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Space Research

Ê òåîðèè ôèçè÷åñêîãî âàêóóìà: ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèå ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíûõ è ãðàâèòàöèîííûõ âîëí

Serga Eduard Vasilevich

PhD in Technical Science

Leading Research Fellow at the Military and Engineering Corporation 

141090, Russia, Korolev, Mkr. Yubileinyi, ul. Pionerskaya, 1/4

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Abstract: The research subject is the space (perfect) vacuum as a material medium. The research task is search for the grounds to the development of a consistent scientific explanation of the set of observed vacuum effects in microphysics and macrophysics – a unified vacuum theory. The presented vacuum theory is the continuation of the views of vacuum as a material medium formed in the works by I. Newton, M. Faraday, J.C. Maxwell and H.R. Hertz with account for the recent scientific research. The key premises of the study are the ideas about the symmetry of gravitational interactions as a physical reality and about the unity of the vacuum theory in microphysics and cosmophysics. To solve the research tasks, the author uses general scientific methods and methodologies (generalization, analysis, synthesis), the methods of formal logic, hypothetico-deductive method and modeling. Special attention is given to the explanation of the mechanism of transmission of electromagnetic and gravitational waves in vacuum. To develop the theoretical model of vacuum and explain its application using these processes, the author accepts the effect of occurrence of “particle-antiparticle” pairs in vacuum as a root idea. Theoretically determined spectra of electromagnetic waves in various diapasons conform with the observed values. The author formulates the new theoretical definition of possible gravitation speed which, according to the calculations, is about 1018 speed of light. 


Physical vacuum, Aether theories, Electromagnetic wave, Gravitational wave, Speed of gravity, Anti-gravity, Quantum fluid, Vacuum effect, Vacuum pair, Compton wavelength

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