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Pedagogy and education

Structural and functional model of a unified educational space for the development of professional competencies of a teacher

Sagitov Salavat Talgatovich

ORCID: 0000-0002-7211-1004

PhD in Sociology

Rector, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (BSPU named after M. Akmulla)

450008, Russia, respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, ul. Oktyabr'skoi Revolyutsii, 3a
Dorofeev Andrei Viktorovich

ORCID: 0000-0001-5600-1780

Scientific Director of the Center for Scientific and Technical Integration, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla

450008, Russia, respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, ul. Oktyabr'skoi Revolyutsii, 3a
Other publications by this author

Mustaev Almaz Flyurovich

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (BSPU named after M. Akmulla)

450008, Russia, respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, ul. Oktyabr'skoi Revolyutsii, 3a
Kalimullina Guzel Ibragimovna

PhD in Pedagogy

Director of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education "Vector of Development", Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (BSPU named after M. Akmulla)

450008, Russia, respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, ul. Oktyabr'skoi Revolyutsii, 3a







Abstract: The article was prepared within the framework of the project "Development of a model of a unified educational space of organizations of preschool and general education in Ufa with in-depth study of the Bashkir language", implemented at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla. The subject of the research is modeling the educational space of preschool and general education organizations for the development of professional competencies of a teacher. The structural and functional model of the unified educational space is developed on the basis of the principles of multidimensionality, horizontal learning, personification, eventfulness, subjectivity, continuous improvement of professional skills, continuity, guided development and post-training support. The model presents and describes: components of the educational space (subjects, technologies, events and phenomena, partner organizations, resource provision); functions (diagnosis of professional deficits of a teacher, formation of a map of professional deficits, determination of points of growth of a teacher and the construction of his individual educational route); mechanism of implementation of functions (automated assessment of subject and methodological competencies, determining the level of professional competencies, building an individual educational route). The article reveals the features of the functioning of the Center for scientific and methodological support of teaching staff. The description of the research and methodological blocks, as well as the mobile learning block and the block of high-tech learning tools is presented. The scientific and theoretical foundations of the management of the unified educational space of preschool and general education organizations have been developed to improve the level of professional skills of teachers. The main effect achieved in the implementation of the proposed model is the integration and coordination of teachers of preschool and general education organizations within a single educational space. Innovative educational environment of continuous professional development of teaching staff contributes to their professional development and career "lift"


teacher, mentor, professional competencies, management, model, educational space, professional deficit, professional development, individual educational trajectory, diagnostics

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Education, as the most important social institution, performs not only the function of accumulation, storage and dissemination of knowledge, norms and values, it is responsible for both the reproduction of the professional and educational composition of society, and the intellectual and professional development of members of society. The vectors of development of modern education are defined within the framework of the national project "Education", in which a significant place is given to improving the quality of education. The concept of "quality of education" is multifaceted. It is formed and evaluated both from the standpoint of the quality of educational results, and from the standpoint of the quality of human resources, and from the standpoint of the quality of material, technical, program, methodological and personnel potential.

The quality of education depends on the level of professional competence of all social actors involved in the educational process, and their ability to adapt to changing conditions, which emphasizes the importance and necessity of continuous professional development. Each of the social actors is unique: by the level of professional training, by the ability to learn and retrain, by their needs for growth and needs for connections (according to K. Alderfer's theory of needs). The combination of all these factors determines the unique state in which one of the main subjects of the management of the educational process, including the teacher, with his merits, professional and personal deficits, often not even realized by him, resides.

The existing system of professional development of teaching staff in Russia has a massive character, which does not imply the replenishment of the teacher's personal professional deficits directly during mandatory professional development. The format of attestation to the level of professional qualification of a teacher does not contribute to the identification of his professional deficits, and the calendar of educational events is often formed based on the capabilities of the conducting organization, and, therefore, without taking into account the needs of each teacher. The problems of diagnostics of professional deficits and the development of an individual educational route of teaching staff on its basis are actualized, respectively. The project "Development of a model of a unified educational space of organizations of preschool and general education in Ufa with in-depth study of the Bashkir language", which is being implemented at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, is aimed at solving these problems.

