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Gender Differences in Professional Self-attitude of Passenger Train Stewards

Rostovtseva Marina Viktorovna

Doctor of Philosophy

Professor, Siberian Federal University

660030, Russia, Krasnoyarskii Krai oblast', g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Vil'skogo, 18a, kv. 58
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Kovalevich Igor' Anatol'evich

PhD in Technical Science

Head of the department, Siberian Federal University

660074, Russia, g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Svobodnyi, 79
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Yudina Yuliya Gennad'evna

PhD in Pedagogy

Associate Professor, Department of Developmental Psychology and Counseling, Siberian Federal University

660074, Russia, Krasnoyarsk oblast', g. Krasnoyarsk, ul. Svobodnyi, 79
Bogomaz Sergei Leonidovich

PhD in Psychology

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

210033, Belarus, g. Vitebsk, ul. Chapaeva, 30
Potasheva Yuliya Leonidovna

Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

210033, Belarus, Vitebsk oblast', g. Vitebsk, ul. Chapaeva, 30
Karaterzi Veronika Aleksandrovna

Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, P.M. Masherov Vitebsk State University

210033, Belarus, Vitebsk oblast', g. Vitebsk, ul. Chapaeva, 30







Abstract: The article is the result of systematic complex work on psychological support of stewards of passenger cars. The author examines one of the factors of the formation and dynamics of the self-attitude of a transport services worker. The study is gender oriented. The purpose of this article is to identify and evaluate the reliability of passenger car stewards. The theoretical basis of the study was the scientific data of research psychologists on the factors of formation and development of professional self-attitude. The subject of this study is gender differences in the professional attitude of passenger cars stewards. The results of the study suggest that there are statistically significant differences in the parameters of internal conflict and self-abasement in the profession of male and female passenger car stewards. The data obtained will be taken into account when developing and improving the system of psychological support for transport service specialists, taking into account gender differences. The revealed gender differences in the professional self-attitude of the passenger cars stewards should be taken into account when building further work on psychological support for this category of specialists, which will contribute to their professional and personal development, increase labor productivity, improve motivation for professional activity.


gender differences, professional self-attitude, psychological support, professional activity, self-deprecation, conflict, operational efficiency, self-awareness, individual differences, skills

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- for professional and personal development, improving work efficiency, improving motivation, we see the need to build a training system for passenger car conductors aimed at developing their professional self-attitude.

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2. Danilova, Zh.L. Symptoms of professional burnout of conductors of passenger cars with work experience of 5-7 years / Zh.L. Danilova, V.A. Karaterzi, Yu.L. Potasheva // Law. Economy. Psychology. - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 60–63.
3. Karpinsky, K.V. Professional self-attitude of personality and methods of its psychological diagnostics: monograph. / K.V. Karpinsky, A.M. Peg. - Grodno: GrGU, 2010. - 140 p.
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The paper "Gender differences in the professional self-attitude of passenger car conductors" is submitted for review. The problem of the article is relevant, since it affects the tasks of increasing the effectiveness of professional activity and its optimization, and also highlights the phenomena that affect the process of working and the effectiveness of work. One of the important components of the personality's self-attitude is the professional self-awareness of the individual, which, according to the author, is a subjective image of a person who is engaged in professional work. The author identified the factors of socio-psychological properties that cause changes in self-attitude, the occurrence of emotional burnout and the formation of professional deformation among the conductors of passenger cars: high psycho-emotional stress that occurs during work; numerous social contacts. The empirical basis of the study was the wagon depot of the UP "Vitebsk branch of the Belarusian Railway". The study of the professional self-attitude of passenger car conductors was carried out in the period from 2016 to 2022 and was reflected in the topics of scientific research registered in BelISA "Theory and practice of conflict resolution in the field of transport services" (state registration number in BelISA 20170343 dated 03/16/2017) and "Professional burnout of specialists in the field of transport services" (state registration number registration in BelISA 20180510 dated 04/28/2018). The sample consisted of 157 conductors of passenger cars. The average age was 37 years, the length of service on the railway was from 1 to 27 years, the average length of service was 13.94. The empirical study conducted by the author allowed us to draw a number of significant conclusions: – the study confirmed the hypothesis that improving the efficiency of professional activity and its optimization are really important at the present time and are impossible without taking into account gender differences in a professional self-relationship; - in the course of the study, the category of "professional self-attitude" was operationalized for a professional group of specialists in the field of transport services, namely, conductors of passenger cars; - the substantive characteristics of gender differences in the professional self-attitude of conductors of passenger cars according to the parameters of internal conflict and self-humiliation in the profession were highlighted, the statistical significance of these differences was established; - for professional and personal We see the need to build a training system for passenger car conductors aimed at developing their professional self-attitude. The bibliography includes 4 sources. The subject of the work corresponds to the problems of the article. However, the list of references is decorated with violations: 1. In accordance with the requirements, when adding an article, it is necessary to attach a bibliography (at least 10-15 sources, the more the better). The article is relevant from a theoretical and practical point of view, has undoubted scientific value, and can be recommended for publication after revision.