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National Security
Katanskij S.A., Kolobaev S.A.
Psychological security of the individual in the social processes of career growth
// National Security.
2022. ¹ 4.
P. 40-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.4.38299 EDN: BDFDFZ URL:
Psychological security of the individual in the social processes of career growth
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.4.38299EDN: BDFDFZReceived: 21-06-2022Published: 12-10-2022Abstract: The problem of ensuring psychological health in the process of building a career and professional growth is a significant task of scientific and practical work. Automation of business processes dictates the restructuring of not only the structure and data flows, but also imposes increased requirements on the security and stability of the employee's working condition. A person as a member of a team or an independent unit in different periods of the life cycle may experience adverse effects of sociodynamics. A feature of scientific analysis is the consideration of the problem within the framework of career growth, that is, dynamically deploying the labor process in an organization with a lot of incoming and outgoing data. The concept of "restraining mechanisms" is proposed as a way to protect the individual from the destructive phenomena of modern business on the psychological health of a person. Deterrent mechanisms are socio–psychological states, properties and processes of ensuring psychological, social, financial, mental and other security. These include the transition from one social class to another or reaching a new socio-professional and material-economic level as a result of changing jobs, the accumulation of a "critical mass" of experience that allows you to make transitions to new places of work, the acquisition of new experience of social interaction, a new level of opportunities in overcoming geographical distances, the ability to form a balance in terms of time and effort for work activities and personal time, reflection on oneself and the ongoing social processes, finding new contacts with the old former circle of communication, finding a new picture of the world, etc. Thus, the aspects of psychological security of the individual in the processes of career development are shown and the directions of its formation are proposed. Keywords: safety, deterrent mechanisms, competencies, learned helplessness, career, strategies, social class, business processes, alert, personnel caseThis article is automatically translated. You can find original text of the article here. ProblemCareer as a purposeful movement to the heights of professional development and social status never reduces its value and significance in the modern information society. To ensure uninterrupted work activity, employees must have not only relevant competencies, but also flexible skills, namely, and above all, a state of protection from adverse social processes. Adverse processes can include the negative impact of information, disproportionately distributed work responsibilities, the predominance of a certain emotional background in the team. In a special way, the problem of psychological security is designated – the state of protection of psychological properties, states and processes of personality from the deforming influences of extreme and destabilizing factors of sociodynamics. TaskTo describe psychological security and ways to ensure it, it is necessary to suggest ways to increase the protection of the individual against unfavorable socio-psychological factors. Literary reviewKostyuk A.V. notes the presence of information noise and the information environment. In the aspect of psychological security of a person, an adequate information environment is extremely relevant, as they say, keeping abreast of events. There are a special kind of triggers that can break the emotional state of an individual – special political, military, economic, religious and other factors. The basis of psychological security is the correctly submitted information, checking the sources of information, as well as linking the received information in the consciousness of the corresponding picture of the world and knowledge. "<...> The analysis shows that the information culture of the individual can become one of the cornerstones in the formation of information security of the individual. <...> The ability of a person to reject or accept information based on his knowledge, experience or the experience of other people who are trusted should be taken as a direct indicator of information literacy." [2] Volokhova V.I. shows the semantic construction of the information space. Many social categories are set by a person. "Fashion, behavioral features, the way to dress, move, attitude to time, ways of transmitting information, skills and much more are not just a given that was originally set. These are certain constructions that, thanks to socio-psychological mechanisms, are transmitted and preserved, while being modified and transformed depending on the conditions of development of society (pp. 310-311). "A socially constructed concept is a transformation of views, norms, values in relation to a measurable category or concept that encompasses the social, cultural, historical, economic conditions of the development of society, which has an objective and subjective component in the representation of this construct" (p. 311). The author notes the goals and objectives of psychological security in the confrontation and protection from a number of adverse external factors. "Methods of psychological influence on a person can include both open forms (insults, threats, persuasion, persuasion) and hidden forms (psychological manipulation, indirect influence, moral and material stimulation)" Dontsov A.N. shows the subjective role of trust in the processes of building information security.