The system of preschool and general education of the Ufa city district is represented by municipal and private schools, kindergartens and education centers. The city network of preschool educational organizations includes 263 institutions, including 224 municipal preschool educational institutions, 4 departmental and 35 private kindergartens. 120 groups for preschool children work on the basis of 16 educational organizations. 71192 children receive educational services in preschool educational institutions. There are 128 general education organizations, where more than 122 thousand children study. The main problem in the broad republican educational space is the lack of a unified concept for identifying professional deficits, and hence the real demands of teachers. A significant factor in the modernization of the regional education system is determined by the development of such a unified educational information environment, on the basis of which it is possible to create conditions for determining growth points and developing individual educational routes for teaching staff.

In recent years, the process of using information and communication technologies in the field of education has significantly intensified, but the scientific and methodological basis for the introduction of electronic educational resources and digital technologies into the practice of managing the development of professional competencies of teachers has not been fully developed. Thus, in the problematic field of professional growth of pedagogical workers of the Republic of Bashkortostan, there is a lack of methodological support for comprehensive diagnostics of professional competencies of a teacher based on unified evaluation procedures, and, consequently, objective data on the level of their formation.

The methodology of education quality management based on the identification of teacher's professional deficits is presented in [1], which considers an automated methodology for assessing the formation of his subject and methodological competencies. Evaluation materials meet the requirements of the professional standard of the teacher [5] and the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general and secondary general education. The method of identifying professional deficits of a teacher with a description of diagnostic work is disclosed in the article [2]. But only the development of diagnostic tools for assessing subject and methodological competencies is not enough. Two problems arise: how to provide methodological assistance to a teacher and how to organize "point" work in improving his professional qualifications? And one of the effective mechanisms for improving the professional competencies of a teacher is the construction of his individual educational route through identified professional deficits.

On the one hand, the training of teachers has a multi–level character, since each educational organization engaged in their training sets its own rules and uses its own evaluation tools. And, on the other hand, there is a lack of a coordinated and approved list of educational modules of additional professional programs containing mechanisms for developing an individual trajectory of teacher development. So, the issues of developing a structural and functional model of a unified educational space for the development of professional competencies of a teacher are being updated.

The term "space" originates in physics and mathematics: it describes a set of objects between which certain relationships and functional connections are established. From a philosophical point of view, the content of the concept of "space" includes one of the forms of existence of infinitely developing matter, characterized from the standpoint of extension and volume. Among the spatial characteristics, the following are distinguished: extent; structural components and volume of objects immersed in space; interaction between components and measurement of objects. The space has metric properties, which makes it possible to measure and establish functional connections between its components.

The key concepts in the formation of any space, including educational, are events and phenomena [7]. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the creation and functioning of the information and educational space are described in the work of I.V. Robert [6]. The conditions reflect "the form of organization of educational and informational interaction between subjects and objects engaged in information activities for the selection, processing, transmission, production of information in the learning process" [6, pp. 61-62].

It is advisable to characterize the educational process from the position of nonlinearity and multidimensionality [3; 9]. Designing the educational space for the development of professional competencies, it is necessary to distinguish its content, organizational and technological components. The content component implements cognitive, socio-humanitarian, research and operational-activity orientation. The organizational and technological components of the educational space are aimed at substantiating the mechanisms of formation of the teacher's ability to self-development and diagnosis of their own level of development of professional competencies as a multidimensional result of education.

The issues of modeling the educational space in the aspect of socialization of children with disabilities are revealed in the work [10]. I.A. Ignatova notes that "the model of successful socialization can be built as a single educational space based on partnership interaction: a successful child – a successful parent – a successful teacher" [10, p.83]. The model reveals information–analytical, practical and reflexive blocks. An important feature of the model is the inclusion of parents in a single educational space, which contributes to the development of their competencies. 

In the educational space, it is important to realize the self-control of the trainees of their learning process, as well as social interaction between them in small groups [11]. Within the framework of the information and educational space, "integration of existing information resources and the development of a unified policy on the most rational use of information resources" is being implemented [8, p. 13]. To solve the urgent problems of the education system, it is necessary to rationally use material and information resources, as well as technological solutions provided by the educational space.

