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Software systems and computational methods

An integrated approach to modeling by an example of a landfill of disposal of liquid oil waste

Zavyalov Dmitry

graduate student, Department of Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

634050, Russia, Tomskaya oblast', g. Tomsk, ul. Sovetskaya, 84/3, of. 216
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Zakharova Alena Aleksandrovna

Doctor of Technical Science

Head of Department of Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

634050, Russia, Tomskaya oblast', g. Tomsk, pr. Lenina, 2, of. 300
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Shklyar Aleksei Viktorovich

Senior lecturer, Department of Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

634034, Russia, Tomskaya oblast', g. Tomsk, ul. Sovetskaya, 84/3, of. 220
Bagutdinov Ravil Anatolevich

Assistant, Department of Engineering Graphics and Industrial Design, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

634034, Russia, Tomskaya oblast', g. Tomsk, ul. Sovetskaya, 84/3, of. 216







Abstract: The article proposes an integrated approach to modeling, which consists of the complement of geological models of reservoir with models of infrastructure objects. The authors also present the method of communication between these models in area of the landfill of disposal of liquid oil waste. The proposed approach allows applying the principle of multi-level hierarchy of models of objects for various tasks with an appropriate degree of detail. Using this approach, it is possible to obtain an integrated 3D-model of the deposit or landfill that includes detailed geological static model of the reservoir, dynamic forecasting model of its development or injection of waste, as well as model of ground-based infrastructure of the deposit, with varying degrees of detail. The method developed by authors allows to pair models of different types and to supplement models of geological formations by the technological models of infrastructure. The proposed integrated approach to modeling of deposits and landfills of waste disposal and to the management of the extraction implements the principle of a multi-level hierarchy of models of objects of varying degrees of detail. The developed method of data exchange between models allows supplementing geological models of layers with technological models of objects of ground infrastructure introducing the interfacing of models of different types to create a complex model. This approach allows improving the quality of risk assessment in the performance of the forecast by uniting all specialists into a single system with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of operational management. The application of this approach allows evaluating the full complex of development risks more qualitatively than separate modeling of processes.


simulation, geological 3D-modeling, landfill, oil field simulation, infrastructure modeling, integrated modeling, risk assessment, visualization, integrated approach, hierarchy of models


In modern conditions high level of technical means of information processing and process simulation allows using an integrated approach to modeling of oil and gas fields and landfills of liquid oil waste. In this approach, integrated 3D-model of the deposit includes a detailed geological model of productive formation and dynamical model of forecast of its development, as well as the model of the ground infrastructure.

An integrated approach while creating 3D-models of geological and technological facilities, deposits, etc. allows to use that models not only for marketing and presentation purposes, but also in the process of operational management and decision-making in the concept of intelligent field [3]. This approach allows to minimize risks and optimize costs at each stage of the life cycle of the field.

The relevance of the problem of an integrated approach in fields engineering primarily associated with a broad class of sub-tasks (from data collection in wells to the analysis of that wells status and management of infrastructure elements of deposits and oilfield in general) [4]. Currently, 3D-modeling of fields is used everywhere, but to perform a variety of tasks it is necessary to complement geological models of fields with technological models of its infrastructure, so a method of data exchange between those models is required. The integrated approach allows to take into account the different scales of data and the relationship between data and object models, which is particularly important in the area of the injection of liquid oil waste into the reservoir, where monitoring and control tasks come to the fore because there are highly dangerous and irreversible consequences of emergency situations. The paper proposes solutions to the problem by creating an integrated model of the landfill of disposal of liquid oil waste.

An integrated approach to modeling

In general, an integrated approach can be viewed as a system of complementary models related on the level of input data (completely or partially overlapping, with different frequency, etc.). An important aspect of the modeling is to attract effective technologies of interaction with large volumes of raw data and intermediate information arising as a result of each of the subsystems of integrated model. Integrated model of the deposit or landfill consists of hierarchically related (nested models, sub-models, etc., figure 1) geological, hydrodynamic and technological model.


Figure 1. Different levels of aggregation of submodels

An integrated approach to modeling allows the use of different analysis tools to the whole project. One such a tool is a visual analysis.

The main reason of emergency situations is a failure to respond to the emerging negative factors and assumptions when fields management. The process model, as a tool for visualization of state of field development should facilitate the perception of this information and reduce reaction time, thus minimizing the risks of development.

For many tasks different levels of objects detailing and data aggregation are required, so the technological model of field involves creating not only a common 3D-visualization [1], but also different levels of detailing of the transport system, pipeline design facilities, processing facilities, production chains.

Construction of visual 3D-models of data and using it as a cognitive tool for solving problems reduces the time required for decision-making [5]. This is achieved by eliminating the submission of information to the observer as a set of attribute values that require organization and raise additional analysis. Instead, the source data is mapped to a visual model based on the metaphor of visual representation [6], pre-selected using the principles that are familiar to the researcher and are not require time for training.

