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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

New Research Paradigm in Political Science

Borisenkov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Doctor of Philosophy

professor of the Department of History and Political Studies at State University of Management. 

109542, Russia, Moscow, Ryazanskii prosp., d. 99
Other publications by this author








1. Borisenkov, A.A. Political Science. The Political Theory. Moscow: 2013.
2. Demidov, A.I. The Political Life as the Instrument of Human Measurement of the Politics // Polis: 2002. #3
3. Demidov, A.I. & Malko, A.V. The Political Science in Questions and Answers. Moscow: 1998.
4. Mukhaev, R.T. The Political Science. Moscow: 2007.
5. Dictionary of foreign words. Moscow: 1989.
6. Smirnov, G.N., Petrenko, E.L., & Bursov, A.V. The Political Science. Lectures. Moscow: 2011
7. Solovyev, A.I. The Political Science. The Political Theory. The Political Technology. Moscow: 2010
8. Almond G. [et al.] Comparative politics today: A world view. 7th ed. N.Y., 2000.
9. Almond G., Verba S. The Civic Culture Revisited: An Analytic Study. Boston, 1980.
10. Beyme K. von. Politische Theorie // Staat und Politik. Neue Hagen, 1995.
11. Gannel J. In Search of the Political Object Beyond Methodology and Transcendentalism // Ed. By J. Nelson. N.Y., 1983.
12. Leohold D., Stears M. Political Theory: Methods and Approaches. Oxford, 2008.
13. Frankfort-Nachmias Ch., Nachmias D. Research methods in the social sciences. Sth ed. N.Y., 1996.
14. Sil R., Katzenstein P. Beyond Paradigms. Analytic Eclecticism in the Study of World Politics. N.Y., 2010.
15. Stepan A. Arguing Comparative Politics. Oxford, 2001.