 Structural components of the unified educational space

The effectiveness of the changes carried out to improve the quality of education in the region depends largely on the systematic organization of innovation activities. The basis of creative search is the "key areas of professional growth of a teacher" [4]. Innovative activity is closely connected with the idea of creating a unified educational space, primarily as a tool for supporting the activities of educational organizations. Currently, the educational system of Ufa is a dynamically developing social sphere, where conditions are created to achieve the goals outlined in the national project "Education".

The priority direction of the republican education system is the development and preservation of the native language, therefore, in the development of a unified educational space, we focus on the potential and resources of educational organizations with in–depth study of the Bashkir language. Designing a unified educational space involves the formation of a horizontal model of continuous professional skills of teachers. To determine the conditions for continuous updating and expansion of professional competencies of teachers and educators, it is necessary to diagnose their professional deficits, according to the results of which it is possible to identify growth points and develop individual educational routes.

The professional development system is based on the analysis of requests and the diagnosis of personal professional deficits. Three main functions of the educational space should be distinguished:

1. Diagnostics of professional deficits of a teacher to identify the level of competence formation.

2. Formation of a map of professional deficits of the teacher's competencies.

3. Determination of the teacher's growth points and the construction of his individual educational route.

The most important subject of the educational ecosystem is a teacher who has professional competencies and owns modern educational technologies. His individual professional development is regulated by the principles of subjectivity, multidimensionality, continuous improvement of professional skills, which characterize the dynamism of the educational ecosystem. In the educational space, according to the principle of multidimensionality, cognitive, socio-humanitarian, research and operational-activity directions can be distinguished. They complement each other and are focused on the professional development of the teacher.

The principle of eventfulness regulates such components of the educational space as events and phenomena. The organizational and technological components of the educational space are integrated in the calendar of events, on the basis of which the invariant and variable parts of the individual educational route of the teacher are projected through the identified growth points. Thus, the relationship between the sphere of education (the development of the teacher's abilities to self-development and diagnosis of their own level of development of professional competencies) and the sphere of economics (optimal use of human resources) is being built. A significant effect of this relationship is the prompt response of the professional development system to the actual needs of teachers.

The structural components of the unified educational space model, functional connections and the mechanism for implementing functions are presented in Table 1.:

Table 1

Structural and functional model of a unified educational space


Objective: to improve the quality of management of preschool and general education of the Republic of Bashkortostan



Components of the educational space

Functions of the educational space



Guiding principles



Professional deficits


cards of professional deficits

Determining the teacher's growth points

Automated assessment of subject and methodological competencies

Determination of the level of professional competencies

Building an individual educational route

Mechanism of function implementation


Professional development based on multidimensional connections (cognitive, social0

o-humanitarian, research, operational and activity orientation)

Multidimensionality, horizontal learning


Information and Educational System (IOS):

– electronic educational platform with a teacher's personal account;

– information and methodological support and management of professional development of a teacher



Events / phenomena

Calendar of events:

– invariant part (recommended IOS based on diagnostic results);

– variable part (satisfaction of individual needs of the teacher).

Organizational forms: conferences, seminars, master classes, webinars, consultations, MOOCs, DOP, Master's degree, postgraduate studies, etc.

Eventfulness, continuous improvement of professional skills

Partner organizations

Multilevel interaction through the content, methodological and technological components of the educational space:

preschool education – primary education – basic education – secondary education – secondary vocational education – higher education – postgraduate education


Resource provision

Educational collaborations.

Scientific and methodological products and technological solutions.

Information and educational system.

The Center for Continuous Professional Development of Teaching Staff as an innovative educational environment of mentoring, internship sites and post-training support

Managed development,

post-training support


1. A holistic management structure of the unified educational space of organizations of preschool and general education in Ufa with in-depth study of the Bashkir language.

2. Improving the level of professional skills of teachers.

3. Modernized educational and educational space of preschool and general education organizations.

4. The system of normative and methodological base of the pedagogical process.

5. Integration and coordination of teachers of preschool and general education organizations within a single educational space.