An important advantage arising as a consequence of engaging visual methods of data analysis is the possibility of a joint analysis of heterogeneous data as belonging to different subsystems of the integrated model, as well as describing the same object, but with differing sources. This makes it possible to implement additional control reliability of the source data.

Integrated model of deposit or landfill involves aggregation of inter-related sub-models of different orders for different tasks. Nested sub-model is a more detailed representation of objects for modeling local effects. The resulting integrated model can be described by the following expression:

Мint = < Мg, Мhd, Мt>, (1)

where Мint – integrated model, Мg – geological model of the reservoir, Мhd – hydrodynamic model of the formation, Мt – technological model (array of objects) of infrastructure, which in turn are described by the following expressions:

Мg = <Мgr, Smgp, Sms>, (2)

Мhd = <Smhs, Sms>, (3)

Мt = (Oi, i = 1, 2, …, n), (4)

where Мgr – geological model of the region, Smgp – geological submodel of landfill, Sms – the set of wells, Smhs – hydrodinamic submodel of landfill, Oi – the i-th subobject of infrastructure. The set of wells Sms is characterized by the experession:

Sms = (Wi, i = 1, 2, …, n), (5)

where Wi – the i-th wells from the drilled fund.

Applying of integrated approach

The proposed integrated approach used for modeling of landfill of disposal of liquid oil waste. The purposes of constructing an integrated model in this example are: the creation of 3D-models of landfill and land-based infrastructure, the construction of the geological 3D-model of the landfill of disposal of liquid oil waste, the simulation of the actual and predicted fronts of injection from wells in the formation, revealing the chance of spreading the negative impact on the geological environment, timely decision-making.

The composition of the original data includes data on 815 wells of various purpose, 15 grids for the enlarged model of the region, 159 grids of detailed model of landfill (figure 2), the map data, the actual amount of injection of liquid waste in the period since 1963, as well as data on polygon objects infrastructure: photographs, videos, drawings, diagrams and text description.


Figure 2. Geological model of landfill

To perform geological modeling package to interpret the raw data, geological modeling and simulation development layers Petrel Schlumberger Information Solutions used, also calculated the dynamics of fluid injection into the formation. Construction of landfill technology model is implemented in the package for creating 3D-graphics and animation Autodesk 3Ds Max.

When the project developing a method of transition from the geological model to the infrastructure model using depth maps(figure 3) was designed. This method is used for data exchange between different types of models for an integrated approach. In addition, the developed method allows you to update the infrastructure model in accordance with the geological one, and increase the quality of the modeling process.


Figure 3. The transition from the geological model to the technological model

In the course of the project prepared the enlarged geological model of the region, a detailed geological model of the landfill (figure 4), reproduced history pumping of liquid waste, calculated the predicted distribution of waste and made detailed 3D-models of the landfill infrastructure.


Figure 4. General view of the resulting integrated model of landfill

In modeling of hydrocarbon deposits and landfills integrating gives a clear visual representation of the subject in general to a specialist. Using different levels of data aggregation and nesting object models (figure 1) allows not only the control of field development and operational management of oilfields, but also to provide clear visualization of objects and the system in general, to carry out simulation processes, simulate emergency situations. The implementation of the principle of hierarchical interconnection allows different types of models to generate solutions with more factors taked into account, it is obvious that management solutions, thus obtained, will be more effective.

The results of the simulation of waste injection into the reservoir show that the radius of the injection (one is shown in figure 5) is less than 665 m, and it is possible to say that in the foreseeable future in foreseeable future going of waste beyond the boundaries of the landfill and the entry of foreign substances into groundwater are unlikely, and there is no threat to nearby settlements.


Figure 5. The radius of the injection

Obtained results can be used as simulators for training; increase the investment appeal of objects due to their visibility and accessibility. The results have a wide range of applications for the design of the development of oil, gas and condensate, modeling bottom water injection, landfills.

Further detailing and filling of an integrated model will allow to solve a wide range of tasks, including operational management tasks interactively. In the future, technological model should provide affordable visualization not only of the infrastructure, but also the current state of development based on the incoming data from real objects, as well as serve a user interface for the management of the rields.


The proposed integrated approach to modeling fields, landfills and implements the principle of multi-level hierarchy of models of objects varying in details. The developed method of data exchange between models allows to complement the geological model of reservoir by the technological models of infrastructure, thus fulfilling the pairing of different types of models for creating an integrated model.

This approach allows a more qualitatively assessment of the full range of development risks, rather than separate process modeling. By combining all experts in a single control loop improving the efficiency of operational management is achieved. The ability to assess all available options in the complex and visualization options are the great importance for managing personnel and training.

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