition and humidity, as well as other factors affecting the depth of freezing, obtained experimentally, were taken into account. The materials presented in the article indicate that the accuracy of the theoretical results obtained is sufficient to predict the temperature regime. The main qualitative and quantitative research results presented in the article and having scientific novelty and practical value are as follows. 1. According to thermometric observations, seasonal soil freezing on the slopes of the northern exposure has been observed since mid-October, and continues until the end of April. At 1.5 m, the temperature of the rocks already changes from negative to positive at the end of May, and by the beginning of June, the rocks are completely thawed. 2. The conducted geophysical studies at the Anzob pass made it possible to correct the geoelectric section, on which loams with a thickness of up to 3 m, a zone of coarse-grained rocks with sandy aggregate, a zone of rocks and a zone of faults are well distinguished by the difference in electrical resistance. As a result of annual research, maps and diagrams of the distribution of frozen rocks of the Hissar ridge were built. At the same time, an approach was used for mapping, which takes into account differences in the altitude position of the MMP distribution boundaries for slopes with the most pronounced geothermal differences. 3. The proposed theoretical method for calculating the dynamics of the depth of soil freezing based on data on air temperature and snow cover thickness makes it possible to assess soil freezing as a factor of soil stability during the construction of village and avalanche protection structures. There are the following comments on the article. The article is poorly structured. In the reviewer's opinion, experimental (field and laboratory studies) and theoretical (mathematical modeling) should have been more strictly distinguished. And highlight their comparison in a separate section. At the same time, the article is written in a scientific language understandable to specialists and contains new information of scientific and practical interest. The list of references is adequate to the problem under consideration. The article may be recommended for publication in the author's editorial office.