6. Active inclusion of pupils' families in a single educational space.

7. Readiness of teachers to work in a single educational space of organizations of preschool and general education in Ufa with in-depth study of the Bashkir language


1. The number of educational organizations; the number of educational programs developed on the basis of the principle of continuity in the content of education.

2. The number of teachers who have been trained on an individual educational route in the IOS.

3. The number of prepared educational, teaching and methodical publications; the number of scientific publications.

4. The number of advanced training programs, professional retraining, and educational modules developed.

5. The number of methodological developments of educational and educational classes for different levels of general education.

6. The number of methodological activities with generalization and dissemination of the experience of partner organizations; the number of students participating in educational activities.

7. Dynamics of the level of motivation of students to study the Bashkir language at different levels of general education



At the first stage of testing the model of a unified educational space, diagnostics of professional deficits is carried out with all participants – through testing with automated verification of results and introspection. Further, "spot" work is organized with teaching staff, who have the most pronounced professional deficits. Partner organizations develop exclusive educational programs. According to the identified growth points, an individual educational route is compiled for each participant of the project, including invariant and variable parts. After passing the educational activities recommended by the IOS, the teacher undergoes diagnostics again – using similar evaluation materials to identify the dynamics of professional development and the effectiveness of the educational activities carried out.

Quality management of education based on the structural and functional model of the unified educational space provides:

– diagnostics of professional deficits of a teacher to identify problem areas of professional development;

– formation of a map of professional deficits and identification of points of growth of the teacher;

– development of exclusive educational activities to eliminate identified professional deficits;

– building an individual educational trajectory of a teacher based on exclusive educational events;

– re-diagnosis of the teacher involved in the implementation of an individual educational route to determine the dynamics of his professional development and the effectiveness of educational activities.

Within the framework of the project, the testing of the model is carried out in 4 educational institutions of preschool and general education in Ufa with in-depth study of the Bashkir language. The significant effects of the implementation of the model should include:

1) improving the quality of educational results of students through the implementation of the individual educational route of the teacher to correct and eliminate the identified professional deficits;

2) creation of an educational space with unified assessment materials for the diagnosis of the level of professional competencies of the teacher;

3) filling the calendar of educational events to fill the identified professional deficiencies.

It is necessary to expand the line of diagnosed subject and educational areas, the list of educational organizations involved in the project, and, as a result, scaling of the unified educational space to the Ufa city district with access to other municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The resource provision of the unified educational space is the Center for Continuous Professional Development of Teaching Staff at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla. And, if in the traditional model of improving the professional skills of teachers of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the main service providers (the Institute of Education Development, state educational organizations and the private commercial sector) act separately, then in the structural and functional model of the educational space, a unified regional system of teacher training is assumed, based on the principles of horizontal training and continuous professional development.

Resource support for the implementation of the unified educational space model

The Federal Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Teaching Staff has a dynamic methodological system that ensures timely adaptation of teachers to changing conditions. On the basis of the Center, models of additional education based on the principles of horizontal learning and continuous professional development are being tested, an electronic educational platform is being created and post-training support is being organized in the conditions of a mentoring system and internship sites.

Structurally, the Center is represented by the following blocks: a research, methodological, mobile educational block and a block of high-tech learning tools.

The activity of each block is schematically shown in Fig. 1:


Fig. 1. Structure of the Federal Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Teaching Staff


The main purpose of the research unit is to conduct strategic research in the context of the diagnosis of professional deficits, processing statistical data and analytical description of the results, since building a strategy for the development of education as a whole is impossible without organizing research activities in the field of the development of professional skills of teachers. The result is the formation of a single fund of control and evaluation materials and an electronic database of professional deficits of each teacher for planning his points of growth.

The main tasks of the methodological block are to analyze the requests of the subjects of the educational process and conduct appropriate diagnostics. For this purpose it is advisable:

1) to design a competence map based on a matrix of knowledge, skills and values in pedagogical activity;

2) first diagnose the existing competencies on the basis of a single fund of evaluation materials (EFM);

3) analyze the competence map with diagnostic results to determine the learning objectives and educational outcomes.

