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Scientific educational approaches towards distance pedagogy

Smorkalov Andrey7

ORCID: 0000-0001-7063-8067

Student, Department of International Politics, Moscow State University Student, Department of International Politics, Moscow State University Student, Department of International Politics, Moscow State University

109241, Russia, Rostov-On-Don, Goncharnaya str., 12, building 1
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Abstract: The subject of this study is the scientific approaches implemented in the conditions of distance pedagogy. The authors examine three main approaches within the traditional pedagogy: pragmatic, personal-oriented, and metathematic; later, they analyze the specificity of the adjustment of these scientific educational approaches in the conditions of distance pedagogy. A special attention is given to the comparison of positive and negative sides of application of these approaches within the traditional and distance pedagogy. During the course of this research, the authors refer to the publications of scholars, who study the issues of implementation of various scientific theories and approaches in both, the traditional, as well as in distance pedagogy. The authors come to a conclusion that the scientific methods applied within the traditional pedagogy fairly easily adjust to the terms of distance pedagogy. At the same time, distance pedagogy is able to balance some of the negative sides of the implementation of the scientific educational approaches, manifesting in the traditional pedagogy.


Remote pedagogy, activity approach, student-centered approach, metasubject approach, traditional pedagogy, A complex approach, mixed forms of learning, mass education, differentiated instruction, individual learning

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