[1] Matyash N.V. shows resistance to negative types of information. "An important task in the activity of a psychologist is the formation of psychological readiness of a person to recognize situations of psychological danger and insecurity, the ability to manage an unsafe and dangerous situation, to make adequate decisions to avoid the identified danger or protect against it." [3] Kharlamenkova N.E. the author shows an academic panopticon of discourses and definitions of psychological security. The author describes security as the ability and ability of a person to protect himself as an object and such characteristics as his own interests, stability and values. There is a division of general security into biological and social, the latter concept may contain the idea of psychological security. As a result, the definition of security is understood as "a space of life constructed by the subject, having time boundaries and endowed with meaning, thanks to which resources are created to preserve the integrity, stability and development of a person, acceptance and awareness of the problem of life and death at the individual level" [4] The author states: "Psychological security means only that part of a wide range of manifestations psychological well-being, which is correlated with the active actions of the subject to organize his psychological well-being, i.e. with a change in attitude to the situation, with a reassessment of events and his condition, etc." [4] DecisionWithin the framework of the labor process, a change of place of work is a transfer from one social class to another, or, more precisely, a transition to a new socio–professional and material-economic level. Entering a new social class is a process of communication with the reference group, including respect, attention, mutual interest, empathy, correction of professional interests from the point of view of the interests of the Company. In terms of ensuring not only physical, but also psychological, mental, spiritual and spiritual, energy security, you need to be able to "stand up for yourself", as it is often said in children's games. The requirement to protect one's territory is provided by motor, schematized, as well as visual experience of protection from violation of one's borders. Of course, the experience and phenomenology of restoring healthy, adaptive, correct boundaries is complex, and sometimes progressive movement over the years can restore healthy, once–violated boundaries of "I –the world - Others" to individuals. Borders are a special kind of membrane on the way "personality – the outside world", which serve as a customs point - who to let through, who to detain, and who to simply throw back, to prevent the violation of the living space of the individual. The context of a person's living space is relevant due to the career and professional aspirations of a young specialist. In essence, the topic of living space needs to be considered from the right angle, the essence of which is the ecology of the brain, the ecology of the soul and the "habitation" of the territory of the social space. The elusiveness of the reality of society can be demonstrated by a certain physical landscape with the possibility of viewing it and evaluating geographical parameters. However, courage, settling in, and the breadth of personal behavior in society are literally set by childish patterns of behavior in a typical children's game – tagging, catch-up, hide-and-seek and other mobile, thinking, competitive games. Moreover, parallels and analogies cannot be drawn with purely mechanical games in which motor and mental stereotypes play a role, such as catching up, overtaking, getting out of balance or, as an extreme, showing your strength, your superiority or weakness and cunning. Returning to the discussion of the projection of psychological security when building a career on the ability to protect one's territory, which is settled, explored and saturated with resources created by the personality itself as a subject of labor. The "stand up for yourself" pattern is a projection of the basic biological instinct of self–preservation into the social continuum of "danger - security". Social processes, as the most rigid or light, require the ability of the individual to resist unfavorable factors and maintain his integrity. In children's games on "stand up for yourself" or "everyone for himself", the most important quality of human essence and physicality is manifested, which was described by the Soviet science fiction writer Ivan Efremov in the novel "Razor Blade" - alertness. If we talk about the literal translation of "alert" from English as "alarm", "readiness for dangerous, urgent situations", then in Ivan Efremov's novel, the main character Ivan Girin speaks of ancient Greek sculpture as a piece of clay containing and carrying the soul – entelechy and having alertness. Alertness in this case is close to the concept of vitality, vitality, spontaneity, and open (revealed, total) physicality. Any animal, wild and non-domestic, has this quality. In fact, pets can also demonstrate alertness at the motor level. The liveliness of the reaction, mobility, flexibility and grace of gait, reactions betray their lack of learning, and a direct projection of their biological patterns of the living system. Alertness as a way of ensuring psychological security plays