The construction of an individual educational trajectory of a teacher is implemented through a competence map. And as a result – personalized professional development and steady growth of his professional competencies (subject, psychological and pedagogical, methodological and communicative).

The mobile learning block involves the development of exclusive educational modules for the organization of horizontal peer-to-peer training, internships, mentoring and exchange of best practices.

In the block of high-tech learning tools, each teacher's choice of an educational environment that is most acceptable and convenient for him is regulated. It can be an offline environment with traditional forms of learning, an online platform, and, of course, a combined educational environment. Nevertheless, the leading role in improving professional skills and developing the necessary competencies is assigned to the electronic educational platform.


A separate stage of the project is the development of a stakeholder map, and therefore it is important not only to determine the list of stakeholders, but also to identify their role in the development of a unified educational space, indicating the levels of influence and the range of issues for joint solution.

Figure 2 shows a SWOT analysis conducted by the Center for Continuous Professional Development of Teaching Staff:


Fig.2. SWOT analysis of the continuous improvement process

professional skills of teaching staff


Among the weaknesses of the process: the lack of motivation of the teacher, the difficulty in assimilating a large amount of information, low interest in the development of new technologies among teachers of pre-retirement and retirement age. Among the threats, we can single out the insufficiency of personnel with the required competencies. Thus, the approbation of the structural and functional model of the unified educational space within the framework of pilot organizations of preschool and general education in Ufa indicates a promising direction of this study - improving the quality of education management in the Republic of Bashkortostan by creating an innovative educational environment for continuous professional development for professional and career "elevator" of teaching staff.

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The paper "A structural and functional model of a unified educational space for the development of professional competencies of a teacher" is presented for review. The relevance of the work is determined by the fact that in order to solve the urgent tasks of the education system, it is necessary to rationally use material and information resources, as well as technological solutions provided by the educational space. It is important to create a unified educational space, as well as the development and preservation of the native Bashkir language. According to the author, the main functions of the educational space are: 1. Diagnosis of professional deficits of a teacher to identify the level of competence formation. 2. Formation of a map of professional deficits in the teacher's competencies. 3. Determination of the teacher's growth points and the construction of his individual educational route. The article provides a detailed description of the structural and functional model of the unified educational space, as well as describes the main stages of its testing. The structural and functional model, according to the author, should include: components of the educational space, subjects, technologies, events, partner organizations, resource provision, as well as results and indicators. It is important to expand the range of diagnosed subject and educational areas, the list of educational organizations involved in the project, and, as a result, the scaling of the unified educational space to the Ufa city district with access to other municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The resource provision of the unified educational space is the Center for Continuous Professional Development of teaching staff at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla. The author describes in detail the content of the fundamental blocks: scientific research, methodological, mobile learning block and block of high-tech learning tools. A separate stage of the project is the development of a stakeholder map. The SWOT analysis conducted by the Center for Continuous Professional Development of Teaching Staff made it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the process of continuous professional development of teaching staff, as well as opportunities and threats. The article has a clearly defined structure with highlighted semantic parts. The work is written in scientific language. The conducted research is characterized by novelty. The author notes that the approbation of the structural and functional model of a unified educational space within the framework of pilot organizations of preschool and general education in Ufa indicates a promising direction of this study - improving the quality of education management in the Republic of Bashkortostan by creating an innovative educational environment for continuous professional development for professional and career "elevator" of teaching staff. However, the article would look more complete if logical and generalizing conclusions were drawn, as well as the author's contribution to solving the problem was clarified. The bibliography includes 11 domestic sources, there are references. The subject of the work corresponds to the problems of the article. However, the list of references must be drawn up uniformly, guided by the requirements and GOST. There are minor deviations in the article. For example, source numbers 3 and 8 (respectively: Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan. 2017. No.3 (70). pp. 57-63. and the educational space in the information age: collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow: FSBI "Institute of Education Development Strategy RAO", 2019. – pp. 11-25). In addition, it is necessary to correct the source number 7. The article is relevant from a theoretical and practical point of view, has undoubted scientific value, and can be recommended for publication.