a role in the lack of learning of reactions, the ability to resist the violation of the territory of living space in a lightning-fast emergency form. A word, an act, a letter – within the framework of Law and Law – create a special reality of protecting one's living space. However, the current state of society, which is certainly changing and evolving, does not always create conditions for the maturation of such alertness. Career as a progressive movement of a person to the heights of professional skill and art, which can be between business and craft, which does not detract from the skills acquired over the years and polished in practice - a career makes a person a person, even if he does not declare career building the meaning of his whole life. As in the approach of existential psychotherapy: "Without making a choice, we still make a choice," therefore, a choice must be made, and in any professional activity or activity to maintain economic life, a person builds a career anyway - the rule of "cumulative effect" is triggered. All actions, actions and interactions accumulate into one big life experience, which may not be called a portfolio or a brandbook of a person, but behind all this there is a vital resource, a credo and basic attitudes to work. Alertness in building a career leads to spontaneity and the construction of special worlds of personality – not virtual or infernal worlds - but worlds of conscious self-projection in the future. Psychological security consists in the state of protection of these constructed worlds from the encroachments of other psychological properties, processes and states of individuals who make up the social respondent group. The slogan "Do not listen to outsiders" may not work in a situation of thirst for the personality of public opinion and opinion about yourself. Here it is especially necessary to emphasize the pressure of the basic human need according to Maslow's hierarchy about belonging to a significant social group, which is not just written in textbooks or read to students at lectures (or cyclically broadcast in business seminars), but the persistent pattern of turning public opinion or the opinion of the circle of communication to ensure the "I am a group" affilation. Interpretation of resultsThe peculiarity of the scientific approach is the elimination of the so-called "pejorative" vocabulary from the lexicon, which means its negative color and negative connotation in the application of human speech. If you use a neutral lexicon and try not to use sublime, solemn vocabulary, then you can turn the scientific analysis of any complex, complex, combined phenomenon into a broad panopticon. In other words, the ancient Greek concept of visual viewing of a phenomenon from different sides, and in a neutral way, allows you to achieve and obtain the most unexpected, perhaps elusive observations. Undoubtedly, the scientific panopticon, consisting in the application of a neutral lexicon to the most complex ambiguous or routine phenomena, does not exclude and is supplemented by the rules of logic and correct reasoning. In this consideration of risk factors for the violation of the psychological security of career development, it is necessary to build recommendations for the protection and habitation of the career landscape. The fundamental recommendations of psychological security of career development should include: 1. Environmental friendliness of career development – non-infringement and tracking of this non-infringement of the boundaries of Others, even with active offensive activity. The medical slogan "Do no harm" in the principle of environmental friendliness is revealed from a completely different side of the panopticon, which literally covers the principle of building living systems. No living system can originate and develop in destructive pathogenic environments. Any damaging environmental factors erase all prerequisites for the dialectical development of a living system, like a person or his psyche, or his career. A career is also a living system, as a living organism is built over time, has its own life cycle and has the characteristics of a project and project activity. 2. The ability to attack, and not only to defend – it would seem the opposite of the first principle of career ecology, however, drawing analogies with the dynamics of wrestling or military science, an attack or "offensive activity", as this phrase is often used in American templates for network business, can be considered as an eco-friendly attack, as it happens in live nature. So, a predator that overtakes a victim in the savanna does not treat it badly, does not consider a herbivore as an enemy and does not treat it existentially in any way. In other words, the biological life cycle is observed, the principle of the "biological clock" is fulfilled, when the population of predators reduces the population of non-predators, they, in turn, can reduce their numbers as a result of a shortage of live food, and due to the reduction in the number of predators now, the population of herbivores will increase again in a safe environment of non-aggression in savannah. This metaphor is often cited by professors to students of biological faculties, talking about "wolves and hares". The competitive struggle in the labor market can be compared with these "wolves and hares" in such a way that the reduction in the number of professional employees causes an increase in non-professional ones in their professional development. Any drift of established teams towards splitting people off from them or, on the contrary, strengthening the team can also be compared as a "biological or social clock". The attack in this whole context is a proactive action to violate the psychological space of life and damage the psychological energy boundaries. Psychological patterns of attack include a letter written in time, a correctly posed question, the ability to negotiate competently, as well as a tactfully made compliment to both superiors and subordinates. In other words, activity in the social space, a cheerful attitude to the working day is an attack, only on yourself-who-did-not-make-a-career-in-the-future by yourself-making-a-career-here-and-now. A personality is a person who actively makes approaches and pushes today to create his future and his territory tomorrow. 3. Freedom in a state of loneliness. Here it is appropriate to quote the words from the German electronic music group Schiller: "If everyone has left you, then you are alone. If you have left everyone, then this is loneliness ..." The translation of the active position of the individual to the reality of loneliness, that you can influence a situation that cannot be influenced, allows you to consider career protection when Others refuse to give positive reinforcement and motivation. In other words, loneliness is a phenomenon self–produced by a person and having references to being free in seemingly unfree circumstances. Even when no one believes in you, you need to believe in yourself – this is not exactly a template for emotional support, but is a rational grain in terms of the courage to be confident in the-day-tomorrow, when today a person is alone and without everything, even at zero or in a deep minus. The freedom to be unsuccessful today, when psychological security is provided today, allows just to protect the living space of the individual, her aspirations and horizons of the future, professional development. 4. Elimination of unnecessary inconsistencies. This recommendation specifies the problem of professional identity, the correspondence of the choice of profession and career to the dreams, goals and objectives of the respondent. ConclusionsThe state of psychological security can be the basis of the work of HR specialists and the top management of the organization. The protection of psychological properties, states and processes from the destructive influence of negative socio-psychological phenomena is a significant problem in the digitalization and automation of business processes. The new proposed concept of "restraining mechanisms" can be attributed to the ways of ensuring the health and high efficiency of the individual. Deterrent mechanisms are socio–psychological states, properties and processes of ensuring psychological, social, financial, mental and other security. The problem of psychological security is the state of protection of psychological properties, states and processes of personality from the deforming influences of extreme and destabilizing factors of sociodynamics. Examples of "deterrent mechanisms" that stabilize psychological security: 1. Transition from one social class to another (change of job, offer of new social working conditions and social guarantees, first of all, compensation - the amount of monthly income); 2. A "critical mass" of conditions has been accumulated that accompany a breakthrough to a new level of social, and therefore personal and professional impact; 3. Acquisition of new experience of social interactions (a new circle of communication, successful people who have reached professional heights, who have become "history", who have realized and are realizing their personal and professional potential); 4. A new level of opportunities in overcoming geographical distances (freedom of movement at any time of the year, at any distance, to move and meet new people, to acquire a new sociality); 5. The ability to build a business, earn money, attract banknotes – to balance your personal life (the time when you are actively "not working") and the time of business – when you take action, keep concentration; 6. Finding new contacts with the old former circle of communication, with whom there were no common points of interaction; 7. Finding a new picture of the world is more correct, from the point of view of its adequacy, resource conservation, energy efficiency of spending your resource; 8. Increasing reflection – seeing yourself and your world in new mirrors of communication, experience, feedback from other people (both positive and negative) As a response to the challenge of the information society, social competence is proposed – the skill to operate with information without analyzing it, guided only by the rules of synthesis. On the one hand, the realization of the philosophical principle of "Occam's razor" - the absence of multiplication of entities, on the other hand – the ability to build a big picture without immersion in details. The modern relationship between an employee and an employer can be represented on three levels: 1. Staff – the lowest level of psychological culture, team building, company affiliation to the employee and employee loyalty of the company; 2. An employee is a standard level of attitude with appropriate social guarantees regulated by the attitude and behavior in the organization; 3. A team member is the highest level of attitude in the organization, in which an employee perceives work as something personal, characterized by increased responsibility, the desire to do work duties as for himself. Thus, the corrective effect of restraining mechanisms for ensuring psychological security in the social process of career growth is shown. References
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